Month: November 2020
MONTREAL, Nov. 27, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Niobay Metals Inc. (“NioBay” or the “Company”) (TSX-V: NBY) announces that further to its news release dated October 13th “James Bay Niobium PEA Delivers and After-tax NPV(8%) of $1.0 billion and IRR of 27.5%”, it has today filed the associated National Instrument 43-101 (“NI 43-101”) technical report for its wholly-owned James Bay Niobium project (the “Project”), located 40 km south of the island of Moose Factory, Northern Ontario. The report, entitled “Preliminary Economic Assessment, NI-43-101 Technical Report, James Bay Niobium Project, Ontario, Canada” (the “Report”) is dated effective October 13, 2020. The PEA was prepared with independent engineering firm G Mining Services Inc. (“G Mining”). A summary of key highlights are listed in Table 1A copy of the Report can be found at www.sedar.comBecause...
VILNIAUS BALDAI AB annual audited information for the year 2020
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Please find the attached VILNIAUS BALDAI AB audited consolidated and company’s financial statements for the year 2020 ended 31 August 2020 with independent auditor’s report.Enclosed:1. Confirmation of responsible persons;2. Independent auditor’s report, consolidated annual report, consolidated and company’s financial statements for the year 2020 ended 31 August 2020.Additional information:Chief Financial OfficerEdgaras KabečiusPhone No: +370 5 2525700AttachmentsResponsible Persons Confirmation 2020VILNIAUS BALDAI AB consolidated and companys financial statements for the FY20 ended 31 August 2020
AB “VILNIAUS BALDAI” 2020 metų audituota metinė informacija
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Pateikiamos AB “VILNIAUS BALDAI” audituotos konsoliduotos ir bendrovės 2020 metų, pasibaigusių 2020 m. rugpjūčio 31d., finansinės ataskaitos.Pridedama:1. Atsakingų asmenų patvirtinimas;2. Nepriklausomo auditoriaus išvada, metinis konsoliduotas pranešimas, konsoliduotos ir bendrovės 2020 metų, pasibaigusių 2020 m. rugpjūčio 31 d., finansinės ataskaitos.Kontaktinis asmuo:Finansų vadovasEdgaras KabečiusTel +370 (5) 2525700PriedaiAtskaitingu asmenu patvirtinimas 2020AB VILNIAUS BALDAI konsoliduotos ir bendroves finansines ataskaitos uz 2020 m., pasibaigusios 2020 rugpjucio 31 d
IBC Advanced Alloys Announces Closing of $1,400,000 Funding by Lind Partners
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[NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION TO U.S. NEWSWIRES OR FOR DISSEMINATION IN THE UNITED STATES]FRANKLIN, Ind., Nov. 27, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — IBC Advanced Alloys Corp. (“IBC” or the “Company”) (TSX-V: IB; OTCQB: IAALF) announced that it has closed on a second funding under the previously announced convertible security funding agreement (the “Agreement”) with Lind Global Macro Fund, LP, an entity managed by The Lind Partners, LLC, a New York based institutional fund manager (together, the “Investor” or “Lind”).Lind advanced to the Company C$1,400,000, less a closing fee of C$70,000, in consideration for the issuance of a convertible security (the “Convertible Security”) in the principal amount of C$1,400,000 and an aggregate face value of C$1,680,000. The Convertible Security has a 24 month term and is convertible into up to 9,172,413 common...
First Farmers Financial Bank & Trust set to open second branch location in Hamilton County in December
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Converse, Indiana, Nov. 27, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — First Farmers Financial Corp. (OTCQX: FFMR) announced plans to open a second Hamilton County branch of First Farmers Bank & Trust on December 14th, 2020. The 2,500 square foot branch, located at 1100 S. Peru Street in Cicero, IN, will have at least 5 employees, feature two drive up lanes, and an automated teller machine. Lobby hours will be from 9am to 4pm Monday-Thursday and 9am to 5pm on Friday. Drive up lanes will serve customers from 8am to 5pm Monday- Thursday, 8am to 6pm on Fridays, and from 9am to 12noon on Saturday. Vice President, R.J. Logan will serve as commercial lending officer and Assistant Vice President, Denny Miller will serve as the branch manager and business development officer at the location. First Farmers Bank & Trust has had a neighboring location...
