Day: November 4, 2020
Banco Comercial Português, S.A., informa sobre o Pagamento de Juros do Cupão nº 126 de BCP OB HIPOTECARIAS 2010-2021 VARBanco Comercial Português, S.A., informa sobre o Pagamento de Juros do Cupão nº 4 de BCP REEMB PARCIAIS TELECOMUN XI/18 EUR 29/11/2021Banco Comercial Português, S.A., informa sobre o Pagamento de Juros do Cupão nº 121 de BCP OBRIGAÇÕES HIPOTECARIAS 2010-2022 VARBanco Comercial Português, S.A., informa sobre o Pagamento de Juros do Cupão nº 124 de BCP OBRIGAÇÕES HIPOTECARIAS VAR – 07/2021Banco Comercial Português, S.A., informa sobre o Pagamento de Juros do Cupão nº 99 de BCP/2012 OBRIGAÇÕES HIPOTECARIAS VAR AGO/2020Banco Comercial Português, S.A., informa sobre o Pagamento do Reembolso Final de BCP INV EU AC C EXT XI/17 EUR 23/11/2020AnexosBCPBBM04BCPVBMBCQLOE99BCS3OE121BCSFOE124BIPGOE126
Hamilton Thorne to Participate in Oppenheimer Fall MedTech Summit on November 12, 2020
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BEVERLY, Mass. and TORONTO, Nov. 04, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Hamilton Thorne Ltd. (TSX-V: HTL), a leading provider of precision instruments, consumables, software and services to the Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART), research, and cell biology markets, today announced that management will participate in the Oppenheimer Fall MedTech Summit on Thursday, November 12, 2020. David Wolf, President and CEO of Hamilton Thorne Ltd. will be available for virtual one-on-one meetings during the conference. To schedule a meeting with management, please contact your conference representative or email Hamilton Thorne Ltd. ( Thorne is a leading global provider of precision instruments, consumables, software and services that reduce cost, increase productivity, improve results and...
Euronext announces volumes for October 2020
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EURONEXT ANNOUNCES VOLUMES FOR OCTOBER 2020Amsterdam, Brussels, Dublin, Lisbon, Oslo and Paris – 04 November 2020 – Euronext, the leading pan-European market infrastructure, today announced trading volumes for October 2020.Monthly and historical volume tables are available at this address: –Media – mediateam@euronext.comAnalysts & investors – Aurélie Cohen +33 1 70 48 24 17; Clément Kubiak +33 1 70 48 26 33; About EuronextEuronext is the leading pan-European market infrastructure, connecting local economies to global capital markets, to accelerate innovation and sustainable growth. It operates regulated...
Casino Group: Partial cancellation of 2021, 2022 and 2023 Notes
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CASINO, GUICHARD-PERRACHON2021 Notes (ISIN: FR0011052661),2022 Notes (ISIN: FR0013260379) and2023 Notes (ISIN: FR0011400571)Notes cancellationParis, November, 4th 2020,Casino Guichard-Perrachon today cancelled 682 Notes due in 2021, 194 Notes due in 2022 and 681 Notes due in 2023 for respective nominal amounts of 68,200,000 euros, 19,400,000 euros and 68,100,000 euros, following buybacks in the market.In 2020, the total amount of Notes bought back and cancelled was 315,200,000 euros (of which 68,200,000 euros of the 2021 Notes, 85,100,000 euros of the 2022 Notes and 161,900,000 euros of the 2023 Notes).Accordingly, the outstanding nominal amount of 2021 Notes has been reduced to 529,000,000 euros, the outstanding nominal amount of 2022 Notes to 367,000,000 euros and the outstanding nominal amount of 2023 Notes to 557,800,000 euros.As...
