Month: November 2020
QPR SOFTWARE PLC STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE NOVEMBER 27, 2021 AT 1:00 P.M.In 2021, QPR Software Plc will publish its financial information, in Finnish and English, as follows:Financial Statements Bulletin 2020: Thursday, February 18, 2021Annual Report 2020, in Finnish and English: Thursday, March 4, 2021Interim Report January – March 2021: Friday, April 23, 2021Half-year Financial Report January – June 2021: Wednesday, August 4, 2021Interim Report January – September 2021: Friday, October 22, 2021The Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday, March 25, 2021. QPR Software PlcJari Jaakkola, CEOFor further information, please contact:DISTRIBUTIONNasdaq HelsinkiMain
Taloustiedotus vuonna 2021
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QPR SOFTWARE OYJ PÖRSSITIEDOTE 27.11.2021, KELLO 13.00Vuoden 2021 aikana QPR Software Oyj julkaisee tilinpäätöstiedotteen, vuosikertomuksen sekä puolivuosikatsauksen ja kaksi osavuosikatsausta suomen ja englannin kielillä seuraavasti:Tilinpäätöstiedote 2020: torstai 18.2.2021Vuosikertomus 2020: torstai 4.3.2021Osavuosikatsaus tammi – maaliskuu 2021: perjantai 23.4.2021Puolivuosikatsaus tammi – kesäkuu 2021: keskiviikko 4.8.2021Osavuosikatsaus tammi – syyskuu 2021: perjantai 22.10.2021Varsinainen yhtiökokous pidetään torstaina 25. maaliskuuta 2021.QPR Software OyjJari JaakkolatoimitusjohtajaLisätietoja:Jari Jaakkola, puh. 040 502 6397JAKELU Nasdaq HelsinkiKeskeiset tiedotusvä
Victoria Properties Fondsbørsmeddelelse nr. 310
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FONDSBØRSMEDDELELSE NR. 310Periodemeddelelse for 3. kvartal 202027. november 2020Periodemeddelelse for 3. kvartal 2020Victoria Properties A/SPeriodens resultatVictoria Properties A/S realiserede en omsætning på 0,9 mio. kr. og et resultat før skat på -2,2 mio. kr. i perioden 01.01.2020-30.09.2020.Egenkapitalen for Victoria Properties A/S udgør 8,6 mio. kr. pr. 30. september 2020.Forventninger til 2020For året 2020 forventes fortsat et negativt resultatbidrag fra Selskabets investeringsejendomme. Selskabets forventer vækst via indkøb af investeringsejendomme i 2021.Selskabet forventer på den baggrund et underskud i størrelsesordenen DKK -2,5 til -2,8 mio. før skat.Yderligere oplysninger:Thomas FærchAdm. direktørTelefon: +45 2020 1941
Sinch AB (publ): Resolutions from the Extraordinary General Meeting in Sinch AB (publ)
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Stockholm, Sweden – Sinch AB (publ) – XSTO: SINCHSinch held an extraordinary general meeting on Friday 27 November 2020.The meeting resolved, in accordance with the board of directors’ proposal, to adopt an additional long term incentive program for senior executives and key employees within the Sinch group (“LTI II 2020”).LTI II 2020 comprises four series of warrants. Upon exercise of all warrants in LTI II 2020, up to 470,260 shares may be issued, equivalent to a maximum dilution of approximately 0.78 per cent of the shares and votes of the company. Upon full exercise of the warrants, the company’s share capital will increase with SEK 47,026.00.In order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus infection (COVID-19), the extraordinary general meeting was conducted via a vote-by-post procedure and thus without the physical presence of...
