Day: November 20, 2020
ENDEAVOUR ANNOUNCES RESULTS OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING George Town, 20 November 2020 – Endeavour Mining Corporation (TSX:EDV)(OTCQX:EDVMF) is pleased to announce that all the proposed resolutions at its Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on Friday, November 20, 2020 were duly passed.The results for each of the matters voted upon at the meeting are set out below:CONTACT INFORMATIONABOUT ENDEAVOUR MININGEndeavour Mining is a multi-asset gold producer focused on West Africa, with two mines (Ity and Agbaou) in Côte d’Ivoire, four mines (Houndé, Mana, Karma and Boungou) in Burkina Faso, four potential development projects (Fetekro, Kalana, Bantou and Nabanga) and a strong portfolio of exploration assets on the highly prospective Birimian Greenstone Belt across Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Mali and Guinea.As a leading gold producer,...
VÍS: Samsett hlutfall og ávöxtun fjáreigna í október 2020
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Samsett hlutfall* í október 2020 var 103,1% og það sem af er ári, 107,5%. Samsett hlutfall síðustu 12 mánaða er 105,6%. Samsett hlutfall í október tekur mið af árstíðabundnum sveiflum í rekstri félagsins en þess má geta að eitt tjón telur 5% í hlutfallinu. Þá er í mánuðinum gjaldfærður hluti kostnaðar vegna þróunar á Ökuvísi.VÍS greiddi viðskiptavinum sínum tæpan 1,5 milljarð króna í tjónabætur** í október og hefur greitt viðskiptavinum sínum tæpa 14,3 milljarða króna í tjónabætur það sem af er ári.Ávöxtun fjárfestingaeigna í október var 1,0% en ávöxtun til loka október frá áramótum var 7,9%.*Samsett hlutfall er tjónakostnaður, endurtryggingakostnaður og rekstrarkostnaður af vátryggingastarfsemi sem hlutfall af iðgjöldum tímabilsins samkvæmt leiðbeinandi tilmælum Seðlabanka Íslands, fjármálaeftirlits nr. 1/2020.**Hafa skal í huga að tjónakostnaður...
ADLPartner : modalités de mise à disposition ou de consultation des documents préparatoires à l’assemblée générale mixte du 11 décembre 2020
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COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSEParis, le 20 novembre 2020 (18h00)ADLPartner : modalités de mise à disposition ou de consultation des documents préparatoires à l’assemblée générale mixte du 11 décembre 2020ADLPartner informe ses actionnaires que l’assemblée Générale mixte a été convoquée le vendredi 11 décembre 2020 à 9 heures au 15 rue Henri Rol-Tanguy à Montreuil (93100).Dans le contexte évolutif de l’épidémie de Codiv-19 et de lutte contre sa propagation, le directoire de la société a décidé de tenir exceptionnellement l’assemblée générale à huis clos hors la présence physique des actionnaires, sous réserve toutefois que la réglementation le permette expressément (ce qui n’est pas le cas actuellement l’assemblée générale se tenant après le 30 novembre 2020).Compte tenu de cette incertitude, les actionnaires sont invités à privilégier le vote...
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Le 20 novembre 2020ASSEMBLEE GENERALE ORDINAIRE DU 11 DECEMBRE 2020 MODALITES DE MISE A DISPOSITION DES DOCUMENTS PREPARATOIRESDans le contexte de l’épidémie du Covid-19 et des mesures administratives prises pour interdire les rassemblements collectifs pour des motifs sanitaires, les modalités d’organisation et de participation des actionnaires à l’Assemblée générale devant se tenir le 11 décembre 2020 sont aménagées.Mesdames et Messieurs les actionnaires de la société « BIGBEN INTERACTIVE » sont convoqués en assemblée générale ordinaire, le 11 décembre 2020 à 15 heures, à huis clos, c’est-à-dire sans que les actionnaires et les autres personnes ayant le droit d’y assister ne soient présents physiquement.Les informations relatives à l’Assemblée sont à votre disposition sur le site de Bigben Interactive,...
Fancamp Update and Annual Meeting
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Nov. 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Fancamp Exploration Ltd. (“Fancamp” or the “Corporation”) (TSX VENTURE: FNC) announces that it has initiated a strategic review of its mineral properties. The strategic review is expected to be completed in January 2021. This review will enable the Corporation to focus its resources more effectively and will position Famcamp to take advantage of new opportunities.The Corporation is pleased to report progress on its ongoing exploration activity. The Wells Cs-Li-Rb Showing is located 20 km south of the town Cadillac and in the township of Lacourcière along the road leading to Rapid 2 in Abitibi. The mineralization is found in a late dyke that has invaded a fracture oriented at 310 degrees and plunging steeply to the north. The 2020 work identified three pegmatite dykes,...
