Day: November 8, 2020
See the attached announcement relating to parties acting in concent and a proposed takeover bid for outstanding shares in Skeljungur hf.AttachmentYfirlýsing um samstarf o.fl.
Skeljungur hf.: Tilkynning um samstarf og fyrirhugað yfirtökutilboð
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Public Companies.
Sjá meðfylgjandi yfirlýsingu um samstarf og fyrirhugað yfirtökutilboð í hlutabréf, útgefin af Skeljungi hf.ViðhengiYfirlýsing um samstarf o.fl.
Extension of GardaWorld Cash Offer
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Public Companies.
NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IN, INTO OR FROM ANY JURISDICTION WHERE TO DO SO WOULD CONSTITUTE A VIOLATION OF THE RELEVANT LAWS OF SUCH JURISDICTION.FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE8 November 2020Extension of GardaWorld Cash OfferG4S plc (“G4S” or the “Company”) notes Garda World Security Corporation (“GardaWorld”)’s announcement today regarding the extension of the offer made through its wholly-owned subsidiary Fleming Capital Securities, Inc. and the level of acceptances received in respect of the offer by the first closing date of 7 November 2020 (the “Announcement”).The Announcement is available on Joint Lead Financial Advisers and Corporate BrokersCitigroup Global Markets LimitedJ.P. Morgan CazenoveG4S Legal AdvisersLinklaters LLPMedia AdvisersBrunswickNotes...