Day: October 19, 2020
MCLEAN, Va., Oct. 19, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Freddie Mac (OTCQB: FMCC) recently priced a new offering of credit risk transfer securities backed by Tax-Exempt Loans (TELs) made by state or local housing agencies and secured by affordable rental housing. This is the company’s seventh ML Certificate offering and its first under the sustainability bonds moniker.The company expects to guarantee approximately $372 million in fixed-rate ML Certificates (ML-07 Certificates) that are supported by pools of fixed-rate TELs. Freddie Mac has divided the securities into California only and non-California classes, allowing California’s state tax exemption to pass through to investors in the California classes. The ML-07 Certificates are expected to settle on or about October 23, 2020.The ML Certificates are designated as “sustainability bonds”...
CRCAM Alpes Provence :
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CAISSE REGIONALE DE CREDIT AGRICOLE MUTUEL ALPES PROVENCE Société coopérative à capital variable25, Chemin des trois cyprès 13097 Aix en Provence Cedex 2381 976 448 R.C.S Aix en ProvenceAix-en-Provence, le 19 octobre 2020Achats effectués dans les conditions de l’article 5 du règlement abus de marché dans le cadre du programme de rachat des Certificats Coopératifs d’Investissement autorisé par l’Assemblée Générale Mixte des sociétaires du 31 mars 2020. Le détail des transactions est disponible en annexe.Le Crédit Agricole Alpes Provence vous informe que le document est disponible sur son site Internet : et a été transmis...
CPS to Host Conference Call on Third Quarter 2020 Earnings
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LAS VEGAS, Nevada, Oct. 19, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Consumer Portfolio Services, Inc. (Nasdaq: CPSS) (“CPS” or the “Company”) today announced that it will hold a conference call on Tuesday, October 20, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. ET to discuss its third quarter 2020 operating results. Those wishing to participate by telephone may dial-in at 877 312-5502, or 253 237-1131 for international participants, approximately 10 minutes prior to the scheduled time. The conference identification number is 2265436.A replay of the conference call will be available between October 20 and October 27, 2020, beginning two hours after conclusion of the call, by dialing 855 859-2056 or 404 537-3406 for international participants, with conference identification number 2265436. A broadcast of the conference call will also be available live and for 90 days after...
Lehman Brothers UK Capital Funding IV LP: Notice of Interim Payment
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LONDON, Oct. 19, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —This notice contains important information that is of interest to the registered and beneficial owners of the subject securities. If applicable, all depositories, custodians and other intermediaries receiving this notice are requested to expedite the re-transmittal to beneficial owners of the securities in a timely manner.Notice to Holders Lehman Brothers UK Capital Funding IV LP€200,000,000Euro Fixed Rate Enhanced Capital Advantaged Preferred SecuritiesXS0282978666Lehman Brothers UK Capital Funding V LPUS$500,000,000Fixed Rate Enhanced Capital Advantaged Preferred SecuritiesXS030181352219 October 2020Notice of Interim PaymentReference is made to:(i) the €200,000,000 Euro Fixed Rate Enhanced Capital Advantaged Preferred Securities issued by Lehman Brothers UK Capital Funding IV LP (the “Issuer”...
Nilörngruppen AB: Interim Report Q3 2020
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Period July – SeptemberOrder bookings decreased by 17 percent to MSEK 162 (195).Revenue decreased by 14 percent to MSEK 147 (171).Revenue adjusted for currency effects amounted to MSEK 162 (171), i.e. an underlying organic decrease of 5 percent.Operating profit amounted to MSEK 20.4 (19.3).Profit for the period amounted to MSEK 14.4 (14.0).Earnings per share amounted to SEK 1.26 (1.23).Period January – SeptemberOrder bookings decreased by 17 percent to MSEK 464 (561).Revenue expressed in SEK decreased by 18 percent to MSEK 445 (545).Revenue adjusted for currency effects amounted to MSEK 456 (545), i.e. an underlying organic decrease of 16 percent.The operating profit amounted to MSEK 29.5 (54.6).Profit for the period amounted to MSEK 19.0 (40.1).Earnings per share amounted to SEK 1.66 (3.52).Net cash (debt) at the end of the period...
