Day: October 30, 2020
MONTRÉAL, 30 oct. 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — À deux jours de la fin d’octobre, le CN (TSX : CNR) (NYSE : CNI) a déjà dépassé le record précédent de 2,88 millions de tonnes métriques (MTM) de céréales canadiennes acheminées qu’il a établi en octobre 2019 et est en voie de franchir le cap des 3 MTM, ce qui serait une première. Cette performance inégalée s’inscrit dans la foulée de sept mois records de transport de céréales canadiennes en mars, avril, mai, juin, juillet, août et septembre.Le CN est également heureux d’annoncer qu’il prendra livraison d’une partie des 1 500 wagons-trémies céréaliers de nouvelle génération et de grande capacité construits en Amérique du Nord. La Compagnie a déjà reçu 100 wagons-trémies et 500 autres devraient être mis en service d’ici la fin de l’année. Ces nouveaux wagons-trémies de 55 pieds et 8 pouces...
Kandi Technologies to Report Third Quarter 2020 Financial Results and Hold a Conference Call on November 9, 2020
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JINHUA, China, Oct. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Kandi Technologies Group, Inc. (NASDAQ GS: KNDI) (the “Company” or “Kandi”) announced today that it will report its third quarter 2020 financial results on Monday, November 9, 2020, before the U.S. stock market open.The Company has scheduled a conference call and live webcast to discuss its financial results at 8:00 A.M. Eastern Time (9:00 P.M. Beijing Time) on Monday, November 9, 2020. Management will deliver prepared remarks to be followed by a question and answer session. The dial-in details for the conference call are as follows:Toll-free dial-in number: +1-877-407-3982International dial-in number: + 1-201-493-6780Webcast and replay: The live audio webcast of the call can also be accessed by visiting Kandi’s Investor...
Inscape Announces Sale of Shares by Bhayana Management
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HOLLAND LANDING, Ontario, Oct. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bhayana Management Ltd. (“Bhayana”), a company controlled indirectly by Madan Bhayana, today converted 3,345,881 Class A Multiple Voting Shares, being all of the issued and outstanding Class A Multiple Voting Shares, into Class B Subordinated Voting Shares on a one-for-one-basis (the “Conversion”). The Class B Subordinated Voting Shares are listed on The Toronto Stock Exchange. (TMX: symbol INQ)After the Conversion, Bhayana together with its affiliates held 6,886,981 Class B Subordinated Voting Shares or 47.9% percent of the issued and outstanding Class B Subordinated Voting Shares on a non-diluted basis. The Conversion was completed by Mr. Bhayana for liquidity reasons in order to dispose of his entire interest in Inscape Corporation pursuant to a purchase agreement,...
Delårsrapport for SKAKO A/S for 3. kvartal 2020
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Til NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S GlobeNewswire Faaborg, den 30. oktober 2020 Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 11/2020 Delårsrapport for SKAKO A/S for 3. kvartal 2020SKAKO forbedrer resultatet i de første tre kvartaler af 2020 markant og genoptager udbytteudbetalingI de første tre kvartaler af 2020 realiserede SKAKO et resultat af primær drift (EBIT) på 15,0 mio. kr., hvilket udgør en stigning på 48% i forhold til de første tre kvartaler af 2019, hvor et EBIT-resultat på 10,1 mio. kr. blev realiseret. Som følge...
ERYTECH stellt in Webkonferenz am 6. November 2020 Ergebnisse für Q3/2020 und Unternehmensneuigkeiten vor
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LYON, Frankreich, Oct. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — ERYTECH Pharma (Euronext Paris: ERYP – Nasdaq: ERYP), ein klinisch forschendes biopharmazeutisches Unternehmen, das innovative Therapien entwickelt, indem es Wirkstoffe in roten Blutkörperchen einkapselt, hat heute eine Webkonferenz und einen Webcast zu seinen Ergebnissen für Q3/2020 angekündigt, in denen die betrieblichen Highlights vorgestellt werden. Webkonferenz und Webcast finden am Freitag, dem 06. November 2020 um 14:30 Uhr MEZ/8:30 Uhr EST statt.Die Einwahl in die Konferenz erfolgt über die folgenden Telefonkonferenznummern, gefolgt von der Konferenz-ID: 2943988#Der Webcast kann online live über folgenden Link verfolgt werden: Aufzeichnung der Konferenz ist anschließend 7 Tage lang unter der folgenden Einwahlnummer abrufbar: +...
