Month: November 2020
Casino Group completed the sale to ALDI France of 545 Leader Price stores, 2 Casino supermarkets and 3 warehouses Paris, 30th November 2020,Casino group has completed the sale to ALDI France of 545 Leader Price stores, 2 Casino supermarkets and 3 warehouses, for an enterprise value of 717 million euros (including an earn-out of up to €35 million). After taking into account €34 million of net liabilities transferred with the stores, disposal proceeds reach €683 million of which (i) €648 million received today, and (ii) up to €35 million earn-out which will be paid in the event of compliance with certain operational indicators during a transition period.Furthermore, Casino group may sell additional Leader Price stores in the short...
Le Groupe Casino annonce la finalisation de la cession Leader Price
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Le groupe Casino a finalisé la cession à ALDI France de 545 magasins Leader Price, 2 supermarchés Casino et 3 entrepôtsParis, le 30 novembre 2020,Le groupe Casino a finalisé la cession à ALDI France de 545 magasins Leader Price, 2 supermarchés Casino et 3 entrepôts, pour une valeur d’entreprise de 717 millions d’euros (incluant jusqu’à 35 millions d’euros de complément de prix). Après prise en compte des passifs nets transférés avec les magasins pour 34 millions d’euros, les produits de cession s’établissent à 683 millions d’euros dont (i) 648 millions d’euros perçus ce jour, et (ii) jusqu’à 35 millions d’euros de complément de prix versé ultérieurement sur la base du respect d’indicateurs opérationnels durant la période de transition.Le groupe Casino pourrait, par ailleurs, céder prochainement à ALDI des magasins Leader Price complémentaires...
VERB to Present on its Best-in-Class Sales Enablement SaaS Platform at the MoneyShow Accredited Investors Virtual Expo on Tuesday, December 1, 2020 at 12:25 PM ET
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VERB recently reported six consecutive quarters of SaaS revenue growth and introduced new hypergrowth initiativesNEWPORT BEACH, Calif. and SALT LAKE CITY, Nov. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — VERB Technology Company, Inc. (Nasdaq: VERB) (“VERB” or the “Company”), a leader in interactive video-based sales enablement applications, including interactive livestream ecommerce, webinar, CRM and marketing applications for entrepreneurs and enterprises, today announced that it will deliver a presentation at the MoneyShow Accredited Investors Virtual Expo being held December 1-3, 2020. Rory J. Cutaia, CEO of VERB, will provide an overview of VERB’s strategy, innovative sales enablement software-as-a-service (SaaS) product offerings, new hypergrowth initiatives, and recent record-breaking financial performance, including...
Enterprises in Brazil Embrace Public Cloud During COVID-19
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SÃO PAULO, Nov. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Enterprises in Brazil are looking to public cloud providers to help them meet growing demand for online services and to allow employees to continue working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new report published today by Information Services Group (ISG) (Nasdaq: III), a leading global technology research and advisory firm.The 2020 ISG Provider Lens™ Public Cloud – Solutions and Services Report for Brazil finds public cloud providers keeping up with the growing demand, with workload transformations and shifts to the cloud handled by consultants working from home. New public cloud deals in Brazil are being negotiated through virtual meetings, the report says.“The public cloud is an ideal ecosystem for the continuing virtual work and shopping scenarios happening in Brazil,”...
Empresas no Brasil Adotam a Nuvem Durante a Pandemia da COVID-19
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SÃO PAULO, Nov. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — As empresas no Brasil estão buscando parceiros de serviços de nuvem pública para ajudá-las a atender à crescente demanda por serviços online e permitir que os funcionários continuem trabalhando em casa durante a pandemia COVID-19, de acordo com um novo relatório publicado hoje pela Information Services Group (ISG) (Nasdaq: III), uma empresa líder global em pesquisa de tecnologia e consultoria.O relatório ISG Provider Lens™ Public Cloud – Solutions and Services 2020 para o Brasil mostra que os provedores de nuvem pública estão acompanhando a demanda crescente, com transformações de carga de trabalho e mudanças para a nuvem gerenciadas por consultores que trabalham em casa. Novos negócios de nuvem pública no Brasil estão sendo negociados por meio de reuniões virtuais, diz o relatório.“A...
Sanoma changes the planned date of its Annual General Meeting 2021 to 13 April 2021
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Sanoma Corporation, Stock Exchange Release, 30 November 2020 at 18:25 EETSanoma changes the planned date of its Annual General Meeting 2021 to 13 April 2021Sanoma Corporation changes the planned date of its Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2021. The AGM 2021 is planned to be held on Tuesday 13 April 2021 instead of the earlier announced date 25 March 2021. Sanoma plans to arrange the meeting under temporary legislation approved by the Finnish Parliament on 3 October 2020, according to which the AGM would be held without the presence of shareholders and their proxy representatives. Shareholders or their proxy representatives would participate in the AGM and use shareholder rights by voting, making counter-proposals and asking questions only in advance.The Board of Directors will summon the AGM and decide on applying the temporary legislation...
