Day: October 19, 2020
NOT FOR PUBLICATION, DISTRIBUTION OR RELEASE, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IN OR INTO THE UNITED STATES, OR JAPAN OR ANY OTHER JURISDICTION WHERE SUCH PUBLICATION, DISTRIBUTION OR RELEASE WOULD BE SUBJECT TO LEGAL RESTRICTIONSTHIS PRESS RELEASE IS FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN OFFER TO SELL OR A SOLICITATION OF AN OFFER TO BUY ANY SECURITIES OF URW IN ANY JURISDICTIONParis, Amsterdam, October 19, 2020Press releaseThe RESET plan is the only credible response to address URW’s challenges and protect the long-term interest of all shareholdersURW’s Supervisory Board convened today and reiterated its unanimous support and commitment to the RESET plan presented on September 16, 2020, as the only credible response to secure its future over the long-term, in an environment where the retail world is facing...
Klappir grænar lausnir hf.: Rekstur þriðja ársfjórðungs 2020
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Helstu upplýsingar samkvæmt óendurskoðuðu uppgjöri á þriðja ársfjórðungi:Rekstrartekjur á fyrstu 9 mánuðum ársins 2020 voru 234,5 EBITDA á fyrstu 9 mánuðum ársins var jákvæð um 11,3 Jón Ágúst Þorsteinsson, forstjóri Klappa„Tekjur vegna hugbúnaðaráskrifta hafa haldist á árinu en þjónustutekjur drógust saman á öðrum og þriðja ársfjórðungi sem rekja má til samdráttar vegna Covid-19. Hugbúnaðaráskriftum fór að fjölga aftur á þriðja ársfjórðungi og útlit er fyrir verulega fjölgun áskrifta á fjórða ársfjórðungi. Hér er um að ræða áskriftir bæði erlendra- og innlendra aðila. Tekjur vegna þessarar aukningar skila sér á fjórða ársfjórðungi. Reiknað er með áframhaldandi fjölgun áskrifta.Samstarfið við OneOcean í Bretlandi gengur vel og reiknað er með að búið verði að innleiða Klappir LogCentral í allt að 300 alþjóðleg skip á næsta ári....
LGBTQ Loyalty focused to launch ETF in Q1 or sooner
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WEST HOLLYWOOD, CA, Oct. 19, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — LGBTQ Loyalty Holdings, Inc. (OTC PINK: LFAP) (“LGBTQ Loyalty” or “the Company”), a diversity and inclusion driven financial methodology and data company that quantifies corporate equality alignment with the LGBTQ community and minority interest groups, is pleased to announce today our intention and continued support to launch the ETF benchmarked to the LGBTQ+ ESG100 Index.Due to the unprecedented volatility of the financial markets caused by COVID -19 and the extreme market concerns this pandemic has created in the retail investing world since February of this year, our Board of Directors believe it is in the best interest of our shareholders and advocates to support the decision to launch in the first quarter of 2021 or sooner if market conditions change. The company...
Aerojet Rocketdyne Propulsion Powers OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sample Collection
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REDMOND, Wash., Oct. 19, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Powered by Aerojet Rocketdyne propulsion, the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft will execute its long awaited sample collection of asteroid Bennu on Oct. 20. OSIRIS-REx is a NASA mission that will enable us to learn more about the formation of our solar system by collecting a sample from near-Earth asteroid Bennu, and returning the sample to Earth for study. Aerojet Rocketdyne is the sole propulsion provider for the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft, providing all 28 of the rocket engines aboard. Aerojet Rocketdyne provided the engines to Lockheed Martin, the spacecraft prime contractor.The highly anticipated sample collection is a culmination of nearly two years of surveying Bennu and rehearsing the operation. Aerojet Rocketdyne engines will maneuver the spacecraft from orbit toward the desired touchdown...
Victory Square Technologies Portfolio Company Receives Approval for Sale & Distribution of 15 Minute 96.6% Sensitivity Safetest Covid-19 Rapid Test for the European Union
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Victory Square Health received CE from EU competent authority of Belgium for Safetest 15 Minute Rapid Test antibody test for distribution, sale, and usage throughout the European Union on October 16, 2020The Safetest 15 Minute Covid-19 Rapid Test has a 96.6% Sensitivity, and can confirm whether one is currently infected with the virus causing Covid-19 or whether one was infected before and was unaware of the infectionOver 4.5 million Covid-19 cases and 198,886 deaths reported in the EU / EEA as of October 17, 2020This Safetest Covid-19 Rapid Test approval now enables Victory Square Health to distribute throughout the 27 countries and 446M inhabitants, which make up the European UnionThis EU approval for the Safetest 15 Minute Rapid Test is in addition to the Company’s proprietary Elisa test approval issued by the EU / EEA on September...