Groupe Casino : Annulation partielle des souches 2021, 2022 et 2023
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CASINO, GUICHARD-PERRACHONSouches 2021 (ISIN: FR0011052661),2022 (ISIN : FR0013260379) et2023 (ISIN : FR0011400571)Annulation d’obligationsParis, le 4 novembre 2020,Casino Guichard-Perrachon a procédé ce jour à l’annulation de 682 obligations de la souche 2021, 194 obligations de la souche 2022 et 681 obligations de la souche 2023, pour un montant nominal de respectivement 68 200 000 euros, 19 400 000 euros et 68 100 000 euros, à la suite de rachats sur le marché.En 2020, le total des obligations rachetées sur le marché et annulées s’élève à 315 200 000 euros (dont 68 200 000 euros de la souche 2021, 85 100 000 euros de la souche 2022 et 161 900 000 euros de la souche 2023).Le nominal de la souche 2021 a ainsi été réduit à 529 000 000 euros, le nominal de la souche 2022 à 367 000 000 euros et le nominal de la souche 2023 à 557 800 000...
Fortress Biotech Announces Oral and Poster Data Presentations at the 62nd American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting
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NEW YORK, Nov. 04, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Fortress Biotech, Inc. (NASDAQ: FBIO) (“Fortress”), an innovative revenue-generating company focused on acquiring, developing and commercializing or monetizing promising biopharmaceutical products and product candidates cost-effectively, today announced that data from two of its clinical programs have been accepted for presentation at the 62nd American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting, which is being held virtually from December 5 – 8, 2020.Phase 2 data on Caelum Biosciences’ (“Caelum”) CAEL-101 for the treatment of relapsed or refractory amyloid light chain “AL” amyloidosis will be presented by the Cleveland Clinic during oral and poster sessions. CAEL-101, which is being developed in a collaboration between Caelum, a company founded by Fortress, and Alexion Pharmaceuticals,...
mdf commerce delivers state-of-the-art B2B transactional platform to OTT HydroMet, first in a series of major site upgrades
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MONTREAL, Nov. 04, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — mdf commerce inc. (TSX:MDF), a leader in SaaS commerce technology solutions, is pleased to announce the launch of a state-of-the-art transactional platform for OTT HydroMet, a global leader in hydrology, meteorology and solar energy applications and solutions. This migration to the Orckestra Commerce Cloud from mdf commerce is one of the first steps in a significant migration project for several brands across OTT HydroMet’s broad set of solutions.OTT HydroMet, a global leader in environmental monitoring solutions, is part of Danaher’s Water Quality Platform, a larger network of seven brands operating worldwide that are in the process of a broader migration effort to the same web platform. The turnkey solution offered by mdf commerce delivers full omnichannel capabilities and cloud-based...
mdf commerce livre un site transactionnel B2B de pointe à OTT HydroMet, premier d’une série de mises à jour majeures
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MONTRÉAL, 04 nov. 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — mdf commerce inc. (TSX : MDF), un leader des technologies de commerce SaaS, est fière d’annoncer le lancement d’un site transactionnel de pointe pour OTT HydroMet, un leader mondial des applications et des solutions dans les domaines de l’hydrologie, de la météorologie et de l’énergie solaire. Cette migration vers la solution Orckestra Commerce Cloud de mdf commerce est l’une des premières étapes d’un projet de migration d’envergure de plusieurs marques au sein du large éventail de solutions d’OTT HydroMet.OTT HydroMet, un leader mondial des solutions de veille environnementale, fait partie de Danaher Water Quality Platform, un vaste réseau de sept marques opérant dans le monde entier qui font partie d’un effort de migration plus large sur la même plateforme...
Islandsbanki hf.: Flóki Halldórsson leaves board of directors
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Flóki Halldórsson has announced his resignation from Íslandsbanki hf.‘s board of directors.Flóki has been hired as the executive director of the office of the resolution authority of the Icelandic Central Bank.Flóki Halldórsson has been a member of the board of directors of Íslandsbanki since March 2020.
Islandsbanki hf.: Flóki Halldórsson úr stjórn Íslandsbanka hf.
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Flóki Halldórsson hefur sagt sig úr stjórn Íslandsbanka hf. og hefur uppsögnin þegar tekið gildi.Flóki hefur verið ráðinn í starf forstöðumanns skrifstofu skilavalds Seðlabanka Íslands. Flóki hefur verið í stjórn Íslandsbanka frá því í mars 2020.