Day: October 22, 2020
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 22, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — iRhythm Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: IRTC), a leading digital healthcare solutions company focused on the advancement of cardiac care, today announced that it will release financial results for the third quarter 2020 after the close of trading on Thursday, November 5, 2020. The company’s management team will host a corresponding conference call beginning at 1:30 p.m. PT / 4:30 p.m. ET.Investors interested in listening to the conference call may do so by accessing the live and archived webcast of the event available on the “Investors” section of the company’s website at: iRhythm Technologies, Inc. iRhythm is a leading digital health care company redefining the way cardiac arrhythmias are clinically diagnosed. The company combines wearable biosensor devices worn...
Mineworx Reports on Details of the Annual General Meeting
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CALGARY, Alberta, Oct. 22, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mineworx Technologies Ltd., (the “Company” or “Mineworx“) (TSXV: MWX) (OTCQB: MWXRF) (FSE: YRS WKN: A2DSW3) has released the results of its Annual General Meeting held today. All the resolutions proposed to the shareholders detailed in the Management Information Circular of the Mineworx Technologies Ltd. dated September 17, 2020 were duly passed.The resolutions which were passed included:The following four (4) incumbent directors were re-elected for the coming year:Greg PenduraAkiva BorensteinDarcy ThieleRick PurdyThe re-appointment of K.R. Margetson Ltd. as Auditors of the Company.About MineworxMineworx is focused on employing its proprietary processes to address the massive opportunity that lies within the capture of precious metals and recycling of diesel...
Kvika banki hf. issues 3Y senior unsecured bond
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Kvika banki hf. has today concluded the sale of KVB 20 01, a new series of senior unsecured bonds. The issue size today is ISK 1,500 million and total bids amounted to ISK 2,040 million. The tenor of the bonds is 3 years and pay variable interests REIBOR 1 month with 0,85% spread. Total issue size in the series is limited to ISK 5,000 million. The bonds are puttable by investors at any time. Investor‘s exercise of the put results in buyback by the issuer with a settlement date on the next interest day eight months after the issuer is noticed of exercise.The bond is scheduled to be admitted to trading on Nasdaq Iceland next week.For further information please contact Halldór Karl Högnason, Head of Treasury, tel: +354 540 3200
Kvika banki hf. gefur út skuldabréf til þriggja ára
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Kvika hefur lokið sölu í nýjum flokki skuldabréfa með auðkennið KVB 20 01. Gefin eru út skuldabréf að nafnvirði 1.500 milljónir króna en heildartilboð í útboðinu námu 2.040 milljónum króna. Skuldabréfin eru til þriggja ára og bera fljótandi REIBOR vexti til eins mánaðar með 0,85% vaxtaálagi. Heildar útgáfuheimild í flokkinum KVB 20 01 er 5.000 milljónir króna. Skuldabréfunum fylgir innlausnarheimild sem fjárfestir getur nýtt hvenær sem er á líftíma bréfsins. Framkvæmd innlausnar fer fram með endurkaupum útgefanda á skuldabréfunum á næsta vaxtagjaldaga að átta mánuðum liðnum, frá því tilkynning um innlausn berst útgefanda.Skuldabréfin verða skráð á aðalmarkað Nasdaq Iceland í næstu viku.Nánari upplýsingar veitir Halldór Karl Högnason, forstöðumaður fjárstýringar í síma 540-3200.
REITIR: Viðskipti stjórnenda
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Sjá meðfylgjandi tilkynningar um viðskipti stjórnendaViðhengiViðskipti fruminnherja – ÞVÞViðskipti fruminnherja – GA
HPQ NANO Receives First Order for Spherical Nano Silicon Material from Major Automobile Manufacturer
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MONTREAL, Oct. 22, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Innovative silicon solutions provider HPQ Silicon Resources Inc. (“HPQ” or “the Company”) (TSX-V: HPQ; FWB: UGE; Other OTC : URAGF) through its wholly – owned subsidiary, HPQ Nano Silicon Powders inc (“HPQ NANO”), is pleased to announce today that the major automobile manufacturer that demonstrated an interest in the Spherical Nano Silicon powders to be produced by the PUREVAPTMNano Silicon Reactor (“NSiR”) (Sept. 30 2020 release) has submitted to HPQ NANO a formal Purchase Order for the material. This represent HPQ NANO first ever nanopowders order. The manufacturer is well aware that HPQ NANO will only fulfill this first order in December 2020 and, as such, this order is simply a way for them to guarantee to be first in queue for the material. The automobile manufacture’s name shall...
