Day: November 10, 2020
Alstom Sa: Half-year financial report 2020/21AttachmentManagement Report and Notes_ ENG_FY_SEP20_101120
ALSTOM SA : Rapport financier semestriel 2020/21
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ALSTOM SA : Rapport financier semestriel 2020/21Pièce jointeManagement Report and Notes_ FRA_FY_SEP20_101120
Crawford United Corporation Announces Third Quarter 2020 Results
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CLEVELAND, Nov. 10, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Crawford United Corporation (OTC: CRAWA), a growth-oriented holding company serving diverse markets, today reported results for the three-month and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020.For the quarter, sales were $21.3 million compared to $22.2 million in the same period last year, a decrease of 4.3%. In this quarter, the Company recorded operating income of $2.1 million compared to operating income of $2.6 million in the same quarter last year. Net income was $1.4 million, or $0.43 per fully diluted share, compared to $1.7 million, or $0.52 per fully diluted share in the same quarter last year.For the nine months ended September 30, 2020, sales were $65.1 million compared to $68.6 million in the same period last year, a decrease of 5.0%. In this nine-month period, the Company recorded...
Kvika banki hf. will publish its Q3 financial results on Thursday 12 November 2020
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Kvika banki hf. will publish its financial results for the third quarter of 2020 on Thursday 12 November, after markets closing. A meeting to present the results to market participants will be held on 13 November at 8:45am. In light of the current ban on gatherings the meeting will only be accessible online through the following website: Meeting participants are able to send questions before or during the meeting to the email Presentation for investors will be made public before the meeting.
Kvika banki hf. birtir afkomu fyrir þriðja ársfjórðung fimmtudaginn 12. nóvember 2020
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Kvika banki hf. mun birta afkomu vegna fyrstu níu mánaða ársins 2020 fimmtududaginn 12. nóvember, eftir lokun markaða. Kynningarfundur fyrir fjárfesta verður haldinn þann 13. nóvember kl. 8:45. Í ljósi takmarkana á samkomum fer fundurinn að þessu sinni fram með rafrænum hætti á eftirfarandi vefslóð: Hægt er að senda tölvupóst með spurningum fyrir fund eða á meðan honum stendur á Fjárfestakynning sem farið verður yfir á fundinum verður aðgengileg fyrir fundinn.
Volta Finance Limtied – Net Asset Value(s) as at 31 October 2020
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Volta Finance Limited (VTA / VTAS) – October 2020 monthly reportNOT FOR RELEASE, DISTRIBUTION OR PUBLICATION, IN WHOLE OR PART, IN OR INTO THE UNITED STATES*****Guernsey, 10 November 2020AXA IM has published the Volta Finance Limited (the “Company” or “Volta Finance” or “Volta”) monthly report for October. The full report is attached to this release and will be available on Volta’s website shortly ( and PORTFOLIO ACTIVITYIn October, including the €0.11 per share dividend paid, the monthly performance of Volta was +1.6%, a relatively good performance for a month that was characterized by the resumption of the COVID crisis in Europe and growing uncertainties pre-US elections.The monthly asset class performances** were in local currency: -1.9% for Bank Balance Sheet transactions, +2.9% for CLO Equity tranches;...
Fjárhagsáætlun Kópavogsbæjar 2021
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Fjárhagsáætlun Kópavogsbæjar fyrir árið 2021 hefur verið lögð fram. Hún var tekin til fyrri umræðu í bæjarstjórn Kópavogs í dag, þriðjudaginn 10.nóvember. Sjötta árið í röð er fjárhagsáætlunin unnin í samstarfi allra flokka í bæjarstjórn. Áætlunin tekur mið af því að verja grunnþjónustu sveitarfélagsins og fylgja eftir öflugri framkvæmdaáætlun. Í forsendum áætlunarinnar er fylgt þjóðhagsspá Hagstofunnar sem gerir ráð fyrir 2,7% verðbólgu og að hagvöxtur verði jákvæður þegar á næsta ári. Áætlunin gerir ráð fyrir 575 milljón króna rekstrarhalla á samstæðu Kópavogsbæjar árið 2021. Meginskýringin á hallarekstri eru áhrif Covid-19, en dregið hefur mjög úr umsvifum í samfélaginu og þar með þeim tekjum sem standa að baki útsvari Kópavogsbæjar, rétt eins og annarra sveitarfélaga.Áhersla á menntamál og velferðarþjónustu endurspeglast í fjárhagsáætluninni....
Enservco Schedules 2020 Third Quarter Conference Call
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LONGMONT, Colo., Nov. 10, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Enservco Corporation (NYSE American: ENSV), a diversified national provider of specialized well-site services to the domestic onshore conventional and unconventional oil and gas industries, today announced it will release its 2020 third quarter financial results after the market closes on Thursday, November 12, 2020. Management will then host a conference call and webcast to discuss the results and subsequent operational developments.The conference call will begin at 2:30 p.m. Mountain Time (4:30 p.m. Eastern) and will be accessible by dialing 833-492-0064 (973-528-0076 for international callers). Entry code: 662655. A telephonic replay will be available through November 19, 2020, by calling 877-481-4010 (919-882-2331 for international callers) and entering the Replay ID #38801.To...
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Solutions 30 SE announces today the acquisition of a 60% stake in Algor SRL, a specialist in technical field services dedicated to mobile networks in Italy.Created in 2003 by a team of telecommunications experts, Algor intervenes at different stages of mobile network deployment, from design to installation and site upgrades. Over the years, the company has successfully helped its customers adapt to rapidly changing technology, securing the loyalty of a portfolio of prestigious clients, including TIM, Vodafone, Ericsson and Cellnex.“The alliance between Algor and Solutions 30 will boost our growth strategy, giving us the resources we need to reach our potential in a booming sector,” says Alessio Ramini, CEO of Algor SRL.This strategic acquisition is part of Solutions 30’s ambitious European growth plan. After Provisiona in Spain, Algor...
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SOLUTIONS 30 SE annonce de jour l’acquisition de 60% du capital d’Algor SRL, spécialiste des services techniques de terrain dédiés aux réseaux mobiles en Italie.Créée en 2003 par une équipe d’experts des télécommunications, Algor intervient à différentes étapes du déploiement des réseaux mobiles, de la conception à l’installation puis la mise à niveau des sites. Au fil des années, la société a su accompagner avec succès les évolutions technologiques, fidélisant un portefeuille de clients prestigieux, parmi lesquels TIM, Vodafone, Ericsson ou Cellnex.« Le rapprochement entre Algor et Solutions 30 va dynamiser notre stratégie de développement, en nous donnant les ressources nécessaires pour concrétiser notre potentiel sur un secteur en pleine effervescence, » commente Alessio Ramini, Dirigeant d’Algor SRL.A travers cette opération stratégique,...