Day: November 5, 2020
Produits de 3,702 milliards de dollars, en hausse de 1,0 %BAIIA ajusté de 370,5 millions de dollars, en baisse de 6,1 %Bénéfice net de 170,8 millions de dollars, en baisse de 2,3 %Bénéfice net ajusté excluant l’amortissement des immobilisations incorporelles liées aux acquisitions d’entreprises de 184,1 millions de dollars, en baisse de 7,2 %MONTRÉAL, 05 nov. 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Saputo inc. (TSX: SAP) (Saputo ou la Société) a divulgué aujourd’hui ses résultats financiers pour le deuxième trimestre de l’exercice financier 2021, clos le 30 septembre 2020. À moins d’avis contraire, tous les montants inclus dans ce communiqué de presse sont exprimés en dollars canadiens (CAD) et sont présentés conformément aux Normes internationales d’information financière (IFRS).Les produits ont totalisé 3,702 milliards de dollars, en hausse de...
Financial Results for the Second Quarter of Fiscal 2021 Ended September 30, 2020
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Revenues at $3.702 billion, up 1.0%Adjusted EBITDA at $370.5 million, down 6.1%Net earnings at $170.8 million, down 2.3%Adjusted net earnings excluding amortization of intangible assets related to business acquisitions at $184.1 million, down 7.2%MONTREAL, Nov. 05, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Saputo Inc. (TSX: SAP) (Saputo or the Company) reported today its financial results for the second quarter of fiscal 2021, which ended on September 30, 2020. All amounts in this news release are in Canadian dollars (CDN), unless otherwise indicated, and are presented according to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).Revenues amounted to $3.702 billion, an increase of $36.6 million or 1.0%.Adjusted EBITDA* amounted to $370.5 million, a decrease of $23.9 million or 6.1%.Net earnings totalled $170.8 million and EPS** (basic and diluted)...
Pcas: Net Sales as of Septembre 30, 2020
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Ecully; November 5, 2020NET SALES AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2020PCAS (Euronext Paris: PCA), a specialist in developing and producing complex molecules for life sciences and innovative technologies, has announced the publication of its net sales as at September 30, 2020. Pharmaceutical Synthesis The Pharmaceutical Synthesis business in Health generated €96.8 million, up 8.6% compared to 2019 (+8.5% at a constant exchange rate). This growth can mainly be attributed to two effects: (i) a greater operational performance at one of our sites in the Greater Paris region and (ii) a fast mobilization of the PCAS Pharmaceutical Synthesis division in response to the health crisis caused by Covid-19, especially by producing a hand sanitizer solution marketed under the Naaha brand.Fine Specialty ChemicalsNet sales of fine specialty chemicals amounted...
PCAS : chiffre d’affaires au 30 septembre 2020
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Ecully, le 5 novembre 2020CHIFFRE D’AFFAIRES AU 30 SEPTEMBRE 2020PCAS (Euronext Paris : PCA), spécialiste du développement et de la production de molécules complexes pour les Sciences de la Vie et les Technologies innovantes, annonce la publication de son chiffre d’affaires au 30 septembre 2020.Synthèse Pharmaceutique L’activité de Synthèse Pharmaceutique en Santé s’établit à 96,8 M€, en progression de 8,6% par rapport à 2019 (+8,5% à taux de change constant). Cette croissance s’explique principalement par deux effets : (i) la meilleure marche des opérations sur l’un de nos sites en Ile de France et (ii) la mobilisation de la branche Synthèse Pharmaceutique de PCAS pour répondre à l’urgence sanitaire dans le contexte du CoVid-19, en particulier via la production de solution hydro-alcoolique commercialisée sous marque Naaha, créée à cet...
Alstom SA: Alstom to deliver 66 additional Citadis trams to Casablanca in Morocco
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Alstom to deliver 66 additional Citadis trams to Casablanca in MoroccoCasa Transports has chosen Alstom to provide tramways for Casablanca lines 3&45 November 2020 – Alstom has been awarded a contract by Casa Transports, the company in charge of Casablanca’s public transport, to provide 66 Citadis trams X05 and an option for 22 additional trams for lines 3 & 4 expected to open by end of 2023. The contract is worth €130 million*.The number of passengers using the Casablanca tramway lines 1 and 2, in service since December 2012 and January 2019, has increased with now more than 220,000 passengers per day in the network. In order to address the growing mobility demand, Casa Transports has been missioned by public authorities to extend around 26 km of tramway lines and purchase new rolling stock. Alstom has previously supplied 124...
