Day: November 25, 2020
FAIRFAX, Va., Nov. 25, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WidePoint Corporation (NYSE American: WYY), the leading provider of Trusted Mobility Management (TM2) specializing in Telecommunications Lifecycle Management, Identity Management and Digital Billing & Analytics solutions, announced today that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has awarded the Cellular Wireless Managed Services (CWMS) 2.0 Contract to WidePoint. Valued at up to $500 million, this new Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract, which was executed on November 25, 2020, has a one-year base period with four 12-month option periods extending through November 24, 2025.“WidePoint is honored to win the new DHS CWMS 2.0 contract and looks forward to continuing to deliver our comprehensive, commercial CWMS solution to DHS and its Components,” said...
Inscape Corporation Will Host a Teleconference Call to Review the Second Quarter Fiscal 2021 Financial Results.
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HOLLAND LANDING, Ontario, Nov. 25, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — (TSX:INQ) Inscape Corporation will release its second quarter financial results after the close of business on Thursday, December 10, 2020. Eric Ehgoetz, Chief Executive Officer and Jon Szczur, Chief Financial Officer will host a teleconference call on Friday, December 11, 2020 at 8:30 AM EST to briefly review the results and respond to any questions.To participate, please call 1-888-722-1094 about 10-15 minutes before the start time of 8:30 AM EST. (Reservation Number 21971997)A taped rebroadcast will be available from December 11, 2020 after 10:30 AM EST until 11:59 PM EST on January 10, 2021. To access the rebroadcast, please dial 1-800-558-5253. (Reservation Number 21971997)FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT:Inscape CorporationJon SzczurChief Financial Officer(905)...
North America Hand Sanitizer Market to Reach USD 1,379.4 Million by 2026; Increasing Prevalence of Deadly Diseases to Spur Business Opportunities, states Fortune Business Insights™
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Pune, Nov. 25, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The North America hand sanitizer market size is expected to reach USD 1,379.4 million by 2026, exhibiting a CAGR of 7.1% during the forecast period. The increasing prevalence of contagious viruses and diseases, like coronavirus, influenza, and Norovirus will spur demand for hand sanitizers, in turn, favoring the growth of the market, states Fortune Business Insights, in a report, titled “North America Hand Sanitizer Market Size, Share & COVID-19 Impact Analysis, By Product Form (Foam, Gel, Spray, and Others), Type (Alcohol-Based Sanitizer and Alcohol-Free Sanitizer), End-User (Schools, Restaurants, Hospitals, Households, Office Buildings, and Others), and Regional Forecast, 2019-2026.” The market size stood USD 851.1 million in 2019.Market Driver:Increasing Popularity of E-commerce to...
Exro Announces Pricing of Public Offering of Common Shares
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NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION TO UNITED STATES NEWSWIRE SERVICES OR FOR DISSEMINATION IN THE UNITED STATES. CALGARY, Alberta, Nov. 25, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Exro Technologies Inc. (TSXV: EXRO) (“Exro” or the “Company“) is pleased to announce that it has priced its previously announced marketed public offering (the “Offering”) of common shares (the “Shares”) of the Company. The Company intends to issue Shares at a price of $3.25 per share for gross proceeds of a minimum of $30.0 million and up to a maximum of $36.5 million.The Offering is being conducted on a “best efforts” agency basis by a syndicate of agents led by Raymond James Ltd. and Gravitas Securities Inc., as co-lead agents and bookrunners, and including Eight Capital and Haywood Securities Inc. (collectively, the “Agents”). The Company has agreed...
Finanskalender for 2021
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Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 52/2020 | 25. november 2020 Finanskalenderen for Danske Andelskassers Bank A/S for 2021 er som følger:Ad. 1: Forslag fra aktionærer skal i henhold til vedtægternes § 12, stk. 2 være indsendt skriftligt senest den 16. marts 2021 til bestyrelsen på adressen: Danske Andelskassers Bank A/S, Att.: Direktionssekretariatet, Baneskellet 1, Hammershøj, 8830 Tjele.Danske Andelskassers Bank afholder herudover aktionærmøder for bankens seks aktionærkredse i perioden 15.-25. marts 2021, hvor der blandt andet sker valg af aktionærråd for hver aktionærkreds. Indstilling af kandidater til aktionærråd skal i henhold til vedtægternes § 8 ske senest den 15. januar 2021 til bankens direktionssekretariat på adressen Baneskellet 1, Hammershøj, 8830 Tjele.KontaktinformationFor...
