Day: October 14, 2020
SILICON SLOPES, Utah, Oct. 14, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Pluralsight, Inc. (NASDAQ: PS), the enterprise technology skills platform, today announced the introduction of Delivery Module for Pluralsight Flow, a new tool designed to help engineering teams proactively overcome roadblocks in the software development process and identify improvements to deliver greater value and improve time-to-market. Pluralsight Flow’s Delivery Module is the first tool of its kind to use data from Jira to measure the human interactions that occur during the software development process, so teams can understand how they’re progressing against their goals and identify opportunities to optimize collaboration and their workflow.“Engineering teams need increased data and visibility into their workflows. Pluralsight Flow delivers these necessary insights, allowing...
Verizon Selects Pluralsight to Support its Network of the Future through Technology Skill Development
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SILICON SLOPES, Utah, Oct. 14, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Pluralsight, Inc. (NASDAQ: PS), the technology workforce development company, today announced at its annual user conference, Pluralsight LIVE, that Verizon has chosen Pluralsight as its strategic partner to support the company’s ongoing employee education and upskilling program.As one of the world’s largest communication technology companies, Verizon is at the forefront of the seismic shift sparked by digital transformation. Verizon launched the initiative as a key component of its Learning 2.0 strategy, centered on aligning skill development and upskilling their workforce using Pluralsight to deliver on the promise of 5G and the future of work.“Our priority has been to rapidly expand the power and potential of technology to revolutionize the way our customers...
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ONEONTA, Ala., Oct. 14, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Otelco Inc. (Nasdaq: OTEL), a wireline telecommunication services provider in Alabama, Maine, Massachusetts, Missouri, New Hampshire, Vermont and West Virginia, announced today that it will release its third quarter 2020 financial and operational results after the close of trading on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. The Company will hold a conference call to discuss these results on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, at 11:30 a.m. (Eastern Time). To listen to the call, participants should dial (856) 344-9206 approximately 10 minutes prior to the start of the call. A telephonic replay will be available from 2:30 p.m. (Eastern Time) on November 4, 2020, through November 13, 2020, by dialing (719) 457-0820 and entering Confirmation Code 5583353.The live broadcast of Otelco’s quarterly conference...
An agreement with Nordic Investment Bank for the loan to Pomerania Wind Farm sp. Z o.o, part of AB Ignitis Grupė is signed
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Pomerania Wind Farm sp. z o.o, which is part of Ignitis Group, signed an agreement with the Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) for the loan of up to PLN 150 million (approx. EUR 33.5 million) for the implementation of the Pomerania wind farm project which is being developed in Poland. Ignitis Group signed the first-call guarantee agreement for this loan between the Company and NIB. Accordingly, the Company’s subsidiary UAB Ignitis Renewables, which owns all the shares of Pomerania Wind Farm sp. z o.o. signed an agreement with NIB for pledging 100 percent of the shares of Pomerania Wind Farm sp. z o.o. in favour of the lender. Plans to sign these contracts were announced in Company’s notification on material event on 12 October 2020. The loan that is provided for the developing of the Pomerania Wind Farm project is planned to be repaid by...
An agreement with Nordic Investment Bank for the loan to Pomerania Wind Farm sp. Z o.o, part of AB Ignitis Grupė is signed
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Pomerania Wind Farm sp. z o.o, which is part of Ignitis Group, on 14 October 2020 signed an agreement with the Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) for the loan of up to PLN 150 million (approx. EUR 33.5 million) for the implementation of the Pomerania wind farm project which is being developed in Poland. Ignitis Group signed the first-call guarantee agreement for this loan between the Company and NIB. Accordingly, the Company’s subsidiary UAB Ignitis Renewables, which owns all the shares of Pomerania Wind Farm sp. z o.o. signed an agreement with NIB for pledging 100 percent of the shares of Pomerania Wind Farm sp. z o.o. in favour of the lender. Plans to sign these contracts were announced in Company’s notification on material event on 12 October 2020. The loan that is provided for the developing of the Pomerania Wind Farm project is planned...
