Day: October 20, 2020
Quadient Places Third In Annual Ranking of Top 250 French Software Horizontal PublishersQuadient Achieves 12th Position in the Overall Ranking Published by Syntec Numérique, EY and Tech’In FranceParis, October 20, 2020Quadient (Euronext Paris: QDT), a leader in helping businesses create meaningful customer connections through digital and physical channels, announced today that it has placed third in the annual ranking of French software publishers and developers in the Horizontal French Publishers’ Category, according to the Top 250 Panorama published by software industry associations Syntec Numérique and Tech’In France, as well as consultancy firm EY. Quadient also achieved the 12th position in the overall ranking. The Top 250 Panorama lists French software publishers and developers according to their sales in software publishing. In...
Quadient à la troisième place du Top 250 des éditeurs de logiciels français, dans la catégorie « éditeurs horizontaux »
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Quadient à la troisième place du Top 250 des éditeurs de logiciels français, dans la catégorie « éditeurs horizontaux »Quadient est également 12ème du classement général publié par le Syntec Numérique, Tech’In France et EYParis, le 20 octobre 2020Quadient (Euronext Paris : QDT), un leader des solutions d’entreprise visant à faire de chaque interaction client– via un canal physique ou digital – une expérience riche et personnalisée, a annoncé aujourd’hui son classement à la troisième place des éditeurs de logiciels français, dans la catégorie des éditeurs horizontaux. Ce classement est publié dans le panorama Top 250 produit par deux organisations professionnelles d’éditeurs de logiciels, le Syntec Numérique et Tech’In France, ainsi que le cabinet de conseil EY. Quadient occupe également la 12ème place du classement général. Le panorama...
Sage equips customers to create intelligent organizations by embracing digital transformation at Sage Intacct Advantage 2020
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At its annual customer conference, Sage highlighted several product enhancements to support Sage Intacct customers along three key areas:Continuous Accounting – new front- to back-office integration via the new Salesforce Advanced CRM Integration for NonprofitsContinuous Trust – new AI-powered functionality to ensure accuracy for journal entries with Outlier Detection for General LedgerContinuous Insight – expanded reporting and analytics capabilities with the Sage Intacct Interactive Visual ExplorerATLANTA, Oct. 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sage (FTSE: SGE), the market leader in cloud business management solutions, kicked off Sage Intacct Advantage 2020 with a keynote that showcased the transformative power of digital technology. Company executives shared how, by using digital technology, businesses can fundamentally change how...
Valneva Announces Positive Initial Results for Second Phase 2 Study of Lyme Disease Vaccine Candidate VLA15
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Phase 2 study VLA15-202 met its endpointsVLA15 generally safe across all dose and age groups testedImmunogenicity further increased in VLA15-202 compared to VLA15-201Seroconversion Rates exceeded 90% across all serotypes, including in older adults (50-65 years)Functionality of antibodies was demonstrated across all serotypes using a Serum Bactericidal Assay Saint-Herblain (France), October 20, 2020 – Valneva SE (“Valneva”), a specialty vaccine company focused on prevention of diseases with major unmet needs, today announced positive initial results for its second Phase 2 study (VLA15-202) of Lyme disease vaccine candidate VLA15.VLA15 was generally safe across all doses and age groups tested. The tolerability profile including fever rates was comparable to other lipidated recombinant vaccines or lipid containing formulations. As in VLA15-201,...
Valneva annonce des résultats initiaux positifs pour la seconde Phase 2 du candidat vaccin contre la maladie de Lyme
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Les critères d’évaluation de l’étude de Phase 2 VLA15-202 ont été atteintsVLA15 a été généralement bien toléré pour toutes les doses et dans tous les groupes testésImmunogénicité renforcée dans l’étude VLA15-202 en comparaison avec VLA15-201Le taux de séroconversion (SCR) était supérieur à 90% dans tous les sérotypes, y compris chez les adultes les plus âgés (50-65 ans)Fonctionnalité des anticorps démontrée pour tous les sérotypes par un test de l’effet bactéricide du sérum Saint-Herblain (France), 20 octobre 2020 – Valneva SE (“Valneva”), société spécialisée dans les vaccins contre des maladies générant d’importants besoins médicaux, a annoncé aujourd’hui des résultats initiaux positifs pour la deuxième étude de Phase 2 (VLA15-202) de son candidat vaccin VLA 15 contre la maladie de Lyme.VLA15 a été généralement bien toléré pour toutes...
