Day: November 26, 2020
MONTRÉAL, 26 nov. 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mines d’or Dynacor Inc. (TSX : DNG) (OTC: DNGDF) (Dynacor ou la Société) a le plaisir d’annoncer la déclaration de son dividende trimestriel de 0,015$ CA, qui sera payé le 5 janvier 2021 aux actionnaires inscrits à la clôture en date du 16 décembre 2020. Ce dividende représente le dixième (10ème) dividende trimestriel payé par la société à ses actionnaires.Ce dividende se qualifie comme ‘‘dividendes déterminés’’ aux fins de l’impôt canadien sur le revenu.Le versement et l’augmentation de dividendes sont à la discrétion du Conseil d’administration et dépendent des résultats financiers de la Société, de ses besoins en liquidités, des perspectives futures et d’autres facteurs jugés pertinents par le Conseil.À PROPOS DE DYNACORDynacor est une société payant des dividendes et ayant son siège...
Khiron Life Sciences Announces Closing of $14.49 Million Bought Deal Financing Including Full Exercise of Over-Allotment Option
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NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION TO U.S. NEWSWIRE SERVICES OR DISSEMINATION IN THE UNITED STATESTORONTO, Nov. 26, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Khiron Life Sciences Corp. (“Khiron” or, the “Company”) (TSXV: KHRN), (OTCQB: KHRNF), (Frankfurt: A2JMZC), a vertically integrated cannabis leader with core operations in Latin America and Europe, is pleased to announce that it has closed today its previously announced “bought deal” short form prospectus offering of units (“Units”), including the exercise in full of the over-allotment option (the “Offering”).A total of 32,200,000 Units were sold at a price of $0.45 per Unit (the “Issue Price”) for aggregate gross proceeds of $14,490,000 (including the exercise in full of the over-allotment option). The Offering was completed by a syndicate of underwriters led by Canaccord Genuity Corp., including ATB Capital...
Midland and its Partners Complete Several Exploration Programs on High-priority Targets in the Abitibi Region
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MONTREAL, Nov. 26, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Midland Exploration Inc. (“Midland”) (TSX-V: MD) is pleased to announce the completion of several exploration programs on its active projects in the Abitibi region. These gold projects are located in the Detour Lake belt (Sunday Lake and Lower Detour faults), in an area southwest of Chapais, and along the prolific Cadillac Break.In the Detour Lake belt, several exploration programs were conducted this fall, with drilling on the Samson project, geophysical and geochemical surveys on the Gaudet-Fenelon and La Peltrie properties in partnership with Probe Metals Inc. (“Probe”), as well as compilation and targeting work on the Casault project, in partnership with Wallbridge Mining Company Ltd (“Wallbridge”). Drilling was also conducted with Agnico Eagle Mines Limited (“Agnico Eagle”) on the...
Midland et ses partenaires complètent plusieurs travaux d’exploration sur des cibles prioritaires en Abitibi
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MONTRÉAL, 26 nov. 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Exploration Midland inc. (« Midland ») (TSX-V: MD) a le plaisir d’annoncer la complétion de plusieurs travaux d’exploration sur ses projets actifs en Abitibi. Ces projets aurifères sont situés dans la bande de Detour Lake (failles Sunday Lake et Lower Detour), dans le secteur au sud-ouest de Chapais, ainsi que le long de la prolifique faille Cadillac.Dans la bande de Detour Lake, plusieurs travaux d’exploration ont été complétés cet automne, incluant du forage sur le projet Samson, des levés géophysiques et géochimiques sur les projets Gaudet-Fénélon et La Peltrie qui sont en partenariat avec Probe Metals Inc. (« Probe »), ainsi que des travaux de compilation et de ciblage sur le projet Casault, qui est en partenariat avec Wallbridge Mining Company Ltd. (« Wallbridge »). Des travaux de forage...
