Day: October 20, 2020
/NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION TO U.S. NEWS WIRE SERVICES OR DISSEMINATION IN THE U.S./CALGARY, Alberta, Oct. 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Canadian Spirit Resources Inc. (“CSRI” or the “Corporation”) (TSXV:SPI) (OTCBB:CSPUF) is pleased to announce that, further to its press release dated October 9, 2020, it has increased the size of its previously announced non-brokered private placement offering of units of the Corporation (“Units“) to up to $1,600,000 (the “Offering“). The Offering will be comprised of up to 32,000,000 Units at a price of $0.05 per Unit. The Offering is still anticipated to close by the end of October 2020.Each Unit will consist of one common share in the capital of the Corporation (a “Common Share“) and one-half of one Common Share purchase warrant (a “Warrant“)....
Fortuna announces first gold pour at its Lindero Mine in Argentina
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Oct. 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Fortuna Silver Mines Inc. (NYSE: FSM) (TSX: FVI) is pleased to report the first gold pour from its Lindero Mine located in the Province of Salta in Argentina. The pour took place today, on Tuesday, October 20, 2020, and produced 728 ounces of gold.Jorge A. Ganoza, President, CEO and Director, commented, “The first gold pour at Lindero, our third mine in the Americas, is a significant achievement for the Company as we advance the mine’s ramp-up phase towards commercial production in the first quarter of 2021. Lindero is a mine with reserves for a projected life of thirteen years and is a pillar in Fortuna’s asset portfolio.” Mr. Ganoza continued, “I want to take this opportunity to commend our Salta based team’s commitment and hard work in achieving this milestone, especially...
WPT Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust Announces October 2020 Distribution
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TORONTO, Oct. 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WPT Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust (the “REIT”) (TSX: WIR.U; WIR.UN) (OTCQX: WPTIF) announced today that its Board of Trustees has declared a cash distribution for the month of October 2020 of US$0.0633 per unit. The distribution will be payable on November 16, 2020 to unitholders of record as of the close of business on October 30, 2020.Distributions paid to Canadian unitholders (and other non-U.S. unitholders) generally will be subject to U.S. withholding tax. For a general summary of the taxation of distributions paid to Canadian unitholders, including information regarding U.S. withholding tax, please see the “Certain Canadian Federal Income Tax Considerations”, “Certain U.S. Federal Income Tax Considerations” sections of the REIT’s prospectus dated April 18, 2013, and “Risk...
Dave & Buster’s Announces Upsize and Pricing of a Private Offering of $550 Million of Senior Secured Notes Due 2025 by its Subsidiary Dave & Buster’s, Inc.
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DALLAS, Oct. 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Dave & Buster’s Entertainment, Inc., (NASDAQ:PLAY), (“Dave & Buster’s” or “the Company”), an owner and operator of entertainment and dining venues, today announced that its indirect wholly-owned subsidiary, Dave & Buster’s, Inc. (the “Issuer”), has priced $550 million in aggregate principal amount of its 7.625% senior secured notes due 2025 (the “Notes”) in a private offering (the “Offering”) that is exempt from the registration requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”). This represents an increase of $50 million from the amount initially offered. The Notes will be guaranteed on a senior secured basis by the same subsidiaries of the Company that currently guarantee its Term Loan Facility (the “Term...
Scatec Solar ASA – Key information regarding potential subsequent offering
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NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR RELEASE, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, TO U.S. NEWS WIRE SERVICES OR FOR DISSEMINATION IN OR INTO THE UNITED STATES, AUSTRALIA, HONG KONG, SOUTH AFRICA, NEW ZEALAND, CANADA OR JAPAN, OR ANY OTHER JURISDICTION IN WHICH THE DISTRIBUTION OR RELEASE WOULD BE UNLAWFUL.Oslo, Norway, 21 October 2020: Reference is made to the announcement by Scatec Solar ASA (“SSO” or the “Company”, ticker code “SSO”) on 21 October 2020 concerning a private placement with gross proceeds in the amount of NOK 4,750 million and that the Company is considering to conduct a subsequent share offering of up to 2,065,248 new shares (the “Subsequent Offering”) with non-tradeable subscription rights to eligible shareholders.Date for announcement of terms: 21 October 2020Last day including right to receive...
