Month: November 2020
COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSEParis, le 27 novembre 2020ASSEMBLEE GENERALE MIXTE DU 18 DECEMBRE 2020MODALITES DE MISE A DISPOSITION DES DOCUMENTS PREPARATOIRESLes actionnaires de SOFRAGI sont invités à assister à l’Assemblée Générale Mixte du 18 décembre 2020 qui se tiendra le :18 décembre 2020 à 10 heures, au Business Center « l’Astorg », 25, rue d’Astorg – 75008 PARISDans le contexte de la situation sanitaire actuelle liée à la Covid-19, et par mesure de précaution, la Société encourage vivement ses actionnaires à voter à distance ou à donner procuration, soit par internet sur la plateforme de vote sécurisée VOTACCESS, soit par correspondance à l’aide du formulaire de vote papier.Les modalités de participation à l’Assemblée Générale régies par l’Ordonnance n° 2020-321 du 25 mars 2020 autorisant la tenue des Assemblées Générales hors la présence...
Advaxis, Inc. Announces Closing of $9.2 Million Public Offering
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PRINCETON, N.J., Nov. 27, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Advaxis, Inc. (Nasdaq: ADXS) (the “Company”), a clinical-stage biotechnology company focused on the development and commercialization of immunotherapy products, today announced the closing of an underwritten public offering of 26,666,666 shares of common stock and warrants to purchase up to 13,333,333 shares of common stock, along with an additional 3,999,999 shares of common stock and 1,999,999 warrants pursuant to the full exercise of the underwriters’ option. The shares of common stock and warrants were sold together at a combined public offering price of $0.30 per share for total gross proceeds of approximately $9.2 million, before underwriting commissions and estimated expenses.The Company plans to use the net proceeds from the offering to fund its continued research and development...
Correction: Orange launches its 5G network by making quality of service its priority
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Press releaseParis, 26 November 2020Orange launches its 5G network by making quality of service its priority
Correction: nouvelle publication avec la version française du communiqué en pdf: Orange lance son réseau 5G
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Communiqué de PresseParis, le 26 novembre 2020Orange lance son réseau 5G en faisant de la qualité de service sa prioritéOrange annonce le lancement de son réseau 5G dans 15 communes françaises1, dès le 3 décembre 2020, dont Nice, Marseille, Le Mans, Angers et Clermont Ferrand. D’ici la fin de l’année, plus de 160 communes seront couvertes en 5G.Ce lancement 5G en 3,5 GHz apporte des débits jusqu’à 3 à 4 fois plus rapides que la 4G pour répondre à l’évolution des besoins des clients. Seules les fréquences 3,5GHz permettent une véritable expérience 5G. Orange remplit ainsi son rôle d’opérateur leader en accompagnant au mieux l’évolution des modes de consommation des Français, leur permettant de bénéficier de la meilleure qualité de réseau possible, même dans les zones les plus denses. En contribuant à la digitalisation des...
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Today Banimmo NV closed a 5-year private placement of Bonds for an amount of EUR 50 million.The bonds, each with a denomination of EUR 100.000, bear a fixed coupon of 4.50% per annum.The bonds will be issued on December 2nd 2020 and will be admitted to trading on Euronext Growth Brussels under ISIN Code BE0002748292.The net proceeds of the bond issue will be used by Banimmo NV to finance the current development projects in Ghent and Brussels and support the growth strategy through further development of the existing portfolio and future acquisitions. They will also contribute to the diversification of the financial resources and the reorganisation of the existing debt.KBC Bank NV acted as sole book runner for this placement.Laurent Calonne, CEO: “Since the entry of Patronale Life in the capital and the appointment of a new management,...
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Op heden heeft Banimmo NV een private plaatsing van obligaties afgesloten voor 5 jaar, voor een bedrag van EUR 50 miljoen.De obligaties, elk met een waarde van EUR 100.000, hebben een coupon van 4,50% per jaar.De obligaties zullen uitgegeven worden op 2 december 2020 en zullen toegelaten worden voor verhandeling op Euronext Growth Brussels onder ISIN Code BE0002748292.De netto-opbrengsten van deze obligatie-uitgifte zullen door Banimmo NV aangewend worden voor de financiering van de lopende ontwikkelingsprojecten in Gent en Brussel en de groeistrategie ondersteunen door de verdere ontwikkeling van de huidige portefeuille en toekomstige acquisities. Ze zullen ook bijdragen tot de diversificatie van de financieringsbronnen en de reorganisatie van de bestaande schulden.KBC Bank NV is opgetreden als sole book runner voor deze plaatsing.Laurent...
Eik fasteignafélag hf.: Sala á skuldabréfum í nýjum flokki
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Eik fasteignafélag hf. lauk í dag sölu á skuldabréfum í nýjum skuldabréfaflokki, EIK141233.Skuldabréfaflokkurinn er með lokagjalddaga þann 14. desember 2033 og fylgir 30 ára jafngreiðsluferli fram til lokagjalddaga. Ber flokkurinn fasta 2,327% verðtryggða vexti. Flokkurinn er uppgreiðanlegur gegn 0,1% uppgreiðslugjaldi á gjalddögunum 14. desember 2032 og 14. júní 2033.Samtals bárust tilboð að fjárhæð 8.000 milljónir króna að nafnverði og tók félagið tilboðum að fjárhæð 6.500 milljónir króna að nafnverði á ávöxtunarkröfunni 2,34%. Stefnt er að útgáfu skuldabréfanna og uppgjöri viðskiptanna þann 14. desember 2020.Útgáfa skuldabréfanna er liður í endurfjármögnun skulda samstæðu félagsins sem meðal annars tekur til uppgreiðslu skuldabréfaflokksins LF 14 1.Í kjölfar töku bankalána á hagstæðum kjörum, útgáfu skuldabréfanna og uppgreiðslu LF...
Ovaro Kiinteistösijoitus Oyj: OMIEN OSAKKEIDEN HANKINTA 27.11.2020
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Statement of the Statutory Manager – Consolidated results for financial year 2019-2020
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Dear,Please find hereafter our press release regarding the results for financial year 2019-2020.We remain at your entire disposal for any further information.Yours sincerely,AttachmentsAnnual press release – 30.09.2020 – ENCommuniqué annuel – 30.09.2020 – FRJaarlijks persbericht – 30.09.2020 – NL
Skeljungur hf.: Skeljungur executes purchase agreement for all shares in Port I. ehf., holding company of Dælan ehf. and Löður ehf.
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An agreement was signed today, November 27th, 2020, by Skeljungur hf., on the purchase of all the shares in Port I ehf., owner of Dælan ehf. and Löður ehf. With the purchase, Skeljungur will acquire both Dælan and Löður.The acquisition is subject to several conditions and reservations, e.g. approval by the Competition Authority.Dælan operates five fuel stations in the capital area. Löður operates fifteen car wash facilities, including thirteen in the capital area, one in Akureyri and one in Reykjanesbær. Plots and real estate are included in the purchase agreement.The acquisition price paid by Skeljungur will amount to ISK 910 to 1,150 million ISK, but the acquisition price is subject to certain premises regarding operations in the coming years, in addition to various conditions laid down in the purchase agreement. The arrangement of...