Day: October 20, 2020
Marel kynnir afkomu þriðja ársfjórðungs (allar fjárhæðir eru í evrum)Helstu atriði:Þriðji ársfjórðungur 2020 (3F20)Pantanir námu 282,5 milljónum evra (3F19: 285,0m).Pantanabókin stóð í 434,3 milljónum evra (2F20: 439,0m og 3F19: 431,9m).Tekjur námu 287,2 milljónum evra (3F19: 312,5m).EBIT* nam 44,1 milljónum evra (3F19: 44,3m), sem var 15,4% af tekjum (3F19: 14,2%).Hagnaður nam 29,4 milljónum evra (3F19: 33,4m).Hagnaður á hlut (EPS) var 3,93 evru sent (3F19: 4,38 evru sent).Handbært fé frá rekstri fyrir fjármagnsliði og skatta nam 54,1 milljónum evra (3F19: 47,7m). Frjálst sjóðstreymi nam 36,6 milljónum evra (3F19: 29,0m).Skuldahlutfall (nettó skuldir/EBITDA) nam x0,5 í lok september (2F20: x0,6). Markmið félagsins um fjármagnsskipan er að halda skuldahlutfalli á milli x2-3. Gengið var formlega frá kaupum á þýska félaginu TREIF þann 8....
Síminn hf. – Uppgjör 3. ársfjórðungs 2020 verður birt eftir lokun markaðar 27. október 2020
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Rafrænn kynningarfundur verður haldinn 28. október kl. 8:30Síminn hf. mun birta uppgjör sitt fyrir þriðja ársfjórðung 2020 þann 27. október næstkomandi. Kynningarfundur fyrir markaðsaðila og fjárfesta vegna uppgjörsins verður haldinn miðvikudaginn 28. október 2020 og hefst kl. 8:30. Fundurinn verður eingöngu rafrænn og munu Orri Hauksson forstjóri og Óskar Hauksson fjármálastjóri kynna uppgjör félagsins og svara fyrirspurnum. Kynningarefni fundarins verður hægt að nálgast á heimasíðu Símans og í fréttakerfi Nasdaq Iceland.Hægt verður að fylgjast með fundinum í netstreymi á vefslóðinni:Þeir sem vilja bera upp spurningar á meðan á streymi stendur geta sent þær á og verður þeim svarað í lok fundarins.Nánari upplýsingar...
WOWI Inc. To Acquire Licensing Rights To Cannabis Brand
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PUEBLO, Colo., Oct. 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WOWI, Inc. (OTC PINK: WOWU) a national cannabis brand supported by cannabis producing farms and dispensaries of quality cannabis products announces that it has executed an LOI to acquire the trademark and branding rights to WeedCrumbs LLC.WeedCrumbs is another Pueblo Colorado cannabis brand also supported by cannabis producing farms and dispensaries of cannabis products. The deal will allow the WeedCrumbs brand to operate under the Brand WOW World of Weed. It also allows for WeedCrumbs to have access to the award winning Standard Operating Procedures and intellectual property of WOW.“We are excited for this unique opportunity to extend the World of Weed family. I believe this is a perfect fit for WOW and brings a product we currently do not have in Colorado under the World of Weed...
The Community Financial Corporation Announces Expansion To Stock Purchase Program
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WALDORF, Md., Oct. 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Community Financial Corporation (NASDAQ: TCFC) (the “Company”), the holding company for Community Bank of the Chesapeake (the “Bank”), reported that the Company’s Board of Directors has approved an expansion to its existing stock purchase plan. Before today’s Board action, the Company had authorization to repurchase up to 184,863 shares of the Company’s common stock pursuant the stock repurchase plan previously adopted by the Board on May 4, 2015. After today’s Board action, the Company may repurchase up to 300,000 of the Company’s outstanding shares of common stock using up to $7.0 million of the proceeds the Company raised in its recently completed $20.0 million subordinated debt offering.“We remain committed to enhancing overall stockholder value,” commented William J. Pasenelli,...
Construction set to start on the 2021 NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. (NGTL) System Expansion Project
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CALGARY, Alberta, Oct. 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Media Advisory – TC Energy Corporation (TSX, NYSE: TRP) (TC Energy) received approval from the Government of Canada for its 2021 NGTL System Expansion Project, and is awaiting the details of the updated conditions to be released. For more information on the approval, please visit the Natural Resources Canada website.NGTL expects that this approval will allow it to immediately progress construction activities in accordance with regulatory requirements, with compressor station field work expected to begin in December 2020 and pipeline construction activities expected to start in January 2021.“We’re pleased to be moving forward with this project,” said Tracy Robinson, Executive Vice-President, President Canadian Natural Gas Pipelines and President Coastal GasLink. “This capacity is...
