Day: October 29, 2020
SURREY, British Columbia, Oct. 29, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — DSG Global Inc. (OTCQB: DSGT) (“DSGT”), via subsidiary Imperium Motors, announced today it has entered into a business development and data management services agreement with GCN Media Group, the marketing arm of Global Career Networks, Inc. (“GCN”). GCN will supply targeted data, assist DSGT with a marketing strategy that aligns with its business verticals, and assist in executing the Company’s business plan.GCN Media Group, a Global Career Networks company, is a strategic marketing firm focused on enhancing a business’s performance. Using their deep functional understanding of industries and extensive reach to business leaders, GCN supports companies in important decisions on strategy, operations, marketing, and technology. GCN will supply targeted data to...
Major shareholder notification – Société Générale S.A.
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GN Store Nord A/S hereby announces that on October 29, 2020 it received a notification from Société Générale S.A. stating that on October 26, 2020 Société Générale S.A. had reduced its holdings of financial instruments, cf. section 39(2)(2) of the Danish Capital Markets Act, to less than 5% of the share capital and voting rights in GN Store Nord A/S.For further information, please contact:orRune SandagerSenior Manager – Investor Relations Tel: +45 45 75 92 57The GN Group enables people to Hear More, Do More and Be More through its intelligent hearing, audio and video collaboration solutions. Inspired by people and driven by our innovation leadership, we leverage technological synergies between our hearing and audio divisions to deliver unique and increasingly individualized user experiences in our products and solutions.150 years ago,...
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COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSELe 29 octobre 2020RÉSULTATS DU 1ER SEMESTRE 2020 :ENCRES DUBUIT (ISIN : FR0004030708, mnémo : ALDUB), le spécialiste des encres de hautes technologies, publie ce jour ses résultats pour le premier semestre 2020.Les résultats consolidés au titre du 1er semestre 2020 ont été arrêtés par le Directoire et examinés par le Conseil de Surveillance qui s’est tenu le 27 octobre 2020.L’épidémie du virus COVID-19 apparu en Chine en décembre 2019 et qualifiée de pandémie par l’OMS le 11 mars 2020 a entrainé l’instauration de nombreuses mesures restrictives dans différents pays du monde, telles que des restrictions de circulation des personnes et des mesures de confinement des populations. Ces mesures, qui évoluent au gré de la propagation du virus, ont fortement impacté nos activités au cours du premier semestre...
Virtu Financial Congratulates Pegah Esmaeili for her Rising Star Award from Women in Finance Europe
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NEW YORK, Oct. 29, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Virtu Financial, Inc. (NASDAQ: VIRT), a leading provider of financial services and products that leverages cutting edge technology to deliver innovative, transparent trading solutions to our clients and liquidity to the global markets, announced that its Head of Nordic Business Development, Pegah Esmaeili, has won the Women in Finance Europe’s Rising Star award Europe. The prestigious award honors highly accomplished women whose entrepreneurial spirit and leadership have made a unique contribution to the industry.Based in Paris, Pegah oversees the distribution of Virtu’s client-focused execution services across the Nordic region—one of Virtu’s most successful—through her relationships with asset managers and hedge funds. In 2018, Pegah joined Virtu’s global leadership program, aimed at...
Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta Declares a 4.00% Dividend for Third Quarter 2020
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ATLANTA, Oct. 29, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Board of Directors of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta (FHLBank Atlanta) today approved a third quarter 2020 cash dividend at an annualized rate of 4.00 percent.“The economic strains brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic continue to present challenges for the Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta, and for its member financial institutions and the communities they serve,” said FHLBank Atlanta Chair of the Board, Rick Whaley. “Despite these challenges, our cooperative remains stable and we are pleased to return value to our members through this third quarter dividend.”The dividend rate is 3.75 percentage points over the daily average three-month LIBOR yield for the third quarter of 2020, and 3.91 percentage points over the daily average Secured Overnight Financing Rate, also known as...
Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta Announces Third Quarter 2020 Operating Highlights
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ATLANTA, Oct. 29, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta (the Bank) today released preliminary unaudited financial highlights for the quarter ended September 30, 2020. All numbers reported below for the third quarter of 2020 are approximate until the Bank announces unaudited financial results in its Form 10-Q filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which is expected to be filed on or about November 6, 2020.Net income for the third quarter of 2020 was $56 million, a decrease of $20 million compared to net income of $76 million for the third quarter of 2019. The decrease in net income was primarily due to changes in advance balances, as well as changes in interest rates. Beginning in March of 2020 and continuing through the third quarter of 2020, conditions in the financial markets have been impacted...
Freddie Mac Prices $999 Million Multifamily K-Deal, K-739
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MCLEAN, Va., Oct. 29, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Freddie Mac (OTCQB: FMCC) recently priced a new offering of Structured Pass-Through Certificates (K Certificates), which are backed by underlying collateral consisting of fixed-rate multifamily mortgages with predominantly 7-year terms. The company expects to issue approximately $999 million in K-739 Certificates, which are expected to settle on or about November 5, 2020.K-739 PricingDetailsCo-Lead Managers and Joint Bookrunners: Wells Fargo Securities, LLC and Deutsche Bank Securities Inc.Co-Managers: Academy Securities, Inc., Barclays Capital Inc., Mizuho Securities USA LLC and Morgan Stanley & Co. LLCRating Agencies: Fitch Ratings, Inc. and DBRS, Inc.Related LinksThe K-739 Preliminary Offering Circular Supplement: Freddie Mac Multifamily...
