Day: October 18, 2020
バミューダ諸島ハミルトン発, Oct. 19, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — エンスター・グループ・リミテッド (Enstar Group Limited、NASDAQ: ESGR) (以下「エンスター」) は本日、米国で初めての保険事業の譲渡 (IBT) を成功裏に完了し、オクラホマ郡地方裁判所から司法承認を得たことを発表した。この取引は、子会社であるプロビデンス・ワシントン・インシュランス・カンパニー (Providence Washington Insurance Company、PWIC) とヨセミテ・インシュランス・カンパニー (Yosemite Insurance Company、ヨセミテ) の2社間で発生した。IBTは、独立専門家によるレビュー後の保険会社間での負債の直接譲渡であり、規制および司法の承認を受ける。オクラホマ州保険事業譲渡法 (IBT法) には、英国の2000年金融サービス市場法第7編と類似する原則が含まれている。特に、法的枠組みは、影響を受けるすべてのステークホルダーが参加できる厳密な規制および司法上のレビュープロセス後に、個々の保険契約者の暗黙の同意を想定して策定されている。IBT法は、2018年11月1日にオクラホマで施行された。世界の多くの地域では一般的ではあるものの、これは米国内で実施した初の保険事業譲渡である。エンスターについてエンスター (Enstar) は、バミューダ諸島、米国、英国、欧州大陸、オーストラリア、その他の国際拠点にあるグループ企業ネットワークを通じて、画期的な資本リリースソリューションを提供する、NASDAQ上場の大手グローバル保険グループである。同社は、レガシー買収のマーケットリーダーとして、2001年の創業以来、100社を超える企業やポートフォリオを取得してきた実績を持つ。エンスターに関する詳細については、www.enstargroup.comを閲覧されたい。問い合わせ先: ...
Altice USA, Inc. Presents Revised and Enhanced Offer to Acquire Cogeco in Order to own Atlantic Broadband
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Increases value to holders of subordinate voting shares; enhances premium to the Audet familyNEW YORK and TORONTO, Oct. 18, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Altice USA, Inc. (“Altice USA”) (NYSE: ATUS) announces that it has presented a revised and enhanced offer to Cogeco Inc. (“CGO”) and Cogeco Communications Inc. (“CCA”, together with CGO, “Cogeco”) to acquire 100% of the issued and outstanding shares of Cogeco. Altice USA has also revised its arrangement with the largest long-term shareholder of Cogeco, Rogers Communications Inc. (“Rogers”) (TSX: RCI.A and RCI.B, NYSE: RCI), to sell all the Canadian assets of Cogeco at an adjusted net price of C$5.2 billion, if its transaction with Cogeco is completed. Upon completion of the overall transaction, Altice USA would own all the U.S. assets (Atlantic Broadband) of Cogeco, and Rogers would own...
Altice USA, Inc. présente une offre révisée et bonifiée pour faire l’acquisition de Cogeco afin de devenir propriétaire de la société Atlantic Broadband
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L’offre augmente la valeur pour les détenteurs d’actions à droit de vote subalterne et augmente la prime pour la famille AudetNEW YORK et TORONTO, 18 oct. 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — La société Altice USA, Inc. (« Altice USA ») (NYSE : ATUS) annonce qu’elle a présenté une offre révisée et bonifiée à Cogeco Inc. (« CGO ») et à Cogeco Communications Inc. (« CCA », conjointement avec CGO, « Cogeco ») en vue d’acquérir 100 % des actions émises et en circulation de Cogeco. Altice USA a également revu son entente avec le principal actionnaire de longue date de Cogeco, Rogers Communications Inc. (« Rogers ») (TSX : RCI.A et RCI.B, NYSE : RCI), pour lui vendre tous les actifs canadiens de Cogeco à un prix ajusté net de 5,2 milliards de dollars canadiens si la transaction avec Cogeco se réalise. À l’issue de la transaction, Altice USA serait propriétaire...
Response to Publication of GardaWorld Offer Document
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NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IN, INTO OR FROM ANY JURISDICTION WHERE TO DO SO WOULD CONSTITUTE A VIOLATION OF THE RELEVANT LAWS OF SUCH JURISDICTION.FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASELEI: 549300L3KWKK8X35QR1218 October 2020Response to Publication of GardaWorld Offer DocumentThe Board of G4S plc (“G4S” or the “Company”) notes GardaWorld Security Corporation (“GardaWorld”)’s announcement on 17 October 2020 (the “Announcement”) confirming that GardaWorld has posted an offer document containing the full terms and conditions of its unsolicited offer to acquire the entire issued and to be issued share capital of G4S for 190 pence in cash per share (the “Offer”), which follows GardaWorld’s announcement on 30 September 2020 pursuant to Rule 2.7 of the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers (the “Code”).The terms of the Offer...
Brookfield Announces Strategic Partnership with American Equity Life
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BROOKFIELD, NEWS, Oct. 18, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Brookfield Asset Management Inc. (“Brookfield”) (NYSE: BAM, TSX: BAM.A) today announced a strategic partnership with American Equity Investment Life Holding Company (“AEL”) (NYSE: AEL), a leading retirement planning annuity provider. The partnership establishes Brookfield as a 19.9% cornerstone investor and reinsurance counterparty of AEL, supporting continued growth opportunities for the business.AEL specializes in the sale, through independent agents, banks, and broker dealers, of fixed index annuities. These investment products support individuals in preserving their retirement dollars and provide a secure, predictable income.The partnership reflects a meaningful investment for Brookfield in one of the leading originators for fixed index annuities and has the following strategic...
Pueblo Viejo Tax and Royalty Payment of $108 Million Brings Contributions to the Government to More Than $385 Million in 2020
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All amounts expressed in US dollars unless otherwise stated.SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic, Oct. 18, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Pueblo Viejo mine, operated by Barrick Gold Corporation, paid $108 million in taxes and royalties this month to the Dominican government. This includes advance payment of income tax, net profit interest and royalties, including an advance payment of the royalty for the year 2021 estimated at $47 million.This is the fourth tax payment the mine has made so far this year and brings its contribution to the Dominican government for 2020 to $385 million. Pueblo Viejo has also agreed to advance the royalty payment for the years 2022 and 2023, estimated at $95 million, to support the government mission to combat the health and economic crisis caused by Covid-19. Pueblo Viejo will not receive any discount or...