Scatec Solar ASA – Participation of primary insiders in private placement
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Oslo, 21 October 2020: Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement published by Scatec Solar ASA (“SSO” or the “Company“, ticker code “SSO”) on 20 October 2020 regarding a private placement of the Company’s shares (the “Private Placement“).Argentos AS, a company owned 100% by Raymond Carlsen, CEO of the Company, was allocated 86,956 shares. Total holding for Raymond Carlsen (directly and through Argentos AS) after the transaction is 3,105,290 shares and 108,637 share options.Jan Skogseth, Board Member in the Company, was allocated 1,000 shares. Total holding after the transaction is 23,000 shares and 0 share options.For further information, please contact:Ingrid Aarsnes, VP Communication & IRTel: +47 950 38 364, ingrid.aarsnes@scatecsolar.comAbout Scatec SolarScatec Solar...
Acquisition of Units of Northview Apartment Real Estate Investment Trust
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NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE U.S. OR OVER U.S. NEWSWIRESTORONTO, Oct. 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Starlight Group Property Holdings Inc. (“Starlight Group”) and KingSett Real Estate Growth LP No. 7 (“KSLP7”) announced today that Starlight Group and KSLP7 have acquired 1,016,739 trust units (the “Northview Units”) of Northview Apartment Real Estate Investment Trust (“Northview”) (the “Unit Acquisitions”).As previously reported on the System for Electronic Disclosure by Insiders (SEDI), 719,500 Northview Units were acquired on the Toronto Stock Exchange between September 11 and 16, 2020 for aggregate cash consideration of $24,453,418.26, at prices between $33.67 and $33.99 per Northview Unit. Since February 19, 2020, 297,239 Northview Units were acquired by Starlight Group pursuant to Northview’s Distribution Reinvestment Program. In...
Synchronoss与Arthur D. Little揭示数十亿美元的运营商个人云服务商机
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市场动态变化为运营商个人云收入增长潜力创造拐点新泽西布里奇沃特, Oct. 21, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Synchronoss Technologies (NASDAQ: SNCR)和Arthur D. Little公布新的分析报告,详细阐释到2025年,个人云服务的潜在市场规模仅在美国就将达到89亿美元。这一趋势的三个关键驱动因素是移动数据生成与存储需求的增长、当前市场运营商提供的免费产品的平稳增长以及个人云解决方案能力的持续发展。分析显示,如果采取正确的策略,运营商可获得的全球个人云服务机会价值将达到150-250亿美元。个人云服务提供照片、视频、文档等消费者数据的存储,可通过任何设备访问。电信运营商目前只拥有美国个人云用户群体的1%,这为他们提供了巨大的增长机会。随着智能手机成为人们生成和存储个人内容的主要设备,运营商将在这一市场的发展和扩张过程中处于主导地位。“仅在美国,到2025年个人云服务的潜在市场总规模就将达到89亿美元。鉴于消费者已经重视和信任运营商存储其个人数据,提高个人云用户群体的所有权是当今运营商最大的增量收入机会,” Synchronoss Technologies临时总裁兼首席执行官Jeff Miller表示。“与平台云服务的用户相比,运营商云服务的用户使用付费计划的可能性要高四倍。显然,市场动态会有利于那些能够利用这种增长潜力的运营商。我相信运营商可以也一定会牢牢把握住这一机会。”运营商可获得的150-250亿美元全球个人云服务机会主要受三个因素驱动:数据生成:越来越多的消费者数据正在通过智能手机生成和存储。直到2025年,智能手机生成的全球数据流量将以31%的复合年增长率逐年增加。云采纳到云货币化:个人云现已被广泛采用,这主要是由生态系统选择(iOS、G-Suite等的使用)而不是主动选择所驱动。消费者重视价格、存储水平和互操作性。消费者要依赖于运营商准备提供的主要中央存储中枢,而安全、隐私和数据所有权是关键性的显著趋势。运营商不仅有机会支持硬件,现在还可以成为满足所有设备和内容数据需求的一站式服务机构。存储需求:随着消费者的免费个人云存储额度届满,他们将必须转向付费的个人云模式。在将用户转移到付费云计划方面,运营商处于有利地位,但他们必须满足用户对新的增强型客户体验的期望。Arthur...
