Day: November 7, 2020
November 07, 2020Meta-analysis of two major randomized controlled trials (RCTs) show no difference in mortality between patients treated with the Philips Stellarex drug-coated balloon (DCB) and those treated with percutaneous angioplasty (PTA), the current standard of careAmsterdam, the Netherlands – Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA), a global leader in health technology, today announced the results of a patient-level meta-analysis that confirms the safety profile of its Stellarex drug-coated balloon (DCB) at four years. Including data from two major randomized controlled trials (RCTs), the results show no difference in mortality between patients treated with the Stellarex DCB and those treated with percutaneous angioplasty (PTA), the current standard of care. The meta-analysis, which represents the highest level of the evidence pyramid,...
TC Energy partners with Comp-U-Dopt to open TC Energy Tech Hub supporting youth in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math)
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HOUSTON, Nov. 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Media Advisory — TC Energy Corporation (TSX, NYSE: TRP) (TC Energy), the TC Energy Foundation and Comp-U-Dopt, a nonprofit providing technology access and education to underserved youth, celebrated the launch of the TC Energy Tech Hub (Tech Hub) with a ribbon cutting ceremony followed by a community computer distribution.“Our donation to Comp-U-Dopt demonstrates our commitment to education and job training in the communities where we live and work to create a future workforce that is diverse and skilled,” said Stan Chapman, Executive Vice-President and President of U.S. and Mexico Natural Gas Pipelines, TC Energy. “Houston is an important city to TC Energy, it’s our U.S. headquarters and home to many of our valued workforce. We are committed to supporting initiatives that create a...
Shockwave IVL Is Superior to Angioplasty in Severely Calcified Peripheral Artery Disease
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SANTA CLARA, Calif., Nov. 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Shockwave Medical, Inc. (NASDAQ: SWAV), a pioneer in the development and commercialization of Intravascular Lithotripsy (IVL) to treat severely calcified cardiovascular disease, reported today that investigators unveiled data from the Disrupt PAD III study, which showed IVL to be superior to percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) on the primary endpoint of procedural success. The largest randomized trial of severely calcified peripheral lesions, Disrupt PAD III found that IVL was also associated with a statistically significant reduction in diameter stenosis, arterial dissections and bail-out stenting versus PTA. The results were presented earlier today in a late-breaking clinical trial session at VIVA20.Disrupt PAD III is a prospective, multicenter, randomized study designed...
Bragg Gaming Provides Update and Information on Annual Shareholder Meeting
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TORONTO, Nov. 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bragg Gaming Group (TSXV: BRAG, OTC: BRGGF) (“Bragg” or the “Company“) today provides information regarding its upcoming annual and special meeting of shareholders (the “Meeting“), in response to public health and safety advisories regarding COVID-19. The Company also provides a corporate update including information on its previously announced earn-out extension and settlement.Shareholder Meeting InformationThe Company intends to hold the Meeting on November 27, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. (Toronto time). In light of the impacts associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, and subject to restrictions related to group gatherings at the time of the Meeting, the Company plans to conduct its Meeting both in-person and through remote communication. The Company is encouraging...
Festi hf.: Buy-back programme week 45
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In week 45 Festi purchased in total 750.000 own shares for total amount of 114.093.750 ISK as follows:This announcement of purchase of own shares is in accordance with the buy-back programme announced 4 October 2020 to Nasdaq OMX Iceland. The programme envisages the buy-back of a total of 4.000.000 own shares or 1.2% of the issued shares, with the cap of 600 million ISK purchase price.Before the purchase Festi held 5.645.407 own shares or 1.70% of issued shares. Festi has now bought in total 3.650.000 own shares for 551.256.250 ISK and holds today 9.295.407 own shares or 2.79% of issued shares.The execution the buy-back programme is in accordance with Chapter VIII of the Company Act No 2/1995 and annex II to the Regulation on insider information and market abuse No 630/2005.For further information contact Magnús Kr. Ingason, CFO of Festi...
