Day: November 25, 2020
MONTREAL, Nov. 25, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Niobay Metals Inc. (“NioBay” or the “Company”) (TSX-V: NBY) is pleased to announce that it has completed its sale of its interest (the “Transaction”) in the Des Meloizes Property (the “Property”), previously announced on September 29, 2020. The Property was owned by the Company and SOQUEM Inc. (“SOQUEM”), under a joint venture agreement.The TransactionThe Transaction was completed among the Company, SOQUEM and Generic Gold Corp. (“Generic Gold”). In exchange of its 47% ownership of the Property, the Company has received: (i) cash in the amount of $25,000; and (ii) an aggregate of 1,750,000 common shares (the “Consideration Shares”) in the capital of Generic Gold.In exchange for its 53% ownership in the Property, SOQUEM has received: (i) cash in the amount of $175,000;...
NioBay complète la vente d’une propriété et fournit une mise à jour corporative
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MONTRÉAL, 25 nov. 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Les Métaux NioBay inc. (« NioBay » ou la « Société ») (TSX-V : NBY) a le plaisir d’annoncer qu’elle a complété la vente de sa participation (la « transaction ») dans la propriété Des Meloizes (la « propriété ») annoncée précédemment le 29 septembre 2020. La propriété était détenue par la Société et SOQUEM inc. (« SOQUEM ») dans le cadre d’une entente de coentreprise.La transactionLa transaction a été complétée entre la Société, SOQUEM et Generic Gold Corp. (« Generic Gold »). En échange de sa participation de 47 % dans la propriété, la Société a reçu : (i) un montant en espèces de 25 000 $; et (ii) un total de 1 750 000 actions ordinaires (les « actions de contrepartie ») de Generic Gold.En échange de sa participation de 53 % dans la propriété, SOQUEM a reçu : (i) un montant en espèces de...
Mount Logan Capital Inc. Completes Final Tranche of Private Placement
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THIS NEWS RELEASE IS NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION TO U.S. NEWSWIRE SERVICES FOR DISSEMINATION IN THE UNITED STATESAll figures in Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted.TORONTO, Nov. 25, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mount Logan Capital Inc. (NEO: MLC) (“Mount Logan” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has completed the second and final tranche of its previously announced best efforts private placement (the “Private Placement”) and issued an additional 250,182 common shares of the Company (the “Shares”) at a purchase price of $2.75 per Share for additional gross proceeds of $688,000.In total, the Company issued 6,358,381 Shares pursuant to the Private Placement for gross proceeds of $17,485,548. The Private Placement was conducted through a syndicate of agents led by Canaccord Genuity Corp. and including ATB Capital Markets Inc....
Cronos Group Inc. to Speak at the Cowen 2020 Boston Cannabis Conference
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TORONTO, Nov. 25, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Cronos Group Inc. (NASDAQ: CRON) (TSX: CRON) (“Cronos Group” or the “Company”), an innovative global cannabinoid company, today announced that Mike Gorenstein, Executive Chairman, is scheduled to speak on a panel at the Cowen 2020 Boston Cannabis Conference on Wednesday, December 2, 2020 at 9:20 a.m. EST.For more information regarding the Cowen 2020 Boston Cannabis Conference please visit: Cronos Group Inc.Cronos Group is an innovative global cannabinoid company with international production and distribution across five continents. Cronos Group is committed to building disruptive intellectual property by advancing cannabis research, technology and product development. With a passion to responsibly elevate...
Red White & Bloom Announces Participation in Upcoming Investment Conferences
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TORONTO, Nov. 25, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Red White & Bloom Brands Inc. (CSE: RWB and OTC: RWBYF) (“RWB” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce they will be in attendance at two invitational investment conferences this month.Benzinga Small Cap ConferencePanel Discussion: Tuesday, December 8th, 2020Presentation: Tuesday, December 8th, 2020 – 1:00PM ET2020 Cantor Fitzgerald Virtual MSO Cannabis SummitPresentation: Wednesday, December 16th, 2020 – 3:00PM ETFor more information or to schedule a one-on-one meeting with RWB’s management during these events, please contact Red White & Bloom’s Investor Relations at Red White & Bloom Brands Inc.The Company is positioning itself to be one of the top three multi-state cannabis operators active in the U.S. legal cannabis and hemp sector. RWB is predominantly...