SmartCard Marketing Systems Inc. (OTC:SMKG) Signs MOU Fintech Strategic Partnership with Quotientica Pvt Ltd (India)
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Partnership to integrate AI Machine Learning for Fraud Detection to Provide Analytics for Banks and Financial Institutions as a Part of its Affiliate Partner Program with Mumbai Fintech FirmNew York, NY, Nov. 25, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire — SmartCard Marketing Systems Inc. (OTC:SMKG) announced today a strategic partnership with Quotientica Pvt Ltd. (India) as part of Global Investment Outreach Partners with the Government of Maharashtra’s “FinTech Investments and Deals Program signed recently this year”. The Partnership focuses on delivering an AI driven Fraud Detection system to Banks and Financial Institutions. Massimo Barone, CEO, stated, “This is the first of many exciting collaborations with the FinTech firms associated with the arm of Government of Maharashtra (India), bringing the best in technology...
Pieno zvaigzdes AB, not audited financial results for the nine months of 2020
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According to preliminary unaudited data sales revenue of Pieno Zvaigzdes AB during the nine months of 2020 was EUR 130.9 million or 1.6% higher than a year ago (sales revenue for the nine months of 2019 amounted to EUR 128.9 million).EBITDA for the first nine months of 2020 was EUR 11.8 million compared to EUR 8.8 million EBITDA a year ago.In the first nine months of 2020 the company earned EUR 6.3 million net profit. During the first nine months of 2019 the company had earned EUR 3.9 million net profit.Audrius StatulevičiusCFO+370 52461419Attachment2020_q3_en_eur_solo_ias
AB „Pieno žvaigždės“ 2020 metų devynių mėnesių neaudituoti finansiniai rezultatai
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Preliminariais neaudituotais duomenimis, AB “Pieno žvaigždės“ pardavimų pajamos per 2020 metų pirmus devynis mėnesius buvo 130,9 mln. EUR arba 1,6% didesnės nei prieš metus, kai 2019 m. devynių mėn. pardavimų pajamos siekė 128,9 mln. EUR.EBITDA per 2020 metų pirmus devynis mėnesius buvo 11,8 mln. EUR, lyginant su 8,8 mln. EUR EBITDA prieš metus.Per 2020 metų pirmus devynis mėnesius bendrovė uždirbo 6,3 mln. EUR grynojo pelno. Per 2019 metų pirmus devynis mėnesius bendrovė buvo uždirbusi 3,9 mln. EUR grynojo pelno.Audrius StatulevičiusFinansų direktorius+370 52461419Priedas2020_q3_lt_eur_solo_ias
Rush Factory Oyj:n uudet sitouttamis- ja kannustinjärjestelmät Optio-ohjelma 2020A ja Optio-ohjelma 2020B
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YhtiötiedoteRush Factory OyjRush Factoryn hallitus on 25.11.2020 päättänyt yhtiökokouksen 28.9.2020 antaman valtuutuksen perusteella kahdesta optio-ohjelmasta; Optio-ohjelma 2020A ja Optio-ohjelma 2020B. Optio-ohjelmien tarkoituksena on sitouttaa ja kannustaa yhtiöön työ-, toimi- ja toimeksiantosuhteessa olevia henkilöitä. Ohjelmien ehdot on kuvattuna alla. Nyt liikkeeseen laskettavien optio-oikeuksien perusteella merkittävät osakkeet vastaavat yhteensä enintään 3,99 prosenttia Rush Factoryn kaikista osakkeista ja äänistä mahdollisen osakemerkinnän jälkeen tiedotteen päivämäärällä, jos merkinnässä annetaan uusia osakkeita.RUSH FACTORY OYJ:N OPTIO-OHJELMA 2020AI OPTIO-OIKEUKSIEN EHDOT1 Optio-oikeuksien antaminen1.1 Rush Factory Oyj (“Yhtiö”) antaa enintään 75.000 optio-oikeutta, jotka oikeuttavat merkitsemään yhteensä enintään...
CRCAM Alpes Provence : Mise à disposition de l’avis de convocation à l’Assemblée générale extraordinaire du 27/11/2020
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Communiqué Information réglementée CRCAM Alpes Provence :Mise à disposition de l’avis de convocation à l’Assemblée générale extraordinaire du 27/11/2020 Le Crédit Agricole Alpes Provence vous informe que le document est disponible sur son site Internet : et a été transmis à l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers.Lien direct vers la rubrique « Informations réglementées » : NYSE Euronext Paris – Eurolist compartiment C – ISIN : FR0000044323Responsable de l’Information Financière : Jérôme VUILLEMOT (Directeur Financier)E-mail : jerome.vuillemot@ca-alpesprovence.frL’ensemble des informations réglementées sont disponibles sur le site internetèce jointeCRCAM ALPES PROVENCE Mise à disposition Avis de convocation Assemblée Générale Extraordinaire du 271120