由 Synchronoss 與 Arthur D. Little 共同揭示了數十億美元的營運商 Personal Cloud 機會
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市場動態為營運商個人雲端收入增長潛力創造了轉捩點新澤西州布里奇沃特, Oct. 21, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Synchronoss Technologies (NASDAQ: SNCR) 和 Arthur D. Little 公佈新的分析,到 2025 年,僅在美國,個人雲端服務的整個潛在市場將達到 89 億美元。這一趨勢的三大驅動力包括流動數據產生及儲存需求的增長,當前市場參與者的免費產品增長平穩,以及個人雲端解決方案功能的持續發展。分析顯示,如果採用的策略正確,則營運商可獲得的全球個人雲端機會價值在 150 億至 250 億美元之間。個人雲端為消費者提供數據儲存服務,可從任何裝置中存取照片、影片、文件等。電訊業營運商目前只擁有美國個人雲端用戶群的 1%,這給他們帶來了巨大的增長機會。由於智慧型手機是產生及儲存個人資料的主要地方,因此隨著市場的發展及擴張,營運商將成為主導者。Synchronoss Technologies 臨時總監兼行政總裁 Jeff Miller 說:「到 2025 年,僅在美國,個人雲端服務的潛在市場總額將達到 89 億美元。由於消費者已經重視及信任營運商處理其個人資料,因此增加對個人雲端使用者基礎的所有權,是當今營運者可獲得的最大增量收益機會。使用營運商提供的雲端服務的訂戶使用付費計劃,可能是有平台提供的雲端訂戶的四倍。顯然,市場動態積極支持利用這種增長潛力的營運商。我相信營運商可以抓住這個機會。」為運營商提供 150 億至 250 億美元的全球個人雲端商機,是由以下三個主要因素推動:數據產生:越來越多的消費者產生數據,並儲存在智能手機上。智能手機產生的全球數據流量將在 2025 年前以 31% 的年均複合增長率增長。雲端應用:個人雲端現已得到廣泛採用,主要由生態系統選擇(iOS、G-Suite 等)所推動,而不是主動選擇。消費者重視價格、儲存水平及互動操作性。安全、私隱權及數據所有權是消費者尋求營運商提供的主要中央儲存中心的關鍵重大趨勢。營運商不僅有機會支援硬件,而且現在可以成為滿足所有裝置及內容數據需求的一站式服務商店。儲存需求:當消費者超出免費的個人雲端儲存配額時,他們將不得不轉向付費的個人雲端模式。營運商處於可將訂戶轉移至付費雲端計劃的有利位置,但他們必須滿足對新加入的客戶及加強服務的客戶體驗之期望。Sean...
Synchronoss et Arthur D. Little dévoilent une opportunité du cloud personnel s’élevant à plusieurs milliards de dollars pour les opérateurs
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BRIDGEWATER, N.J., 21 oct. 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Synchronoss Technologies (NASDAQ : SNCR) et Arthur D. Little dévoilent une nouvelle analyse expliquant que le marché potentiel total des services de cloud personnel atteindra 8,9 milliards de dollars d’ici 2025, rien qu’aux États-Unis. Les trois principaux moteurs de cette tendance sont la croissance des exigences en matière de génération et de stockage des données mobiles, la croissance stable des offres gratuites par les acteurs du marché actuels et l’évolution continue des capacités des solutions de cloud personnel. L’analyse montre que si la bonne stratégie est adoptée, l’opportunité mondiale que le cloud personnel offre aux opérateurs est évaluée à entre 15 et 25 milliards de dollars.Les services de cloud personnel permettent de stocker les données...