Planet Media SA : Chiffre d’affaires du 3ème trimestre 2020
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Planet Media (FR0010211037 – ALPLA), annonce ce jour la publication de son chiffre d’affaires combiné pour le 3ème trimestre 2020, et en cumul sur les 9 premiers mois.Planet Media enregistre en cumul sur les neuf premiers mois de l’année un chiffre d’affaires combiné de 5,3 M€, en baisse de 9 % par rapport au neuf premiers mois 2019. Au 3ème trimestre 2020, le chiffre d’affaires s’établit à 1,8 M€, en repli de 9 % par rapport au 3ème trimestre 2019.L’activité de Media Programmatique confirme sa solidité, affichant de nouveau une croissance sur la période. Planet Media a notamment bénéficié d’une nouvelle hausse de l’audience de ses sites (,, en progression de +8% en nombre de pages vues 3.L’activité Media Direct, bien qu’elle s’inscrive encore en repli au 3ème trimestre, confirme le retour des annonceurs...
Correction: Sidetrade : Chiffre d’Affaires en hausse de 14% au troisième trimestre 2020
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Poursuite de la croissance à deux chiffres du CA, en hausse de 14% Sidetrade (Euronext Growth : ALBFR.PA), plateforme d’Intelligence Artificielle dédiée à l’accélération du revenu et du cash-flow des entreprises, annonce une nouvelle croissance à deux chiffres de son chiffre d’affaires au troisième trimestre 2020, en hausse de 14%.En commentant cette publication, Olivier Novasque, président-directeur général de Sidetrade, a déclaré :« Dans un climat de dégradation de la situation sanitaire et sur un trimestre traditionnellement le plus faible de l’année, nous parvenons à enregistrer un nouveau trimestre de croissance à deux chiffres. Plus que jamais, Sidetrade démontre la résilience de son modèle de croissance dans cette période inouïe d’incertitudes. Notre offre est en totale adéquation avec les besoins des entreprises au niveau mondial,...
Correction: Sidetrade: 2020 Q3 Revenue up 14%
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Continued double-digit growth. Q3 revenue up 14%.Sidetrade (Euronext Growth: ALBFR.PA), the Artificial Intelligence platform dedicated to accelerating company revenue and cashflow, once again announces double-digit growth, with 2020 Q3 revenue up 14%.Olivier Novasque, founder, and CEO of Sidetrade, had this to say:“Even in the midst of a deep-seated health crisis, in a quarter which tends to be slower than the rest of the year, we managed to achieve double-digit growth. More than ever, in this period of unprecedented uncertainty, Sidetrade has shown the resilience of its SaaS growth model. Our Artificial Intelligence offerings are tailored for today’s global businesses. This is a vast market with untapped potential, and we intend to take the lead.”Continued double-digit growth. Q3 revenue up 14% 2020 information from unaudited consolidated...
OliX Pharmaceuticals to Present at OPT Congress and BIO-Europe
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SUWON, Republic of Korea, Oct. 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — OliX Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (KOSDAQ: 226950), a leading developer of RNAi therapeutics, today announced that Dong Ki Lee, Ph.D., founder and Chief Executive Officer of the Company, will present its platform technology and discuss the potential utility of Asymmetric small interfering RNA (asiRNA), Cell-Penetrating Asymmetric Interfering RNA (cp-asiRNA) and GalNAc-asiRNA at the 5th Annual OPT Congress Oligonucleotide & Precision Therapeutics Virtual Conference on Tuesday-Wednesday, October 20-21. In addition, the Company will participate in BIO-Europe Digital on October 26-29.OliX is developing novel RNAi therapeutics combatting a variety of diseases with unmet medical needs, based on its proprietary asymmetric siRNA (asiRNA) platform. In discussing the asiRNA platform’s...
Brunswick Corporation Raises Quarterly Dividend for the Eighth Consecutive Year
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METTAWA, Ill., Oct. 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The board of directors of Brunswick Corporation (NYSE: BC) today raised the quarterly dividend on its common stock 12.5 percent to $0.27 per share.This marks the eighth consecutive year of dividend increases.“Our decision to increase the dividend is evidence of our board’s confidence in the strength of our focused marine portfolio and reflects our ongoing commitment to execute against our strategy and capital plans,” said Brunswick Chief Executive Officer David Foulkes. “The healthy marine market and the strong demand we continue to see for our industry leading brands, including the strong and steady profitability of our Parts & Accessories business, reflects the belief in our ability to continue to create long-term value for our shareholders.”The dividend will be payable on...