Sinch AB (publ): Beslut från extra bolagsstämma i Sinch AB (publ)
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Stockholm, Sverige – Sinch AB (publ) – XSTO: SINCHSinch höll fredagen den 27 november 2020 extra bolagsstämma.Stämman beslutade, i enlighet med styrelsens förslag, om införande av ytterligare ett långsiktigt incitamentsprogram för ledande befattningshavare och nyckelpersoner inom Sinch-koncernen (”LTI II 2020”).LTI II 2020 omfattar fyra serier av teckningsoptioner. Vid fullt nyttjande av samtliga teckningsoptioner under LTI II 2020 kan upp till 470 260 aktier komma att emitteras, vilket motsvarar en maximal utspädning om cirka 0,78 procent av antalet aktier och röster i bolaget. Vid fullt utnyttjande av teckningsoptionerna ökar bolagets aktiekapital med 47 026,00 kronor.I syfte att motverka spridningen av coronaviruset (COVID-19) genomfördes den extra bolagsstämman genom ett poströstningsförfarande och således utan fysisk närvaro av aktieägare,...
Aurora Mobile Signs 5G Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement and 5G Messaging Connection Test Agreement with Beijing Unicom
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SHENZHEN, China, Nov. 27, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Aurora Mobile Limited (NASDAQ: JG) (“Aurora Mobile” or the “Company”), a leading mobile developer service provider in China, today announced that it has entered into a 5G strategic cooperation framework agreement and a 5G messaging connection test agreement with China United Network Communications Limited Beijing Branch (“Beijing Unicom”). The two milestone agreements make Aurora Mobile a 5G strategic partner and 5G messaging partner of Beijing Unicom, marking the start of a new chapter in Aurora Mobile’s development as it collaborates with telecom carriers to promote 5G messaging applications in China.5G messaging, also known as Rich Communication Services (“5G RCS”), is an important part of the new-generation digital infrastructure. Not only will 5G RCS upgrade communication services...
Notice of 9M 2020 IFRS Results
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27 November 2020Notice of 9M 2020 IFRS ResultsAcron (LSE: AKRN) will release its IFRS financial results for 9M 2020 on Monday, 30 November 2020 at 11.00 am (Moscow time).Media contacts:Sergey DorofeevAnastasiya GromovaTatiana SmirnovaPublic RelationsPhone: +7 (495) 777-08-65 (ext. 5196)Investor contacts:Ilya PopovInvestor RelationsPhone: +7 (495) 745-77-45 (ext. 5252)Background InformationAcron Group is a leading vertically integrated mineral fertiliser producer in Russia and globally, with chemical production facilities in Veliky Novgorod (Acron) and the Smolensk region (Dorogobuzh). The Group owns and operates a phosphate mine in Murmansk region (North-Western Phosphorous Company, NWPC) and is implementing a potash development project in Perm Krai (Verkhnekamsk Potash Company, VPC). It has a wholly owned transportation and logistics...
Result of the auction of treasury bills on 27 November 2020
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Bids, sales, stop-rates and prices are presented in the table below: The sale will settle 1 December 2020
Resultat af auktion over skatkammerbeviser 27. november 2020
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Bud, salg, skæringsrenter og pris fremgår af nedenstående oversigt: Salget bliver afviklet den 1. december 2020
POC CT Imaging Systems Market to Soar at 19.9% CAGR and Hit USD 869.6 Million till 2027; Promising Advancements in the Field of Radiology to Support Market Growth: Fortune Business Insights™
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Pune, India, Nov. 27, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The global POC CT Imaging Systems Market size is projected to reach USD 869.6 million by 2027, exhibiting a CAGR of 19.9% during the forecast period. Development and introduction of POC CT imaging systems powered by artificial intelligence (AI) is set to emerge as a novel growth opportunity for the market, observes Fortune Business Insights™ in its report.AI has steadily penetrated the healthcare industry and companies are leveraging AI capabilities to develop cutting-edge diagnostic and surgical solutions. In March 2019, for instance, Siemens Healthineers showcased its AI-Rad Companion Chest CT, an AI-powered software assistant to aid radiologists, at the ECR 2019 expo. Equipped with advanced algorithms, the CT system can automatically highlight distinct structures in the thorax and...