Day: October 28, 2020
Income from operations amounted to ISK 6,252 million.Impairment of trade receivables amounted to ISK 316 million.Operating profit before changes in value and depreciation amounted to ISK 3,773 million.Total loss amounted to ISK 209 million.Net cash from operations was ISK 2,057 million.The book value of investment properties amounted to ISK 96,840 million. The book value of assets for own use amounted to ISK 3,778 million.Changes in value of investment properties were negative by ISK 465 million.Cash and cash equivalents amounted to ISK 2,708 million.Interest-bearing debt amounted to ISK 61,523 million.Equity ratio was 31.0%.Loss per share was ISK 0.02.The Interim Financial Statements of Eik fasteignafélag hf. for the period 1 January to 30 September 2020 were approved by the Company’s Board of Directors and CEO on 28 October 2020.Attached...
Eik fasteignafélag hf.: Árshlutauppgjör fyrstu níu mánuði ársins 2020
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Rekstrartekjur námu 6.252ðisrýrnun viðskiptakrafna nam 316ður fyrir matsbreytingu og afskriftir nam 3.773 nam 209ært fé frá rekstri nam 2.057ókfært virði fjárfestingareigna nam 96.840 Bókfært virði eigna til eigin nota nam 3.778 í lok tímabilsins.Matsbreyting fjárfestingareigna var neikvæð um 465ært fé nam 2.708 skuldir námu 61.523 í lok tímabilsins.Eiginfjárhlutfall nam 31,0%.Tap á hlut var 0,02 kr.Árshlutareikningur Eikar fasteignafélags hf. fyrir tímabilið 1. janúar til 30. september 2020 var samþykktur af stjórn og forstjóra félagsins þann 28. október 2020.Meðfylgjandi er árshlutaskýrsla sem inniheldur árshlutareikning vegna fyrstu níu mánaða ársins ásamt ítarlegri upplýsingum um rekstur félagsins en fram koma í tilkynningunni.Rekstur...
Avenir LNG Limited announces delivery of the Avenir Advantage to Future Horizon (L) Pte Ltd
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London, October 28, 2020 – Avenir LNG Limited (NOTC:AVENIR) today announced that its subsidiary Avenir (L) Pte. Ltd. delivered its first dual-purpose liquefied natural gas bunkering and supply vessel (LBV) Avenir Advantage to Future Horizon (L) Pte Ltd (a joint venture company between MISC Berhad and Avenir LNG Limited) on 24 October 2020.PETRONAS LNG Sdn. Bhd. has chartered the Avenir Advantage from Future Horizon for a period of three years.For additional information please contact:
Adevinta Ventures invests in Bipi’s €10.5 million Series B funding round
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Oslo, 28 October 2020 – Adevinta Ventures, the investment arm of Adevinta, is investing in Bipi, Spain’s fast-growing car-as-a-service startup headquartered in Madrid, Spain, in a €10.5 million Series B funding round, alongside Toyota AI Ventures, Atresmedia, and existing investors Maniv Mobility, IDC Ventures and TA Ventures. This is Adevinta Ventures’ first investment in Spain.Founded in Madrid in 2017, Bipi is a leading European car subscription startup, offering consumers a hassle-free alternative to car ownership with fully-flexible, all inclusive monthly subscriptions to high quality new and used cars for a single, all-inclusive monthly payment and a digital-first, 100% online transaction process.Bipi is the market leader in Spain, and will use this new funding to further accelerate its growth in the Spanish market by hiring...
UPDATED: El Pollo Loco’s New Holiday Campaign Encourages Inclusivity and Connection
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COSTA MESA, Calif., Oct. 28, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — El Pollo Loco, Inc. (“El Pollo Loco” or “Company”) (Nasdaq: LOCO), the nation’s leading fire-grilled chicken restaurant chain will launch its new holiday campaign, “Kids on Culture” on November 2, calling on the community to encourage inclusivity as we bring such a complicated year to an end.Food is often considered a great equalizer as it crosses political and societal barriers. Food, more than any one contributor, brings people together regardless of background through shared experiences, traditions, and emotions as there is just an innate good feeling about discovering something new to try and enjoying a meal with others.Anchored in a heartwarming 30-second video, El Pollo Loco’s new holiday campaign features honest and uplifting commentary by kids from different cultural backgrounds...