HPQ NANO reçoit sa première commande pour des nanopoudres sphériques de Silicium d’un grand constructeur automobile
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MONTRÉAL, 22 oct. 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Pourvoyeur innovant de solution silicium Resources HPQ Silicium Inc. (« HPQ » ou « la Société ») (TSX-V: HPQ; FWB: UGE; Autre OTC: URAGF), par l’entremise de sa filiale en propriété exclusive, HPQ Nano poudres de Silicium Inc (« HPQ NANO »), est heureuse d’annoncer que le manufacturier automobile qui avait démontré un intérêt pour les nanopoudres sphériques de Silicium fabriquées avec le Réacteur de Silicium (Si) Nano PUREVAPTM(« RSiN ») (communiqué du 30 sept. 2020) a envoyé un bon de commande pour l’achat de matériaux à HPQ NANO. Ceci représente la première commande de nanopoudres de Silicium pour HPQ NANO. Le manufacturier est conscient que HPQ NANO ne pourra livrer la commande avant décembre 2020, mais cette commande lui assure d’être le premier en ligne pour recevoir le matériel....
TRU Precious Metals Announces Changes to Board of Directors & Forms Technical Committee
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FREDERICTON, New Brunswick, Oct. 22, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — TRU Precious Metals Corp. (formerly Trius Investments Inc.) (TSXV: TRU) (“TRU” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that, subject to regulatory approval, today David Hladky, P.Geo. has been appointed to the Company’s board of directors (the “Board”). Mr. Hladky expects to contribute his geological expertise with gold and silver projects as TRU determines how to generate value from its Newfoundland Gold Exploration portfolio (“NL Gold”).Mr. Hladky is a registered Professional Geologist with over 22 years of hands-on international exploration experience. His positions have included Senior Geologist and Project Manager for projects in Mexico, Canada, Argentina and Peru, including Project Manager and Qualified Person on the Morelos Sur and El Barqueno Projects in Mexico,...
Pioneering Kibali Continues to Point the Way
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KINSHASA, Democratic Republic of Congo, Oct. 22, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Barrick Gold Corporation’s Kibali mine is on track to deliver at the upper end of its 2020 guidance, president and chief executive Mark Bristow said here today.Kibali was the first underground gold mine in the DRC and one of the largest in the world. It is a global leader in automation and continues to improve efficiency and productivity through ongoing technological innovation. In the third quarter it set a new ore delivery record from underground, exceeding nameplate for the first time since the shaft was commissioned in 2018.“Automation is often associated with reduced employment but we use it as an opportunity to further upskill our workers and to reduce our need for expatriate specialists. It is worth noting that Kibali – one of Barrick’s elite corps of...
Advisory: Fortis Inc. to Hold Teleconference on October 30 to Discuss Third Quarter 2020 Results
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ST. JOHN’S, Newfoundland and Labrador, Oct. 22, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Fortis Inc. (“Fortis” or the “Corporation”) (TSX/NYSE: FTS) will release its third quarter 2020 financial results on Friday, October 30, 2020. A teleconference and webcast will be held the same day at 8:30 a.m. (Eastern). Barry Perry, President and Chief Executive Officer; Jocelyn Perry, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer; and David Hutchens, Chief Operating Officer will discuss the Corporation’s third quarter 2020 financial results.Shareholders, analysts, members of the media and other interested parties in North America are invited to participate by calling 1.877.223.4471. International participants may participate by calling 647.788.4922. Please dial in 10 minutes prior to the start of the call. No pass...