Day: October 19, 2020
NOT FOR DISSEMINATION IN THE UNITED STATES OR OVER UNITED STATES NEWSWIRE SERVICESTORONTO, Oct. 19, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Montero Mining and Exploration Ltd. (TSX-V: MON) has completed its first exploration campaign at the Isabella Gold Project in the Southern Coastal Range of Chile. Isabella is located approximately 200 km south of Santiago and is situated at approximately 500 m elevation (see Figure 1).Montero recently completed the purchase of a 100 % interest in a Chilean corporation (“ChileCo”) that holds the mining rights to the Isabella Gold Project. The most recent sampling program was carried out to verify types and styles of mineralization and confirm prior assay results. The program consisted of chip sampling of selected exposed quartz veins previously sampled by ChileCo. Based on a positive review of the Montero and...
Orion upgrades full-year outlook for 2020
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ORION CORPORATION STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE INSIDE INFORMATION 19 OCTOBER 2020 at 20.35 EEST Orion upgrades full-year outlook for 2020Orion Corporation upgrades the full-year outlook for 2020, provided on 8 July 2020, both for the part regarding net sales and operating profit. In 2020, the net sales are estimated to be at a similar level as in 2019 or slightly higher than in 2019. Operating profit is estimated to be higher or clearly higher than in 2019.In January–September 2020 Orion’s preliminary net sales were EUR 823 million and preliminary operating profit was EUR 246 million.Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the whole year international sales of Dexdor® will be clearly higher than expected at the start of the year. The demand spike of generic prescription drugs and self-care products in March has levelled off during...
Orion parantaa näkymäarviotaan vuodelle 2020
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ORION OYJ PÖRSSITIEDOTE SISÄPIIRITIETO 19.10.2020 KLO 20.35 Orion parantaa näkymäarviotaan vuodelle 2020Orion Oyj parantaa 8.7.2020 julkaistua koko vuodelle 2020 annettua näkymäarviota sekä liikevaihdon että liikevoiton osalta. Vuoden 2020 liikevaihdon arvioidaan olevan samalla tasolla kuin vuonna 2019 tai kasvavan hieman vuodesta 2019. Liikevoiton arvioidaan kasvavan tai kasvavan selvästi vuodesta 2019.Orionin tammi–syyskuun 2020 alustava liikevaihto oli 823 miljoonaa ja alustava liikevoitto 246 miljoonaa euroa.Dexdor®-tuotteen koko vuoden kansainvälinen myynti tulee COVID-19-pandemian vuoksi olemaan selvästi vuoden alussa arvioitua suurempi. Maaliskuussa koettu geneeristen reseptilääkkeiden ja itsehoitotuotteiden kysyntäpiikki on odotetusti tasaantunut vuoden kuluessa, mutta joidenkin tuotteiden koko vuoden...
Le service Élan Internet de Rogers classé le plus rapide en Ontario, au Nouveau-Brunswick et à Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador par Ookla®
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Internet Élan : le service Internet à large bande le plus constant au paysLe réseau sans-fil de confiance le plus fiable au pays offrant les vitesses les plus constantes parmi tous les services Internet des différents fournisseurs à l’échelle nationale1TORONTO, 19 oct. 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Rogers a annoncé aujourd’hui qu’elle a été désignée comme le fournisseur du service Internet à large bande fixe le plus rapide au pays avec son offre Élan Internet, dans toutes les provinces où le service est offert, y compris en Ontario, au Nouveau-Brunswick et à Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador, comme en témoignent les résultats des tests réalisés au moyen de l’outil Speedtest® d’Ookla®.Les tests ont également démontré qu’en cette période où les connexions fiables et de calibre mondial sont plus importantes que jamais, les réseaux sans-fil et à large...
Rogers Ignite Internet Ranked Fastest in Ontario, New Brunswick and Newfoundland by Ookla®
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Rogers Ignite Internet is most consistent broadband internet provider in CanadaCanada’s most trusted and most reliable wireless network delivers the highest consistency of any national wireless carrier¹TORONTO, Oct. 19, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Rogers today announced that Ignite Internet is the fastest fixed broadband provider in all provinces that it offers service including Ontario, New Brunswick and Newfoundland confirmed by Ookla® Speedtest® results.The results also showed that at a time when reliable, world-class connections are more important than ever, Rogers mobile and fixed broadband networks deliver the most consistent speeds of any national wireless network or internet provider in Canada. With Rogers networks, customers can connect more of their devices online at the same time, experience online entertainment in rich video...
