Month: October 2020
NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE UNITED STATES OR TO U.S. NEWSWIRE SERVICESMONTRÉAL, Oct. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Goldstar Minerals Inc. (“Goldstar” or the “Corporation”) (TSX-V: GDM) is pleased to announce the appointment of Danielle Giovenazzo to its Board of Directors.Dr. Giovenazzo is currently the Vice President Exploration of Benz Mining Corp. and has nearly 30 years of domestic and international mining exploration experience.She is a Professional Geologist (P. Geo) and is the President of the “Ordre des Geologues du Quebec”, and acts as a competent person as defined by NI-43-101. Dr. Giovenazzo also serves as an Independent Director on the Board of Directors of SOQUEM, which is a leading government institution in Quebec’s Exploration and Mining Industry.Stock Option GrantGoldstar has granted 10,150,000 options to directors,...
Crédit Agricole Normandie Seine : communiqué financier trimestriel au 30 septembre 2020
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Crédit Agricole Normandie-SeineRésultats au 30 Septembre 2020Bois-Guillaume, le 30 Octobre 2020Le Crédit Agricole Normandie-Seine, Banque Préférée des Hauts NormandsToujours plus engagée sur son territoire, la Caisse Régionale a accompagné ses clients depuis le début de la crise sanitaire, au quotidien et également via des dispositifs dédiés pour un montant de près 540M€ :Près de 450M€ de Prêts Garantis par l’Etat ont été octroyés auprès de 3200 clients, représentant 24,4% de parts de marchéPlus de 1 300 clients professionnels et agriculteurs assurés auprès de la Caisse Régionale ont bénéficié d’un geste solidaire et exceptionnel, pour un montant global de 6,7M€.Plus de 10 800 reports de mensualités de crédits ont été accordées pour un montant global de 80M€.La Caisse Régionale a également participé à des actions de solidarité sur son...
The First of Long Island Corporation Names Mike Spolarich as Executive Vice President and Chief Credit Officer
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GLEN HEAD, N.Y., Oct. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The First of Long Island Corporation (NASDAQ: FLIC) announced today that Michael J. Spolarich has been promoted to Executive Vice President and Chief Credit Officer of its banking subsidiary, The First National Bank of Long Island, effective December 1, 2020.Mr. Spolarich has been employed as Senior Vice President and Senior Credit Officer of the Bank since April 13, 2020. Prior to that time, Mr. Spolarich served as Senior Credit Officer for a regional bank’s New York City and Long Island districts and Chief Credit Officer and Deputy Chief Credit Officer, respectively, for two Long Island community banks. Mr. Spolarich began his banking career over thirty years ago at Chemical Bank where he received his formal credit training. He has a Master of Business Administration from New...
BioFlorida Names AIM ImmunoTech CEO Thomas K. Equels as Entrepreneur of the Year
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TAMPA, Fla. and OCALA, Fla., Oct. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BioFlorida has announced Thomas K. Equels, Chief Executive Officer of AIM ImmunoTech Inc. (NYSE American: AIM), as its Weaver H. Gaines Entrepreneur of the Year. The Entrepreneur of the Year Award recognizes an entrepreneur who has made extraordinary contributions to the growth of life sciences in the leadership of a company or institution. BioFlorida represents 6,700 establishments and research organizations in the biopharmaceuticals, medical technology, healthIT and bioagriculture sectors.Thomas K. Equels is the CEO of AIM ImmunoTech Inc., an Ocala, Fla.-based immuno-pharma company focused on the research and development of therapeutics to treat multiple types of cancers, immune disorders and viral diseases, including COVID-19, the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus....
2020 ISG Sourcing Industry Conference Will Explore Global Trends, Opportunities for Providers
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STAMFORD, Conn., Oct. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sourcing industry experts will explore enterprise buyer trends and strategies for provider success at the 2020 ISG Sourcing Industry Conference (SIC), the premier annual event for service and technology providers hosted by Information Services Group (ISG) (Nasdaq: III), a leading global technology research and advisory firm.“Service and technology providers are essential partners for enterprises focused on operational resiliency and business continuity,” said Steve Hall, president of ISG. “New ISG Index™ data show the global sourcing industry is slowly recovering from its pandemic-induced downturn, with robust transaction volume as enterprises shift to virtual models that are accelerating their digital transformations.”The 2020 ISG Sourcing Industry Conference will be the first to...