ERYTECH ospiterà il giorno 6 novembre 2020 la teleconferenza e il business update relativi al terzo trimestre 2020
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LIONE, Francia, Oct. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — ERYTECH Pharma (Euronext Paris: ERYP – Nasdaq: ERYP), un’azienda biofarmaceutica in fase clinica che sviluppa terapie innovative incapsulando sostanze farmacologiche all’interno dei globuli rossi, ha annunciato oggi che ospiterà la teleconferenza e il webcast del terzo trimestre 2020 il giorno venerdì 6 novembre 2020, alle ore 14:30 CET/8:30 EST, per discutere i principali dati operativi.La teleconferenza sarà accessibile attraverso i numeri di teleconferenza riportati di seguito, seguiti dall’ID# della conferenza: 2943988#È possibile seguire il webcast online in diretta tramite il link: 7 giorni sarà disponibile una registrazione chiamando il numero + 1 855 859 2056, ID conferenza: 2943988#.Sul sito web di ERYTECH sarà disponibile...
Mount Logan Capital Inc. Announces Closing of Interval Fund Transaction
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THIS NEWS RELEASE IS NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION TO U.S. NEWSWIRE SERVICES FOR DISSEMINATION IN THE UNITED STATESAll figures in United States dollars unless otherwise noted.TORONTO, Oct. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mount Logan Capital Inc. (NEO: MLC) (“Mount Logan” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has closed its previously announced transaction alongside Sierra Crest Investment Management LLC (“SCIM”), an affiliate of BC Partners Advisors L.P., whereby SCIM has become the investment adviser of the Resource Credit Income Fund (“CIF”) pursuant to a new advisory agreement (the “CIF Advisory Agreement”) between SCIM and CIF (collectively, the “SCIM Transaction”) and, in connection therewith, for the acquisition by SCIM from Resource America, Inc. of certain nominal assets related to CIF.CIF is a U.S.-based, continuously offered,...
Goldstar Announces New Director and Stock Option Grant
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NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE UNITED STATES OR TO U.S. NEWSWIRE SERVICESMONTRÉAL, Oct. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Goldstar Minerals Inc. (“Goldstar” or the “Corporation”) (TSX-V: GDM) is pleased to announce the appointment of Danielle Giovenazzo to its Board of Directors.Dr. Giovenazzo is currently the Vice President Exploration of Benz Mining Corp. and has nearly 30 years of domestic and international mining exploration experience.She is a Professional Geologist (P. Geo) and is the President of the “Ordre des Geologues du Quebec”, and acts as a competent person as defined by NI-43-101. Dr. Giovenazzo also serves as an Independent Director on the Board of Directors of SOQUEM, which is a leading government institution in Quebec’s Exploration and Mining Industry.Stock Option GrantGoldstar has granted 10,150,000 options to directors,...
Crédit Agricole Normandie Seine : communiqué financier trimestriel au 30 septembre 2020
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Crédit Agricole Normandie-SeineRésultats au 30 Septembre 2020Bois-Guillaume, le 30 Octobre 2020Le Crédit Agricole Normandie-Seine, Banque Préférée des Hauts NormandsToujours plus engagée sur son territoire, la Caisse Régionale a accompagné ses clients depuis le début de la crise sanitaire, au quotidien et également via des dispositifs dédiés pour un montant de près 540M€ :Près de 450M€ de Prêts Garantis par l’Etat ont été octroyés auprès de 3200 clients, représentant 24,4% de parts de marchéPlus de 1 300 clients professionnels et agriculteurs assurés auprès de la Caisse Régionale ont bénéficié d’un geste solidaire et exceptionnel, pour un montant global de 6,7M€.Plus de 10 800 reports de mensualités de crédits ont été accordées pour un montant global de 80M€.La Caisse Régionale a également participé à des actions de solidarité sur son...
The First of Long Island Corporation Names Mike Spolarich as Executive Vice President and Chief Credit Officer
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GLEN HEAD, N.Y., Oct. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The First of Long Island Corporation (NASDAQ: FLIC) announced today that Michael J. Spolarich has been promoted to Executive Vice President and Chief Credit Officer of its banking subsidiary, The First National Bank of Long Island, effective December 1, 2020.Mr. Spolarich has been employed as Senior Vice President and Senior Credit Officer of the Bank since April 13, 2020. Prior to that time, Mr. Spolarich served as Senior Credit Officer for a regional bank’s New York City and Long Island districts and Chief Credit Officer and Deputy Chief Credit Officer, respectively, for two Long Island community banks. Mr. Spolarich began his banking career over thirty years ago at Chemical Bank where he received his formal credit training. He has a Master of Business Administration from New...