Day: October 23, 2020
Pompano Beach, Florida, Oct. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Brownies Marine Group, Inc. (OTCQB: BWMG), a leading developer, manufacturer and distributor of tankless dive equipment and high pressure air and industrial compressors in the marine industry, announced today that its BLU3 revolutionary line of ultra-portable tankless diving systems will be available on The company recently shipped their first product to Amazon Prime and is expected to be available for shipping in the next week. Brownie’s Marine has also created their own store front on Amazon, which was approved and is currently live.Robert Carmichael, President and CEO, stated, “Our BLU3 line of tankless diving system is a critical stage in providing full vertical integration of the diving experience for the consumer. The Nemo and future iterations of the...
Cronos Group Inc. to Hold 2020 Third Quarter Earnings Conference Call on November 5, 2020
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TORONTO, Oct. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Cronos Group Inc. (NASDAQ: CRON) (TSX: CRON) (“Cronos Group” or the “Company”) will hold its 2020 Third Quarter Earnings Conference Call on Thursday, November 5, 2020 at 8:30 a.m. EST. Cronos Group’s senior management team will discuss the Company’s financial results and will be available for questions from the investment community after prepared remarks.A live audio webcast of the earnings call will be available on the Company’s website at The webcast of the call will be archived for replay on the Company’s website.Participants may also listen via telephone by dialing (866) 795-2258 toll-free from the U.S. and Canada, or (409) 937-8902 if dialing from outside the U.S. and Canada (passcode: 5159205). If joining by phone, please dial into...
ACM Research to Release Third Quarter 2020 Financial Results on November 5, 2020; Conference Call on November 6, 2020
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FREMONT, Calif., Oct. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — ACM Research, Inc. (NASDAQ: ACMR) announced today that it will release its financial results for the third quarter of 2020 after the U.S. market close on Thursday, November 5, 2020. The company will conduct a conference call on Friday, November 6, 2020, at 8:00 a.m. U.S. Eastern Time (9:00 p.m. China Time) to discuss the results.During the conference call, the company intends to provide an update and respond as necessary to assertions and conclusions expressed in a report published by J Capital Research Limited, a short seller, on October 8, 2020. A letter of the company to customers, vendors and employees with respect to misinformation contained in the J Capital report can be accessed at register in advance to join the conference call...
1ST Constitution Bancorp Reports Third Quarter 2020 Results and Declares a Quarterly Dividend of $0.09 Per Share
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CRANBURY, N.J., Oct. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 1ST Constitution Bancorp (NASDAQ: FCCY), the holding company (the “Company”) for 1ST Constitution Bank (the “Bank”), today reported net income of $4.9 million and diluted earnings per share of $0.48 for the three months ended September 30, 2020 compared to net income of $3.6 million and diluted earnings per share of $0.42 for the three months ended September 30, 2019. Net income increased 35.5% and diluted earnings per share increased 14.3% for the third quarter of 2020 compared to the third quarter of 2019. Net income for the three months ended September 30, 2019 included $265,000 of after tax merger expenses related to the merger of Shore Community Bank (“Shore”).The Board of Directors declared a quarterly cash dividend of $0.09 per share of common stock that will be payable on...
Annual General Meeting is convened on November 16, 2020
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Hereby we announce the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (hereinafter – the Meeting) of AB Linas Agro Group, registered address Smėlynės St. 2C, Panevėžys, Lithuania, code 148030011, (hereinafter – the Company) is convened.The date, time and venue of the Meeting – 16 November, 2020 at 11.00 a.m., hotel “Smėlynė”, Conference Hall (Smėlynės St. 3, Panevėžys, Lithuania).Accounting day of the Meeting is 9 November, 2020. Only the persons who are the shareholders of the Company at the end of the Accounting day of the Meeting shall have the right to attend and vote at the Meeting.The Rights Accounting day is 30 November, 2020. Only the persons who are the shareholders of the Company at the end of the Rights Accounting day shall have proprietary rights.Agenda of the Meeting:Presentation of the Company’s Audit Committee Activity Report.Presentation...
