Day: November 13, 2020
PALOS VERDES ESTATES, Calif., Nov. 13, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Malaga Financial Corporation (OTCPink:MLGF). Malaga Financial Corporation announced today that its Board of Directors had declared a special 5% stock dividend on the company’s common stock outstanding, payable on or about December 29, 2020 to shareholders of record at the close of business on December 14, 2020. The dividend will be issued in the form of additional shares of common stock. Cash will be issued in lieu of fractional shares. Additionally, a quarterly cash dividend of 25 cents was declared payable to shareholders of record at the close of business on December 14, 2020 to be paid on or about January 4, 2021. Randy C. Bowers, President and CEO, remarked, “We are pleased to declare a special year-end stock dividend in addition to our 66th consecutive quarterly...
Meeting of the Supervisory Board of Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield (URW) on November 13, 2020
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Paris, Amsterdam, November 13, 2020Press releaseMeeting of the Supervisory Board of Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield (URW) on November 13, 2020The Supervisory Board of Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield (URW) met today in the presence of the three new directors elected at the Group’s Combined General Meeting of November 10, 2020 (Mr Léon Bressler, Ms Susana Gallardo and Mr Xavier Niel).At this meeting, the Supervisory Board took note of the resignation of the Chairman of the Board, Mr Colin Dyer, who remains a member of the Board. The Board also takes note of the resignation of Mr Jacques Stern, Vice-Chairman, and of Mr Philippe Collombel, Mrs Sophie Stabile and Mrs Jacqueline Tammenoms Bakker.The Supervisory Board appointed Mr Léon Bressler as Chairman with immediate effect. Mrs Susana Gallardo becomes member of the Governance and Nomination Committee....
Skyline Announces Operational Results for the Three and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2020
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Cash and cash equivalents increased by $7.7 million during the first 9 months of 2020 despite the challenging economic environment;Q3 2020 revenue from Skyline’s hotels and resorts was $25.3 million compared to $53.3 million in Q3 2019, a decline of 53% due to the impact of COVID-19;Skyline’s operating expenses from hotels and resorts also declined by 53% including the effect of subsidies received in response to the crisis;Achieved positive EBTIDA in Q3 2020 of $4.5 million, compared to negative EBITDA in Q2 2020 of $6.8 million;Q3 2020 NOI from Canadian resorts improved by 11% over Q3 2019 due to a focus on local travel;Unrestricted cash and available lines of credit as at September 30, 2020 totalled approximately $37 million;Occupancy of all of the Company’s US hotels and Canadian resorts show a steady improvement from their lows in April;...
GOGL – Invitation to presentation of Q3 2020 Results
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In connection with the release of Golden Ocean’s third quarter 2020 results in the morning (CET) of Thursday, November 19, 2020, a teleconference/webcast will be held as described below:Teleconference and webcastA conference call will be held at 03:00 P.M. CET (09:00 A.M. New York Time) on Thursday, November 19, 2020. The presentation will be available for download from the Investor Relations section at (under “Presentations”) prior to the teleconference/webcast.In order to listen to the presentation you may do one of the following:a. WebcastClick the “Webcast” link on www.goldenocean.bmb. Conference CallPARTICIPANTS DIAL IN TELEPHONE NUMBERSParticipants will be asked for their full name & Conference ID. The Conference ID is 8433555.Please download the presentation material from
ERYTECH auf Jefferies Virtual Healthcare Conference
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LYON, Frankreich und CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts, Nov. 13, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — ERYTECH Pharma (Nasdaq und Euronext: ERYP), hat heute bekanntgegeben, dass sein CEO, Gil Beyen, auf der Jefferies Virtual London Healthcare Conference am 18. November 2020 um 12:00 Uhr EST/17:00 Uhr GMT/18:00 Uhr CET ein Update vorstellen wird.Ein Webcast der Veranstaltung wird auf der Website von ERYTECH zur Verfügung gestellt:Über ERYTECH und EryaspaseERYTECH ist ein biopharmazeutisches Unternehmen, das klinische Studien zu verschiedenen Arzneimitteln durchführt und innovative Erythrozyten-basierte Therapeutika für schwere Krebserkrankungen und seltene Krankheiten entwickelt. Aufbauend auf seiner proprietären ERYCAPS®-Plattform, die eine neuartige Technologie zur Kapselung von Wirkstoffen in Erythrozyten nutzt, entwickelt...