AB „Ignitis grupė“ valdomai įmonių grupei priklausanti įmonė „Pomerania Wind Farm sp. z o.o“ sudarė paskolos sutartį su Šiaurės investicijų banku
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Vykdydama Pomeranijos vėjo elektrinių parko Lenkijoje statybos projektą, AB „Ignitis grupė“ (toliau – „Ignitis grupė“ arba Bendrovė) valdomai įmonių grupei priklausanti įmonė „Pomerania Wind Farm sp. z o.o.“ 2020 m. spalio 14 d. su Šiaurės investicijų banku (toliau – NIB) sudarė sutartį dėl iki 150 mln. zlotų (apie 33,5 mln. Eur) paskolos šio projekto įgyvendinimui. Bendrovė ir NIB sudarė pirmo pareikalavimo garantijos sutartį dėl šios paskolos užtikrinimo. Bendrovės dukterinė įmonė UAB „Ignitis renewables“, valdanti visas „Pomerania Wind Farm sp. z o.o.“ akcijas, su NIB sudarė sutartį dėl 100 % „Pomerania Wind Farm sp. z o.o.“ akcijų įkeitimo paskolos davėjo naudai. Apie planus sudaryti šias sutartis Bendrovė skelbė 2020 m. spalio 12 d. pranešimu apie esminį įvykį. Pomeranijos vėjo parko projekto įgyvendinimui suteiktą paskolą planuojama...
Vishay Intertechnology Integrated 40 V MOSFET Half-Bridge Power Stage Offers Best in Class RDS(ON) and FOM to Increase Power Density and Efficiency
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Space-Saving Device Features Maximum RDS(ON)Down to 8.05 mΩ and Qgof 6.5 nC in Compact PowerPAIR®3×3S PackageMALVERN, Pa., Oct. 14, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. (NYSE: VSH) today introduced a new 40 V n-channel MOSFET half bridge power stage that delivers increased power density and efficiency for white goods and industrial, medical, and telecom applications. Integrating high side and low side MOSFETs in one compact PowerPAIR® 3.3 mm by 3.3 mm package, the Vishay Siliconix SiZ240DT provides best in class on-resistance and on-resistance times gate charge — a key figure of merit (FOM) for MOSFETs used in power conversion applications.The two TrenchFET® MOSFETs in the SiZ240DT are internally connected in a half-bridge configuration. The SiZ240DT’s Channel 1 MOSFET, which is typically used as the control...
SurveyMonkey Teams Up with Zoom to Enhance the Virtual Employee Feedback Experience
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SAN MATEO, Calif., Oct. 14, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — SurveyMonkey (Nasdaq: SVMK), a leader in agile software solutions for customer experience, market research, and survey feedback, today announced it will team up with Zoom Video Communications, Inc., an industry-leading enterprise unified communications platform, to expand its integration and help organizations improve the virtual employee feedback experience.This is an important step for SurveyMonkey’s strategic focus to help enterprise organizations prepare for the future of work. By tapping into Zoom’s immensely popular service with hundreds of millions of daily active users, SurveyMonkey has an opportunity to help organizations improve meeting effectiveness and track employee engagement at a time when workforces are increasingly distributed or remote. A recent SurveyMonkey and...
LIG Assets, Inc. Announces Review of 2020, Including the Successful Resolution & $3 Million Tax Loss Carried Forward
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Nashville, TN, Oct. 14, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire — LIG Assets, Inc. (OTC PINK: LIGA) (also known as the “Leader in Green Assets” or “LIGA”), announces primary accomplishments in 2020, including the SEC summary judgment against the individual and corporation for the unlawful manipulation and selling of LIG Assets shares and other companies’ stock illegally and the resolution with the IRS that concluded with a $3 million Tax Loss Carried Forward for LIGA.In November 2017, the Securities and Exchange Commission filed indictments against an individual and corporation for unlawful manipulation of LIG Assets and included 38 other OTC companies’ stock. You can read the full SEC indictment @; and on August 20, 2020, the SEC won a summary...
REC Silicon – Contemplated Private Placement
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NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, IN AUSTRALIA, CANADA, JAPAN OR THE UNITED STATES OR ANY OTHER JURISDICTION IN WHICH SUCH RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION WOULD BE UNLAWFUL.Lysaker, 14 October 2020.REC Silicon ASA (the “Company”) has retained Arctic Securities AS and Pareto Securities AS (the “Managers”) to advise on and effect a private placement (the “Private Placement”) of new shares (the “Offer Shares”) raising gross proceeds of up to NOK 1,000 million. The price per share in the Private Placement has been set to NOK 10.80 (the “Offer Price”).The net proceeds from the Private Placement will be used to fund expansion investments and activities at the Company’s facilities in Butte and Moses Lake as well as for general...