Oma Säästöpankki Oyj:n taloudellinen raportointi ja yhtiökokous vuonna 2021
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OMA SÄÄSTÖPANKKI OYJ, PÖRSSITIEDOTE 26.11.2020 KLO 15.30, TULOSJULKISTAMISAJANKOHDATOma Säästöpankki Oyj:n taloudellinen raportointi ja yhtiökokous vuonna 2021Oma Säästöpankki (OmaSp) julkaisee vuonna 2021 taloudellisen informaation seuraavasti:8.2.2021 Tilinpäätöstiedote vuodelta 20203.5.2021 Osavuosikatsaus tammi-maaliskuu 20212.8.2021 Osavuosikatsaus tammi-kesäkuu 20211.11.2021 Osavuosikatsaus tammi-syyskuu 2021Vuosikertomus 2020 sisältäen tilinpäätöksen ja hallituksen toimintakertomuksen sekä Capital and Risk Management Report -raportti julkaistaan viikolla 10. Hallinto- ja ohjausjärjestelmän selvitys, Palkitsemisraportti sekä Vastuullisuusraportti vuodelta 2020 julkaistaan myös viikolla 10.Varsinainen yhtiökokous suunnitellaan pidettäväksi tiistaina 30.3.2021. Yhtiön hallitus kutsuu yhtiökokouksen erikseen koolle myöhemmin.Oma Säästöpankki...
Oma Savings Bank Plc’s Financial reporting and AGM in 2021
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OMA SAVINGS BANK PLC, STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 26 NOVEMBER 2020 AT 15.30 P.M. EET, FINANCIAL CALENDAROma Savings Bank Plc’s Financial reporting and AGM in 2021Oma Savings Bank (OmaSp) will publish financial information in 2021 as follows:8 February 2021 Financial Statement Bulletin for 20203 May 2021 Interim Report January-March 20212 August 2021 Interim Report January-June 20211 November 2021 Interim Report January-September 2021Annual Report 2020 including the Financial Statements and the Report of Board of Directors, and the Capital and Risk Management Report will be published in Week 10. The Corporate Governance Statement, the Remuneration Report and the Corporate Responsibility Report for 2020 will also be published in Week 10.The Annual General Meeting of Oma Savings Bank Plc is planned to be held on Tuesday 30 March in 2021. The Board...
Form 8.3 – GoCo Group Plc
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FORM 8.3PUBLIC OPENING POSITION DISCLOSURE/DEALING DISCLOSURE BYA PERSON WITH INTERESTS IN RELEVANT SECURITIES REPRESENTING 1% OR MORERule 8.3 of the Takeover Code (the “Code”)1. KEY INFORMATION2. POSITIONS OF THE PERSON MAKING THE DISCLOSUREIf there are positions or rights to subscribe to disclose in more than one class of relevant securities of the offeror or offeree named in 1(c), copy table 2(a) or (b) (as appropriate) for each additional class of relevant security.(a) Interests and short positions in the relevant securities of the offeror or offeree to which the disclosure relates following the dealing (if any)All interests and all short positions should be disclosed.Details of any open stock-settled derivative positions (including traded options), or agreements to purchase or sell relevant securities, should...
Corrected notification of the acquisition of a block of the voting rights
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Attached corrected information about AB “Linas” shareholder’s acquisition of a block of the voting rights.AB “Linas” chief of financeEgidijus Mikeliūnas+370 45 506100AttachmentPranešimas apie akcijų įsigijimą (tikslintas) 2020-11-26 ENG
Patikslintas pranešimas apie balsavimo teisių paketo įgijimą
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Informuojame, kad gautas patikslintas pranešimas apie AB „Linas“ balsavimo teisių paketo įgijimą. Žr. pridėtą failą.AB „Linas“ finansų vadovasEgidijus Mikeliūnas+370 45 506100PriedasPranešimas apie akcijų įsigijimą (tikslintas) 2020-11-26
Form 8.3 – Future Plc
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FORM 8.3PUBLIC OPENING POSITION DISCLOSURE/DEALING DISCLOSURE BYA PERSON WITH INTERESTS IN RELEVANT SECURITIES REPRESENTING 1% OR MORERule 8.3 of the Takeover Code (the “Code”)1. KEY INFORMATION2. POSITIONS OF THE PERSON MAKING THE DISCLOSUREIf there are positions or rights to subscribe to disclose in more than one class of relevant securities of the offeror or offeree named in 1(c), copy table 2(a) or (b) (as appropriate) for each additional class of relevant security.(a) Interests and short positions in the relevant securities of the offeror or offeree to which the disclosure relates following the dealing (if any)All interests and all short positions should be disclosed.Details of any open stock-settled derivative positions (including traded options), or agreements to purchase or sell relevant securities, should...