Day: November 26, 2020
SANTIAGO, Chile, Nov. 26, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Teck Resources Limited (TSX: TECK.A and TECK.B, NYSE: TECK) (“Teck”) announced today that it is expanding its Copper and Health program to Chile, partnering with leading national health professionals and academics on a pilot project at the Iquique Hospital.Researchers from Universidad del Desarrollo (UDD) and Núcleo Milenio MICROB-R, with funding from Teck, will conduct a study of copper surfaces and textiles to assess copper’s ability to decrease the incidence of in-hospital infections.Copper alloy surfaces are naturally antimicrobial with self-sanitizing properties, with research showing that these surfaces eliminate up to 99.9% of harmful bacteria and viruses that cause infection, including bacteria with high antibiotic resistance. Additionally, copper is safe for...
Uppgreiðsla Landfesta ehf. á LF 14 1
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Landfestar ehf., dótturfélag Eikar fasteignafélags hf., tilkynnti 20. október 2020 um að dótturfélagið stefndi að uppgreiðslu á skuldabréfaflokki sínum LF 14 1. Um er að ræða verðtryggðan skuldabréfaflokk sem gefinn var út árið 2014. Upphafleg höfuðstólsfjárhæð var 12.500 að nafnverði og nema eftirstöðvar skuldabréfanna nú um 12.700 Skuldabréfin bera 1,5% uppgreiðslugjald samkvæmt skilmálum.Landfestar ehf. hefur tilkynnt um þá ákvörðun að greiða upp skuldabréfin og mun uppgreiðsla fara fram á næsta gjalddaga, þann 12. desember 2020. Þar sem sá dagur er laugardagur fer greiðsla fram á næsta bankadegi, þ.e. mánudeginum 14. desember 2020, í samræmi við skilmála skuldabréfanna. Uppgreiðslan verður að fullu fjármögnuð með lánveitingu Eikar fasteignafélags hf. til Landfesta ehf., en félagið hefur þegar náð samningum við banka sem...
Uppgreiðsla á LF 14 1
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Landfestar ehf. tilkynnti 20. október 2020 um að félagið stefndi að uppgreiðslu á skuldabréfaflokki sínum LF 14 1. Um er að ræða verðtryggðan skuldabréfaflokk sem gefinn var út árið 2014. Upphafleg höfuðstólsfjárhæð var 12.500 að nafnverði og nema eftirstöðvar skuldabréfanna nú um 12.700 Skuldabréfin bera 1,5% uppgreiðslugjald samkvæmt skilmálum.Félagið hefur nú ákveðið að greiða upp skuldabréfin og mun uppgreiðsla fara fram á næsta gjalddaga, þann 12. desember 2020. Þar sem sá dagur er laugardagur fer greiðsla fram á næsta bankadegi, þ.e. mánudeginum 14. desember 2020, í samræmi við skilmála skuldabréfanna. Uppgreiðslan verður að fullu fjármögnuð með lántöku frá móðurfélagi Landfesta ehf., Eik fasteignafélagi hf.Nánari upplýsingar veita:Lýður H. Gunnarsson, framkvæmdastjóri fjármálasviðs Eikar fasteignafélags hf.,,...
Reporting of trading in Tryg shares by senior management
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TryghedsGruppen smba has sold 21,149,745 existing shares in Tryg A/S for a total amount of DKK 3,595,456,650 to institutional investors pursuant to an accelerated bookbuild offering. TryghedsGruppen smba is considered related party to members of the Supervisory Board in Tryg A/S; Ida Sofie Jensen, Karen Bladt and Claus Wistoft as they are also board members in TryghedsGruppen smba.Attachments2020.11.26 Transaction statement, Ida Sofie Jensen2020.11.26 Transaction statement, Karen Bladt2020.11.26 Transaction statement, Claus Wistoft
Indberetning af ledende medarbejderes handler med Tryg-aktier
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TryghedsGruppen smba har solgt 21.149.745 eksisterende aktier i Tryg A/S for en samlet værdi på 3.595.456.650 DKK til institutionelle investorer i henhold til et acceleret bookbuilding-udbud. TryghedsGruppen smba anses som nærtstående til Tryg A/S’ bestyrelsesmedlemmer; Ida Sofie Jensen, Karen Bladt og Claus Wistoft, da de samtidig er bestyrelsesmedlemmer i TryghedsGruppen smba.Vedhæftede filer2020.11.26 Handelsindberetning, Ida Sofie Jensen2020.11.26 Handelsindberetning, Karen Bladt2020.11.26 Handelsindberetning, Claus Wistoft
IMCD to acquire the personal care business of Turkish distributor Ejder Kimya
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ROTTERDAM, The Netherlands (26 November 2020) – IMCD N.V. (“IMCD”), a leading distributor of speciality chemicals and ingredients, today announces that it has successfully signed an agreement to acquire the personal care business of Ejder Kimya İlaç Danışmanlık Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. (“Ejder Kimya”).Ejder Kimya was founded in 1999 and is a Turkish chemicals distributor of raw materials for personal care and pharmaceuticals products and food additives. It has a strong and solid position in the personal care market in Turkey. Ejder Kimya’s personal care business generated a revenue of € 4.7 million in 2019.Pervin Ejder, CEO and owner of Ejder Kimya, adds: “I am very excited and proud to hand over the value created by Ejder Kimya to the safe hands of IMCD. IMCD’s decisiveness to invest and grow in the personal care market enabled us to do...
