Day: November 6, 2020
Neuzugang bringt erstklassiges Know-how für die Entwicklung von GlucoTrack® und seiner digitalen Gesundheitsplattform mitWILMINGTON, Del. und ASHDOD, Israel, Nov. 06, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Integrity Applications, Inc. ( (OTCQB: IGAP), Entwickler von GlucoTrack®, einem nichtinvasiven Gerät zur Messung des Blutzuckerspiegels bei Menschen mit Typ-2-Diabetes und Prädiabetes, hat heute bekannt gegeben, dass Shalom Shushan ab 9. November 2020 als Chief Technology Officer des Unternehmen fungieren wird. Shushan wird als Teil des Führungsteams alle Aktivitäten in den Bereichen Technologie und Forschung und Entwicklung für Integrity leiten.Shalom Shushan verfügt über mehr als 20 Jahre Erfahrung in Führungspositionen in den Bereichen Technologie und Produktentwicklung und über umfassende Erfahrung in den Bereichen...
Letter to Shareholders and Notice of GM
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Vast Resources plc / Ticker: VAST / Index: AIM / Sector: Mining6 November 2020Vast Resources plc(‘Vast’ or the ‘Company’)Letter to shareholdersNotice of General MeetingVast Resources plc, the AIM listed mining company, is pleased to announce that a General Meeting of the Company will be held as a virtual meeting as a result of the current Covid-19 restrictions at 2.30 p.m. on Monday 23 November 2020.As a consequence of the current measures implemented by the UK Government, shareholders will not be permitted to attend the General Meeting but are strongly encouraged to submit their votes by proxy as soon as possible. Voting at the General Meeting will be carried out by way of poll so that votes cast in advance, and the votes of all shareholders appointing the chairman of the General Meeting as their proxy, can be taken into account.The...
Calgon Carbon Corporation Announces Global Price Increase
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PITTSBURGH, PA, Nov. 06, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Calgon Carbon Corporation today announced a global price increase, effective November 15, 2020, where contracts permit, on all activated carbon products, services, and related equipment due to a continued escalation in costs. The increase for customers will generally vary from 5% to 10%, depending on the specific product, raw material type, services provided, and global market dynamics. “We take a lot of pride in our surety of supply. Throughout COVID-19, our shipments and customer exchanges remain our top priorities, second only to employee safety. We have been able to quickly adjust our internal processes; implement COVID-19 safety training, establish aggressive safety protocols, and work even more closely with our supply chain partners to secure all needed materials on a timely basis. As...
Five Below Announces Collaboration With Bugha, 2019 Fortnite World Cup Champion
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PHILADELPHIA, PA, Nov. 06, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Five Below (NASDAQ: FIVE) the trend-right, extreme-value brand for tweens, teens and beyond, is excited to announce their collaboration with Kyle Giersdorf aka “Bugha,” 2019 Fortnite World Cup Champion and 2019 Esports PC Player of The Year. The new product line includes seven gaming products exclusive to the brand now in 1,000+ Five Below stores and“Both Five Below and Bugha believe everyone should have an entry point into the gaming world,” said Michael Romanko, Chief Merchandising Officer of Five Below. “This collaboration is powerful and timely as we gear up for the holiday season, and one that’s perfect for gift giving. High-quality gaming at an incredible price point: this is an exclusive and amazing collection! We are committed to being the retailer for extreme...
Les Hôtels Baverez : Information trimestrielle 3e trimestre 2020 – complément au 6 novembre 2020
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LES HOTELS BAVEREZ S.A.2, place des Pyramides 75001 PARISCapital € 10.127.050 – Code NAF 5510 ZR.C.S. PARIS 572 158 558ISIN : FR 0007080254Mnémonique : ALLHBEURONEXT GrowthCommuniqué, Paris le 14 octobre 2020 – Complément au 6 novembre 2020COMMUNIQUE : INFORMATION TRIMESTRIELLE – 3e TRIMESTRE 2020Variation du Chiffre d’affaires au 30 septembre 2020 : – 80,15 %Le chiffre d’affaires de nos trois établissements s’élève à 4,8 M€ au 30 septembre 2020 pour 24,4 millions d’euros au 30 septembre 2019, soit une diminution de 80,15%.L’Hôtel Regina, fermé depuis le 17 mars 2020, est resté fermé sur ce 3e trimestre, les réservations engrangées ne permettant pas une réouverture sans aggraver les pertes de la société.L’Hôtel Majestic – Spa a réouvert ses appartements mi-septembre 2020. Son taux d’occupation cumulé au 30 septembre 2020 s’établit...
