Day: November 24, 2020
Tulsa, OK, Nov. 24, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire — AppSwarm, Corp. (OTC: SWRM), a software development company and aggregator of mobile applications, announces a free trial of its video conferencing communication platform for the holiday season. As Thanksgiving approaches many individuals may be unable to gather with family and friends due to increased health restrictions within local areas. Our video conferencing packages allow up to 20 friends and family members to join in on a virtual video celebration to meet, laugh, and share greetings from wherever they may be. Users can also play video and audio from around the web, and exchange images and chat during their virtual live holiday events.SwarmConnect would like to provide a platform solution for family and friends to remain in touch, and maybe share a laugh...
Regarding exceeding of limit of 1/3 of voting rights at the General Meeting of Shareholders and intentions to transfer shares which are exceeding 1/3 of all voting rights
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On 24 November 2020 AB “Linas” got notification from Shareholder UAB “Vasana”. Following Art. 26 (1) of the Law on Securities of the Republic of Lithuania UAB “Vasana” notice that have no intention to announce a mandatory offer and have intention to transfer shares which are exceeding 1/3 of all voting rights.AB “Linas” chief of financeEgidijus Mikeliūnas+370 45 506100
Dėl 1/3 balsų ribos AB „Linas“ visuotinio akcininkų susirinkime peržengimo ir ketinimų perleisti akcijas, viršijančias 1/3 visų balsavimo teisę suteikiančių akcijų
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2020 m. lapkričio 24 d. AB „Linas“ gavo akcininko UAB „Vasana“ pranešimą. Vadovaudamasi Lietuvos Respublikos Vertybinių popierių įstatymo 26 str. 3 dalimi, įmonė UAB „Vasana“ praneša, kad neketina teikti privalomo oficialaus siūlymo supirkti likusias balsavimo teisę suteikiančias bendrovės AB „Linas“ akcijas ir ketina perleisti akcijas, viršijančias 1/3 visų balsavimo teisę suteikiančių akcijų.AB „Linas“ finansų vadovasEgidijus Mikeliūnas+370 45 506100
Notification of the acquisition of a block of the voting rights
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Attached information about AB “Linas” shareholder’s acquisition of a block of the voting rights.AB “Linas” chief of financeEgidijus Mikeliūnas+370 45 506100AttachmentPranešimas apie akcijų įsigijimą 2020-11-24 ENG
Pranešimas apie balsavimo teisių paketo įgijimą
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Informuojame, kad gautas pranešimas apie AB „Linas“ balsavimo teisių paketo įgijimą. Žr. pridėtą failą.AB „Linas“ finansų vadovasEgidijus Mikeliūnas+370 45 506100PriedasPranešimas apie akcijų įsigijimą 2020-11-24
Notification of the disposal of a block of the voting rights
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Attached information about AB “Linas” shareholder’s disposal of a block of the voting rights.AB “Linas” chief of financeEgidijus Mikeliūnas+370 45 506100AttachmentPranešimas apie akcijų netekimą 2020-11-24 Roccero ENG
Ricky Sitomer, CEO of Star Jets International, Inc. (JETR), Announces Record $3,000,000+ in Revenue for the Third Quarter of 2020
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NEW YORK, Nov. 24, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Star Jets International, Inc. (OTCPink: JETR), a leading Private Jet Charter Company, announces that the Company booked in excess of $3,000,000 million for the third quarter of 2020; an increase in sales from the same quarter last year of 245%. The global Covid-19 pandemic increased revenue, as predicted, because Company continues on a tremendous growth trend as the demand for private air travel shows no signs of slowing down.The Company expects to continue increasing its bookings throughout the 2020 Holiday season in the 4th quarter and into the 1st quarter of 2021. Health concerns related to Covid-19 continue to remain a primary reason for the uptick in private travel demand.Ricky Sitomer, CEO of JETR stated, “We are very excited to have increased our revenue this quarter to over $3,000,000....
Aptean to Add Product Lifecycle Management to its Solution Suite Through Acquisition of Lascom
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ALPHARETTA, Ga., Nov. 24, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, Aptean, a global provider of mission-critical enterprise software solutions, announced the signing of a definitive agreement to acquire Lascom, a leader in product lifecycle management (PLM) solutions for the manufacturing sector, including companies in the food and beverage, personal care, cosmetics and retail industries. Through this acquisition, Aptean will expand its cloud-native solution offerings to complement its enterprise resource planning (ERP) leadership and build on its growing presence in Europe. The transaction is expected to close in the fourth quarter of 2020, pending customary closing conditions.Lascom was founded in 1989 and is headquartered in Velizy, France with its U.S. operations located in San Diego, California. The company’s cloud-native PLM software...
Aptean ajoute une offre « Product Lifecycle Management » à son portefeuille de solutions avec l’acquisition de Lascom
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ALPHARETTA, Ga., 24 nov. 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Aujourd’hui, Aptean, un acteur mondial des logiciels d’entreprise, a annoncé la signature d’un accord définitif pour l’acquisition de Lascom, un précurseur des solutions de gestion du cycle de vie des produits (PLM) pour les industriels, en particulier dans le secteur du food et beverage, de la cosmétique et de la distribution. Grâce à cette acquisition, Aptean complète son offre de solutions « cloud-natives » pour asseoir son leadership sur les Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) et accélérer sa présence en Europe. La transaction devrait être conclue au quatrième trimestre de 2020, une fois levées les conditions de clôture habituelles.La société Lascom, basée à Vélizy en France, a été fondé en 1989 et adresse le marché américain depuis une filiale située à San Diego, en...
Nabis Holdings Inc. gibt Rekapitalisierungstransaktion mit Unterstützung der wichtigsten Stakeholder bekannt
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Nov. 24, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nabis Holdings Inc. (CSE: NAB) (OTC: NABIF) (FRA: A2PL) („Nabis“ oder das „Unternehmen“) gab heute den Abschluss eines Unterstützungsvertrags (der „Unterstützungsvertrag“) mit bestimmten Inhabern (die „Anleihegläubiger“) des ausstehenden Kapitalbetrags von 35 Millionen USD aus den mit 8,0% verzinsten ungesicherten Wandelschuldverschreibungen des Unternehmens (die „Schuldverschreibungen“) bekannt. Gemäß dem Unterstützungsvertrag haben die Inhaber der Schuldverschreibungen zugestimmt, einen Rekapitalisierungsplan für Nabis mitzutragen, der – vorbehaltlich der erforderlichen Zustimmung der Gläubiger (die „Gläubiger“) von Nabis und des Ontario Superior Court of Justice – zur Rekapitalisierung der Schuldverschreibungen und aller anderen Schulden des Unternehmens (die „Rekapitalisierung“)...