Sanoma siirtää vuoden 2021 yhtiökokouksensa pidettäväksi 13.4.2021
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Sanoma Oyj, Pörssitiedote, 30.11.2020 klo 18.25Sanoma siirtää vuoden 2021 yhtiökokouksensa pidettäväksi 13.4.2021Sanoma Oyj siirtää vuoden 2021 varsinaisen yhtiökokouksensa pidettäväksi tiistaina 13.4.2021 aiemmin ilmoitetun 25.3.2021 sijaan. Sanoma suunnittelee järjestävänsä yhtiökokouksen eduskunnan 3.10.2020 hyväksymän väliaikaisen lain nojalla. Kokous pidettäisiin ilman osakkeenomistajien ja näiden asiamiesten läsnäoloa kokouspaikalla. Osakkeenomistajat ja näiden asiamiehet voisivat osallistua kokoukseen ja käyttää osakkeenomistajan oikeuksia vain äänestämällä ennakkoon sekä esittämällä vastaehdotuksia ja kysymyksiä ennakkoon. Sanoman hallitus päättää varsinaisen yhtiökokouksen koolle kutsumisesta ja väliaikaisen lain soveltamisesta myöhemmin. Osakkeenomistaja voi vaatia yhtiökokoukselle kuuluvan asian sisällyttämistä yhtiökokouksen...
Unaudited consolidated financial information of AS VALMIERAS STIKLA ŠĶIEDRA for the 9-month period ended 30 September 2020
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VALMIERAS STIKLA ŠĶIEDRA, AS publishes its management report and the unaudited financial statements for the nine-month period of 2020. The report and the statements are available in the attachment below in two languages: in Latvian and in English.VALMIERAS STIKLA ŠĶIEDRA, AS and its subsidiaries (hereinafter – VALMIERA GLASS GROUP) is one of the leading glass fibre manufacturers in Europe, with more than 55 years of experience in fiberglass production. VALMIERA GLASS GROUP’s core business areas are glass fibre research, glass fibre product development, production and trade. VALMIERA GLASS GROUP is the only group in the world with a vertically integrated structure and a wide range of glass fibre products for the thermal insulation market with a temperature resistance up to 1250°C.Contact information:VALMIERAS STIKLA ŠĶIEDRA, ASPhone:...
AS VALMIERAS STIKLA ŠĶIEDRA neauditēta konsolidēta finanšu informācija par 2020. gada pirmajiem 9 mēnešiem
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AS VALMIERAS STIKLA ŠĶIEDRA publicē uzņēmuma vadības ziņojumu un neauditēto konsolidēto finanšu informāciju par 2020. gada pirmajiem deviņiem mēnešiem, ar kuru var iepazīties pielikumā zemāk divās valodās: latviešu un angļu valodā.AS VALMIERAS STIKLA ŠĶIEDRA un tās meitas uzņēmumi (turpmāk tekstā saukta – VALMIERA GLASS GRUPA) ir viens no vadošajiem stikla šķiedras ražotājiem Eiropā ar vairāk nekā 55 gadu pieredzi stikla šķiedras ražošanā. VALMIERA GLASS GRUPAS pamatdarbības virzieni ir stikla šķiedras pētniecība, stikla šķiedras produktu izstrāde, ražošana un pārdošana. VALMIERA GLASS GRUPA ir vienīgā uzņēmumu grupa pasaulē ar vertikāli integrētu struktūru un plašu stikla šķiedras produktu klāstu termoizolācijas tirgum ar temperatūras noturību līdz pat 1250°C.Kontaktinformācija:AS VALMIERAS STIKLA ŠĶIEDRATel.: +371 6420 2216E-pasts:...
Vishay Intertechnology Aluminum Capacitors Increase Design Flexibility, Save Board Space in High Temperature Applications
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MALVERN, Pa., Nov. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. (NYSE: VSH) today introduced a new series of low impedance, Automotive Grade miniature aluminum electrolytic capacitors that combine high ripple currents up to 3.36 A with high temperature operation to +125 °C and very long useful life of 6,000 h at 125 °C.Compared to previous-generation solutions, Vishay BCcomponents 190 RTL series capacitors offer lower impedance and 10% to 15% higher ripple current. This allows designers to utilize fewer components, increasing design flexibility and saving board space. In addition, the AEC-Q200 qualified devices are available in smaller case sizes, ranging from 10 mm by 12 mm up to 18 mm by 35 mm.Featuring radial leads and a cylindrical aluminum case with pressure relief, insulated with a blue sleeve, the 190 RTL series...