Day: November 2, 2020
Infinity Energy Resources, Inc. to Discuss Operating Results for 3rd Quarter 2020 on November 5th at 11:15 a.m. EDTOverland Park, KS, Nov. 02, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Infinity Energy Resources, Inc. (IFNY), an independent energy company, focuses on the exploration and development of oil and gas resources, today announced the filing on October 21, 2020 of its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the 3rd Quarter of 2020 with the Securities and Exchange Commission. In addition, the Company announced that it will host an investor conference call on Thursday, November 5th at 11:15 a.m. EDT to discuss its 10-Q operating results for the third quarter ended September 30th, 2020, its plans for funding the closing of its option to purchase the production and mineral rights/leasehold for oil & gas properties in the Central Kansas Uplift...
Issue of Equity and Total voing rights
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OCTOPUS TITAN VCT PLCIssue of Equity and Total Voting RightsOctopus Titan VCT plc (the “Company”) announces that the following issues of Ordinary Shares of 10p each (“Shares”) in the capital of the Company were allotted on 2 November 2020, subject to admission: 7,824 Shares in relation to a joint offer for subscription pursuant to a prospectus issued by the Company, in conjunction with Octopus Titan VCT 1 plc, Octopus Titan VCT 3 plc, Octopus Titan VCT 4 plc and Octopus Titan VCT 5 plc, dated 7 February 2013; 18,195 Shares in relation to a joint offer for subscription pursuant to an offer document issued by the Company, in conjunction with Octopus Titan VCT 1 plc, Octopus Titan VCT 3 plc, Octopus Titan VCT 4 plc and Octopus Titan VCT 5 plc, dated 3 September 2013; 16,138 Shares in relation to a joint top up offer for subscription pursuant...
Delisting of certificates
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Due to the delisting of the share Rocket Internet SE with ISIN DE000A12UKK6, the following exchange traded products with Rocket Internet SE as underlying will be delisted from Nasdaq First North end of day Monday the 2nd of November 2020. Customers holding any of the below instruments will receive NAV (Net Asset Value) as of close of Friday the 30th of October 2020.
Hexatronic förvärvar Qubix S.p.A., en ledande aktör inom strukturerade kabelsystem i Italien
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Hexatronic Group AB (publ) 556168-6360Pressmeddelande 2 november 2020Hexatronic förvärvar Qubix S.p.A., en ledande aktör inom strukturerade kabelsystem i ItalienHexatronic Group AB (publ) (”Hexatronic”) har idag den 2 november 2020 ingått avtal samt tillträtt förvärvet av 90 procent av aktierna i Qubix S.p.A. (”Qubix”), en italiensk leverantör av strukturerade kabelsystem för telekominfrastrukturen i byggnader och på campus. Köpeskillingen uppgår till 14,4 MEUR på skuldfri basis.QubixQubix är en ledande leverantör av strukturerade kabelsystem i Italien. Qubix grundades i Italien 2001 genom en avknoppning från en kabeltillverkare. Större delen av bolagets totala försäljning sker i dagsläget till den italienska marknaden. Qubix lösningar används främst i lokala nätverk för internetåtkomst i kontorsbyggnader, bostadshus och på universitetscampus....
Hexatronic acquires Qubix S.p.A., a leading structured cabling company in Italy
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Hexatronic Group AB (publ) 556168-6360Press Release November 2, 2020Hexatronic acquires Qubix S.p.A., a leading structured cabling company in ItalyHexatronic Group AB (publ) (“Hexatronic”) has today, November 2, 2020, entered into an agreement and completed the acquisition of [90] percent of the shares in Qubix S.p.A. (“Qubix”), an Italian-based supplier of structured cabling for the telecommunication infrastructure in buildings and on campuses. The purchase price for the acquisition amounts to approximately 14.4 MEUR.QubixQubix is a leading supplier of structured cabling in Italy. Qubix was established in Italy in 2001 as a spin-off of a cable manufacturer. Most of the company’s total sales is currently in the Italian market. Qubix’s solutions are primarily used in local networks for internet access in office buildings, residential...
