Day: October 17, 2020
In week 42 Festi purchased in total 750.000 shares:This announcement of purchase of own shares is in accordance with the buy-back programme announced 4 October 2020 to Nasdaq OMX Iceland. The programme envisages the buy-back of a total of 4.000.000 own shares or 1.2% of the issued shares, with the cap of 600 million ISK purchase price.Before the purchase Festi held 5.645.407 shares or 1.70% of issued shares. Festi today holds 7.045.407 shares or 2.12% of issued shares.The execution the buy-back programme is in accordance with Chapter VIII of the Company Act No 2/1995 and annex II to the Regulation on insider information and market abuse No 630/2005.For further information contact Eggert Þór Kristófersson, CEO of Festi hf., ( and Magnús Kr. Ingason, CFO of Festi hf. (
Festi hf.: Endurkaup vika 42
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Um er að ræða tilkynningu um kaup Festi á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun sem var tilkynnt um 4. október 2020 í tilkynningu til Nasdaq OMX Iceland. Áætlað er að kaupa á hámarki 4.000.000 eigin hluti í félaginu eða sem samsvarar 1,2% af útgefnu hlutafé, þó þannig að fjárhæð endurkaupanna verði aldrei meiri en 600 milljónum króna að kaupverði.Fyrir kaupin átti Festi 5.645.407 hluti eða 1,70 % af útgefnu hlutafé. Festi á í dag 7.045.407 hluti sem samsvarar 2,12 % af hlutafé félagsins.Framkvæmd endurkaupaáætlunarinnar er í samræmi við VIII. kafla laga um hlutafélög nr. 2/1995 og viðauka II við reglugerð um innherjaupplýsingar og markaðssvik nr. 630/2005.Nánari upplýsingar veitir Eggert Þór Kristófersson, forstjóri Festi hf., ( og Magnús Kr. Ingason, fjármálstjóri Festi hf. (
Bionovate Technologies picks up semanticom for international PR
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CHAM, Switzerland and BERLIN, Oct. 17, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Berlin public relations agency wins the business with international PR and strategic corporate communications of the medical device company Bionovate Technologies Corp. The shares of the company are traded on the Nasdaq OTC (OTCPK:BIIO).Bionovate Technologies Corp. focuses on investments and the marketing of patents and licenses which bring healthcare and lifestyle diagnostics to your smartphone. With strong emphasis on digital transformation, the company intends to build an FDA-approved ecosystem of medical devices, biosensors and mobile applications to turn tests that were previously only done in physical labs into tests that can be carried through by anyone with a mobile device. Innovations in these fields are transforming some of the most promising, high-growth-opportunity...
Brooke Capital Limited: Stocks are down for three straight days amidst dimming Stimulus talks
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Resurgence in coronavirus and the uncertainty in the new proposed fiscal stimulus bill has pared losses to major indices in today’s market session.
Tech shares fell simultaneously that pulled Nasdaq down. Facebook dropped more than 2%, while Apple and Amazon slid about 1.2% and 0.6%, respectively.
Another contributor of today’s decline is the report from Labor Department that there are additional 898,000 workers filed jobless claims which is a bit higher from what Dow Jones had estimated.
On the other hand, precious metals such as Gold and silver both increase while crude fell less than 1%.
Meanwhile, here are the main movements in the Stock Market this Thursday;
– The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell around 18.68 points or is 0.07% lower to 28,495.32.– S&P 500 slid about 5.34 points or less than 2% to 3,483.33.–...
Constellation Software Inc. Announces Release Date for Third Quarter Results
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TORONTO, Oct. 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Constellation Software Inc. (TSX:CSU) announced today it will release its third quarter results on November 2, 2020.The Company’s quarterly results will be disseminated via press release and made available on the Company’s website ( and SEDAR, after the Toronto Stock Exchange closes on Monday, November 2, 2020. As outlined in Constellation’s press release on February 23, 2018, Constellation has ceased holding conference calls to discuss the Company’s quarterly financial results. In lieu of the quarterly calls the Company has created a link on its website where shareholders can submit questions to management. Periodically the Company will publish responses to selected questions received. The Company believes this Q&A facility will eventually prove to be a more effective...