Month: November 2020
PRESS RELEASENovember 30, 2020Financial highlightsJan – Sep 2020 (Jan – Sep 2019)Net revenues were SEK 4.6 M (2.7 M)EBIT was SEK -97.0 M (-75.8 M)Net profit/loss was SEK -117.3 M (-72.3 M)Earnings per share were SEK -3.47 (-2.89)Diluted earnings per share were SEK -3.47 (-2.89)Q3 2020 (Q3 2019)Net revenues were SEK 2.2 M (0.3 M)EBIT was SEK -40.9 M (-26.0 M)Net profit/loss was SEK -52.7 M (-27.7 M)Earnings per share were SEK -1.24 (-1.00)Diluted earnings per share were SEK -1.24 (-1.00)Business highlights in Q3 2020On August 10, 2020, Saniona announced the direct issue of shares raising USD $65 million (approximately SEK 567 million) with a syndicate of U.S. and international institutional investors and sector specialists. The Directed Issue was led by RA Capital Management with participation from Pontifax Venture Capital,...
Saniona publicerar sin delårsrapport för det tredje kvartalet 2020
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PRESSMEDDELANDE30 november 2020Finansiella nyckeltalJan – sep 2020 (jan – sep 2019)Nettoomsättningen uppgick till 4,6 MSEK (2,7)EBIT uppgick till -97,0 MSEK (-75,8)Periodens resultat uppgick till -117,3 MSEK (-72,3)Resultat per aktie uppgick till -3,47 SEK (-2,89)Resultat per aktie efter utspädning uppgick till -3,47 SEK (-2,89)Q3 2020 (Q3 2019)Nettoomsättningen uppgick till 2,2 MSEK (0,3)EBIT uppgick till -40,9 MSEK (-26,0)Periodens resultat uppgick till -52,7 MSEK (-27,7)Resultat per aktie uppgick till -1,24 SEK (-1,00)Resultat per aktie efter utspädning uppgick till -1,24 SEK (-1,00)Väsentliga händelser under tredje kvartalet 2020Den 10 augusti 2020 meddelade Saniona att bolaget tillförts 65 miljoner USD (cirka 567 MSEK) genom en riktad nyemission till ett syndikat av amerikanska och internationella institutionella investerare...
Lessor Group counts on Agillic to personalise customer experiences
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Press release, 30 November 2020Omnichannel marketing software company Agillic is going to support Lessor Group in building data-driven and personalised communication. The company offers payroll and HR solutions and operates internationally. It has made customer-centricity a strategic priority in its efforts to attract new customers, increase customer loyalty and maximise the customer lifetime value.In recent years Lessor Group has transformed its business from a primarily product-oriented company towards a customer-centric organisation. Relevant and personalised customer communication at all touchpoints, digital as well as physical, plays a significant role in this shift and is now enabled from the Agillic platform.Says Inger Østergaard, Marketing Director of Lessor Group: “We want to engage our customers on a 1:1 basis. We want...
Unaudited financial results of “Vilvi Group“ for the first nine months of 2020
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Since September 15, 2020 AB Vilkyskiu Pienine Group begins operations under the Vilvi Group brand name uniting the whole group. Vilvi Group are the following businesses in the group – Vilkyškių Pieninė AB, Modest AB, Kelmės Pieninė AB and Pieno Logistika AB.Preliminary unaudited data, consolidated sales revenue of Vilvi Group for nine months of 2020 amounted to 88.5 million EUR – 7.6 % increased comparing to the same period last year (sales revenue for the first nine months of 2019 amounted to 82.3 million EUR).The net profit for the first nine months of 2020 was 3.1 million EUR (the net loss for the nine months of 2019 was 0.4 milion EUR). Vilija Milaseviciute Economics and finance director Phone: +370 441 55 102AttachmentThe results of Q3 2020
„Vilvi Group“ 2020 metų devynių mėnesių neaudituoti finansiniai rezultatai
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Nuo 2020 m. rugsėjo 15 d. AB Vilkyškių pieninės įmonių grupė pradeda veikti kaip „Vilvi Group“ prekių ženklo vienijama grupė. „Vilvi Group“ sudėtyje yra AB Vilkyškių pieninė, AB „Modest“, AB Kelmės pieninė ir AB „Pieno logistika“.
GENFIT announces satisfactory preliminary results of its OCEANEs’ partial buyback offer
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Lille (France), Cambridge (Massachusetts, United States), November 30, 2020 – GENFIT (Nasdaq and Euronext: GNFT) a late-stage biopharmaceutical company dedicated to improving the lives of patients with metabolic and chronic liver diseases, today announces that:the reverse book building process for the partial buyback of GENFIT’s 6,081,081 convertible bonds maturing in October 2022 (“OCEANEs”) achieved satisfactory results and ended on November 27, 2020 (COB) as planned; the Bond Purchase Agreements from investors having tendered their OCEANEs will be collected as quickly as possible and once the process is completed, GENFIT will communicate the final results of the partial buyback.ABOUT GENFITGENFIT is a late-stage biopharmaceutical company dedicated to improving the lives of patients with cholestatic and metabolic chronic liver diseases....