KBC Group: KBC finalises acquisition of OTP Banka Slovensko (Slovakia)
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Joint Press ReleaseOutside trading hours – Regulated information*Brussels, Budapest, Bratislava – 26 November 2020 – 6 p.m. CETKBC finalises acquisition of OTP Banka Slovensko (Slovakia)Belgium’s KBC Group and OTP Bank, the Hungarian parent company of OTP Banka Slovensko (Slovakia), today closed the agreement announced on 17 February 2020 for KBC Bank NV to acquire ownership of 99.44% of the shares in OTP Banka Slovensko, a.s. (OTP Banka Slovensko). The remaining shares are held by a number of private individuals.The transaction received regulatory approval from the National Bank of Slovakia (NBS), the National Bank of Belgium (NBB), the European Central Bank (ECB) and the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic. It has only a limited impact (-0.2%) on KBC’s solid capital position, keeping KBC’s excellent 3Q2020 CET1 ratio of 16.6%...
KBC Groep: KBC rondt overname van OTP Banka Slovensko (Slowakije) af
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Gezamenlijk persberichtBuiten beurstijd – Gereglementeerde informatie*Brussel, Boedapest, Bratislava – 26 november 2020 – 18 uur CETKBC rondt overname van OTP Banka Slovensko (Slowakije) afVandaag hebben het Belgische KBC Groep NV en OTP Bank, de Hongaarse moedermaatschappij van OTP Banka Slovensko (Slowakije), de op 17 februari 2020 aangekondigde overeenkomst voor de overname door KBC Bank NV van 99,44% van de aandelen van OTP Banka Slovensko, a.s. afgerond. De overige aandelen zijn in handen van een aantal privépersonen.De transactie is goedgekeurd door de nationale bank van Slowakije (NBS), de Nationale Bank van België (NBB), de Europese Centrale Bank (ECB) en het antimonopoliebureau van Slowakije. Ze heeft slechts een beperkte invloed (-0,2%) op de stevige kapitaalpositie van KBC, waardoor de uitstekende CET 1-ratio van...
KBC Groupe: KBC finalise le rachat d’OTP Banka Slovensko (Slovaquie)
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Communiqué de presse communHors séance boursière – Informations réglementées*Bruxelles, Budapest, Bratislava – 26 novembre 2020 – 18.00 heures CETKBC finalise le rachat d’OTP Banka Slovensko (Slovaquie)Aujourd’hui, le groupe belge KBC et OTP Bank, la société mère hongroise de OTP Banka Slovensko (Slovaquie), ont finalisé l’accord annoncé le 17 février 2020 en vue de l’acquisition, par KBC Bank SA, de 99,44% des actions d’OTP Banka Slovensko, a.s.. Les actions restantes sont détenues par un certain nombre de personnes privées.La transaction a reçu l’approbation de la Banque nationale de Slovaquie (NBS), de la Banque nationale de Belgique (BNB), de la Banque centrale européenne (BCE) et de l’Office de lutte contre les monopoles de la République slovaque. Elle n’a qu’un impact limité (-0,2 %) sur...
Maiia annonce le lancement de Maiia Gestion, sa nouvelle solution qui réinvente la gestion du cabinet des kinésithérapeutes
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Boulogne-Billancourt, le 26 novembre 2020Solution 100% web conçue par et pour les kinés, Maiia Gestion a vocation à faciliter leur vie : dossiers patients, comptabilité et facturation, la solution gère toutes les tâches administratives de leur cabinet grâce à un seul outil.Parfaitement intégrée à la Suite Maiia, l’assistance digitale de 100 000 professionnels de santé et de leurs patients en France, Maiia Gestion est née de groupes de travail organisés pendant plus de 2 ans par Maiia et RM Ingénierie (expert Cegedim des professions paramédicales) avec plus de 160 kinés français d’horizons et modes d’exercices différents.Maiia gestion, une interface intuitive pour une nouvelle expérience utilisateurNativement conçue pour faciliter le quotidien du cabinet, Maiia Gestion a vocation à optimiser la vie du kinésithérapeute pour lui faire gagner...