Nilörngruppen AB: kvartalsrapport Q3 2020
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Perioden juli – septemberOrderingången minskade med 17 procent till 162 (195) MSEKOmsättningen minskade med 14 procent till 147 (171) MSEKOmsättningen justerat för valutaeffekter uppgick till 162 (171) MSEK, dvs en underliggande organisk minskning om 5 procentRörelseresultatet uppgick till 20,4 (19,3) MSEKPeriodens resultat uppgick till 14,4 (14,0) MSEKResultatet per aktie uppgick till 1,26 (1,23) SEKPerioden januari – septemberOrderingången minskade med 17 procent till 464 (561) MSEKOmsättningen i SEK minskade med 18 procent till 445 (545) MSEKOmsättningen justerat för valutaeffekter uppgick till 456 (545) MSEK, dvs en underliggande organisk minskning om 16 procentRörelseresultatet uppgick till 29,5 (54,6) MSEKPeriodens resultat uppgick till 19,0 (40,1) MSEKResultatet per aktie uppgick till 1,66 (3,52) SEKNettokassan (skuld)...
Gray Announces Closing of Offering of $800 Million of 4.750% Senior Notes Due 2030
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Atlanta, Oct. 19, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Gray Television, Inc. (“Gray,” “we,” “us” or “our”) (NYSE: GTN) announced today that it has completed its previously announced offering of $800 million in aggregate principal amount of 4.750% senior notes due 2030 (the “Notes”). The Notes were issued at par.The net proceeds from the Notes are being used (i) to redeem all of the Company’s outstanding $525 million aggregate principal amount of 5.125% senior notes due 2024 (the “existing 2024 notes”), (ii) to pay all fees and expenses in connection with the offering, including the redemption premium applicable to the existing 2024 notes, and (iii) for general corporate purposes, which could include the repayment of outstanding debt from time to time.The Notes are guaranteed, jointly and severally, by each existing and future restricted subsidiary...
Signaux Girod : Déclaration rachat actions propres semaine 42/2020
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SIGNAUX GIRODSociété anonyme au capital de 14 807 806 €Siège social : 881, route des fontaines39400 BELLEFONTAINE646 050 476 R.C.S. LONS-LE-SAUNIERCode ISIN : FR0000060790DECLARATIONTransactions sur actions propresréalisées en octobre 2020 – Semaine 42En application de l’article 5 du règlement U.E. n°596/2014 du 16 avril 2014 relatif aux abus de marché et du règlement délégué U.E. n°2016/1052 du 8 mars 2016 sur les conditions applicables aux programmes de rachat et aux mesures de stabilisation, SIGNAUX GIROD déclare ci-après les transactions réalisées sur ses propres actions pour la période du 12/10/2020 au 16/10/2020 :Présentation agrégée par jour et par marchéLe détail des transactions est disponible sur notre site : www.girod-group.comPièce jointeSignaux Girod – Déclaration rachat d’actions propres S42.2020
Sunstock, Inc. Purchases 20 Ounces of Gold, Continues to Increase Inventory
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SACRAMENTO, Calif., Oct. 19, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sunstock, Inc. (OTC PINK: SSOK), involved in the buying, selling and distribution of precious metals, today announces it has purchased 20 ounces of gold.“Gold and silver have traditionally served as hedges against economic uncertainty, and while retail sales and consumer sentiment are trending higher, we also see increasing customer demand for precious metals,” stated Sunstock CEO Jason Chang. “To us, that generally signals deeper concern over economic stability. We are taking advantage of the current soft prices to increase our inventory and meet rising demand.”Gold prices have risen more than 25 percent in 2020. Sunstock’s business strategy is to acquire mineral rights and gold mining assets to capture value in the precious metals sector while minimizing costs and risks associated...
Lehman Brothers UK Capital Funding V LP: Notice of Interim Payment
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LONDON, Oct. 19, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —This notice contains important information that is of interest to the registered and beneficial owners of the subject securities. If applicable, all depositories, custodians and other intermediaries receiving this notice are requested to expedite the re-transmittal to beneficial owners of the securities in a timely manner.Notice to Holders Lehman Brothers UK Capital Funding IV LP€200,000,000Euro Fixed Rate Enhanced Capital Advantaged Preferred SecuritiesXS0282978666Lehman Brothers UK Capital Funding V LPUS$500,000,000Fixed Rate Enhanced Capital Advantaged Preferred SecuritiesXS030181352219 October 2020Notice of Interim PaymentReference is made to:(i) the €200,000,000 Euro Fixed Rate Enhanced Capital Advantaged Preferred Securities issued by Lehman Brothers UK Capital Funding IV LP (the “Issuer”...