Day: October 23, 2020
MONTREAL, Oct. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — ATW Tech Inc. (the “Company” or “ATW Tech“) (TSX-V: ATW) provides an update on the acquisition of Semeon Analytics Inc. (the “Acquisition“) and the private placement (the “Private Placement“) that were announced on October 1, 2020. ATW Tech has decided to postpone the estimated closing date of the Acquisition and the Private Placement in order to complete the due diligence of Semeon Analytics Inc. and to obtain the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange. ATW Tech now expects to close before November 20, 2020.SEMEON’S PROFILESemeon is a Quebec-based technology company that has developed an artificial intelligence technology. Over the past 5 years, Semeon has combined techniques of semantic, sentiment, intent and statistical analysis with artificial...
ATW Tech annonce une mise à jour sur le placement privé et l’acquisition de Séméon Analytique Inc.
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MONTRÉAL, 23 oct. 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — ATW Tech Inc. (la « Société » ou « ATW Tech ») (TSX-V : ATW) fait une mise à jour de l’acquisition de Séméon Analytique inc. (l’ « Acquisition ») et du placement privé (le « Placement Privé ») qui ont été annoncés le 1er octobre 2020. ATW Tech a pris décision de reporter la date estimée de la clôture de l’Acquisition et du Placement privé afin de compléter la vérification diligente de Séméon Analytique inc. et afin d’obtenir l’approbation de la Bourse de Croissance TSX. ATW Tech prévoit maintenant clôturer avant le 20 novembre 2020.PROFIL DE SÉMÉONSéméon est une entreprise technologique québécoise ayant développé une technologie en intelligence artificielle. Au cours des 5 dernières années, Séméon a combiné des techniques d’analyse sémantique, de sentiment, d’intention...
IntelGenx Announces Second Tranche Closing of Private Placement
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SAINT LAURENT, Quebec, Oct. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — IntelGenx Technologies Corp. (TSX-V:IGX) (OTCQB:IGXT) (the “Company” or “IntelGenx”) is pleased to announce that it has closed a private placement (the “Offering”) to certain investors in the United States of U.S.$532,000 principal amount of 8% convertible notes due October 15, 2024 (the “Notes”). The Notes will bear interest at a rate of 8% per annum, payable quarterly, and will be convertible into shares of common stock of the Company (the “Shares”) beginning 6 months after their issuance at a price of U.S.$0.18 per Share. The Offering represents a second tranche of the Notes. As previously announced, the Company closed an offering of an additional $1.2 million of Notes on October 15, 2020.The Company intends to use the proceeds of the Offering for working capital purposes.In...
Notification on annual general meeting of shareholders of VALMIERAS STIKLA ŠĶIEDRA, AS
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Management Board of joint stock company “VALMIERAS STIKLA ŠĶIEDRA”, registration number: 40003031676, legal address: 13 Cempu iela, Valmiera, Latvia, LV-4201 (hereafter – the Company), calls up and announces that annual general meeting of shareholders of the Company will take place on November 25, 2020 at 12.00 at Cempu street 13, Valmiera, LV-4201 (The Company’s premises).Agenda:Reports of the Management Board, the Supervisory Council and statement of the Sworn auditor, approval of the Annual report for year 2019.Coverage of losses for the year 2019.Election of the auditor for the audit of the Annual report for year 2020 and determination of the remuneration for the auditor.Determination of the remuneration for the Supervisory Council members for years 2020 and 2021.Considering the situation in the Republic of Latvia due to the COVID-19...
Paziņojums par AS VALMIERAS STIKLA ŠĶIEDRA kārtējās akcionāru sapulces sasaukšanu
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Akciju sabiedrības “VALMIERAS STIKLA ŠĶIEDRA”, vienotais reģ. nr. 40003031676, juridiskā adrese: Cempu iela 13, Valmiera, LV-4201 (turpmāk tekstā – Sabiedrība) valde sasauc un paziņo, ka Sabiedrības kārtējā akcionāru sapulce notiks 2020. gada 25. novembrī plkst. 12:00, Cempu ielā 13, Valmierā, LV-4201 (Sabiedrības telpās).Darba kārtība:Valdes, Padomes ziņojumi un Zvērināta revidenta atzinums, 2019. gada pārskata apstiprināšana.2019. gada zaudējumu segšana.Revidenta ievēlēšana 2020. gada pārskata revīzijai un atlīdzības noteikšana Revidentam.Atlīdzības noteikšana Padomes locekļiem 2020. un 2021. gadam.Ņemot vērā COVID-19 pandēmiju, lai aizsargātu akcionāru, Sabiedrības darbinieku un sabiedrības veselību kopumā, aicinām visus akcionārus akcionāru sapulcē piedalīties rakstveidā, pirms sapulces aizpildot balsojuma veidlapu, kas tiks publicēta...
