Day: November 26, 2020
TRESU INVESTMENT HOLDING A/S ANNOUNCEMENT NO. 15.202026.11.2020Tresu Investment Holding A/S today publishes the Q3 2020 Interim Report and presentation of the financial results.TRESU Group is pleased to invite you to the financial results call, which is being held Monday, 30 November 2020, at 2pm CET.The Interim Report will be presented by Heidi Thousgaard Jørgensen, CEO. After the presentations there will be an opportunity for Q+A.A recording of the results call will be made available for four hours on the TRESU IR website.Click this link to register for the conferenceHeidi Thousgaard JørgensenCEOFurther questions can be directed to:Heidi Thousgaard Jørgensen, CEO, Phone +45 2341 5085AttachmentsTRESU Investment Holding...
Gyldendal køber det svenske lydbogsforlag Word Audio Publishing International
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SELSKABSMEDDELELSE nr. 6/2020Intern videnKøbenhavn, 26. november 2020Gyldendal A/SGyldendal har i dag indgået aftale om køb af 100% af aktierne i Word Audio Publishing International AB, der udvikler og udgiver lydbøger i Sverige og Finland samt er på vej til andre europæiske lande. Word Audio Publishing International har i dag et katalog med ca. 1300 svenske titler og ca. 300 titler på andre sprog.Gyldendals adm. direktør, Morten Hesseldahl, udtaler:”Gyldendal har de seneste år søsat en række ambitiøse digitale projekter, som også rækker ud over det danske bogmarked. Derfor har vi et stykke tid været på udkig efter muligheder for at sætte yderligere fart på den digitale ekspansion. I Word Audio Publishing International har vi fundet et succesfuldt forlag med dygtige medarbejdere, stærke digitale kompetencer, et attraktivt forfatternetværk...
Bayport Management announcement change in Auditors
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Please find Bayport Management announcement change in auditors attached.AttachmentsBML Announcement Change of auditors Nov 2020BML Announcement Change of auditors Nov 2020
Platinex Provides Update on Exploration of Shining Tree Property
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TORONTO, Nov. 26, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Platinex Inc. (CSE: PTX) (Frankfurt 9PX) (the “Company” or “Platinex“) is providing an update on the active exploration program of the Caswell prospect and additional work in progress on the Shining Tree property in the Abitibi greenstone belt of Northern Ontario, (see press releases of September 16, 2020, October 7, 2020 and October 27, 2020). The Shining Tree property is the largest holding in the Shining Tree gold district at 20,750 hectares (51,274 acres) situated along the Ridout-Tyrrell trend between the Juby deposit owned by Caldas Gold to the east and the mine development-stage Cote Gold deposit to the west owned by IAMGOLD.Current Exploration ProgramThe Caswell prospect, which is one of twenty one known mineralized areas on the Shining Tree property, hosts...
Siguldas CMAS JSC Unaudited financial information for the nine months of the year 2020
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Company’s net turnover in the nine months of 2020 was 908.8 thousand euros, showing an increase of 2.4% against the corresponding period in 2019, whereas Company’s profit before taxes was 128.2 thousand euros – by 42.4 thousand euros higher compared to the corresponding period in 2019.PROFIT OR LOSS ACCOUNTJSC ‘Siguldas ciltslietu un mākslīgās apsēklošanas stacija’ is one of the largest high-quality breeding bull semen producers and suppliers in Latvia. The second largest field of the Company’s basic economic activities is milk testing services. The Company also provides other breeding related services – consultations on issues of cattle breeding, feeding and keeping, evaluation of cow exterior, artificial insemination of cows, initial processing of the monitoring data.Valda MālnieceMember of the Management Board, Manager...
