Day: October 16, 2020
CALGARY, Alberta, Oct. 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — International Frontier Resources Corporation (“IFR” or the “Company”) (TSX-V: IFR) (OTCQB: IFRTF), at the request of IIROC, IFR wishes to confirm that the Company’s management is unaware of any material change in the Company’s operations that would account for the recent increase in market activity.About International Frontier ResourcesInternational Frontier Resources Corporation (IFR) is a Canadian publicly traded company with a demonstrated track record of advancing oil and gas projects. Through its Mexican subsidiary, Petro Frontera S.A.P.I de CV (Frontera) and strategic joint ventures, it is advancing the development of petroleum and natural gas assets in Mexico. The Company also has projects in Canada and the United States, including the Northwest Territories, Alberta...
Acadia Healthcare Announces Date for Third Quarter 2020 Earnings Release
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FRANKLIN, Tenn. , Oct. 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Acadia Healthcare Company, Inc. (NASDAQ: ACHC) today announced that it will release its third quarter 2020 earnings on Thursday, October 29, 2020, after the close of the market. Acadia will conduct a conference call with institutional investors and analysts at 9:00 a.m. ET on Friday, October 30, 2020. Additionally, a live broadcast of the earnings conference call will be available at in the “Investors” section of the website. The webcast of the conference call will be available through November 13, 2020.About Acadia Healthcare Company, Inc.Acadia is a leading provider of behavioral healthcare services. As of June 30, 2020, Acadia operated a network of 589 behavioral healthcare facilities with approximately 18,200 beds in 40 states, the United Kingdom and...
Dundee Corporation Announces Appointment of New Independent Chair and Voting Results From Its 2020 Annual and Special Meeting of Shareholders
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TORONTO, Oct. 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Dundee Corporation (TSX: DC.A) (“Dundee” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that the board of directors has appointed Mr. Peter Nixon as the new Independent Chair of the board. Mr. Nixon has been a member of the board since August, 2018 and the Lead Director of Dundee since June, 2019. In addition, as a result of Mr. Nixon’s appointment, Jonathan Goodman’s new title effective immediately will be President and Chief Executive Officer.Mr. Nixon has spent more than three decades in the investment industry, specializing in the natural resource sector and working primarily in research and institutional sales. He was also a founder of the investment firm Goepel Shields & Partners and was subsequently President of the firm’s subsidiary in the United States. Mr. Nixon was Senior Vice...
Acceleware Announces Regulatory Approval of Marwayne Pilot Project
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CALGARY, Alberta, Oct. 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Acceleware® Ltd. (“Acceleware” or the “Company”) (TSX-V: AXE), a leading developer of technologies targeting low-cost and clean extraction of heavy oil and bitumen, including enabling the development of low-carbon bitumen beyond combustion initiatives, today announced that the Company has cleared a significant regulatory hurdle for its RF XL Marwayne Pilot Project first announced on May 20th, 2020. The Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) has issued Approval No. 13019 pursuant to the Company’s Experimental Scheme Application under the Oil Sands Conservation Act (OSCA) for the recovery of crude bitumen using RF XL at Marwayne.The approval allows Acceleware to move ahead with the execution phase of the project and the Company has commenced ordering long-lead equipment and materials. Acceleware...
Mitteilung | MCH Group
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FINMA lehnt Beschwerde der MCH Group AG gegen Entscheid der UEK abDie Eidgenössische Finanzmarktaufsicht (FINMA) lehnt die Beschwerde der MCH Group AG gegen den Entscheid der Übernahmekommission (UEK) von 20. August 2020 ab. Die FINMA stützt damit die Verfügung der UEK, dass die von der ausserordentlichen Generalversammlung vom 3. August 2020 beschlossene Opting-up-Klausel für Lupa Systems AG aus übernahmerechtlicher Sicht ungültig ist, weil die Stimmenthaltungen als Nein-Stimmen gewertet werden müssen.Auf Grund dieses Entscheids müsste Lupa Systems LLC ein öffentliches Pflichtangebot unterbreiten, wenn sie im Rahmen der vorgesehenen Kapitalerhöhungen eine Beteiligung von über 33.3% an der MCH Group AG erwerben würde.Die MCH Group nimmt den Entscheid der FINMA zur Kenntnis. Der Verwaltungsrat arbeitet weiterhin intensiv mit allen Stakeholdern...