Verizon’s ‘Full Transparency’ launches blockchain verification for news releases
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What you need to know: º Verizon is implementing a blockchain-verified record of changes to its news releases º The Full Transparency initiative is a proof of concept built with open-source blockchain technology in partnership with Huge, MadNetwork and AdLedger º The Full Transparency initiative has the potential to change the way companies communicate to their audiencesBASKING RIDGE, N.J., Oct. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Verizon today announced the launch of Full Transparency by Verizon, a blockchain-based, open-source newsroom product designed to raise the bar for corporate accountability. This initiative seeks to transform how the Verizon Corporate Newsroom publishes news releases by providing an authoritative record of changes to public communications.A lack of transparency has the potential...
Preliminary financial data of Ignitis Group for 9 months of 2020
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Preliminary financial data of Ignitis Group (hereinafter – the Group) for 9 months of 2020:In January – September 2020, the Group generated revenue of EUR 874.1 million, which is 8.9 % more compared to a respective period of 2019 (EUR 802.5 million). The Group’s revenue has increased mainly due to price of power distribution service, which is comprised of power transmission, distribution and public service obligations (PSO) components.The adjusted EBITDA indicator of the Group in January – September 2020 was equal to EUR 199.3 million, i.e. 6.1 % more compared to a respective period of 2019 (EUR 187.8 million). It was mostly the result of the growing value of regulated assets due to investments in the renewal of distribution networks and efficient use of Kruonis PSHP and Elektrėnai Complex.*The Company’s preliminary (2020)...
„Ignitis grupės“ įmonių grupės preliminarūs 2020 m. 9 mėnesių finansiniai duomenys
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2020 metų 9 mėnesių preliminarūs „Ignitis grupės“ įmonių grupės (toliau – Grupės) finansiniai duomenys:Grupės pajamos 2020 m. sausio-rugsėjo mėn. siekė 874,1 mln. eurų ir buvo 8,9 proc. didesnės palyginus su atitinkamu laikotarpiu 2019 m. (802,5 mln. eurų). Esminė Grupės pajamų augimą lėmusi priežastis buvo elektros energijos persiuntimo paslaugos, kurią sudaro elektros perdavimo, skirstymo ir viešuosius interesus atitinkančių paslaugų (VIAP) dedamosios, kaina.Grupės koreguotas EBITDA rodiklis 2020 m. sausio-rugsėjo mėn. siekė 199,3 mln. eurų ir buvo 6,1 proc. didesnis palyginus su atitinkamu laikotarpiu 2019 m. (187,8 mln. eurų). Tokią rodiklio dinamiką išlaikyti padeda dėl investicijų į skirstomųjų tinklų atnaujinimą auganti reguliuojamo turto vertė bei efektyvus Kruonio HAE ir Elektrėnų komplekso panaudojimas.*Bendrovės preliminarus...
Preliminary financial data of Ignitis Group for 9 months
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Preliminary financial data of Ignitis Group (hereinafter – the Group) for 9 months of 2020:In January – September 2020, the Group generated revenue of EUR 874.1 million, which is 8.9 % more compared to a respective period of 2019 (EUR 802.5 million). The Group’s revenue has increased mainly due to price of power distribution service, which is comprised of power transmission, distribution and public service obligations (PSO) components.The adjusted EBITDA indicator of the Group in January – September 2020 was equal to EUR 199.3 million, i.e. 6.1 % more compared to a respective period of 2019 (EUR 187.8 million). It was mostly the result of the growing value of regulated assets due to investments in the renewal of distribution networks and efficient use of Kruonis PSHP and Elektrėnai Complex.*The Company’s preliminary (2020)...
GeoVax to Report Third Quarter 2020 Financial Results on Thursday, November 5, 2020 and Provide Corporate Update
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Conference call to be held Friday, November 6, at 8:15 a.m. Eastern TimeATLANTA, GA, Oct. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire — GeoVax Labs, Inc. (NasdaqCM: GOVX, GOVXW) (“GeoVax” or the “Company”), a biotechnology company developing human immunotherapies and vaccines against infectious diseases and cancer, announces today that it plans to report third quarter 2020 financial results on Thursday, November 5, 2020 after the market closes.Management will host a conference call at 8:15 a.m. ET on Friday, November 6, 2020 to review financial results and provide an update on corporate developments. Following management’s formal remarks, there will be a question and answer session.Participants are asked to pre-register for the call via the following link: note that registered...