Siguldas CMAS, AS, nerevidēta finanšu informācija par deviņiem 2020. gada mēnešiem
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2020. gada deviņos mēnešos neto apgrozījums bija 908,8 tūkst. eiro, kas ir par 2,4% vairāk nekā iepriekšējā gada deviņos mēnešos, bet peļņa pirms nodokļiem bija 128,2 tūkst. eiro – par 42,4 tūkst. eiro lielāka, salīdzinot ar iepriekšējā gada attiecīgo periodu.PEĻŅAS VAI ZAUDĒJUMU APRĒĶINSAS „Siguldas ciltslietu un mākslīgās apsēklošanas stacija” ir viens no lielākajiem augstvērtīgas vaislas buļļu spermas ražotājiem un piegādātājiem Latvijā. Otra lielākā Sabiedrības pamatdarbības nozare ir piena analīžu veikšana. Sabiedrība veic arī citus ar ciltsdarbu saistītus pakalpojumus – konsultācijas liellopu selekcijas, ēdināšanas un turēšanas jautājumos, govju eksterjera vērtēšanu, govju mākslīgo apsēklošanu, pārraudzības datu pirmapstrādi.Valda MālnieceValdes locekle, Finanšu un grāmatvedības daļas vadītājaTālrunis: 67972040E-pasts:
Invesco Ltd.: Form 8.3 – Future Plc
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Opening Position DisclosureFORM 8.3PUBLIC OPENING POSITION DISCLOSURE/DEALING DISCLOSURE BYA PERSON WITH INTERESTS IN RELEVANT SECURITIES REPRESENTING 1% OR MORERule 8.3 of the Takeover Code (the “Code”)Public disclosures under Rule 8 of the Code must be made to a Regulatory Information Service.The Panel’s Market Surveillance Unit is available for consultation in relation to the Code’s disclosure requirements on +44 (0)20 7638 0129.The Code can be viewed on the Panel’s website at
Registration of new shares in IDEX Biometrics 26 November 2020
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Reference is made to the private placement of 42.5 million shares in IDEX Biometrics ASA on 9 November 2020.The capital increase has been registered and the shares will be delivered soonest. The company’s share capital is now NOK 124,592,824.65 divided into 830618831 shares each with a nominal value of NOK 0.15.For further information contact:Marianne Bøe, Investor RelationsE-mail: marianne.boe@idexbiometrics.comTel: + 47 918 00186Derek D’Antilio, Chief Financial OfficerE-mail: derek.dantilio@idexbiometrics.comTel: +1 978 273 1344About IDEX BiometricsIDEX Biometrics ASA (OSE: IDEX and OTCQB: IDXAF) is a leading provider of fingerprint identification technologies offering simple, secure and personal touch-free authentication for all. We help people make payments, prove their identity, gain access to information, unlock devices...
Form 8.3 – AXA INVESTMENT MANAGERS: opening and dealings
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FORM 8.3PUBLIC OPENING POSITION DISCLOSURE/DEALING DISCLOSURE BYA PERSON WITH INTERESTS IN RELEVANT SECURITIES REPRESENTING 1% OR MORERule 8.3 of the Takeover Code (the “Code”)1. KEY INFORMATION2. POSITIONS OF THE PERSON MAKING THE DISCLOSUREIf there are positions or rights to subscribe to disclose in more than one class of relevant securities of the offeror or offeree named in 1(c), copy table 2(a) or (b) (as appropriate) for each additional class of relevant security.(a) Interests and short positions in the relevant securities of the offeror or offeree to which the disclosure relates following the dealing (if any)All interests and all short positions should be disclosed.Details of any open stock-settled derivative positions (including traded options), or agreements to purchase or sell relevant securities, should...
Dynacor Declares its Q4-2020 Quarterly Dividend
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MONTREAL, Nov. 26, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Dynacor Gold Mines Inc. (TSX: DNG) (Dynacor or the Corporation) is pleased to announce the declaration of a dividend payment of CA $0.015 per common share which will be payable on January 5th, 2021, to shareholders of record as of the close of business on December 16, 2020. This dividend represents the 10th quarterly dividend payment made to shareholders.The Corporation’s quarterly dividend qualifies as an “eligible dividend” for Canadian income tax purposes.The payment and increase of dividends are at the discretion of the Board and will depend on the Corporation’s financial results, cash requirements, prospects and other factors deemed relevant by the Board.ABOUT DYNACORDynacor is a dividend-paying gold production corporation headquartered in Montreal, Canada. The corporation is engaged...