Day: November 29, 2020
President Jayme Mendal Appointed CEO and Director CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 29, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — EverQuote, Inc. (Nasdaq: EVER), today issued the following statement: “It is with immeasurable sadness that we announce that Seth Birnbaum, Co-Founder and CEO, unexpectedly and peacefully passed away yesterday at his home. Seth was a sincere and deeply caring husband, father, friend and colleague. The entire EverQuote team mourns his tragic passing. On behalf of our Board of Directors, management team and employees, we extend our deepest sympathies to Seth’s family. Seth was a genuine, dynamic leader whose remarkable passion, vision and tenacity attracted the world-class team we have in place today, which serves as the foundation for EverQuote’s success. We will be forever grateful for his entrepreneurial spirit and the welcoming...
9M 2020 Report & Accounts
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9M 2020 Report & AccountsAttachmentRABCP9M2020
Relatório e Contas 9M 2020
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Relatório e Contas 9M 2020AnexoRCBCP9M2020
GameStop Announces 2020 Cyber Week Deals
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Reveals Daily Exclusive and Doorbuster Deals All Week LongReduces the Price of its Same Day Delivery Service During Cyber Week to Provide Customers the Convenience and Flexibility to Receive their Online Orders FasterGRAPEVINE, Texas, Nov. 29, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The holiday deals keep on getting better at GameStop, as the company just revealed its 2020 Cyber Week offers. Beginning on Sunday, Nov. 29 at 8 p.m. CST and running through Saturday, Dec. 5, GameStop is offering online only (unless noted otherwise) tremendous savings on the hottest video games software, hardware and accessories, PC gaming equipment, home entertainment electronics and pop culture apparel, board games, collectibles, toys, and more. The company is also offering a special discount of up to 50% off of its Same Day Delivery service during Cyber Week to ensure...
PRF: Consolidated Unaudited Interim Report of AS PRFoods for the 1st quarter of 2020/2021 financial year
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OVERVIEW OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITIESMANAGEMENT COMMENTARYThe Group’s consolidated EBITDA in the 1st quarter of the 2020/2021 financial year was -0.48 million euros (1Q 19/20: 1.47 million euros). EBITDA from operations (i.e. before one-offs and revaluation of bioassets) was -0.34 million euros (1Q 19/20: 0.73 million euros). EBITDA from operations was negatively impacted by a decrease in the share of smoked products in sales, which was mainly due to lower sales volumes and prices in Finland in the private label segment; Covid-19’s negative impact on sales in the HoReCa (hotels, restaurants, catering) sector and a decrease in fish market prices – salmon price decreased -9.4% and rainbow trout price decreased -21.4% compared to the same period last year. Due to the above, the gross margin decreased by 4.0 pp compared to the 1st quarter...
PRF: AS-i PRFoods 2020/2021. majandusaasta 1. kvartali konsolideeritud auditeerimata vahearuanne
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ÜLEVAADE MAJANDUSTEGEVUSESTJUHTKONNA KOMMENTAARGrupi konsolideeritud EBITDA oli 2020/2021. majandusaasta 1. kvartalis -0,48 miljonit eurot (1kv 19/20: 1,47 miljonit eurot). Äritegevuse EBITDAks (s.o enne ühekordseid tulusid-kulusid ja kalavarude ümberhindlust) kujunes -0,34 miljonit eurot (1kv 19/20: 0,73 miljonit eurot). Äritegevuse EBITDAd mõjutas negatiivselt suitsutatud toodete osakaalu vähenemine käibes, mis tulenes peamiselt Soome müügikoguste ja -hinna langusest private labeli segmendis; Covid-19 negatiivne mõju HoReCa (hotellid, restoranid, catering) sektori müügile ning kala turuhindade langus – lõhe hinnalangus -9,4% ning vikerforelli hinnalangus -21,4% võrreldes eelmise aasta sama perioodiga. Eelmainitust tulenevalt vähenes brutomarginaal 4,0 pp võrreldes eelmise finantsaasta 1. kvartaliga (1kv 20/21: 9,4% vs 1kv 19/20: 13,4%).Kvartali...
Kvalitena publicerar kvartalsrapport för Q3 2020
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Kvalitena publicerar kvartalsrapport för Q3 2020.BilagaDelårsrapport Q3 2020
Philips Patient Management Solution keeps patients safe and personalizes care during COVID-19 at leading U.S. medical centers
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November 29, 2020Boston Medical Center, Yale New Haven Health and Lahey Hospital and Medical Center among the first to extend virtual care options enabling patients to remain safe during radiology exams, medical procedures, general visits, and moreCloud-based, integrated digital communications help patients better prepare for appointments while reducing appointment no-showsAmsterdam, the Netherlands – Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA), a global leader in health technology, today announced it is working with leading medical centers to help respond to COVID-19 by increasing patients’ involvement in their care with the Philips Patient Management Solution. Outdated patient management practices can place excessive burden on staff, especially during COVID-19. Digital transformation during the pandemic is even more critical to support staff...
Key Information Relating to the Dividend-in-Kind to Be Paid by Hexagon Composites ASA
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Hexagon Composites ASA (the “Company” or “Hexagon Composites”) announced its intention on August 24, 2020, to spin off Hexagon Purus and apply for Hexagon Purus’ shares to be admitted to trading on Euronext Growth Oslo/Merkur Market, a multilateral trading facility operated by the Oslo Stock Exchange.On 13 November 2020, the general meeting of shareholders in the Company approved to authorize the Company to distribute shares in Hexagon Purus. On 18 November 2020, the Company announced the approval from bondholders for a distribution of shares of up to 15% of the Company’s shares in Hexagon Purus to Hexagon Composites’ shareholders.Today, the Board passed a resolution approving the distribution of dividends in the form of shares in Hexagon Purus to the Company’s shareholders. Key dates and information related to the dividend-in-kind...
Interoil Q3 interim financial report
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Oslo, 29 November 2020Interoil Exploration and Production ASA is pleased to release its Q3 2020 interim financial report.Highlights in the quarterThe COVID-19 pandemic effect on the company had impacted its figures due to the fall of prices and decreased volumes.Gross production increased by 198% in Q3 2020 compared with Q2 2020 and decreased 9% compared with the same period of last year.Interoil’s EBITDA in Q3 2020 was positive USD 0.2 million, compared with a negative USD 0.6 in Q2 2020 and positive USD 2.1 in Q3 2019. Variation is related to a lower production, due to the halt of operations both in Mana and Vikingo in the Q2 2020 and the lower value of oil and gas prices.Since its closure of production in Vikingo and Puli C areas, Interoil has kept a steady campaign of reopening wells and increase production in both areas.On July 30,...