ALSTOM SA: Alstom livrera 66 tramways Citadis supplémentaires à Casablanca, au Maroc
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Alstom livrera 66 tramways Citadis supplémentaires à Casablanca, au MarocAlstom a été choisi par Casa Transports pour fournir des tramways aux lignes 3 et 4 de Casablanca5 novembre 2020 – Alstom a décroché un contrat auprès de Casa Transports, la société gérant les transports publics de Casablanca, pour fournir à cette dernière 66 tramways Citadis X05 avec une option de 22 tramways supplémentaires destinés aux lignes 3 et 4 dont l’ouverture est prévue fin 2023. Le contrat s’élève à 130 millions d’euros*.En service depuis décembre 2012 et janvier 2019, les lignes de tramway 1 et 2 de Casablanca ont vu leur fréquentation augmenter ; actuellement plus de 220 000 passagers empruntent ce réseau chaque jour. Afin de répondre à la demande croissante de mobilité, Casa Transports a été chargée par les autorités publiques d’allonger les...
Dorchester Minerals, L.P. Announces Third Quarter Results
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DALLAS, Nov. 05, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Dorchester Minerals, L.P. (the “Partnership”) (NASDAQ-DMLP) announced today the Partnership’s net income for the quarter ended September 30, 2020 of $5,619,000, or $0.16 per common unit.A comparison of the Partnership’s consolidated results for the quarter ended September 30, 2020 and 2019 are set forth below:The Partnership previously declared its third quarter distribution in the amount of $0.325612 per common unit payable on November 12, 2020 to common unit holders of record as of November 2, 2020. The Partnership’s cash distributions are not comparable to its net earnings due to timing and other differences including depletion.Dorchester Minerals, L.P. is a Dallas based owner of producing and non-producing oil and natural gas mineral, royalty, overriding royalty, net profits, and leasehold...
IMCD to acquire the API business of Peak International
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ROTTERDAM, The Netherlands (November 5, 2020) – IMCD N.V. (“IMCD”), a leading distributor of speciality chemicals and ingredients, today announces that it has successfully signed an agreement to acquire the pharmaceutical business of Peak International Products B.V. (“Peak International”).Peak International is a Dutch-based distributor in the active pharmaceutical ingredients (“API”) business for Benelux, Vietnam, Germany and Israel. The Peak pharmaceutical business generated a revenue of approx. € 5.8 m in 2019.Lodewijk Mellema, Managing Director IMCD Benelux, comments: ‘With this acquisition IMCD expands its active pharmaceutical ingredients business primarily in Benelux and Vietnam and strengthens our company’s formulation and marketing synergies between active pharmaceutical ingredients and excipients in those regions”.Erik van den...
SKAKO udnævner CFO for koncernen
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Til NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S GlobeNewswire Faaborg, den 5. november 2020 Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 13/2020 SKAKO udnævner CFO for koncernenBestyrelsen for SKAKO A/S (SKAKO) har dags dato indgået en aftale med Morten Kofod-Jensen, der pr. 1. januar 2021 overgår til rollen som koncernens Chief Financial Officer (Group CFO).Morten Kofod-Jensen har siden oktober 2018 varetaget rollen som Group Finance Director for SKAKO-koncernen. Med udnævnelsen indtræder Morten Kofod-Jensen pr. 1. januar 2021 i koncerndirektionen for SKAKO A/S.”Vi har i bestyrelsen været særdeles tilfredse med Mortens indsats som...
Form 38.5 – CPL Resources Plc – Shore Capital Stockbrokers Ltd
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Ap24FORM 38.5(a)IRISH TAKEOVER PANELDISCLOSURE UNDER RULE 38.5(a) OF THE IRISH TAKEOVER PANEL ACT, 1997, TAKEOVER RULES, 2013DEALINGS BY CONNECTED EXEMPT PRINCIPAL TRADERS WITH RECOGNISED INTERMEDIARY STATUS AND DEALING IN A CLIENT-SERVING CAPACITY1. KEY INFORMATION2. DEALINGS (Note 2)(a) Purchases and sales(b) Derivatives transactions (other than options transactions)Ap25(c) Options transactions in respect of existing relevant securities(i) Writing, selling, purchasing or varying(ii) Exercising3. OTHER INFORMATIONAgreements, arrangements or understandings relating to options or derivativesFull details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding between the person disclosing and any other person relating to the voting rights of any relevant securities under any option referred to on this form...