Month: November 2020
Since September 15, 2020 AB Vilkyskiu Pienine Group begins operations under the Vilvi Group brand name uniting the whole group. Vilvi Group are the following businesses in the group – Vilkyškių Pieninė AB, Modest AB, Kelmės Pieninė AB and Pieno Logistika AB.Preliminary unaudited data, consolidated sales revenue of Vilvi Group for nine months of 2020 amounted to 88.5 million EUR – 7.6 % increased comparing to the same period last year (sales revenue for the first nine months of 2019 amounted to 82.3 million EUR).The net profit for the first nine months of 2020 was 3.1 million EUR (the net loss for the nine months of 2019 was 0.4 milion EUR). Vilija Milaseviciute Economics and finance director Phone: +370 441 55 102AttachmentThe results of Q3 2020
Pataisymas: „Vilvi Group“ 2020 metų devynių mėnesių neaudituoti finansiniai rezultatai
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Nuo 2020 m. rugsėjo 15 d. AB Vilkyškių pieninės įmonių grupė pradeda veikti kaip „Vilvi Group“ prekių ženklo vienijama grupė. „Vilvi Group“ sudėtyje yra AB Vilkyškių pieninė, AB „Modest“, AB Kelmės pieninė ir AB „Pieno logistika“.
Allarity Therapeutics Publishes Interim Report for the Period January – September 2020
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Press Release Hørsholm, Denmark (30 November 2020) – Allarity Therapeutics A/S (“Allarity” or the “Company”) today announces the Interim Report for the period January – September 2020. The report is available as an attached document and on the company’s website.Steve Carchedi, CEO of Oncology Venture, Steve stated, “During Q3 we have continued the transformation of the Company, as we adopted a new company name and corporate brand-identity as Allarity Therapeutics. As part of our company transformation, we welcomed two new board members, Mr. Soren Gade, Member of the European Parliament, and Ms. Gail Maderis, President & CEO of Antiva Biosciences. In addition, Mr. Jens Knudsen joined the Allarity Executive Management team as our new CFO. All three of these new team members bring extensive experience in and deep knowledge of Oncology...
Preliminary financial data of Ignitis Group for 10 months
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Preliminary financial data of Ignitis Group for 10 months of 2020Preliminary financial data of Ignitis Group (hereinafter – the Group) for 10 months of 2020:In January – October 2020, the Group generated revenue of EUR 967.5 million, which is 8.8 % more compared to a respective period of 2019 (EUR 889.6 million). The Group’s revenue mainly increased as a result of higher revenue of the networks segment due to price of power distribution service, which is comprised of power transmission, distribution and public service obligations (PSO) components.The adjusted EBITDA indicator of the Group in January – October 2020 was equal to EUR 225.1 million, i.e. 6.3 % more compared to a respective period of 2019 (EUR 211.7 million). The increase was driven by better result of networks segment due to growing value of regulated assets as a result...
Preliminary financial data of Ignitis Group for 10 months of 2020
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Preliminary financial data of Ignitis Group (hereinafter – the Group) for 10 months of 2020:In January – October 2020, the Group generated revenue of EUR 967.5 million, which is 8.8 % more compared to a respective period of 2019 (EUR 889.6 million). The Group’s revenue mainly increased as a result of higher revenue of the networks segment due to price of power distribution service, which is comprised of power transmission, distribution and public service obligations (PSO) components.The adjusted EBITDA indicator of the Group in January – October 2020 was equal to EUR 225.1 million, i.e. 6.3 % more compared to a respective period of 2019 (EUR 211.7 million). The increase was driven by better result of networks segment due to growing value of regulated assets as a result of investments in the renewal of distribution networks, better...
