Day: November 25, 2020
Today, the Boards of Directors of Kvika banki hf. (Kvika), TM hf. (TM) and Lykill fjármögnun hf. (Lykill) approved the merger of the three companies.In recent weeks, the companies have held talks and conducted mutual due diligence. The companies’ Boards have reviewed their results and decided to merge the companies. Under the merger agreement approved today, TM will transfer its insurance operations to its subsidiary, TM tryggingar hf. This will be followed by a tripartite merger of Kvika, TM and Lykill. TM tryggingar hf. will subsequently become a subsidiary of the merged company.The merger agreement contains the following conditions:that the Financial Supervisory Authority (FME) grant its approval for the merger, cf. Art. 106 of the Act on Financial Undertakings, No. 161/2002;that FME grant Kvika approval to own a qualifying holding...
Kvika banki, TM og Lykill sameinast
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Í dag samþykktu stjórnir Kviku banka hf. (Kvika), TM hf. (TM) og Lykils fjármögnunar hf. (Lykill) að sameina félögin.Á undanförnum vikum hafa félögin átt í viðræðum og framkvæmt gagnkvæmar áreiðanleikakannanir. Stjórnir félaganna hafa farið yfir niðurstöður þeirra og ákveðið að sameina félögin. Samkvæmt samrunasamningi, sem samþykktur var í dag, mun TM færa vátryggingastarfsemi sína í dótturfélag sitt, TM tryggingar hf. Í kjölfarið fari fram þríhliða samruni Kviku, TM og Lykils. TM tryggingar verða í kjölfarið dótturfélag sameinaðs félags.Í samrunasamningnum eru eftirtaldir fyrirvarar:FME veiti samþykki fyrir samrunanum, sbr. 106 gr. laga um fjármálafyrirtæki nr. 161/2002;FME veiti Kviku samþykki fyrir eignarhaldi á virkum eignarhlut í TM tryggingum hf., TM líftryggingum hf. og Íslenskri endurtryggingu hf., sbr. 58 gr. laga um vátryggingastarfsemi...
Wayne Savings Bancshares, Inc. Announces Adoption of a 5% Stock Repurchase Program
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WOOSTER, Ohio, Nov. 25, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Wayne Savings Bancshares, Inc., (the “Company”) (OTCQX:WAYN), the holding company for Wayne Savings Community Bank, reported that its Board of Directors approved a new stock repurchase program. On November 24, 2020, the Board of Directors adopted a new 5% stock repurchase program authorizing the Company to repurchase up to an additional 124,685 shares. The stock repurchase program may be limited or terminated at any time without prior notice. The previous stock repurchase program was completed during the third quarter of 2020.President and CEO James R. VanSickle commented, “The Company continues to support improvement in shareholder value by introducing this new 5% stock repurchase program. We remain committed to building value through strong earnings, cash dividends and stock repurchase...
Kvika banki hf.: Kvika banki, TM and Lykill Merge
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Today, the Boards of Directors of Kvika banki hf. (Kvika), TM hf. (TM) and Lykill fjármögnun hf. (Lykill) approved the merger of the three companies.In recent weeks, the companies have held talks and conducted mutual due diligence. The companies’ Boards have reviewed their results and decided to merge the companies. Under the merger agreement approved today, TM will transfer its insurance operations to its subsidiary, TM tryggingar hf. This will be followed by a tripartite merger of Kvika, TM and Lykill. TM tryggingar hf. will subsequently become a subsidiary of the merged company.The merger agreement contains the following conditions:that the Financial Supervisory Authority (FME) grant its approval for the merger, cf. Art. 106 of the Act on Financial Undertakings, No. 161/2002;that FME grant Kvika approval to own a qualifying holding in...
Kvika banki hf.: Kvika banki, TM og Lykill sameinast.
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Í dag samþykktu stjórnir Kviku banka hf. (Kvika), TM hf. (TM) og Lykils fjármögnunar hf. (Lykill) að sameina félögin.Á undanförnum vikum hafa félögin átt í viðræðum og framkvæmt gagnkvæmar áreiðanleikakannanir. Stjórnir félaganna hafa farið yfir niðurstöður þeirra og ákveðið að sameina félögin. Samkvæmt samrunasamningi, sem samþykktur var í dag, mun TM færa vátryggingastarfsemi sína í dótturfélag sitt, TM tryggingar hf. Í kjölfarið fari fram þríhliða samruni Kviku, TM og Lykils. TM tryggingar verða í kjölfarið dótturfélag sameinaðs félags.Í samrunasamningnum eru eftirtaldir fyrirvarar:FME veiti samþykki fyrir samrunanum, sbr. 106 gr. laga um fjármálafyrirtæki nr. 161/2002;FME veiti Kviku samþykki fyrir eignarhaldi á virkum eignarhlut í TM tryggingum hf., TM líftryggingum hf. og Íslenskri endurtryggingu hf., sbr. 58 gr. laga um vátryggingastarfsemi...
