Day: November 20, 2020
GRANT, Fla., Nov. 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Kaival Brands Innovations Group, Inc. (OTCQB: KAVL) (“Kaival Brands,” the “Company,” or “we”), is the exclusive global distributor of products manufactured by Bidi Vapor, LLC (“Bidi Vapor”). Bidi Vapor’s primary offering, the BidiTM Stick, is the fastest-growing closed system vaping product in the U.S. The tamper-proof BidiTM Stick is also the only vape product on the market with an, ecologically friendly, mass recycling program. Kaival Brands also recently launched Bidi Vapor’s BidiTM Pouch, a tobacco-free nicotine pouch.Throughout 2020, Kaival Brands has significantly increased the distribution of BidiTM Stick products through national retailers Most notably, Kaival Brands anticipates that by the end of 2020, it will have expanded the presence of Bidi Vapor products in Circle K stores...
Uppgreiðsla lánasamnings REG2 Smáralind 14. desember 2020.
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REG 2 Smáralind, sérhæfður sjóður í rekstri Stefnis hf., gaf þann 14. desember 2012 út skuldabréfaflokkinn REG2SM 12 2, sem skráður er á Nasdaq OMX Iceland.Lántaki sjóðsins, Eignarhaldsfélagið Smáralind ehf., hefur í dag tilkynnt sjóðnum að hann muni nýta sér rétt til uppgreiðslu. Í samræmi við skilmála skuldabréfaflokksins myndast uppgreiðsluskylda sjóðsins á flokknum. Uppgreiðslugjald nemur 1,0% af uppreiknaðri fjárhæð þeirrar afborgunar, sem greidd er umfram hina samningsbundnu afborgun á viðkomandi gjalddaga.Næsti gjalddagi skuldabréfsins er 14. desember 2020 og verður flokkurinn greiddur upp þann dag.Frekari upplýsingar veitir Anna Kristjánsdóttir, forstöðumaður skuldabréfa hjá Stefni hf.: s. 444 7461
EnWave Appoints Mr. Pablo Cussatti to its Board of Directors, Announces Retirement of Director, Mr. Hugh McKinnon
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Nov. 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — EnWave Corporation (TSX-V:ENW | FSE:E4U) (“EnWave”, or the “Company”), announced today that Mr. Pablo Cussatti has been appointed to EnWave’s Board of Directors. Mr. Cussatti brings 28 years of food operations and manufacturing experience to the Company. He is currently the Senior Vice President of Manufacturing for Ventura Foods and has extensive experience with other national brands such as Blue Apron, Pinnacle Foods, Pepsi Bottling Group, and Dean Foods. EnWave believes that Mr. Cussatti’s expertise will benefit the operations and growth prospects of NutraDried Food Company (“NutraDried”), the Company’s wholly-owned subsidiary, and other strategic initiatives currently underway at EnWave, including the buildout of a Radiant Energy Vacuum toll manufacturing...
Nasdaq Named to Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the Fifth Consecutive Year
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NEW YORK, Nov. 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nasdaq (Nasdaq: NDAQ) today announced it has been selected as a North American index component of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), one of the most prestigious environmental, social, and governance (ESG) ranking efforts, for the fifth consecutive year. Nasdaq maintains its industry leadership as the only stock exchange operator selected for inclusion in the North America index, and was among eight diversified financial services companies selected from the region this year.“Nasdaq is navigating the future of sustainable business to create inclusive growth and prosperity, and we are honored to be recognized by the DJSI for our commitment to ESG,” said Evan Harvey, Global Head of Sustainability at Nasdaq. “Our inclusion in this index is a reflection of our continued focus on creating...
Jushi Holdings Inc. Announces Participation at Upcoming Conferences in December 2020
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BOCA RATON, Fla., Nov. 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Jushi Holdings Inc. (“Jushi” or the “Company”) (CSE: JUSH) (OTCMKTS: JUSHF), a vertically integrated, multi-state cannabis operator, announced that Erich Mauff, President, Board Member and Founder of Jushi, will participate at two upcoming conferences:Cowen Inc.’s 3rd Annual Boston Cannabis Conference is being held on November 30 – December 2, 2020. Mr. Mauff will be participating in virtual one-on-one investor meetings on Tuesday, December 1, 2020.2020 Cantor Fitzgerald Virtual MSO Cannabis Summit is being held on December 15 – 16, 2020. Mr. Mauff is scheduled to participate in a fireside chat on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 11:30am ET.For more information about the conferences or to schedule a one-on-one meeting with Jushi’s management during these events, please contact...