2020 m. lapkričio 16 d. šaukiamas visuotinis eilinis akcininkų susirinkimas
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Pranešame, kad šaukiamas AB „Linas Agro Group“, buveinės adresas Smėlynės g. 2C, Panevėžys, Lietuva, kodas 148030011 (toliau – Bendrovė), eilinis visuotinis akcininkų susirinkimas (toliau – Susirinkimas).Susirinkimo data, laikas ir vieta – 2020 m. lapkričio 16 d. 11.00 val., viešbutis „Smėlynė“, Konferencijų salė (Smėlynės g. 3, Panevėžys, Lietuva).Susirinkimo apskaitos diena – 2020 m. lapkričio 9 d. Dalyvauti ir balsuoti Susirinkime turi teisę tik tie asmenys, kurie yra Bendrovės akcininkai Susirinkimo apskaitos dienos pabaigoje.Teisių apskaitos diena – 2020 m. lapkričio 30 d. Turtines teises turės asmenys, kurie Teisių apskaitos dienos pabaigoje bus Bendrovės akcininkai.Susirinkimo darbotvarkė:Dėl Bendrovės Audito komiteto veiklos ataskaitos pristatymo.Dėl nepriklausomų auditorių išvados pristatymo.Dėl 2019–2020 finansinių metų Bendrovės...
Avis aux porteurs de Titres Subordonnés – FR0013533254 – 1,50 % octobre 2020 / 2030 – montant définitif
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CRÉDIT AGRICOLE S.A.Société anonyme au capital de 8 654 066 136 EUROSSiège social : 12, Place des Etats-Unis – 92127 Montrouge Cedex France784608416 RCS Nanterre – APE 651 DAvis aux porteurs de Titres Subordonnésd’un objectif de montant nominal de 60 000 000 eurossusceptible d’être porté à un objectif de montant nominal maximum de 300 000 000 eurosà taux fixe et intérêts trimestriels1,50 % octobre 2020 / 2030Code valeur : FR0013533254Montant définitif de l’émission de Titres Subordonnés Crédit Agricole S.A.(Visa de l’Autorité des marchés financiers n°20-440 en date du 4 septembre 2020) :Le montant définitif de l’émission de Titres Subordonnés Crédit Agricole S.A. à taux fixe et intérêts trimestriels octobre 2020 / octobre 2030 est de 161 880 000 euros représenté par 10 792 titres de quinze mille (15 000) euros de nominal.Pièce jointecommuniqué...
Incap Corporation: Resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Incap Corporation
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Incap Corporation Stock Exchange Release 23 October 2020 at 3.55 p.m. (EEST)Resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Incap CorporationThe Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of Incap Corporation was held on 23 October 2020 at the premises of the company at the address Bulevardi 21, 00180 Helsinki. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the EGM was held under special arrangements.The company announced on 16 October 2020 that it is preparing a rights issue with a total amount of EUR 10.9 million, as estimated. Based on the proposal of the Board of Directors, the EGM decided to authorise the Board of Directors to resolve on the offering in accordance with the shareholders’ pre-emptive rights as follows:The Board of Directors was authorised to resolve on the issuance of a maximum of 1,455,056 new shares. The shares are offered to...
Incap Oyj: Incap Oyj:n ylimääräisen yhtiökokouksen päätökset
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Incap Oyj Pörssitiedote 23.10.2020 kello 15.55Incap Oyj:n ylimääräisen yhtiökokouksen päätöksetIncap Oyj:n ylimääräinen yhtiökokous pidettiin 23.10.2020 yhtiön tiloissa osoitteessa Bulevardi 21, 00180 Helsinki. COVID-19-pandemian johdosta yhtiökokous pidettiin erikoisjärjestelyin.Yhtiö tiedotti 16.10.2020 valmistelevansa arviolta 10,9 miljoonan euron merkintäetuoikeusantia. Yhtiökokous päätti hallituksen ehdotuksen mukaisesti valtuuttaa hallituksen päättämään osakkeenomistajien merkintäetuoikeuden mukaisesta osakeannista seuraavasti:Hallitus valtuutettiin päättämään enintään 1 455 056 uuden osakkeen antamisesta. Osakkeet tarjotaan yhtiön osakkeenomistajille merkittäväksi siinä suhteessa kuin he osakeannin täsmäytyspäivänä omistavat yhtiön osakkeita. Hallituksella on oikeus päättää osakkeenomistajien ensisijaisen merkintäoikeuden...
Montage Gold Corp. Completes Initial Public Offering
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NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION TO U.S. NEWSWIRE SERVICES OR FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION, DISTRIBUTION OR DISSEMINATION DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IN OR INTO THE UNITED STATESVANCOUVER, British Columbia, Oct. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Montage Gold Corp. (“Montage” or the “Company”) today announced the successful closing of its initial public offering (the “Offering”) of an aggregate of 27,272,728 common shares at a price of $1.10 per share (the “Offering Price”) for total gross proceeds of $30,000,001.The common shares of the Company will commence trading today on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol “MAU”.Raymond James Ltd. and Stifel GMP are acting as co-lead underwriters for the Offering with respect to a syndicate that includes BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc., Canaccord Genuity Corp., Beacon Securities Limited, Cormark Securities...