Millicom (TIGO) first to introduce Amazon Prime Video Mobile Edition for TIGO prepaid customers across Latin America
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Luxembourg, October 29, 2020 – Millicom, the leading provider of cable and mobile services operating under the TIGO brand, is the first mobile operator in Latin America to introduce Amazon Prime Video Mobile Edition – a new service designed exclusively for mobile devices. The service enables customers to enjoy the entire Prime Video catalog through their prepaid plan, removing the need for a credit card. In addition, this new service allows customers to pay as they go, removing any subscription commitments and letting them sign up for as little as one week.“We are pleased to be first to introduce Amazon Prime Video Mobile Edition in Latin America for the benefit of our prepaid customers in the region,” commented Luciano Marino, vice president for B2C at Millicom. “Thanks to our partnership with Amazon, our customers will be able to enjoy...
ISG Index:亚太地区托管服务下挫至14年来最低水平
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新冠疫情造成的相关担忧导致ITO、BPO市场出现下挫,各公司纷纷转为采用云服务澳大利亚悉尼, Oct. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 全球领先的技术研究和咨询公司Information Services Group(以下称“ISG”)(Nasdaq: III)发布最新行业状况报告,指出由于对全球疫情的担忧,亚太地区的托管服务市场在第三季度降至14年来的最低水平。亚太ISG Index™指数衡量年度合同价值(ACV)在500万美元及以上的商业外包合同。该指数显示亚太地区的托管服务市场在第三季度下挫48%至3.38亿美元,这是2006年以来的最低水平。在各项托管服务中,信息技术外包(ITO)减少了50%,降至2.27亿美元,业务流程外包(BPO)减少32%,降至6100万美元。与此同时,基于云的服务(传统上是该地区实现采购成功业绩的主要力量)的ACV在第三季度增长6%,达到16亿美元。这一数字中包括基础设施即服务(IaaS)增长8%,达到14亿美元,而软件即服务(SaaS)下降至2.22亿美元,降幅达8%,使得该季度成为这一领域在过去三年中表现最低迷的季度之一。尽管即服务部门整体实现增长,但亚太地区合并市场(托管服务和即服务)收缩了10%,降至19.7亿美元。ISG亚太区合伙人和地区业务负责人Scott Bertsch表示:“亚太地区的云服务在今年初创下了季度最佳纪录,但即服务市场在过去两个季度出现下滑,反映出疫情影响导致的投资放缓。” “本季度,基于云的服务增长不足以提振亚太地区的整体市场。”Bertsch表示,云基础设施的市场份额之争在该地区仍然激烈,特别是在印度,该国的电信、宽带互联网和公共云市场领域的业务举措正不断加强。例如,AWS与巴帝电信(Bharti Airtel)签署协议,为印度公司提供更多云服务,而微软与Jio建立了合作伙伴关系。Bertsch指出,就托管服务领域而言,在前一季度订约活动增加之后,合同量在第三季度回落至更具代表性的水平。Bertsch表示:“几乎所有交易的额度都低于2000万美元。”...
ISG 指數:亞太區託管服務創 14 年新低
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隨著公司轉向雲端服務,資訊科技外判、業務流程外判市場因 COVID-19 疫情暴跌澳洲悉尼, Oct. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 根據領先的全球技術研究及諮詢公司 Information Services Group (ISG) (Nasdaq: III) 的最新行業報告,因受疫情的憂慮,亞太區的託管服務市場在第三季度下跌至 14 年來最低水平。亞太區 ISG Index™ 衡量的年度合同價值 (ACV) 為 500 萬美元或以上的商業外判合同顯示,該區的託管服務市場在第三季度下降了 48%,降至 3.38 億美元,是自 2006 年以來的最差表現。在託管服務中,資訊科技外判 (ITO) 下降 50%,至 2.77 億美元,業務流程外判 (BPO) 下降 32%,至 6,100 萬美元。同時,傳統上在該區採購成功中佔主導地位的雲端服務 ACV 在第三季度增長了 6%,達到 16 億美元。該數字包括基礎設施即服務 (IaaS) 增長 8%,至 14 億美元,軟件即服務 (SaaS) 下降 8%,至 2.22 億美元,這是該公司最近三年最弱的季度之一。亞太區的綜合市場(包括託管服務和即服務)下降了 10%,為 19.7 億美元,儘管「即服務」領域整體增長。ISG 亞太區合夥人及區域負責人 Scott Bertsch 表示:「亞太區的雲端服務創下了創紀錄的季度,但是即服務市場在最近兩個季度有所下降,這反映了疫情導致的投資放緩。本季度,雲端服務的增長不足以提升亞太區的綜合市場。」Bertsch 說,整個地區,尤其是在印度,電訊、寬頻互聯網及公共雲端市場的行動正在升溫,整個地區的雲端基礎設施市場份額之爭仍繼續。例如,AWS 與 Bharti Airtel 簽署了一項協議,旨在為印度公司提供更多雲端服務,而 Microsoft 與 Jio 建立了合作夥伴關係。在託管服務領域,Bertsch 指出,在上一季度的合同活動增加之後,第三季度的合同量回落至更典型的水平。Bertsch...