GENFIT annonce être satisfaite des résultats préliminaires de l’offre de rachat partiel de ses OCEANEs
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Lille (France), Cambridge (Massachusetts, États-Unis), le 30 novembre 2020 – GENFIT (Nasdaq et Euronext : GNFT), société biopharmaceutique de phase avancée engagée dans l’amélioration de la vie des patients atteints de maladies hépatiques et métaboliques, annonce, aujourd’hui, que :la période de construction du livre d’ordres inversé de son offre de rachat d’une partie de ses 6.081.081 obligations à option de conversion et/ou d’échange en actions nouvelles et/ou existantes venant à échéance 16 octobre 2022 (les « OCEANEs ») s’est achevée de manière satisfaisante le 27 novembre 2020 au soir comme prévu ; elle va donc maintenant recueillir le plus rapidement possible les contrats de rachat des OCEANEs (Bond Repurchase Agreements) de la part des investisseurs lui ayant communiqué leurs ordres et annoncera les résultats définitifs dès que ce...
DPA Group N.V.: DPA keert interim-dividend uit op basis van goede financiële resultaten en afnemende onzekerheid
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De goede financiële resultaten hebben geleid tot een sterke balans met een positieve cash positie, die ook in een onzekere periode een voldoende buffer geeft.DPA heeft besloten om het dividend dat in een normale situatie zou zijn voorgesteld over 2019, zijnde 8 eurocent per aandeel, uit te keren in het vierde kwartaal van 2020. Er is een goede ontwikkeling van de kaspositie en het rendement. De impact van de tweede coronagolf wordt nauwlettend in de gaten gehouden, voor zowel kansen als risico’s.DPA streeft ernaar om over het boekjaar 2020 conform het dividendbeleid 50% van het resultaat na belastingen uit te keren aan haar aandeelhouders. Deze interim-dividend uitkering zal geen negatieve invloed hebben op de toepassing van het dividendbeleid over de resultaten van 2020. Bij de toepassing van het dividendbeleid zal het resultaat worden...
Auriant Mining AB (publ.) publishes Q3 2020 Interim Report
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Highlights• Gold production for 9m 2020 was 755 kg (24,285 oz), an increase of 57% compared to 481 kg (15,467 oz) in 9m 2019. Hard rock gold production at Tardan increased from 430 kg (13,812 oz) in 9m 2019 to 750 kg (24,112 oz) in 9m 2020, or by 75%.• Volume of ore processed through the newly built CIL plant amounted to 291 thousand tonnes with an average grade of 2.77 g/t (total gold in processed ore – 806 kg). The CIL plant was operating at projected throughput per working hour (>50 t/hour) and higher recovery rate (92.9%).• 9m 2020 gold sales amounted to 761 kg (24,442 oz), compared to 465 kg (14,962 oz) in 9m 2019, an increase of 296 kg (9,480 oz), or 64%.• Consolidated revenue was MSEK 397.6 (US$ 42.3 mln), up 103% YoY (9m 2019: MSEK 195.4 (US$ 20.8 mln)).• Net profit after tax amounted to MSEK 109.1 (US$ 11.5 mln) compared...
Auriant Mining AB publicerar sin delårsrapport för perioden 1 januari – 30 november 2020
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Viktiga händelserGuldproduktionen under 9 månader 2020 var 755 kg (24 285 oz), en ökning med 57 % jämfört med 481 kg (15 467 oz) under 9 månader 2019. Malmbaserad guldproduktion vid Tardan ökade från 430 kg (13 812 oz) under 9 månader 2019 till 750 kg (24 112 oz) under9 månader 2020 eller med 75 %.Volymen av malm som bearbetats genom den nybyggda CIL-anläggningen uppgick till 291 ktmed en snitthalt om 2,77 g/t (totalt guld i malmen – 806 kg). CIL-anläggningen var i drift med beräknad bearbetningskapacitet per arbetstimme (>50 ton/timme) och återvinningsgrad (92,9 %).Guldförsäljning under 9 månader 2020 uppgick till 761 kg (24 442 oz), jämfört med 465 kg (14 962 oz) under 9 månader 2019, en ökning med 296 kg (9 480 oz) eller 64 %.Konsoliderade intäkter var 397,6 MSEK (42,3 MUSD), en ökning med 103 % på årsbasis(under 9 månader 2019:...