„Ignitis grupės“ įmonių grupės preliminarūs 2020 m. 10 mėnesių finansiniai duomenys
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2020 metų 10 mėnesių preliminarūs „Ignitis grupės“ įmonių grupės (toliau – Grupės) finansiniai duomenys:Grupės pajamos 2020 m. sausio – spalio mėnesiais siekė 967,5 mln. eurų ir buvo 8,8 proc. didesnės palyginus su atitinkamu laikotarpiu 2019 m. (889,6 mln. eurų). Grupės pajamos daugiausiai augo dėl didesnių pajamų tinklų segmente, kurias lėmė energijos persiuntimo paslaugos, kurią sudaro energijos perdavimo, skirstymo ir viešuosius interesus atitinkančių paslaugų (VIAP) dedamosios, kaina.Grupės koreguotas EBITDA rodiklis 2020 m. sausio – spalio mėn. siekė 225,1 mln. eurų ir buvo 6,3 proc. didesnis palyginus su atitinkamu laikotarpiu 2019 m. (211,7 mln. eurų). Šį augimą lėmė geresni rezultatai tinklų segmente dėl investicijų į skirstomųjų tinklų atnaujinimą augančios reguliuojamo turto vertės, geresni Elektrėnų komplekso kombinuoto ciklo...
Hövding Sverige AB: Styrelsemedlem avgår på egen begäran från Hövdings styrelse
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Peter Svanlund har på egen begäran valt att lämna sitt uppdrag som ledamot i Hövdings styrelsePeter Svanlund har varit styrelseledamot i Hövding AB sedan 2017, som representant för VIH Sweden AB.Då VIH Sweden AB nyligen sålde hela sitt innehav av aktier i Hövding, väljer Peter att lämna sitt mångåriga uppdrag som ledamot i Hövdings styrelse.”Vi är tacksamma för Peters förtjänstfulla arbete under flera år både som ledamot i styrelsen och som betydande ägarrepresentant” kommenterar Fredrik Arp, styrelseordförande för Hövding.För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta:Fredrik Arp, styrelseordförande, Hövding Sverige AB (publ)Tel: 040 – 236 868ir@hovding.comDenna information är sådan information som Hövding Sverige AB är skyldig att offentliggöra enligt EU:s marknadsmissbruksförordning. Informationen lämnades, genom ovanstående kontaktpersons...
Paints and Coatings Additives Market Worth USD 12,659.4 Million by 2027; Increasing Focus on Residential Projects Worldwide to Stimulate Growth, Says Fortune Business Insights™
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Pune, India, Nov. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The global paints and coatings additives market size is expected to reach USD 12,659.4 million by 2027, while exhibiting a CAGR of 5.9% between 2020 and 2027. This is attributable to the surging demand for advanced paints and coatings additives owing to the increasing residential projects and the rising automotive sector across the globe. This information is published by Fortune Business Insights, in its latest report, titled, “Paints and Coatings Additives Market Size, Share & COVID-19 Impact Analysis, By Type (Dispersing Agent, Rheology Agent, Leveling Agent, Anti-foaming Agent, Adhesion Promoting Agent, and Others), By Application (Automotive, Architectural, Wood, Industrial, and Others), and Regional Forecast, 2020-2027.” The report further mentions that the market stood at...
Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc: Completion of Equipping Phase of Central Shaft
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ST HELIER, Jersey, Nov. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc (“Caledonia” or the “Company”) (NYSE AMERICAN: CMCL; AIM: CMCL) is pleased to announce that the phase of fully equipping the Central Shaft from its base to the surface collar is now complete and it is on track to be commissioned in the first quarter of 2021. This has been completed considerably below budget and within a time frame to underpin the Company’s expectation of delivering production of 80,000 ounces of gold in 2022.Key features of the Central Shaft project since the start on 3 August 2015 include:Safety: 1,850 fatality free shifts with only two lost time injuries (LTI); 920 shifts since last LTI;Extended scope: the scope of the Central Shaft project was extended from an initial target depth of 1,089 meters to a...
Mkango Announces Grant-Funded Project to Develop Rare Earth Recycling for Loudspeakers
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LONDON and VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Nov. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mkango Resources Ltd. (AIM/TSX-V: MKA) (the “Company” or “Mkango”) is pleased to announce that HyProMag Limited (“HyProMag”) and partners, European Metal Recycling Limited (“EMR”) and University of Birmingham (“UoB”) have been awarded a grant from the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund, delivered by UK Research and Innovation (“UKRI”), for a new project entitled “Rare-Earth Extraction from Audio Products” (“REAP” or the “Project”).REAP will investigate ways of recycling rare earth magnets from speakers used in automotive and consumer electronics applications, which account for approximately 20% of the current market for rare earth magnets, according to Adamas Intelligence, and therefore represent a significant opportunity for rare earth...