CMUV Bancorp Announces 4th Quarter 2020 Cash Dividend
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El Centro, CA, Nov. 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire — The Board of Directors of CMUV Bancorp, the bank holding company for Community Valley Bank, has approved a 4th Quarter cash dividend of $0.08 per common share. The dividend will be payable on December 31, 2020 to all shareholders of record on December 9, 2020. Jon A.
JOYY Inc. Announces Additional Quarterly Cash Dividend
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GUANGZHOU, China, Nov. 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — JOYY Inc. (Nasdaq: YY) (“JOYY” or the “Company”), a global video-based social media platform, today announced that, in order to further demonstrate the Company’s solid cash balance and the ability to consistently generate strong cash flow, in addition to the quarterly dividend policy previously approved by the Company’s board of directors in August 2020, the Company’s board of directors approved an additional quarterly dividend policy for the next three years commencing immediately. Under such policy, the total cash dividend amount expected to be paid will be approximately US$200.0 million and quarterly dividend will be set at a fixed amount of approximately US$16.67 million in each fiscal quarter. The board of directors has accordingly declared a dividend of US$0.20 per ADS, or US$0.0100...
View Systems, Inc. (VSYM) Announces International Pre-Orders for ViewScan and Launches New Website to Begin Marketing ViewScan II with Real Time Thermal Imaging Temperature Results and other Enhanced Features.
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Company to finalize acquisition of Colombian Cannabis Company, Sannabis S.A.S., and announce cannabis licenses.Barranquilla, Colombia, Nov. 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — View Systems, Inc. (OTC:VSYM), the developer of the award winning ViewScan Concealed Weapons Detection and Asset Control System, with over 500 installations in government buildings and military bases around the World, announces the launch of their new website to begin marketing the new and improved ViewScan II,, through wholly owned subsidiary, View Systems International, Inc. (VSII).The Company also announces pre-orders of ViewScan from long standing international customers. More details on these pre-orders will be provided once terms have been agreed. To date, View Systems, Inc. has sold over $ 14 Million in ViewScans and are revamping to incorporate...
Greene County Bancorp, Inc. Appoints Paul Slutzky as Chairman of the Board of Directors
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CATSKILL, N.Y., Nov. 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Greene County Bancorp, Inc. announced today that the Board of Directors has appointed Paul Slutzky to serve as Chairman of the Board.Mr. Slutzky will be succeeding Martin Smith, in a planned retirement transition following Mr. Smith’s announced plan to retire from the Board. Mr. Smith had served on the Board of Directors since 1993, and was named Chairman in 2005.Mr. Slutzky joined the Bank’s Board of Directors in 1992. Mr. Slutzky is a former co-owner of Hunter Mountain Ski Area and affiliated companies. He is also retired from I. & O. A. Slutzky, Inc., a general construction company. Mr. Slutzky brings over 40 years of valuable business and leadership skills, financial acumen, and many other qualities that are beneficial to the Board.Commenting on the leadership transition,...
Auris Medical Launches Website for AM-301-focused Subsidiary, Altamira Medica
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Hamilton, Bermuda, November 20, 2020 – Auris Medical Holding Ltd. (NASDAQ: EARS), a clinical-stage company dedicated to developing therapeutics that address important unmet medical needs in neurotology, rhinology and allergy and CNS disorders, today announced the launch of a dedicated website for its affiliate Altamira Medica Ltd. The website,, offers quick and easy access to information about the Company’s development of AM-301, a drug-free nasal spray intended for self-protection against risks from exposure to airborne viruses and allergens. Altamira Medica Ltd. was set up in September 2020 as a subsidiary of Auris Medical Holding Ltd. to focus on and expedite the development of AM-301. Upon application into the nose, AM-301 forms a protective gel layer on the nasal mucosa. This thin film is designed to prevent...