Day: November 16, 2020
FREMONT, Calif., Nov. 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zosano Pharma Corporation (NASDAQ:ZSAN), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, today announced that the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors granted a stock option to purchase 100,000 shares of Zosano’s common stock to a new employee as an inducement award.The stock option has an exercise price of $0.4777 per share, which is equal to the closing price of Zosano’s common stock on November 16, 2020. 25% of the shares underlying the option will vest on November 16, 2021, and 1/48th of the total shares will vest monthly thereafter, subject to continued service.The award was approved in accordance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4).About Zosano PharmaZosano Pharma Corporation is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing products where rapid administration...
Rackspace Technology Global Announces Pricing of $550 Million Notes Offering
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SAN ANTONIO, Nov. 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Rackspace Technology Global, Inc. (the “Company”) today announced that it has priced its offering of $550.0 million aggregate principal amount of 5.375% Senior Notes due 2028 (the “Notes”) at an issue price of 100.000%. The closing of the offering is expected to occur on December 1, 2020, and is subject to customary closing conditions.The Company intends to use the net proceeds from the offering, together with cash on hand, to fund the refinancing of all of the Company’s outstanding 8.625% Senior Notes due 2024 and to pay related fees and expenses.The Notes are being offered only to persons reasonably believed to be qualified institutional buyers in reliance on Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), and outside the United...
Star Bulk Carriers Corp. Reports Financial Results for the Third Quarter and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2020
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ATHENS, Greece, Nov. 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Star Bulk Carriers Corp. (the “Company” or “Star Bulk”) (Nasdaq: SBLK), a global shipping company focusing on the transportation of dry bulk cargoes, today announced its unaudited financial and operating results for the third quarter and the nine months ended September 30, 2020.Financial HighlightsPetros Pappas, Chief Executive Officer of Star Bulk, commented:“Star Bulk returned to profitability during the third quarter of 2020, reporting Net income of $23.3 million, Adjusted Net Income of $27.3 million, TCE Revenues of $137.8 million and Adjusted EBITDA of $79.7 million. We were able to take advantage of the recovering dry bulk market, increasing our TCE to $13,083/ day per vessel for the third quarter of 2020. Average Opex per vessel excluding non-recurring...
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中国东莞, Nov. 17, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 从事品牌和非品牌宠物产品综合性开发与生产的多尼斯(国际)股份有限公司(以下称“多尼斯”或“公司”)(NASDAQ:DOGZ)今天宣布,该公司位于中国东莞的高科技新总部盛大开启,为公司的全球发展提供支持。多尼斯董事长兼首席执行官陈四龙先生表示:“新总部的盛大开启是我们为了实现企业长期目标而不断进取路程上的又一重要里程碑,并为预期的未来收入和利润增长提供了支持。过去17年间,我们已成功建立了一个拥有强大分销网络的全球性领先品牌,这将让我们得以实现下一阶段的扩展。”新的多尼斯总部位于中国东莞,拥有面积达3万平方米的高科技园区,设有一流的制造、研发、销售和营销、物联网平台、仓储和物流等专门设施。新总部还设有一个充满活力的展厅,展示多尼斯的全系列宠物产品以及公司超过200项的国内外专利。新总部设施内广泛采用多尼斯品牌标志性的蓝色和橙色,凸显充满活力的企业文化以及智能技术和人类智慧的融合。新总部的优越位置有利于彰显公司以员工为中心的企业文化,并将成为一项招聘优势,吸引顶尖人才,为持续性的研发工作和不断增长的客户需求提供支持。陈先生还表示:“新总部有效整合了多尼斯的各职能部门,为我们敬业的员工创造了最高效的工作环境,促进不同职能部门之间更好地协作、更有效地沟通,这将最终带来更大的员工幸福感并进一步提升生产率,并为公司和股东带来更高的回报。我们基于创新和专利保护的各项产品为我们提供了短期和长期的竞争优势,而我们也正在积极扩大这一优势,加快发展并不断地向我们的长期目标迈进。”关于多尼斯多尼斯(国际)股份有限公司创立于2003年,其创立理念是:宠物狗和宠物猫是家庭中重要且深受喜爱的成员。多尼斯以其智能产品、卫生产品、健康和保健产品以及牵引产品简化宠物生活方式,提升豢养宠物的科学性,增进宠物和看护者之间的关系。公司通过完全集成的垂直供应链和世界级研发能力,确保提供业界领先的质量,目前公司拥有的专利和待审批专利已超过200项。多尼斯产品通过全球连锁商店和分销商提供给全球各地家庭。如需获取更多信息,请访问。前瞻性声明本新闻稿中的任何声明均不得解释为购买或出售任何证券的要约。此类要约只能根据经修订的《1933年证券法》和适用的各州证券法律提出。本新闻稿中关于我们未来增长前景的某些声明属前瞻性声明,涉及我们未来的业务预期,意在根据1995年《私人证券诉讼改革法案》满足“安全港”资格要求,其中涉及多项可能导致实际结果与此类前瞻性声明中的结果发生重大差异的风险和不确定性。与这些陈述相关的风险和不确定性包括但不限于:有关我们以任何特定条款筹集资金的能力的风险和不确定性、收入波动、汇率波动、我们管理增长的能力、我们通过在中国和美国扩大运营和收购资产实现收益的能力、我们吸引和留住高技能专业人员的能力、客户集中度、行业部门的集中度、对我们重点领域技术的需求减少、我们成功完成和集成潜在收购的能力、对我们知识产权的未经授权使用,以及影响我们行业的总体经济情况。我们向美国证券交易委员会提交的文件中更全面地描述了可能影响我们未来经营业绩的其他风险。上述文件可通过www.sec.gov查看。多尼斯可能会不时作出更多的书面和口头前瞻性声明,包括公司向美国证券交易委员会提交的文件和我们向股东提交的报告中所载的声明。此外请注意,本文所包含的任何前瞻性声明均基于我们在本新闻稿发布之日认定合理的假设。除非法律规定,否则本公司不承诺对由本公司或代表本公司可能不时作出的任何前瞻性声明进行更新。如需了解更多信息,请联系投资者关系部(IR):Global...