TELUS and Calm sign global-first agreement to deliver content for better mental health through a TV service
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Oct. 28, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Strengthening its commitment to improving the health of all Canadians, TELUS today announced a global-first agreement with Calm, the award-winning mental fitness app, to bring sleep, meditation and relaxation content into the homes of Optik TV and Pik TV customers, through the TELUS Healthy Living Network(R).This collaboration is the first of its kind for Calm and will enable TELUS to provide mental health resources to Canadians of all ages as they deal with the stresses brought on by life during the COVID-19 pandemic. The content, which is free for all Optik TV and Pik TV subscribers, includes guided meditations, breathing exercises, and Calm’s Sleep StoriesTM, bedtime stories for grown ups.“At TELUS, we know how critical good mental health is to overall well-being and...
Hygo Energy Transition update
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Golar LNG Limited announces today that its 50/50 downstream joint venture company, Hygo Energy Transition Limited, has issued a statement regarding its internal review. That statement is reproduced below:Board of Hygo provides update on Internal ReviewThe Board of Directors of Hygo Energy Transition Limited (“Hygo”) became aware in late September of allegations involving an individual who was then serving as Hygo’s Chief Executive involving conduct unrelated to this company and that predated his work at Hygo. On October 19,2020, Hygo appointed Mr. Paul Hanrahan as a Director and its new Chief Executive and also appointed Mrs. Kate Blankenship as a new independent Director.In addition, on September 25, 2020, Hygo’s board initiated an internal review in response to these allegations. The law firm Simpson Thacher & Bartlett...
BOS to Release Financial Results for the Third Quarter of 2020 on Monday, November 30, 2020
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RISHON LEZION, Israel, Oct. 28, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — B.O.S. Better Online Solutions Ltd. (“BOS” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: BOSC), announced today that it will release its financial results for the third quarter of 2020 before the market opens on Monday, November 30, 2020.BOS will host a conference call on Monday, November 30, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. EST – 5:00 p.m., Israel Time. A question-and-answer session will follow management’s presentation. To access the conference call, please dial one of the following numbers:US: +1-888-281-1167, International: +972-3-9180644.For those unable to listen to the live call, a replay of the call will be available the next day on the BOS website: www.boscom.comAbout BOSBOS is a global provider of custom-made robots and an integrator of off-the-shelf automation systems...
Skeljungur hf.: ISK 470 million profit in Q3 2020
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See enclosed Market announcement, Skeljungur hf.’s Q3 accounts for 2020 and Investor presentation.Skeljungur will host a webcast for investors, analysts, and the press tomorrow, Thursday, October 29, at 8:30. CEO Árni Pétur Jónsson and CFO Ólafur Þór Jóhannesson will give an overview of the financial results and operational highlights.Attention is drawn to the fact that the investor meeting will only be a webcast. The webcast will be available here: participants can send questions to, questions will be answered after the presentation tomorrow.The presentation will be available on Skeljungur ‘s website.For further information please contact Árni Pétur Jónsson, CEO,
Skeljungur hf.: Hagnaður 470 milljónir króna á þriðja ársfjórðungi 2020
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Meðfylgjandi er tilkynning um uppgjör, árshlutareikningur vegna uppgjörs þriðja ársfjórðungs Skeljungs 2020 og fjárfestakynning.Minnt er á vefstreymi fyrir markaðsaðila sem fer fram á morgun, fimmtudaginn 29. október kl. 8:30. Á fundinum munu Árni Pétur Jónsson, forstjóri, og Ólafur Þór Jóhannesson, framkvæmdastjóri fjármálasviðs, kynna uppgjörið og helstu þætti úr rekstrinum.Vakin er athygli á því að fundurinn verður einungis rafrænn þessu sinni. Hægt verður að nálgast streymið hér:ðsaðilar geta sent inn spurningar á og verðum þeim svarað eftir kynninguna á morgun.Kynningarefni af fundinum verður jafnframt gert aðgengilegt á heimasíðu Skeljungs.Nánari upplýsingar veitir Árni Pétur Jónsson, forstjóri,ðhengiSkeljungur_Samstæðureikningur...