VivoPower Announces Closing of $28.75 Million Underwritten Public Offering of Ordinary Shares
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LONDON, Oct. 19, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — VivoPower International PLC (NASDAQ: VVPR) (“VivoPower” or the “Company”), an international battery technology, electric vehicle, solar and critical power services company, today announced the closing of an underwritten public offering of 2,941,176 of its ordinary shares at a price to the public of $8.50 per share. In addition, the underwriters have exercised an option to purchase an additional 441,174 ordinary shares at the public offering price less the underwriting discounts and commissions. Gross proceeds, before underwriting discounts and commissions and estimated offering expenses, are approximately $28.75 million. Maxim Group LLC acted as sole book-running manager for the offering.VivoPower intends to use the net proceeds from the offering, together with its existing cash and cash equivalents,...
ADLPartner : Déclaration des transactions sur actions propres réalisées du 12 au 16 octobre 2020
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ADLPartnerSociété anonyme à directoire et conseil de surveillance au capital de 6 478 836 euros3, avenue de Chartres 60500 – CHANTILLY393 376 801 R.C.S. CompiègneDéclaration des transactions sur actions propres réalisées du 12 au 16 octobre 2020Présentation agrégée par jour et par marchéDétail transaction par transactionRelations Investisseurs & Informations financièresTel : +33 1 41 58 72 03 – Courriel : relations.investisseurs@adlpartner.frADLPartner est cotée sur Euronext Paris – Compartiment CCodes ISIN : FR0000062978-ALP – Bloomberg : ALP FP – Reuters : ALDP.PAwww.adlpartner.comPièce jointeADLPartner_rachats_actions_19102020
Press Statement
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Amsterdam, 19 October 2020JDE Peet’s (EURONEXT: JDEP), the world’s largest pure-play coffee and tea group by revenue, has been informed by Euronext Amsterdam that Euronext Amsterdam is coping with technical issues that prevents Euronext Amsterdam to provide an accurate closing price for JDE Peet’s today. Euronext Amsterdam informed the company that the ultimate correct closing share price for JDE Peet’s on Monday 19 October is expected to be very close to the previous closing price of EUR 33.60.EnquiriesMediaMichael Orr (EN) | Nathalie Rolland (FR)
WENDEL: Tsebo’s shareholders transfer their shares to the investment arms of its senior lenders in a consensual transaction
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Tsebo’s shareholders transfer their shares to the investment arms of its senior lenders in a consensual transactionWendel invested in Tsebo in 2017 and contributed further capital to the company in 2019 to strengthen its balance sheet.The transaction will also result in the settlement of a guarantee granted in 2017 in connection with the investment by B-BBEE partners in Tsebo. The transfer of the controlling shareholding to a South African consortium of financial investors and management ensures that Tsebo’s balance sheet is strengthened, it’s strong B-BBEE credentials are preserved and the business is well-positioned to grow into the future.Wendel’s financial statements and Net Asset Value as of June 30, 2020 already reflect these transactions.The transactions are subject to finalization of the legal documentation and to South African...
WENDEL : Les actionnaires de Tsebo remettent leurs actions aux branches d’investissement des créanciers senior de la société dans le cadre d’une opération consensuelle
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Les actionnaires de Tsebo remettent leurs actions aux branches d’investissement des créanciers senior de la société dans le cadre d’une opération consensuelle Wendel avait acquis Tsebo en 2017 et avait apporté des fonds propres supplémentaires en 2019 pour renforcer le bilan de la société.L’opération entraînera également le paiement de la garantie consentie par les actionnaires en 2017, dans le cadre de l’investissement de partenaires B-BBEE. Le transfert du contrôle du capital à un consortium sud-africain d’investisseurs et au management permet d’assurer le renforcement du bilan de Tsebo et de préserver son solide profil B-BBEE, permettant ainsi à la société de retrouver dans le futur le chemin de la croissance.Ces opérations ont déjà fait l’objet d’une provision dans les comptes et dans l’ANR de Wendel au 30 juin 2020.Ces transactions...