Day: November 26, 2020
The Supervisory Board of Admiral Markets AS has appointed Victor Gherbovet as a new Management Board Member from 23.11.2020. Admiral Markets AS has as of 23.11.2020 four Management Board Members: Sergei Bogatenkov, Victor Gherbovet, Dmitri Lauš and Jens Chrzanowski.Victor Gherbovet joined the company already in 2008 and has been a member of the Management Board of Admiral Markets Group AS since 2017. He is also a member of the Management Board of Admiral Markets UK Ltd. Victor Gherbovet does not own any shares in Admiral Markets AS.
Muudatus Admiral Markets AS juhatuses ja 2020. majandusaastaks audiitori nimetamine
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Admiral Markets AS-i nõukogu nimetas uueks ühingu juhatuse liikmeks Victor Gherboveti alates 23.11.2020. Admiral Markets AS-i juhatusse kuuluvad alates 23.11.2020 neli liiget: Sergei Bogatenkov, Victor Gherbovet, Dmitri Lauš ja Jens Chrzanowski. Victor Gherbovet liitus ettevõttega juba 2008. aastal ning ta kuulub Admiral Markets Group AS juhatusse alates 2017.aastast. Samuti on ta Admiral Markets UK Ltd juhatuse liige. Admiral Markets AS aktsiaid Victor Gherbovetile ei kuulu.Ühtlasi annab Admiral Markets AS teada, et ühingu ainuaktsionär kinnitas äriühingu 2020. majandusaasta audiitoriks juba viimasel neljal aastal ühingut auditeerinud audiitorettevõtja Aktsiaselts PricewaterhouseCoopers (registrikood: 10142876). Audiitorile makstakse tasu vastavalt sõlmitavale lepingule.
FDA identifies exclusive code for the CADScor®
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Press release (MAR)Malmö, Sweden, November 26, 2020FDA identifies exclusive code for the CADScor®After yesterday’s announcement and further analysis of the FDA approval, Acarix AB today announce that the company’s marketing approval of the CADScor®System in the US was granted under a new generic type of code and device segment by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The code covers Coronary artery disease risk indicator using acoustic heart signals. Acarix is the sole company in the market that has been granted this label.In the approval letter from the FDA, CADScor® is defined as “…a Coronary artery disease risk indicator using acoustic heart signals, a device that records heart sounds including murmurs and vibrations to calculate a patient-specific risk of presence of coronary artery disease, as an aid in cardiac analysis and...
FDA identifierar unik kod för CADScor®
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Pressmeddelande (MAR)Malmö, 26 november 2020FDA identifierar unik kod för CADScor®Efter gårdagens meddelande och ytterligare analys av godkännandet från det amerikanska läkemedelverket, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), meddelade idag Acarix AB att FDA givit marknadsgodkännande av CADScor®System i USA med en ny generisk enhetskod: Coronary artery disease risk indicator using acoustic heart signals. Acarix är det enda företaget på marknaden som har beviljats denna kod.I godkännandet från FDA definieras CADScor® som ett hjälpmedel vid hjärtanalys och diagnos som en riskindikator för kranskärlssjukdom. En produkt som med hjälp av akustiska signaler registrerar hjärtljud och vibrationer för att beräkna en patientspecifik riskkod vilken indikerar förekomst av kranskärlssjukdom.”Vi är ensamma på marknaden i den här produktkategorin. Detta...
Trigon Renews Environmental Clearances for Exploration Activities in Namibia
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TORONTO, Nov. 26, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Trigon Metals Inc. (TSX-V:TM) (“Trigon” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has been granted the renewal of its Environmental Clearance Certificate (“ECC”) for exploration activities on all of the Namibian Mining Licences (“ML”) Gross Otavi, Asis (including the Kombat Central, Kombat West and Kombat East deposits), Asis Far West (including the Asis West, Asis Far West and Asis Gap deposits) and Asis Ost (“Kombat Project” or the “Project”) [73b, 73c, 16, 9, 21] from the Namibian Government (Ministry of Environment and Tourism), which was a pre-requisite for the Company to commence its planned upcoming exploration program. The ECC is valid until November 16, 2023.The Kombat Project is situated in the Otjozondjupa Region, Namibia on the southern tip of the renowned Namibian Copper...