ERYTECH effettuerà una presentazione alla Jefferies Virtual Healthcare Conference
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LIONE, Francia e CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 13, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — ERYTECH Pharma (Nasdaq e Euronext: ERYP), ha annunciato oggi che il suo CEO, Gil Beyen, presenterà un aggiornamento alla Jefferies Virtual London Healthcare Conference alle ore 12:00 EST/17:00 GMT/18:00 CET del 18 novembre 2020.Un webcast dell’evento sarà disponibile sul sito web di ERYTECH all’indirizzo su ERYTECH ed eryaspaseERYTECH è un’azienda biofarmaceutica di ambito clinico che sviluppa terapie innovative basate sui globuli rossi per il trattamento di forme tumorali gravi e malattie orfane. Grazie alla sua piattaforma proprietaria ERYCAPS®, che utilizza una tecnologia innovativa per incapsulare le sostanze terapeutiche all’interno dei globuli rossi, ERYTECH sta sviluppando una pipeline di prodotti candidati all’approvazione...
SLAM Reports Elevated Gold Values From Soil Survey
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MIRAMICHI, New Brunswick, Nov. 13, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — SLAM Exploration Ltd. (“SLAM” or the “Company” on TSXV: SXL) is pleased to announce results for 282 soil samples collected from the vicinity of Zone 9 where new discoveries of quartz veins No 18 and No 22 with multiple sites of visible gold were recently reported in the Company’s news releases issued October 20, 2020 and October 26, 2020. Zone 9 is located about 600m south of the Maisie gold vein within the Company’s wholly-owned Menneval gold project in northwestern New Brunswick.The Company collected 281 soils samples at 25m intervals on 8 grid lines spaced 100 metres apart and on an additional line at 50 m spacing in the vicinity of recently discovered gold veins. Elevated levels of gold ranging from 5 to 683 parts per billion (“ppb”) occur in 92 of the samples. These...
Bergman & Beving AB: Change in the Board of directors of Bergman & Beving AB
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Press releaseChange in the Board of directors of Bergman & Beving ABAlexander Wennergren Helm has notified the Board of Directors of Bergman & Beving AB that he leaves his assignment as Director of the Board due to a new time-consuming position. Alexander Wennergren Helm has been Director of the Board since 2019.– Alexander has been a much-appreciated director of Bergman & Beving’s Board, and we have the greatest respect for his decision. We would like to take the opportunity to thank him for his contribution to Bergman & Beving’s Board work, and the Election Committee will review the Board’s composition before the next Annual General Meeting, says Jörgen Wigh, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bergman & Beving AB.Stockholm, 13 November 2020Bergman & Beving AB (publ)For further information, please contact:Pontus...
Bergman & Beving AB: Styrelseförändring i Bergman & Beving AB
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PressmeddelandeStyrelseförändring i Bergman & Beving ABAlexander Wennergren Helm har meddelat styrelsen i Bergman & Beving AB att han på grund av ny tidskrävande tjänst lämnar sitt uppdrag som styrelseledamot. Alexander Wennergren Helm har varit styrelseledamot sedan 2019.– Alexander har varit en mycket uppskattad ledamot av Bergman & Bevings styrelse och vi har största respekt för hans beslut. Vi vill passa på att tacka honom för hans bidrag till Bergman & Bevings styrelsearbete och valberedningen kommer att se över styrelsens sammansättning inför nästkommande årsstämma, säger Jörgen Wigh, styrelseordförande i Bergman & Beving AB.Stockholm den 13 november 2020Bergman & Beving AB (publ)För ytterligare information kontakta:Pontus Boman, VD och koncernchef, telefon 010-454 77 00Peter Schön, CFO, telefon 070-339...
ADLPartner : Déclaration mensuelle du nombre d’actions et du nombre de droits de vote – Situation au 31 août 2020
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ADLPartnerSociété anonyme à directoire et conseil de surveillance au capital de 6 478 836 euros3, avenue de Chartres 60500 – CHANTILLY393 376 801 R.C.S. CompiègnePièce jointeAMF Déclaration mensuelle des droits de vote 20200831