Day: October 16, 2020
Gereglementeerde informatie, voorwetenschap, Leuven, 16 oktober 2020 (17.40 CEST)KBC Ancora vermindert rentelast met 0,6 miljoen euro op jaarbasisOp een bestaande lening van 100 miljoen euro, die nog loopt tot mei 2027, heeft KBC Ancora haar rentelast verminderd met 0,6 miljoen euro op jaarbasis. Over de totale looptijd van deze lening bedraagt de vermindering van de rentelast 4,2 miljoen euro. In deze context werden 10 miljoen bijkomende KBC Groep-aandelen verpand.De financiële schulden van KBC Ancora bedragen 343 miljoen euro, met vervaldata in mei 2022 (100 miljoen euro), mei 2024 (143 miljoen euro) en mei 2027 (100 miljoen euro). Er werd pand verleend op in totaal 25,7 miljoen KBC Groep-aandelen.De rentevoet voor de bestaande (bullet)lening van 100 miljoen euro, die nog loopt tot mei 2027, werd neerwaarts herzien, en dit met ingang...
KBC Ancora réduit ses charges d’intérêt de 0,6 million d’euros sur une base annuelle
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Information réglementée, Information privilégiée, Louvain, le 16 octobre 2020 (17.40 CEST)KBC Ancora réduit ses charges d’intérêt de 0,6 million d’euros sur une base annuelleSur un prêt existant de 100 millions d’euro, qui court encore jusqu’en mai 2027, KBC Ancora a diminué ses charges d’intérêt de 0,6 million d’euros sur une base annuelle. Sur la durée totale de ce prêt, la réduction des charges d’intérêt s’élève à 4,2 millions d’euros. Dans ce contexte, 10 millions d’actions supplémentaires de KBC Groupe ont été mises en gage.Les dettes financières de KBC Ancora s’élèvent à 343 millions d’euros et viennent à échéance en mai 2022 (100 millions d’euros), en mai 2024 (143 millions d’euros) et en mai 2027 (100 millions d’euros). Un gage a été octroyé sur 25,7 millions d’actions de KBC Groupe au total.Le taux d’intérêt du prêt (bullet)...
Eurobio Scientific : Rapport Financier Semestriel 2020
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Malaga Financial Corporation Reports Record Earnings
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PALOS VERDES ESTATES, Calif., Oct. 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Malaga Financial Corporation, “Company” (OTCPink:MLGF), the parent company of Malaga Bank FSB, today reported that net income for the quarter ended September 30, 2020 was $4,788,000 ($0.65 basic and fully diluted earnings per share), an increase of $906,000 or 23% from net income of $3,882,000 ($0.53 basic and fully diluted earnings per share, as adjusted for stock dividends declared on November 15, 2019) for the quarter ended September 30, 2019, and an increase of $168,000 or 4% from net income of $4,620,000 ($0.63 basic and fully diluted earnings per share) for the quarter ended June 30, 2020. Net income for the nine months ended September 30, 2020 was $13,592,000 ($1.85 basic and fully diluted earnings per share) compared to $11,100,000 ($1.52 basic and fully diluted...
Chino Commercial Bancorp Reports 4% Increase in Quarterly Net Earnings
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CHINO, Calif., Oct. 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Board of Directors of Chino Commercial Bancorp (OTC: CCBC), the parent company of Chino Commercial Bank, N.A., announced the results of operations for the Bank and the consolidated holding company for the third quarter ended September 30, 2020. Net earnings for the third quarter 2020, were $664 thousand, or an increase of 3.72%, as compared with earnings of $640 thousand for the same quarter last year. The moderate increase in earnings is primarily attributed to an increase in provision for loan losses due to current economic conditions created by the COVID-19 pandemic. Net earnings per basic and diluted share was $0.30 for the third quarter of 2020, and $0.29 for the same quarter last year. Dann H. Bowman, President and Chief Executive Officer, stated: “We are very pleased with...