Anoto Group AB (publ) postpones the release of the Q3 report
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Anoto Group AB (publ) postpones the release of the interim report January–September 2020 from 27 November 2020, as earlier communicated, to 30 November 2020.For further information, please contact:Joonhee Won, CEO, Anoto Group ABFor more information about Anoto, please visit or email ir@anoto.comAbout Anoto GroupAnoto is a publicly held Swedish technology company known globally for innovation in the area of information-rich patterns and the optical recognition of those patterns. It is a leader in digital writing and drawing solutions, having historically used its proprietary technology to develop smartpens and the related software. These smartpens enrich the daily lives of millions of people around the world. Anoto currently has three main business lines: Livescribe retail, Enterprise Forms and OEM. Anoto also owns Knowledge...
Anoto Group AB (publ) senarelägger publiceringen av Q3-rapport
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Anoto Group AB (publ) senarelägger publiceringen av delårsrapporten januari–september 2020 från den 27 november 2020, som tidigare meddelats, till den 30 november 2020.För ytterligare information kontakta:Joonhee Won, VD, Anoto Group ABFör mer information om Anoto, please visit eller email ir@anoto.comOm Anoto GroupAnoto är ett börsnoterat svenskt teknikföretag, som är känt i hela världen för innovationer rörande informationsrika mönster och optisk igenkänning av dessa mönster. Företaget är ledande när det gäller lösningar för digitalt skrivande och ritande, och har historiskt sett använt sin egenutvecklade teknologi för att utveckla digitala pennor och tillhörande programvara. Dessa digitala pennor förenklar det dagliga livet för miljontals människor runtom i världen. Anoto har för närvarande tre affärsområden: Livescribe...
Reliq Health Technologies, Inc. Issues Correction to Shareholder Webinar Date
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HAMILTON, Ontario, Nov. 27, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Reliq Health Technologies Inc. (TSXV:RHT or OTCQB:RQHTF) (“Reliq” or the “Company”), a technology company focused on developing innovative mobile health (mHealth) and telemedicine solutions for Community-Based Healthcare, wishes to inform shareholders that it will be hosting a webinar on December 1, 2020 at 6:00am PST / 9:00am EST to review the Company’s quarterly financial statements for Q1 Fiscal Year 2021 (July 1 – September 30, 2020), and provide a corporate update. Please note that an earlier release incorrectly specified the date for the webinar as December 2, 2020.For those who are not able to attend the webinar, a recording will be available on the Company’s website ( immediately following the session.About Reliq HealthReliq Health Technologies is a...
Vision Marine Technologies Announces Closing of Initial Public Offering of Common Shares and Full Exercise of Underwriter’s Over-Allotment Option
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Montreal, Quebec, Nov. 27, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire— Vision Marine Technologies Inc. (Nasdaq: VMAR), the leading provider of electric technology in the design and manufacture of the first fully electric powertrain outboard motor (E-Motion) and electric power boats, today announced the closing of its initial public offering of 2,760,000 common shares at a price of US$10.00 per share, which includes 360,000 shares sold upon full exercise of the underwriter’s option to purchase additional common shares. The gross proceeds from the offering, including the exercise of the over-allotment option, were US$27,600,000, before deducting underwriting discounts, commissions and offering expenses. ThinkEquity, a division of Fordham Financial Management, Inc., acted as sole book-running manager for the offering. Vision intends...
Sievi Capital Oyj: Arvopaperimarkkinalain 9 luvun 5 pykälän mukainen liputusilmoitus: Jussi Capital Oy:n omistus Sievi Capitalissa on alittanut 50 % rajan
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Sievi Capital OyjPörssitiedote 27.11.2020 klo 19.30Sievi Capital Oyj: Arvopaperimarkkinalain 9 luvun 5 pykälän mukainen liputusilmoitus: Jussi Capital Oy:n omistus Sievi Capitalissa on alittanut 50 % rajanSievi Capital Oyj on vastaanottanut 27.11.2020 arvopaperimarkkinalain 9 luvun 5 pykälän mukaisen ilmoituksen, jonka mukaan Jussi Capital Oy:n osuus Sievi Capital Oyj:n osakkeista ja äänistä on alittanut viidenkymmenen prosentin (50 %) rajan 27.11.2020.Jussi Capital Oy:n kokonaisosuus Sievi Capital Oyj:n osakkeista ja äänistä ilmoituksen mukaan:Ilmoitetut tiedot omistus- ja ääniosuudesta liputusrajan alittamisen jälkeen:A: Osakkeet ja äänetSIEVI CAPITAL OYJLISÄTIETOJA:toimitusjohtaja Päivi Marttila, puh. 0400 285 358JAKELU:Nasdaq Helsinki OyKeskeiset tiedotusvälineetwww.sievicapital.fiSievi Capital on pörssilistattu (Nasdaq Helsinki)...