Security National Financial Corporation Announces Lease to Inside Real Estate in its Center 53 Campus in Murray, Utah
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SALT LAKE CITY, Oct. 19, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Security National Financial Corporation (NASDAQ-SNFCA) is pleased to announce a new lease totaling approximately 5,700 square feet in its Center 53 campus located in Murray, Utah. Inside Real Estate (“InsideRE”) has leased this space for its company headquarters. Buildout of the space is expected to commence immediately, and occupancy is anticipated to occur in January 2021.Inside Real Estate is a fast-growing, independently owned real estate software firm that serves as a trusted technology partner for over 200,000 top brokerages, agents and teams. Its flagship product, “kvCORE” platform, is the most modern and comprehensive solution in the industry and is known for delivering profitable growth at every level of a brokerage organization. Built on a modern, scalable and flexible...
Verizon Teams with Microsoft to Offer Private 5G Mobile Edge Computing
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What you need to know:Combining Verizon’s on-site 5G Edge network capabilities with Microsoft Azure can bring more computing power even closer to end customers, allowing businesses to create extremely low lag experiencesIce Mobility is already using 5G and mobile edge computing (MEC) to help with quality control in their pick and pack process by using computer vision to drive efficienciesNEW YORK and REDMOND, Wash., Oct. 19, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Verizon is joining forces with Microsoft Corp. to create new ways for enterprises to accelerate the delivery of fast and secure 5G applications, benefiting from reliable and low latency connections. Verizon’s on-site 5G Edge network integrated with Azure edge services can enable ultra-low latency, many times faster than the blink of an eye, which can help businesses tap into real-time...
Werner Enterprises Named a 2021 Military Friendly® Spouse Employer
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OMAHA, Neb., Oct. 19, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Werner Enterprises (NASDAQ: WERN), a premier transportation and logistics provider, is honored to announce its designation as a 2021 Military Friendly® Spouse Employer by VIQTORY Media for the fifth consecutive year.“Our nation’s service members, veterans and their families sacrifice a great deal to protect our freedoms,” said Vice Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer Derek Leathers. “Their training and commitment make them a great fit for our culture, and we take pride in providing them with the best opportunities and resources for their next career.”This year’s annual list recognizes 95 employers that provide veterans and their spouses with employment opportunities and promote workforce development policies that acknowledge the unique challenges of military life and skills...
CloudMD Further Supports Expansion and Growth with Appointment of Global Head, Corporate Development and New Chief Financial Officer
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Oct. 19, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — CloudMD Software & Services Inc. (TSXV: DOC, OTCQB: DOCRF, Frankfurt: 6PH) (the “Company” or “CloudMD”), a telemedicine company revolutionizing the delivery of healthcare to patients, is pleased to announce that it has appointed Mena Beshay, the Company’s current Chief Financial Officer (“CFO”), to a newly created, more focused role of Global Head, Corporate Development, where he will be responsible for leading the Company’s corporate development activities which includes global mergers and acquisitions (“M&A”) and its organic growth strategy. Mena’s financial and operational experience will be valuable in leading the execution of the Company’s growth strategy, while putting an even greater emphasis on M&A.CloudMD has appointed Daniel Lee, an experienced...
Philips provides update on its closing share price on Euronext Amsterdam on October 19, 2020
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October 19, 2020Amsterdam, the Netherlands – Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA) provided an update that it has been informed by Euronext that they are experiencing a technical failure that prevents Euronext Amsterdam to provide an accurate closing price for Philips today.Euronext informed the company that the closing share price for Philips on Monday October 19, 2020, will be close to EUR 42.305, which was the last recorded price in the regular trading hours of Euronext Amsterdam.Euronext is currently working to resolve the issue.For further information, please contact:Steve KlinkPhilips Global Press OfficeTel.: +31 6 10888824E-mail: steve.klink@philips.comLeandro MazzoniPhilips Investor RelationsTel.: +31 20 5977222E-mail: leandro.mazzoni@philips.comAbout Royal PhilipsRoyal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA) is a leading health technology...