GOGL – Transition of Chief Commercial Officer
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Golden Ocean Group Limited (NASDAQ and OSE: GOGL) (“Golden Ocean” or the “Company“) today announced that the Company and Mr. Thomas Semino, Chief Commercial Officer of Golden Ocean Management AS, have reached an agreement pursuant to which Mr. Semino will be stepping down from his current role. Mr. Semino, who is based in Singapore, has agreed to make himself available in the near term to assist Golden Ocean with an orderly transition of his responsibilities.Mr. Ulrik Andersen, Chief Executive Officer of Golden Ocean Management AS, commented: “I would like to thank Thomas for his contributions to Golden Ocean over the last four years and wish him all the best in his future endeavors”The Company has commenced the recruitment process to fill the vacancy created and will announce a replacement in the near future. In the meantime, Golden...
Connectyx Announces Grant of License from National Institutes of Health for Use of Novel Monoclonal Antibody to Treat Glioblastoma
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Boca Raton, FL, Oct. 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Connectyx Technologies Holdings Group, Inc. (OTC: CTYX) (“Connectyx” or the “Company”), a development-stage biomedical company focusing on novel treatments for rare diseases today announced it has entered into an Exclusive Evaluation and Commercialization Option License Agreement with the National Cancer Institute (NCI), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), for use of a novel monoclonal antibody in an antibody-drug conjugate to treat brain cancer.The licensed patent rights include US Patent No. 10,548,987 issued February 02, 2020 (Patent Application No. 15/747,620 filed January 25, 2018). HHS Ref. No. E-221-2015-0-US-03. “ANTIBODY – DRUG CONJUGATES FOR TARGETING CD56 – POSITIVE TUMORS.” The territory is worldwide.While the field of use covers treating adult...
Glatfelter Changes Date of its Third Quarter Earnings Release to November 9ᵗʰ
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CHARLOTTE, N.C., Oct. 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Glatfelter Corporation (NYSE: GLT), announced today that after additional consideration, and in light of feedback received from shareholders regarding its normal cadence for the 3rd quarter earnings release coinciding with the U.S. Election Day, it has decided to postpone its earnings release to Monday, November 9th .Management will hold a conference call at 11:00 AM (ET) that morning to discuss the Company’s results. Glatfelter’s earnings release and an accompanying financial supplement, which includes significant financial information to be discussed on the conference call, will be available on its website at GlatfelterGlatfelter is a leading global supplier of engineered materials. The Company’s high-quality,...
Production report for September 2020
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Oslo, 16 October 2020Below please find average gross operated production in September 2020 and corresponding numbers for August 2020.Barrels of oil equivalents per dayBarrels of oil per dayOperated by Selva Maria Oil on behalf of IOX until local authorities approves operator’s licence.CommentsProduction in Colombia was relatively stable in September compared to the previous month. All the most important wells were performing well.In Argentina, oil production was shut in earlier this year due to low oil price. In September approximately on third of the oil production was back on stream. Gas production in the company’s Argentinian fields continued at a relatively high level throughout the period.***************************Interoil Exploration and Production ASA is a Norwegian based exploration and production company – listed...
Nordic American Tankers Ltd (NYSE: NAT) – Purchase of shares by NAT board member Alexander Hansson
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October 16, 2020Alexander Hansson has today bought 45,000 shares in NAT at $ 3.52.He is a Director of the board of NAT. He is son of Herbjorn Hansson, the NAT Founder, Chairman & CEO. Best regards, Herbjorn HanssonFounder, Chairman & CEO Nordic American Tankers Ltd. CAUTIONARY STATEMENT REGARDING FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTSMatters discussed in this press release may constitute forward-looking statements. The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 provides safe harbor protections for forward-looking statements in order to encourage companies to provide prospective information about their business. Forward-looking statements include statements concerning plans, objectives, goals, strategies, future events or performance, and underlying assumptions...