Osisko Gold Royalties Ltd Launches Osisko Development Corp. And Announces Related Corporate Changes
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MONTRÉAL, Nov. 25, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Osisko Gold Royalties Ltd (“Osisko Royalties“) (OR: TSX & NYSE) and Osisko Development Corp. (“Osisko Development“) (ODV: TSX-V) are pleased to announce the successful launch of Osisko Development – a premier gold development company in North America, with the objective of becoming the next mid-tier gold producer. The common shares of Osisko Development (“ODV Shares“) will begin trading on the TSX Venture Exchange on or about December 2, 2020 under the symbol “ODV”.Closing of RTOEarlier today Osisko Royalties and Osisko Development completed their previously announced spin-out transaction, which resulted in, among other things, Osisko Royalties transferring certain mining properties, including the Cariboo Gold Project, and a portfolio...
Orange denies any project concerning a takeover of ATOS
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Press releaseParis, 25 November 2020Orange denies any project concerning a takeover of ATOSOrange denies that it is working on a project relating to a takeover of ATOS and in consequence clarifies that this is not a subject that will be discussed at the next Board of Directors meeting.As stated on November 13, plans regarding the allocation of the approximately 2.2 billion euros, which result from a favorable decision by the French State Council (Conseil d’état) concerning a long-standing tax dispute, will be submitted to the Board of Directors of Orange and will then be implemented in a fair and balanced manner for the benefit of the development of the company, its employees and shareholders, in particular via an Employee Share Scheme and a strengthened social commitment in the context of the economic and health crisis we are going through.About...
Orange dément tout projet d’acquisition d’ATOS
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Communiqué de PresseParis, le 25 novembre 2020Orange dément tout projet d’acquisition d’ATOSOrange dément tout projet d’acquisition d’ATOS ainsi que son inscription à son prochain Conseil d’Administration.Comme rappelé le 13 novembre, les projets d’utilisation des 2,2 milliards d’euros environ issus de la décision favorable du Conseil d’Etat au sujet d’un ancien litige fiscal, seront soumis au Conseil d’administration d’Orange et seront ensuite mis en œuvre, en visant une attribution juste et équilibrée de ces fonds au bénéfice du développement de l’entreprise, de ses salariés et actionnaires, via notamment une Offre Réservée au Personnel et un engagement sociétal renforcé dans le contexte de crise économique et sanitaire que nous traversons.A propos d’OrangeOrange est l’un des principaux opérateurs de télécommunication...
Lori A. Johnston Named to Farmers & Merchants Bancorp, Inc. Board of Directors
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ARCHBOLD, Ohio, Nov. 25, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Farmers & Merchants Bancorp, Inc. (the “Company”) (NASDAQ: FMAO), the holding company of Farmers & Merchants State Bank (the “Bank”), announced today that the Company’s Board of Directors has increased in size from 12 to 13 members and Lori A. Johnston was appointed to the Board of Directors of both the Company and the Bank.Ms. Johnston resides in Grand Rapids, Ohio. She is the President of ProMedica Insurance Corporation, an affiliate of ProMedica Health System. She has been employed by ProMedica Health System and affiliates in increasing levels of leadership roles since 1996. Ms. Johnston was employed by Ernst & Young, LLP in Toledo, Ohio from 1983-1996 and is a Certified Public Accountant.Ms. Johnston is an active member of the Toledo community, serving as a Board...
EPH European Property Holdings Limited (EPH) – Third Quarter 2020 Financial Update
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25 November 2020, Road Town, Tortola, BVIBUSINESS HIGHLIGHTSIn Q3 2020 the Company continued to expand its activity to Europe and diversify its portfolio to ensure long-term capital preservation. Following this strategy, in July 2020, the Company acquired 100% of interest in the entity holding a hotel property in Salzgasse 4 in Dresden, Germany. The property is located in the historic centre of Dresden, very close to the main city attractions and Dresden Airport. It comprises an area of 15,550 sqm. with a total of 180 rooms, 46 underground parking spaces, a spa, restaurant, 261 sqm. of retail space and meeting rooms for up to 230 people. The property and is occupied by 4-star Hotel Innside Dresden of Melia Hotels & Resorts Group. The current lease runs till December 2029.The Company’s rental properties continue generating sufficient...