Audited annual report of AS VALMIERAS STIKLA ŠĶIEDRA for 2019
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VALMIERA GLASS GROUP’S consolidated net sales – EUR 119.5 millionIn 2019, the consolidated net sales of VALMIERAS STIKLA ŠĶIEDRA AS (hereinafter – the Company) and its subsidiaries (hereinafter – VALMIERA GLASS GROUP or the GROUP) amounted to EUR 119.5 million, demonstrating an increase of EUR 5.2 million or 4.6% compared to 2018 (y-o-y). VALMIERA STIKLA SKIEDRA AS standalone net sales in 2019 amounted to EUR 88.7 million (-2% vs 2018).Key financial indicators of the GROUP over the three-year period 2017-2019:In 2019, the Company and its UK subsidiary demonstrated good operating results. Nevertheless, they could not offset the losses incurred by the US subsidiary. Ultimately, in June 2019, the GROUP’s management decided to close the loss-making glass fibre manufacturing facility of the US subsidiary, and initiated Chapter 11 proceedings...
Auditēts AS VALMIERAS STIKLA ŠĶIEDRA 2019. gada pārskats
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VALMIERA GLASS GRUPAS konsolidētais neto apgrozījums – EUR 119,5 miljoni eiroAS VALMIERAS STIKLA ŠĶIEDRA (turpmāk tekstā – Sabiedrība) un tās meitas uzņēmumu (turpmāk tekstā – VALMIERA GLASS GRUPA vai GRUPA) konsolidētais 2019. gada neto apgrozījums ir 119,5 miljoni eiro. Salīdzinot ar 2018. gadu, GRUPAS apgrozījums palielinājies par 5,2 miljoniem eiro jeb 4,6%. Sabiedrības apgrozījums 2019. gadā ir 88,7 miljonus eiro (-2% pret 2018).Galvenie VALMIERA GLASS GRUPAS finanšu rādītāji:2019. gadā Sabiedrība un tās meitasuzņēmums Apvienotajā Karalistē uzrādīja labus darbības rezultātus. Tomēr tie nespēja kompensēt ASV meitasuzņēmuma radītos zaudējumus. Vēlāk, 2019. gada jūnijā, GRUPAS vadība nolēma slēgt zaudējumus nesošo stikla šķiedras ražotni ASV uzņēmumā, un ierosināt tiesiskās aizsardzības procesu ASV. Vienlaicīgi Sabiedrība...
XORTX Reports Annual & Special Meeting Results
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CALGARY, Alberta, Oct. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — XORTX Therapeutics Inc. (“XORTX” or the “Company”) (CSE: XRX) (OTCQB: XRTXF), a biopharmaceutical company focused on developing innovative therapies to treat progressive kidney disease, is pleased to announce the results of the Company’s 2020 Annual and Special Meeting of Shareholders held today. A total of 38,978,193 common shares of the Company were voted at the Meeting, representing approximately 48% of the total number of issued and outstanding shares. At the meeting, all five director nominees, Dr. Allen Davidoff, Ian Klassen, Bruce Rowlands, Paul Van Damme and Allan Williams, were elected as directors of the Company. In addition, at the Meeting, shareholders voted to re-appoint Morgan & Company LLP as auditors of the Company and disinterested (non-insider)...
EXMceuticals Announces Application for Voluntary Management Cease Trade Order
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Oct. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — EXMceuticals Inc. (CSE: EXM) (FSE: A2PAW2) (the “Company” or “EXM”) announces that it has applied for a voluntary management cease trade order in accordance with National Policy 12-203 due to it not being able to file its annual financial statements and MD&A for the year ended June 30, 2020 on SEDAR within 120 days of its financial year-end.The Company requires additional time to file its annual financial statements and MD&A for the financial year ended June 30, 2020 due to a delay in obtaining information from foreign subsidiaries including ongoing delays due to Covid-19, and additional time is required to complete the review and procedures. As a result, the Company concluded that it would not be in a position to complete the year-end audit within the time...
Canadian GoldCamps Corp. Acquires Advanced Stage Gold Assets Near Bathurst Camp
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TORONTO, Oct. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Canadian GoldCamps Corp. (“Canadian GoldCamps”, or the “Company”) (CSE: CAMP) (FSE: A68) is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement to acquire, through the purchase of a private BC corporation, thirteen mineral claims referred to as the Elmtree and Alcida Gold Claims, located in New Brunswick, Canada (the “Property”).Property highlights include:Total property package covering approximately 7,000 acres.2010 Micon Preliminary Economic Assessment1 indicating robust IRR at $1,100/oz gold. The Company intends to update this PEA for the historic “Elmtree project”.The current property sits on the majority (265,000 oz) of the NI 43-1012 compliant 294,000 ounces of gold from the historic Elmtree project, which is near surface and includes a higher...