Marie Brizard Wine & Spirits: information prior to the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to be held on 30 November 2020
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Charenton-le-Pont, 25th November 2020Information prior to the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to be heldon 30 November 2020Marie Brizard Wine & Spirits (Euronext: MBWS) reminds its shareholders that the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company’s shareholders will be held on 30th November 2020 at 2:30 p.m. at the Company’s headquarters, under the chairmanship of Mr George Graux, Chairman of the Board of Directors.In accordance with the provisions of order n°2020-321 of 25 March 2020 issued in the context of the health crisis linked to Covid-19 and extended by decree n°2020-925 of 29 July 2020, it will exceptionally be held behind closed doors, without the physical presence of the shareholders and other...
Marie Brizard Wine & Spirits : informations préalables à l’Assemblée générale extraordinaire des actionnaires devant se tenir le 30 novembre 2020
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Charenton-le-Pont, le 25 novembre 2020 Informations préalables à l’Assemblée générale extraordinaire des actionnairesdevant se tenir le 30 novembre 2020Marie Brizard Wine & Spirits (Euronext : MBWS) rappelle à ses actionnaires que l’Assemblée générale extraordinaire des actionnaires de la Société se tiendra le 30 novembre 2020 à 14h30 au siège social de la Société, sous la présidence de Monsieur George Graux, Président du Conseil d’administration. Conformément aux dispositions de l’ordonnance n°2020-321 du 25 mars 2020 prise dans le cadre de la crise sanitaire liée au Covid-19 et prorogée par le décret n°2020-925 du 29 juillet 2020, elle se tiendra exceptionnellement à huis clos, hors la présence physique des actionnaires et des autres personnes ayant le droit d’y assister. Les actionnaires sont donc invités à participer à...
Agenus to Participate in Evercore ISI 3rd Annual HealthCONx Conference
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LEXINGTON, Mass., Nov. 25, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Agenus Inc. (NASDAQ: AGEN), an immuno-oncology company with an extensive pipeline of checkpoint antibodies, cell therapies, adjuvants, and vaccines designed to activate immune response to cancers and infections, today announced that Dr. Jennifer Buell, President and COO of Agenus, will participate in a fireside chat hosted by Umer Raffat at the Evercore ISI 3rd Annual HealthCONx Conference on Thursday, December 3, 2020 from 10:55 AM – 11:15 AM EST.Dr. Buell will provide an update on clinical programs, including AGEN1181, and corporate progress.Registration for the webinar can be done in advance at replay will be available after the call on the...
DraftKings Teams with Triller to Become the Official Sports Betting Partner of Mike Tyson vs. Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Match
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World Boxing Athletic Commission to Both Score and Determine Winner for November 28thFight With Wagering Available via DraftKings“A Knockout Will be a Win”BOSTON, Nov. 25, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, DraftKings (Nasdaq: DKNG) has become the “Official Sports Betting Partner” of the upcoming boxing match contested between former undisputed heavyweight world champion, Mike Tyson, and former four-division world champion, Roy Jones Jr. The big event, which is scheduled for November 28, 2020, has partnered with DraftKings as its official sports betting partner (subject to state restrictions) along with a nationally available free-to-play pool. The bouts will all be sanctioned by CSAC and scored by the World Boxing Athletic Commission, who will additionally choose a winner based on pro-fighting rules. A knockout will also be considered...
Kvika banki, TM og Lykill sameinast.
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Í dag samþykktu stjórnir Kviku banka hf. (Kvika), TM hf. (TM) og Lykils fjármögnunar hf. (Lykill) að sameina félögin.Á undanförnum vikum hafa félögin átt í viðræðum og framkvæmt gagnkvæmar áreiðanleikakannanir. Stjórnir félaganna hafa farið yfir niðurstöður þeirra og ákveðið að sameina félögin. Samkvæmt samrunasamningi, sem samþykktur var í dag, mun TM færa vátryggingastarfsemi sína í dótturfélag sitt, TM tryggingar hf. Í kjölfarið fari fram þríhliða samruni Kviku, TM og Lykils. TM tryggingar verða í kjölfarið dótturfélag sameinaðs félags.Í samrunasamningnum eru eftirtaldir fyrirvarar:FME veiti samþykki fyrir samrunanum, sbr. 106 gr. laga um fjármálafyrirtæki nr. 161/2002;FME veiti Kviku samþykki fyrir eignarhaldi á virkum eignarhlut í TM tryggingum hf., TM líftryggingum hf. og Íslenskri endurtryggingu hf., sbr. 58 gr. laga um vátryggingastarfsemi...