Day: October 19, 2020
BONDUELLEA French SCA (Partnership Limited by Shares) with a capital of 56,942,095 EuroHead Office: La Woestyne, 59173 Renescure.Registered under number: 447 250 044 (Dunkerque Commercial and Companies Register)Villeneuve d’Ascq, October 19, 2020Statement of availability ofthe 2019-2020 Universal Registration DocumentThe company announces that its 2019-2020 Universal Registration Document (document d’enregistrement universel) was filed with the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) on October 16, 2020.This document is available on the company’s website ( and on the AMF website It is also available at the head office: Rue Nicolas Appert – 59653 Villeneuve d’Ascq. A free translation into English will be available on...
Bonduelle – Communiqué de mise à disposition du document d’enregistrement universel 2019-2020
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BONDUELLESociété en Commandite par Actions au capital de 56 942 095 EURSiège social : La Woestyne – 59173 RENESCURE447 250 044 RCS DunkerqueVilleneuve d’Ascq, le 19 octobre 2020Communiqué de mise à disposition du document d’enregistrement universel 2019-2020La société annonce que son document d’enregistrement universel 2019-2020 a été déposé auprès de l’Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), le 16 octobre 2020.Ce document est disponible sur le site de la société ( et sur le site de l’AMF Il est également tenu à disposition au siège administratif de la société : Rue Nicolas Appert – 59653 Villeneuve d’Ascq. Une traduction libre en anglais sera disponible sur le site internet de la société à compter du 31 octobre 2020.Les...
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Press release Lesquin, 19 October 2020 18:00hrsACQUISITION OF NEOPICANACON COMPLETES ITS VIDEO GAME DEVELOPMENT UNITNacon announces the signing of an agreement to acquire Neopica, a Belgian video game development studio specialising in sports and life simulation games.Following the acquisition of 5 studios over the last 2 years, this new operation enables Nacon to consolidate its position as a developer-publisher by strengthening its expertise in the production of games in promising genres.Created in 2007 by Peter Vermeulen and Filip Hautekeete, among others, Neopica is a renowned Belgian studio that has developed around sixty games, including a number of casual games designed to appeal to the widest possible audience, particularly children, before moving on to more complex simulation games.Neopica and Nacon have enjoyed a fruitful collaboration...
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Communiqué de presse Lesquin, 19 octobre 2020 18h00Acquisition de Neopica Nacon complete son pôle de développement de jeux vidéoNacon annonce la signature d’un accord pour l’acquisition de Neopica, studio belge de développement de jeux vidéo, spécialisé dans les jeux racing et les jeux de simulation.Après le rachat de 5 studios au cours des 2 dernières années, cette nouvelle opération permet à Nacon de consolider sa position de développeur-éditeur en renforçant son expertise dans la production de jeux sur des genres porteurs.Créé en 2007, entre-autres par Peter Vermeulen et Filip Hautekeete, Neopica est un studio belge reconnu qui a développé une soixantaine de jeux, dont nombre de casual games destinés à plaire au plus large public, en particulier les enfants, avant d’aborder des jeux de simulations plus complexes.Une fructueuse collaboration...
SAGA – Contemplated secondary placing of SDSD shares
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Oslo, 19 October 2020. Saga Tankers ASA (“Saga Tankers” or the “Company“) has engaged Fearnley Securities, (“Fearnleys” or the “Manager“) for a contemplated sale of up to 105,846,245 existing shares in S.D. Standard Drilling Plc (“SDSD“), representing around 18.4 percent of the issued share capital and voting rights in SDSD (the “Transaction“).The Transaction will be structured as an accelerated book-building process towards the 30 largest shareholders of Saga Tankers, representing 92.3% of the shareholders in Saga Tankers. The book-building process will commence following the publication of this announcement and may be closed at short notice at the sole discretion of the Company and the Manager. An announcement will be made following completion of the book-building...
Saga Tankers Asa: Private Placement of Nok 18 Million Completed – Conditional Grant of Share Options – Primary Insider Disclosure
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Reference is made to the stock exchange notice from Saga Tankers ASA (the “Company“) earlier today, 19 October 2020, regarding a change of strategy for the Company and appointment of a new CEO.The Company’s Board of Directors has now resolved to complete a private placement (the “Private Placement“) of 20,000,000 new shares in the Company (the “New Shares“). The New Shares have been issued at a price per New Share of NOK 0.90, and with each New Share holding a par value of NOK 0.01.The Private Placement was directed towards the Company’s new CEO, Bjørn Simonsen, who will subscribe for 16,666,667 of the New Shares, for gross proceeds of NOK 15 million, and the remaining 3,333,333 New Shares, for gross proceeds of NOK 3 million, was subscribed for by a potential employee who is expected to...
EMGS: OFG and EMGS enter into cooperation agreement
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OFG and EMGS enter into a cooperation agreement October 19, 2020: Ocean Floor Geophysics Inc (OFG) and Electromagnetic Geoservices ASA (EMGS) have announced today the signing of a cooperation agreement under which the two companies agree to work together on various projects to promote the use of marine CSEM technology.The agreement places specific emphasis on exploiting the obvious synergies between the state-of-the-art towed-streamer CSEM system from OFG (under its exclusive right to acquire the PGS EM technology) and the industry-leading sea-bottom CSEM/MT nodal system from EMGS. Cooperation will include development of proprietary and multi-client surveys, and multiphysics reprocessing of existing seismic and CSEM data.“We are delighted to have entered into this agreement with EMGS”, stated Richard Cooper, President of OFG Multiphysics....
Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss (G-BA) fasst Beschluss zur Erstattung der Kosten des Brustkrebs-Prognosetests EndoPredict® durch die gesetzlichen Krankenkassen
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NICHT ZUR VERTEILUNG AN NACHRICHTENAGENTUREN DER VEREINIGTEN STAATEN ODER ZUR VERBREITUNG IN DEN VEREINIGTEN STAATENSALT LAKE CITY, Oct. 19, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Myriad Genetics, Inc. (NASDAQ: MYGN), ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen im Bereich Molekulardiagnostik und Präzisionsmedizin gab heute bekannt, dass der Gemeinsame Bundesausschuss (G-BA) die Evaluierung des Verfahrens des Brustkrebs-Prognosetests EndoPredict® erfolgreich abgeschlossen hat. Die positive Entscheidung bedeutet, dass EndoPredict allen gesetzlich versicherten Patienten in Deutschland als Kassenleistung zur Verfügung gestellt werden kann. EndoPredict ist ein Biomarker-Test der zweiten Generation zur Bestimmung des Rezidivrisikos bei Patientinnen mit Brustkrebs im Frühstadium (ER+/HER2-). Der genomische Test soll die gemeinsame Entscheidungsfindung von Patientin...
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Adds to Growing Privacy Portfolio with Proven Plug-in Insertion Technology for Existing Privacy Assets like Global Privacy Manager for GDPR & CCPARESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC, Oct. 19, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Data443 Risk Mitigation, Inc. (“Data443” or the “Company”) (OTCPK: ATDS), a leading data security and privacy software company, is pleased to announce that it has acquired the intellectual property rights and assets of IntellyWP (“IWP”) (, an Italy-based developer that produces WordPress plug-ins that enhance the overall user experience for webmaster and end users.The acquisition has closed, and all assets have been transferred. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed.What is it:IWP is a leading purveyor of user experience enhancement products to webmasters for the world’s largest content management...
Minutes of General Meeting
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Decision of General MeetingReferat af generalforsamling den 19. oktober 2020AttachmentAnnouncement_310_Minutes of General Meeting