Prospekt November 2020
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Investeringsforeningen Gudme Raaschou har offentliggjort opdateret prospekt for foreningen.Prospektet er opdateret med ny angivelse af ÅOP og indirekte handelsomkostninger i afdeling Emerging Markets Aktier.Opdateret prospekt er vedhæftet denne meddelelse.Henvendelser vedrørende denne meddelelse bedes rettet til undertegnede på telefon 3814 6600.Med venlig hilsenNiels Erik EberhardDirektørVedhæftet filGR Prospekt November 2020_02112020
Radar Sensor Market to Rise at 19.7% CAGR till 2026; Increasing Number of Strategic Collaborations Will Provide Impetus to Market Growth, says Fortune Business Insights™
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Pune, Nov. 02, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The global radar sensor market size is projected to reach USD 35.88 billion by the end of 2026. The increasing applications of the product across diverse industry verticals will aid market growth. According to a report published by Fortune Business Insights, titled “Radar Sensor Market Size, Share & Industry Analysis, By Type (Pulse Radar, Continuous-Wave Radar, Radar Altimeter, and Others), By Range (Short-range, Medium-Range, and Long-Range), By Application (Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), Monitoring and Communication, Security and Surveillance, Traffic Monitoring, Environment, and Weather Monitoring, Hump Yard and Rail Crossing, Health Monitoring, and Others), By Vertical (Automotive, Aerospace and Defence, Healthcare, Maritime, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, and Others), and...
Class 1 Nickel Reports Updated NI 43-101 Mineral Resource Estimate on Its Alexo-Dundonald Ni-Cu-Co Deposits, Timmins, Ontario
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1.25 M Indicated Tonnes at 1.0% Ni and 1.01 M Inferred Tonnes at 1.1% NiTORONTO, Nov. 02, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Class 1 Nickel and Technologies Ltd. (CSE:NICO) (“Class 1” or the “Company”) is pleased to report an updated National Instrument 43-101 Mineral Resource Estimate on its 100% owned Alexo-Dundonald Nickel Project (the “Project” or the “Property”) located about 45 km northeast of Timmins, Ontario.The Project comprises four foundation resources; Alexo North, Alexo South, Dundonald North and Dundonald South which are situated within a regionally folded package of mafic to ultramafic (basalt and komatiite flows) rocks that trend through the approximately 20 square km land package (Figure 1). A large portion of the Property remains untested by drilling and modern geophysics.Following the completion of...
Waturu Holding A/S – patent and development of air purification apparatus for bacteria and viruses (Covid- 19)
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Company announcement No. 45Fredericia, November 2. 2020Waturu Holding A/S has obtained a Danish patent for an apparatus for cleaning the air of bacteria and viruses.The patent is based on the development of a demo unit, which has been pre-tested by BioneerA/S, which is a company under the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).About Waturu Holding A/SWaturu Holding A/S is a Vejle based Greentech company, which develops innovative watertechnology for heating or treating water, with the focus on ensuring bacteria-free water andreducing water and energy consumption for heating hot water in properties and thus ensuringCO2 savings. Waturu Holding A/S is a major shareholder in the medical company WatgenMedical A/S and in the technology company Aquaturu A/S.Waturu Holding A/SSjællandsgade 327100 VejleDenmarkCertified AdviserTofte & Company...
Waturu Holding A/S – patent og udvikling af apparat til rensning af luften for bakterier og virus (Covid-19)
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Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 45Fredericia, den 2. november 2020Waturu Holding A/S har opnået tilsagn om godkendelse af dansk patent på et apparat tilrensning af luften for bakterier og virus.Om Waturu Holding A/SWaturu Holding A/S er en Vejlensisk Greentech-virksomhed, som udvikler innovativvandteknologi til opvarmning eller behandling af vand, med det fokus at sikre bakteriefrit vandsamt nedsætte vand- og energiforbruget til opvarmning af varmt brugsvand i ejendomme ogdermed sikre CO2- besparelser. Waturu Holding A/S er hovedaktionær i medico selskabetWatgen Medical A/S samt i teknologiselskabet Aquaturu A/S.Yderligere oplysninger:CEO Toke Reedtz, tlf.: +45 5188 1262, e-mail: toke@waturu.comWaturu Holding A/SSjællandsgade 327100 VejleDanmarkCertified AdviserTofte & Company ApSChristian IX Gade 7, 3 rd ,1111 KøbenhavnTlf.: +45 71961030Kontaktperson:...