Mason Graphite Comments on Trading Activity at Request of IIROC
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MONTREAL, Nov. 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mason Graphite Inc. (“Mason Graphite” or the “Company”) (TSX.V: LLG; OTCQX: MGPHF) is issuing this press release in response to a request by the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (“IIROC”) to comment on recent trading activity of its stock. IIROC monitors continuous trading in all listed issuers.The Company is not aware of any material, undisclosed corporate developments and has no material change in its business or affairs that has not been publicly disclosed that would account for the recent increase in volume or price. The Company will keep the market informed as required.About Mason GraphiteMason Graphite is a Canadian corporation dedicated to the production and transformation of natural graphite. Its strategy includes the development...
Mason Graphite commente sur les transactions à la demande de l’OCRCVM
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MONTRÉAL, 16 nov. 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mason Graphite Inc. («Mason Graphite» ou la «Société») (TSX.V: LLG; OTCQX: MGPHF) publie ce communiqué de presse en réponse à une demande de l’Organisme canadien de réglementation du commerce des valeurs mobilières («OCRCVM») de commenter les récentes activités de négociation de ses actions. L’OCRCVM surveille en permanence la négociation de tous les émetteurs inscrits.La Société n’a connaissance d’aucun développement corporatif important et non divulgué et n’a aucun changement important dans ses activités ou affaires qui n’a pas été divulgué publiquement et qui expliquerait l’augmentation récente du volume ou du prix. La Société tiendra le marché informé au besoin.À propos de Mason GraphiteMason Graphite est une compagnie canadienne dédiée à la...
Idaho First Bank Announces Opening Of Full-Service Branch in Nampa
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NAMPA, Idaho, Nov. 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Idaho First Bank (the “Bank”) (OTC: IDFB) is pleased to announce the opening of a new full-service branch located in Nampa, Idaho. The Nampa location serves as the sixth full-service branch of Idaho First Bank, which celebrated its 15th anniversary in October.Originally opened as a Loan Production Office (LPO) in April 2020, this new location will provide full service in-branch banking including checking and savings accounts, and lending from mortgages to business expansion and commercial construction.“We are excited to expand into a full-service banking branch to meet the continuing growth needs that the Nampa community is experiencing,” stated Greg Lovell, CEO of Idaho First Bank.“I feel personally invested in this community, so when the opportunity came along to bring our team to...
Medexus Pharmaceuticals Reports Operating and Financial Results for the Three- and Six-Month Periods Ending September 30, 2020
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TORONTO and CHICAGO and MONTREAL, Nov. 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Medexus Pharmaceuticals Inc. (the “Company” or “Medexus”) (TSXV: MDP) (OTCQX: MEDXF) (Frankfurt: P731) announced its financial and operating results for the three and six months ended September 30, 2020. All dollar amounts below are in Canadian dollars unless specified otherwise.Second quarter fiscal 2021 financial highlights:The Company achieved revenue of $23.6 million for the three-month period ended September 30, 2020, versus $16.4 million for the three-month period ended September 30, 2019, mostly driven by the acquisition of IXINITY®. Over $3 million in revenue from IXINITY® sales, which was originally expected to be realized in September 2020, was instead realized in October 2020 due to a delay in receipt of finished product from the Company’s contract manufacturing...
JOYY Reports Third Quarter 2020 Unaudited Financial Results
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GUANGZHOU, China, Nov. 17, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — JOYY Inc. (NASDAQ: YY) (“JOYY” or the “Company”, formerly known as YY Inc.), a global video-based social media platform, today announced its unaudited financial results for the third quarter of 2020. Third Quarter 2020 Financial Highlights1Net revenues increased by 36.1% to RMB6,286.4 million (US$925.9 million) from RMB4,617.3 million in the corresponding period of 2019.Net income from continuing operations attributable to controlling interest of JOYY Inc.2 was RMB2,303.2 million (US$339.2 million), compared to RMB61.8 million in the corresponding period of 2019, primarily due to the impact of gain from partial disposal of investments in Huya.Non-GAAP net income from continuing operations attributable to controlling interest and common shareholders of JOYY Inc.3 increased by 64.0%...
Phase I of Monarch Casino Resort Spa Black Hawk Expansion to Debut November 19
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BLACK HAWK, Colo., Nov. 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Monarch Casino & Resort, Inc. (NASDAQ: MCRI) (“Monarch” or “the Company”) announced today that it has received a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) from the City of Black Hawk for floors 1-13 of its new 23-story hotel tower. The first phase of the expansion will open to the public on Thursday, November 19, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. MT.The Phase I opening consists of an expanded casino, three restaurants, approximately 250 luxury hotel rooms and suites, convention space and other amenities.The Company expects to open the balance of the expansion project (floors 14-23) later this year. The balance will include additional rooms and suites (bringing the total to 516), a concierge lounge, and a world-class spa and pool facility on the tower’s top floor.On November 3, 2020 Colorado...