Festi hf.: Endurkaup vika 45
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Í 45 viku 2020 keypti Festi alls 750.000 eigin hluti fyrir 114.093.750 kr. eins og hér segir:Um er að ræða tilkynningu um kaup Festi á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun sem var tilkynnt um 4. október 2020 í tilkynningu til Nasdaq OMX Iceland. Áætlað er að kaupa á hámarki 4.000.000 eigin hluti í félaginu eða sem samsvarar 1,2% af útgefnu hlutafé, þó þannig að fjárhæð endurkaupanna verði aldrei meiri en 600 milljónum króna að kaupverði.Fyrir kaupin þá átti Festi 5.645.407 hluti eða 1,70% af útgefnu hlutafé. Festi hefur nú keypt samtals 3.650.000 eigin hluti fyrir 551.256.250 kr. og á í dag 9.295.407 hluti sem samsvarar 2,79% af hlutafé félagsins.Framkvæmd endurkaupaáætlunarinnar er í samræmi við VIII. kafla laga um hlutafélög nr. 2/1995 og viðauka II við reglugerð um innherjaupplýsingar og markaðssvik nr. 630/2005.Nánari upplýsingar...
Þórsberg ehf. gerir samning um kaup á Grábrók ehf. af Brimi hf.
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Forsvarsmenn Þórsbergs ehf. á Tálknafirði, sem gerir út bátinn Indriða Kristins BA 751 (2947) í krókaaflamarskerfinu, sem er með um 1.250 þorskígildistonn af krókaaflamarksheimildum, hafa gert samning við Brim hf. um kaup á öllu hlutafé í útgerðarfélaginu Grábrók ehf. Grábrók ehf. hefur gert út krókabátinn Steinunni HF 108 (2766), en honum fylgir um 850 tonna krókaflamark, að mestu í þorski.Þórsberg ehf. greiðir fyrir með hlutafé í félaginu og mun Brim eiga tæp 41% hlutafjár í Þórsbergi eftir viðskiptin. Með kaupunum er Þórsberg að setja styrkari stoðir undir starfsemi sína. Við þessi viðskipti myndast ekki söluhagnaður eða sölutap hjá Brimi hf. Samningurinn er gerður með fyrirvara um niðurstöðu áreiðanleikakönnunar og eftir atvikum annarra eftirlitsaðila.Frekari upplýsingar veita Guðjón Indriðason, framkvæmdastjóri Þórsbergs ehf. eða...
Victoria Properties A/S Fondsbørsmeddelelse nr. 309
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Victoria Properties A/S Fondsbørsmeddelelse nr. 3097. november 2020, KøbenhavnVedr.: StoraktionærmeddelelseUnder henvisning til Kapitalmarkedsloven § 38 meddeles der hermed, at Scheibye Holding ApS den 2. og 3. november 2020 har reduceret sin beholdning i Victoria Properties A/S.Efter transaktionen har Scheibye Holding ApS en direkte ejerandel i Victoria Properties A/S på i alt nominelt DKK 930.000, svarende til 4,98% af den samlede selskabskapital og stemmerettighederne i Victoria Properties A/S.Kontaktperson:Thomas Færch, Adm. direktør, +45 2020 1941, tf@victoriaproperties.dkOm Victoria PropertiesVictoria Properties A/S (VIPRO) er noteret på Nasdaq København
Maximize Profits With The Best Gold Silver & Precious Metal IRA Guide
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Looking for the best way to diversify your portfolio, increase your retirement savings, or simply make a solid, crisis-robust investment? This gold investment guide is exactly what you need! Gold Investing Facts released a new report on effective gold IRA investment strategies. The guide gives you an overview of the main benefits of investing in gold, silver and other precious metals.
Go to to find out more!
The latest announcement comes amid increased interest in alternative retirement options, as the current economic situation has raised awareness of the reliability of gold in times of crisis. The report states that standard savings accounts based on fiat currency are often devalued in the long run due to inflation. Keeping money in a standard retirement or savings plan produces interest rate, but...
Synergy Capital AM: Nasdaq outperformed leading market higher as US Elections result rolls out
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Major Indices rallied and ended up higher as market closed, even though everyone is busy monitoring the US Presidential Election results.
US Presidential Election 2020 voting is done and is awaiting for result whether current President Donald Trump will remain or Democrat Finalist Joseph Biden will triumph.
Biggest contributor on today’s market are Tech related shares, dragging most Stocks higher with Nasdaq Composite leading the session with almost 4% gains.
Treasuries are down together with Gold but crude oil remained strong.
Here are the rest of the movements in the Stock Market this Wednesday;
– S&P 500 rose for the third day this week and is up about 74.28 points or is 2.20% higher to 3,443.44.– The Dow Jones Industrial Average has also increased around 367.63 points or 1.34% to 27,847.66.– Nasdaq Composite...