Euro Manganese bestellt Demonstrationsanlage für hochreine Manganprodukte, die im Sommer 2021 in Betrieb gehen soll, und liefert ein Update
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Nov. 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Euro Manganese Inc. (TSX-V / ASX: EMN) (das „Unternehmen“ oder „EMN“) freut sich, einen aktuellen Überblick über das zu 100 % unternehmenseigene Chvaletice Manganprojekt (das „Projekt“) in der Tschechischen Republik geben zu können:Highlights:Auftrag für Demonstrationsanlage erteilt. Beschaffung und Herstellung sollen sofort beginnen. Schafft die Voraussetzungen für die Einführung eines Qualifizierungsprozesses für die Lieferkette von hochreinen Manganprodukten in Chvaletice mit mehreren potenziellen Kunden;Alle Flächen für die kommerzielle Anlage in Chvaletice, einschließlich einer zweiten Schienenverbindung, sind nun mit drei zusätzlichen Vereinbarungen für den Erwerb bzw. die Pacht von Grundstücken gesichert;Die Demonstrationsanlage wurde wie vorgeschlagen zugelassen....
Agfa-Gevaert: Publication of a transparency notification (AOC) – Regulated information
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(Article 14 of the law of May 2, 2007 on the disclosure of significant shareholdings)Mortsel, Belgium – November 20, 2020 – 5.40 p.m. CETIn conformity with the Law of May 2, 2007 regarding the disclosure of significant shareholdings in listed companies, Agfa-Gevaert (Euronext: AGFB) discloses the following declaration:Active Ownership Capital S.à.r.l. has announced on November 18, 2020, that it managed a stake in Agfa-Gevaert as per November 17, 2020 of 25,882,429 voting rights or 15.06% (denominator is 171,851,042), thus crossing the threshold of 15% upwards.On this date, AOC Value S.A.S. individually held 15,315,360 voting rights or 8.91%.Also on this date, AOC Technology S.A.S., individually held 10,567,069 voting rights or 6.15%.The total amount of voting rights held by the controlled undertakings as described below equals 15.06%.Full...
Agfa-Gevaert: Openbaarmaking over een transparantie-kennisgeving (AOC) – Gereglementeerde informatie
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(artikel 14 van de wet van 2 mei 2007 op de openbaarmaking van belangrijke deelnemingen)Mortsel, België – 20 november 2020 – 17.40 uur CETConform de Wet van 2 mei 2007 op de openbaarmaking van belangrijke deelnemingen in beursgenoteerde bedrijven, publiceert Agfa-Gevaert (Euronext: AGFB) volgende kennisgeving:Active Ownership Capital S.à.r.l. heeft op 18 november 2020 gemeld dat het op 17 november 2020 een participatie in Agfa-Gevaert beheerde van 25.882.429 stemrechten, hetzij 15,06% (noemer is 171.851.042), en daarmee de drempel van 15% naar boven overschreed.Op deze datum beschikte AOC Value S.A.S. afzonderlijk over 15.315.360 stemrechten of 8,91%.Eveneens op deze datum beschikte AOC Technology S.A.S. afzonderlijk over 10.567.069 stemrechten of 6,15%.Het totale aantal stemrechten dat wordt aangehouden door de hieronder beschreven ondernemingen...
WOW! Unlimited Media’s Channel Frederator Network Announces Live Game Show Cartoon Punch
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NEW YORK and TORONTO, Nov. 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Channel Frederator Network, part of WOW! Unlimited Media’s (“WOW!” or the “Corporation”) (TSXV: WOW; OTCQX: WOWMF) leading next generation kids and youth entertainment business, has announced the launch of Cartoon Punch, a new interactive game show that will debut on the Network’s Twitch and YouTube accounts as a six-day charitable event.The show was created by Channel Frederator Network gamers/storytime animators 8 Bit Ultra, Ivan Animated, and GetMadz with a simple goal in mind: provide a new experience to fans in a special, unique and fun way. Cartoon Punch will pit Network animators against one another in artistic challenges made more difficult by obstacles and prompts and hindrances from fans in the audience – i.e. having to draw with your opposite...
Sprott Focus Trust, Inc. (Nasdaq-FUND) Implements a Share Repurchase Program
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TORONTO, Nov. 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Board of Trustees (the “Board”) of Sprott Focus Trust, Inc. (the “Fund” or Nasdaq ticker “FUND”), advised by Sprott Asset Management L.P. and sub-advised by Sprott Asset Management USA, Inc. (collectively, the “Advisers”), announced today that the Board has authorized and approved a share repurchase program for up to $50 million aggregate purchase price of the currently outstanding shares of the Company’s common stock through 2021. Under the share repurchase program, the Fund may purchase up to 5% of its outstanding common shares as of November 20, 2020, in the open market, between now and December 31, 2021. As part of its evaluation of options to enhance shareholder value, the Board has authorized the Advisers to repurchase its Fund’s common shares at such...