BioSyent Releases Financial Results for Third Quarter and First Nine Months of 2020
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MISSISSAUGA, Ontario, Nov. 26, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BioSyent Inc. (“BioSyent”, TSX Venture: RX) released today its financial results for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2020. Key highlights include:Third quarter (Q3) 2020 Net Revenues of $5,771,739 decreased by 7% versus Q3 2019First nine months (YTD) 2020 Net Revenues of $16,605,840 increased by 5% versus YTD 2019Q3 2020 Canadian Pharmaceutical Net Revenues of $5,470,569 increased by 14% versus Q3 2019YTD 2020 Canadian Pharmaceutical Net Revenues of $15,842,030 increased by 14% versus YTD 2019Q3 2020 International Pharmaceutical Net Revenues of $6,306 decreased by 99% versus Q3 2019 in which a backlog of International Pharmaceutical orders shipped concurrentlyYTD 2020 International Pharmaceutical Net Revenues of $168,471 decreased by 83% versus YTD 2019Q3 2020...
Fiscal calendar 2020/21 and 2021/22
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Nasdaq OMX Copenhagen A/SCompany announcement no. 482November 26, 2020FISCAL CALENDAR 2020/21 AND 2021/22Glunz & Jensen Holding A/S announces the fiscal calendar 2019/20 and 2020/21.For further information please contact:CEO Martin Overgaard Hansen, phone +4522608405Chairman of the Board of Directors Flemming Nyenstad Enevoldsen, phone +4540431303AttachmentOMX_482 Fiscal calendar 2021-22
ALSTOM SA: Alstom to supply Italy’s first hydrogen trains
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Alstom to supply Italy’s first hydrogen trainsThe board of FNM, Lombardy’s leading public transport group, approves major investment in green railway transportation 26 November 2020 – Alstom will supply six hydrogen fuel cell trains, with the option for eight more, to FNM (Ferrovie Nord Milano), the main transport and mobility group in the Italian region of Lombardy, for a total amount of approximately €160 million. The first train delivery is expected within 36 months of the date of the order.The new hydrogen trains will be based on Alstom’s Coradia Stream regional train platform, which is dedicated to the European market and already being produced for Italy by Alstom’s main Italian sites. The hydrogen powered Coradia Stream for FNM, will be equipped with the same fuel cell propulsion technology that was introduced to the world by the...
ALSTOM SA : Alstom va fournir les premiers trains à hydrogène en Italie
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Alstom va fournir les premiers trains à hydrogène en ItalieLe conseil d’administration du FNM, le principal groupe de transport public de Lombardie, approuve un investissement majeur dans le transport ferroviaire écologique26 november 2020 – Alstom fournira six trains à pile à combustible à hydrogène, avec une option pour huit autres, à FNM (Ferrovie Nord Milano), le principal groupe de transport et de mobilité de la région italienne de Lombardie, pour un montant total d’environ 160 millions d’euros. La première livraison du train est prévue dans les 36 mois suivant la date de la commande.Les nouveaux trains à hydrogène seront basés sur la plate-forme ferroviaire régionale Coradia Stream d’Alstom, qui est dédiée au marché européen et qui est déjà produite pour l’Italie par les principaux sites italiens d’Alstom....
ePharmacy Market to Touch USD 177,794.9 Million with CAGR of 17.3% by 2026; Growth Opportunities Witnessed Around the World to Support Expansion: Fortune Business Insights™
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Pune, India, Nov. 26, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Fortune Business Insights states that the global ePharmacy market is projected to reach US$ 177,794.9 Mn by 2026, thereby exhibiting an impressive CAGR of 17.3% during the forecast period (2019-2026). The company further states that the global market was valued at US$ 49,727.7 Mn in 2018.Key Industry Developments:In January 2019, Swedish online pharmacy company Meds, bagged a US$ 5.5 Mn funding to expand its business across Europe. This funding is estimated to increase the focus of the company in expanding its reach in other European countries.In June 2015, Rite Aid Corp acquired Envision Rx Options that provides mail-order pharmacy services including prescription medicines. This acquisition facilitated Rite Aid Corp to enter into the field of ePharmacy.In March 2019, 1mg, an Indian...