Mitteilung | MCH Group
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FINMA lehnt Beschwerde der MCH Group AG gegen Entscheid der UEK abDie Eidgenössische Finanzmarktaufsicht (FINMA) lehnt die Beschwerde der MCH Group AG gegen den Entscheid der Übernahmekommission (UEK) von 20. August 2020 ab. Die FINMA stützt damit die Verfügung der UEK, dass die von der ausserordentlichen Generalversammlung vom 3. August 2020 beschlossene Opting-up-Klausel für Lupa Systems AG aus übernahmerechtlicher Sicht ungültig ist, weil die Stimmenthaltungen als Nein-Stimmen gewertet werden müssen.Auf Grund dieses Entscheids müsste Lupa Systems LLC ein öffentliches Pflichtangebot unterbreiten, wenn sie im Rahmen der vorgesehenen Kapitalerhöhungen eine Beteiligung von über 33.3% an der MCH Group AG erwerben würde.Die MCH Group nimmt den Entscheid der FINMA zur Kenntnis. Der Verwaltungsrat arbeitet weiterhin intensiv mit allen Stakeholdern...
Mitteilung | MCH Group
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FINMA lehnt Beschwerde der MCH Group AG gegen Entscheid der UEK abDie Eidgenössische Finanzmarktaufsicht (FINMA) lehnt die Beschwerde der MCH Group AG gegen den Entscheid der Übernahmekommission (UEK) von 20. August 2020 ab. Die FINMA stützt damit die Verfügung der UEK, dass die von der ausserordentlichen Generalversammlung vom 3. August 2020 beschlossene Opting-up-Klausel für Lupa Systems AG aus übernahmerechtlicher Sicht ungültig ist, weil die Stimmenthaltungen als Nein-Stimmen gewertet werden müssen.Auf Grund dieses Entscheids müsste Lupa Systems LLC ein öffentliches Pflichtangebot unterbreiten, wenn sie im Rahmen der vorgesehenen Kapitalerhöhungen eine Beteiligung von über 33.3% an der MCH Group AG erwerben würde.Die MCH Group nimmt den Entscheid der FINMA zur Kenntnis. Der Verwaltungsrat arbeitet weiterhin intensiv mit allen Stakeholdern...
WISeKey’s Watch Birth Certificate on the Blockchain Already Securing over 2.5 Million Luxury Swiss Watches
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WISeKey’s Watch Birth Certificate on the Blockchain Already Securing over 2.5 Million Luxury Swiss WatchesGeneva, Switzerland – October 16, 2020 – WISeKey International Holding Ltd (SIX: WIHN, NASDAQ: WKEY) a leading global cybersecurity company, today announced that as one of the first cybersecurity companies in the world to use dual factor authentication combined with blockchain technology to secure luxury watches, currently protects over 2.5 million luxury watches.Since 2010, WISeKey has partnered with manufactures of luxury watches, including Favre-Leuba and Hublot to integrate semiconductors tags powered with its VaultIC154 NFC secure element and provide brands with the ability of:issuing a storage device comprising of a digital certificate of authenticitychecking, when required, the validity of the digital certificate of authenticitymodifying,...
Communiqué sur les Etats financiers sociaux et consolidés Premier semestre 2019
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ELECTRICITE ET EAUX DE MADAGASCARSociété anonyme au capital de 14.234.997,50 eurosSiège social : 48, avenue Victor Hugo 75116En cours de transfert au : Spaces Les Halles – 40, rue du Louvre 75001 ParisR.C.S. PARIS B 602 036 782C o m m u n i q u eÉtats Financiers Sociaux et ConsolidésPremier semestre 2019Paris, le 16 octobre 2020L’Administrateur Provisoire, assisté par l’Administration Judiciaire ont arrêté les états financiers sociaux et consolidés clos le 30 juin 2019 par décisions du 13 octobre 2020.À titre liminaire, l’Administrateur Provisoire et l’Administrateur Judiciaire déclarent que :L’arrêté des comptes est effectué dans un contexte extrêmement contentieux sur la foi des informations qu’ils ont pu réunir dans le délai qui leur était imparti ; Ils n’étaient pas en charge de la gestion de la Société sur la période du premier...
KBC Ancora reduces interest charges by 0.6 million euro on an annual basis
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Regulated Information, Inside information, Leuven, 16 October 2020 (17.40 CEST)KBC Ancora reduces interest charges by 0.6 million euro on an annual basisOn an existing loan of 100 million euro, which runs until May 2027, KBC Ancora has reduced its interest charges by 0.6 million euro on an annual basis. Over the total term of this loan, the reduction in interest charges amounts to 4.2 million euro. In this context 10 million additional KBC Group shares have been pledged.KBC Ancora’s financial debt amounts to 343 million euros and has repayment dates in May 2020 (100 million euro), in May 2024 (143 million euro) and in May 2027 (100 million euro). A pledge was granted on a total of 25,7 million KBC Group shares.The interest rate for the existing (bullet) loan of 100 million euro, which runs until May 2027, has been revised downwards with...