Eimskip: Information regarding Q3 results
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As Eimskip has not issued a new EBITDA guidance for the year 2020 and due to general market uncertainty the Company would like to inform that according to management accounts for Q3 2020, available earlier today, EBITDA will likely be in the range of EUR 21.5 to 22.0 million compared to EUR 20.3 million in same quarter last year. Additionally, EBIT is expected to be in the range of EUR 10.1 to 10.6 million compared to EUR 9.2 million for same quarter last year.Volume in liner services increased marginally compared to same quarter last year following a decrease in the first two quarters of the year. Volume in reefer forwarding is in line with same quarter last year. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on global economies remains uncertain for coming months. Eimskip is currently working on the financial accounts for Q3 and the above results...
Eimskip: Upplýsingar varðandi afkomu þriðja ársfjórðungs
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Í ljósi þess að afkomuspá félagsins fyrir árið 2020 hefur ekki verið endurvakin auk óvissu á mörkuðum þykir félaginu rétt að upplýsa að samkvæmt stjórnendauppgjöri fyrir þriðja ársfjórðung 2020, sem lá fyrir fyrr í dag, lítur út fyrir að EBITDA verði á bilinu 21,5 til 22,0 milljónir evra samanborið við 20,3 milljónir evra á sama ársfjórðungi síðasta árs. Þá má gera ráð fyrir að EBIT muni liggja á bilinu 10,1 til 10,6 milljónir evra samanborið við 9,2 milljónir evra á sama ársfjórðungi síðasta árs.Flutningsmagn í áætlunarsiglingum jókst lítillega samanborið við sama ársfjórðung síðasta árs eftir samdrátt á fyrstu tveimur fjórðungum þessa árs. Þá var magn í frystiflutningsmiðlun á pari við sama fjórðung síðasta árs.Áhrif COVID-19 faraldursins á alþjóðahagkerfið eru áfram óljós fyrir komandi mánuði. Eimskip vinnur að uppgjöri þriðja ársfjórðungs...
Slam Trenches Gold Bearing Vein Over 115 Metres
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MIRAMICHI, New Brunswick, Oct. 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — SLAM Exploration Ltd. (“SLAM” or the “Company” on TSXV: SXL) is pleased to announce additional occurrences of visible gold discovered by trenching on its wholly owned Menneval Gold project in northwestern New Brunswick. Trench M20-18 followed a new vein that was identified by a grab sample that graded 59.30 g/t as reported by news release October 7, 2020. This new vein is referenced as No. 18.Visible gold was reported from 12 of 16 grab samples collected from vein No 18 over a strike length of 115m. This mineralized vein ranges from 0.04 to 0.12 m thick. It is part of a network of veins extending southwest of Zone 9 as reported October 7, 2020. Trench 19 was a crosscut trench designed to find the extension No. 18 where it was displaced by a fault. Trenches M20-20 and M20-21...
Icelandair Group hf: Summer schedule 2021
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Icelandair has published its planned summer schedule for 2021. The schedule will include 32 destinations with Tenerife as a new addition to the Icelandair route network. The total seat capacity is estimated around 25-30% less than in the same period 2019 due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.In 2021, the Company will continue to focus on its key markets to and from Iceland as well as providing convenient connections between Europe and North America. The route network will be simplified, further strengthening Icelandair’s flexibility to respond quickly to the fast-changing market conditions and adapt capacity to demand at any given time.The proposed flight schedule is subject to the situation regarding COVID-19 having improved in the Company’s markets, both in Europe and North America, and that the current travel restrictions at...
Essex Acquires 55+ Active Living Community Outside Des Moines
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Des Moines, IA, Oct. 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Essex Communities, a leading developer, builder, and property management company for 55+ active living communities, announced today the acquisition of The Reserve on Walnut Creek in Urbandale, Iowa. The 121-unit independent living community is being converted by Essex from an entrance-fee model community to a rental model community and is Essex’s sixth acquisition and conversion like this over the past three years.The community will be rebranded as The Arbordale and will soon undergo a multimillion-dollar renovation that will update apartments and community spaces as well as expand services and amenities.“We’re excited to return to the greater Des Moines market to transition The Arbordale to a high-quality and vibrant rental community, offering a broad spectrum of engagement opportunities...