Day: October 28, 2020
Communiqué de mise à disposition du RFS 2020La société annonce avoir mis à la disposition du public et déposé auprès de l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers son rapport financier semestriel 2020.Le rapport financier semestriel peut être consulté sur le site internet de la société à l’adresse dans la rubrique « Information réglementé ».Celui-ci comporte notamment :Les comptes semestrielsLe rapport semestrielLes tableaux de variation des capitaux propres et flux de trésorerieL’attestation du responsable du rapport semestrielLe rapport du commissaire aux comptesPièce jointeSA FIEBM communique mise a dispo RFS20
Cegedim: A return to growth in the third quarter of 2020
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Quarterly financial information at September 30, 2020IFRS – Regulated information – Not auditedCegedim: A return to growth in the third quarter of 2020Like-for-like revenues grew 1.9% in the third quarter of 2020All divisions contributed to growthOwing to the spike in Covid-19 cases, we are unable to confirm our targets for revenues and for recurring operating income1 at this timeBoulogne-Billancourt, France, October 28, 2020, after the market closeCegedim, an innovative technology and services company, posted consolidated Q3 2020 revenues of €118.9 million, up 0.4 % on a reported basis and 1.9% like for like compared with the same period in 2019. Thus, after an increase in Q1 and a decrease in Q2, consolidated 9M 2020 revenues came to €355.1 million, down 2.5% on a reported basis and 1.1% like for like compared with the same period in...
Cegedim : Retour de la croissance au T3 2020
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Information financière trimestrielle au 30 septembre 2020IFRS – Information réglementée – Non AuditéeCegedim : Retour de la croissance au T3 2020Croissance organique de 1,9% du chiffre d’affaires au troisième trimestre 2020L’ensemble des divisions contribue à cette croissanceL’explosion de cas de Covid-19 ne permet pas de confirmer les objectifs de chiffre d’affaires et de Résultat Opérationnel Courant1.Boulogne-Billancourt, France, le 28 octobre 2020 après bourseCegedim, entreprise innovante de technologies et de services, enregistre au troisième trimestre 2020, un chiffre d’affaires consolidé de 118,9 millions d’euros, en croissance de 0,4% en données publiées et de 1,9% en données organiques par rapport à la même période en 2019. Ainsi, après un premier trimestre en croissance, un deuxième en recul, le chiffre d’affaires consolidé...
Befimmo SA | Interim statement as at 30 September 2020
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Resilient portfolio and flexible business model in changing timesBefimmo published its quarterly results as at 30 September 2020.Click on the following link to consult the press release: AttachmentBEFIMMO SA – Quarterly results Q3 2020 – 2020.10.28 – UK V FINAL
Befimmo NV | Tussentijdse verklaring op 30 september 2020
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Robuuste portefeuille en flexibel bedrijfsmodel in veranderende tijdenBefimmo publiceerde haar kwartaalresultaten per 30 september 2020.Klik op de volgende link om het persbericht te raadplegen: BijlageBEFIMMO NV – Kwartaalresultaten Q3 2020 – 2020.10.28 – NL V FINAL
Befimmo SA | Déclaration intermédiaire au 30 septembre 2020
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Un portefeuille résilient et un modèle d’entreprise flexible en période de changementBefimmo a publié ses résultats trimestriels au 30 Septembre 2020.Cliquez sur le lien suivant pour consulter le communiqué de presse : Pièce jointeBEFIMMO SA – Résultats trimestriels Q3 2020 – 2020.10.28 – FR V FINAL
ExGen Announces Updated 43-101 Resource At Empire
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NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION TO UNITED STATES NEWSWIRE SERVICES OR FOR DISSEMINATION IN THE UNITED STATESVANCOUVER, British Columbia, Oct. 28, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — ExGen Resources Inc. (TSX.V: EXG; OTC: BXXRF) (“ExGen”, the “Company”) is pleased to provide an update in respect of Phoenix Copper Ltd.’s (“Phoenix”) exploration and development activities at the Empire Mine Project in Idaho, USA. Further to previous ExGen news releases, ExGen owns 20% and Phoenix owns 80% of Konnex Resources, Inc. (“Konnex”), which holds the leases and claims to the Empire Mine Project. ExGen further has a 2.5% NSR royalty on the Empire Mine Project and owns 1,330,000 common shares of Phoenix.ExGen is pleased to report that Phoenix, (the operator of the Empire Mine Project), has provided the data from an updated NI 43-10 resource estimate for the Empire...
Islandsbanki hf.: Financial results for third quarter 2020
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Third quarter 2020 (3Q20) financial highlights
Islandsbanki hf.: Afkoma á þriðja ársfjórðungi ársins 2020
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Helstu atriði í afkomu þriðja ársfjórðungs 2020 (3F20)Hagnaður af rekstri Íslandsbanka eftir skatta nam 3,4 ma. kr. á 3F20 samanborið við 2,1 ma. kr. á 3F19. Arðsemi eigin fjár var 7,4% á ársgrundvelli (3F19: 4,7%).Hreinar vaxtatekjur jukust um 1,4% á milli ára. Vaxtamunur var 2,5% samanborið við 2,6% á 2F20. Hreinar þóknanatekjur jukust um 12,3% á milli ára sem skýrist af hærri tekjum frá eignastýringu, fjárfestingabankastarfsemi og verðbréfamiðlun en einnig vegna sölu Borgunar hf. þar sem eyðingarfærslur fyrsta árshelmings voru bakfærðar í kjölfar sölu dótturfélagsins. Hrein fjármagnsgjöld voru 255 (3F19: 602órnunarkostnaður lækkaði um 8,9% sem skýrist af áframhaldandi kostnaðarhagræðingu og aðgerðum fyrri tímabila. Kostnaðarhlutfall bankans var 46,7% á 3F20 (3F19: 56,3%) og uppfyllir því markmið bankans um að kostnaðarhlutfall...
Landfestar ehf.: Fyrirhuguð uppgreiðsla LF 14 1
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Félagið stefnir að því að greiða upp skuldabréfaflokkinn LF 14 1 á næsta gjalddaga, 12. desember 2020. Uppgreiðslan yrði liður í endurfjármögnun skulda samstæðu móðurfélagsins, Eikar fasteignafélags hf.Flokkurinn stendur í tæplega 12.700 og var gefinn út á ávöxtunarkröfunni 3,9% árið 2014. Samkvæmt skilmálum flokksins greiðist 1,5% uppgreiðslugjald.Móðurfélagið hefur aflað tilboða frá bönkum sem tryggja myndu fulla fjármögnun flokksins en ekki hefur verið skrifað undir lánasamninga. Komi til uppgreiðslu flokksins stefnir móðurfélagið að því að halda skuldabréfaútboð í aðdraganda uppgreiðslunnar.Verði ákveðið að greiða upp LF 14 1 mun félagið gera skuldabréfaeigendum grein fyrir því með tilkynningu í kauphöll, í samræmi við skilmála skuldabréfaflokksins.Nánari upplýsingar veita:Garðar Hannes Friðjónsson, forstjóri Eikar fasteignafélags...