Learn the Latest on RISC-V and Vector Processing at All Six Andes Technology’s Presentations at the 2020 RISC-V Summit
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San Jose, CA, Nov. 06, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Andes Technology Corporation (TWSE: 6533), a leading supplier of high efficiency, low-power 32/64-bit RISC-V processor cores and founding Premier member of RISC-V International will make six presentations at the virtual RISC-V Summit from December 8 to 10, 2020. ●Charlie Su’s presentation “Andes RISC-V Processor IP Solutions” will occur on December 8 from 3:00 to 3:20 pm.About Andes TechnologyHsiao-Ling Lin
Marcom Manager
Phone: +886 3 5726533
Athenex, Inc. 報告截至 2020 年 9 月 30 日第三季度財務業績,並提供公司最新動態
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已獲 FDA 接受及授予用於治療轉移性乳癌的口服紫杉醇優先審查Tirbanibulin 軟膏及口服紫杉醇的 PDUFA 日期分別定於 2020 年 12 月 30 日及 2021 年 2 月 28 日聖安東尼奧乳癌虛擬研討會接受口服紫杉醇四篇摘要的演講2020 年第三季度的產品銷售額為 2,480 萬美元,同比增長 29%,將 2020 年全年的指導目標提高至 20% 的低增長電話會議和現場網絡直播於今天上午 8:00(美國東部時間)舉行紐約洲水牛城, Nov. 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Athenex, Inc. (NASDAQ: ATNX) 是一家致力於研究、開發和商業化治療癌症和相關疾病新療法的的全球生物製藥公司。今天公佈截至 2020 年 9 月 30 日止的第三季度財務業績及業務重點。Athenex 主席兼行政總裁 Johnson Lau 博士說:「我們的口服紫杉醇新藥申請 (NDA) 已獲接受為優先審查,目標行動日期為 2021 年 2 月 28 日。口服紫杉醇具有令人信服的功效及耐受性,我們認為它有可能成為轉移性乳癌的首選化療藥物。我們已經部署供應鏈,並正在確定最終商業計劃,目標是在獲得批准後於 2021 年第一季度在美國推出。」Lau 博士繼續說:「在本季度,我們透過成功的股權融資加強了資產負債表,籌集了 1.187 億美元的淨資金。這為我們提供了額外的資源及財務靈活性,可以投資及擴展我們的商業基礎設施,並為口服紫杉醇推行標籤擴展計劃,以及繼續開發我們的產品線。口服紫杉醇的商業投放計劃也將由我們最近與 Oaktree 及 Sagard Healthcare Royalty Partners 宣佈的其他融資提供資金,根據相關的里程碑,這兩家公司分別提供 2.25 億美元和 5,000 萬美元。2020 年第三季度及近期業務重點:臨床項目:口服紫杉醇用於治療乳癌美國食品和藥物管理局 (FDA) 接受口服紫杉醇用於轉移性乳癌治療的...
Tauriga Sciences, Inc. Experiencing Greater Market Acceptance for its Cannabis (CBD & CBG) Infused Chewing Gum Product Line
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The Recent Improvements to the U.S. Legal and Regulatory Landscape Have Created Important New Opportunities for the Expansion of the Company’s Flagship Tauri-Gum™ BrandNEW YORK, NY, Nov. 06, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire — Tauriga Sciences, Inc. (OTCQB: TAUG) (“Tauriga” or the “Company”), a revenue generating, diversified life sciences company, with a proprietary line of functional “supplement” chewing gums (Flavors: Pomegranate, Blood Orange, Peach-Lemon, Pear Bellini, Mint, Black Currant) as well as two ongoing Biotechnology initiatives, today announced that it is experiencing greater overall market acceptance for its Cannabis (“CBD” & “CBG”) infused chewing gum product line: Tauri-Gum™. This improved legal and regulatory landscape, as it pertains to CBD Edibles, has created important new opportunities for...
Conversation Facility
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Boussard & Gavaudan Holding Limiteda closed-ended investment company incorporated with limited liabilityunder the laws of Guernsey with registration number 45582Legal Entity Identifier: 5493002XNM3W9D6DF327BGHL Annual Conversion FacilityBoussard & Gavaudan Holding Limited (“B&G Holding” or the “Company”) today announces that shareholders will be able to convert their existing holding of shares in the Company from one class into another class (the “Conversion”), subject to satisfying certain requirements.The conversion will be based on the Net Asset Values of the two classes of Shares as at 30 November 2020.The period during which shareholders may tender their shares for conversion from one class to the other will start on 6 November 2020 (after closing) and will ends on 20 November 2020 at 6.00 p.m. London time.Boussard...
Démission de Monsieur Laurent Pollet du Directoire de RIBER
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Bezons, le 6 novembre 2020 – 18h00 – RIBER, leader mondial d’équipement MBE pour l’industrie des semi-conducteurs, annonce la démission de Monsieur Laurent Pollet de son mandat de membre du Directoire.RIBER a pris acte ce jour de la démission de Monsieur Pollet de son mandat de membre du Directoire. Monsieur Pollet reste Directeur Administratif et Financier de la Société.RIBER remercie Monsieur Pollet pour son engagement au sein du Directoire depuis sa nomination en juin 2019.A propos de RIBERRIBER est le leader mondial d’équipement MBE pour l’industrie des semi-conducteurs. L’entreprise conçoit et fabrique des systèmes d’épitaxie par jets moléculaires (MBE) ainsi que des évaporateurs destinés à l’industrie des semi-conducteurs. Elle offre également à ses clients un support technique et scientifique en assurant la maintenance de ses équipements,...