Day: October 12, 2020
加拿大滑铁卢, Oct. 12, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 机器视觉技术的全球领导者,Teledyne Technologies [NYSE:TDY] 公司旗下的 Teledyne DALSA 很高兴宣布推出 SaperaTM Vision Software 2020-09 版本。此版本的 Sapera Vision Software 包含了 Sapera Processing 和新的支持人工智能 (AI) 的 AstrocyteTM 图形应用程序。此软件套装提供经过现场验证的图像处理性能以及可用于设计、开发和部署高性能机器视觉应用程序的 AI 功能。最新版的 Sapera Vision Software 包含了 AstrocyteTM 1.0 — 专用于在 2D 图像上训练神经网络的基于 AI 的图形应用程序,可用于各种不同的应用程序。通过高度灵活的图形用户界面,用户可以在已有图像上训练神经网络以执行分类、对象检测、分割和降噪等操作。然后,Astrocyte 可以将模型导出到 Sapera Processing 以集成到最终的应用程序中。Sapera Processing 9.0 是 Sapera Processing 系列的新版本,它可以提供 AI 推理等级并支持从 Astrocyte 导入模型并执行到用户应用程序中。“Astrocyte 是将 AI 应用程序快速投入生产并同时保护数据隐私的理想工具。客户只需要点击几次鼠标,就能导入训练图像、训练神经网络并将模型文件导出到他们的用户应用程序中。”Teledyne DALSA 的软件总监 Bruno Ménard 表示。在金属板表面检查、硬件配件定位和识别、车辆检测和分割以及 X 射线医学图像降噪等应用中,新版本的 Sapera Vision Software 是理想的选择。Astrocyte 的主要特点:基于图形用户界面,可快速开发应用程序在用户个人电脑上部署训练,无需在云上分享数据,充分保护用户隐私多个深度学习架构,适用于各种不同的应用程序提供数值指标和热图,实现模型性能可视化将模型文件导出并与...
Teledyne DALSA 推出強大的影像處理和人工智慧軟體套件
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加拿大滑鐵盧, Oct. 12, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Teledyne Technologies [NYSE:TDY] 旗下公司暨機器視覺領域全球領導者 Teledyne DALSA 很高興宣佈 SaperaTM 視覺軟體版本 2020-09 現已上市。最新的 Sapera 視覺軟體套件包括 Sapera Processing 和新的 AstrocyteTM 圖形應用程式,適用於人工智慧 (AI)。該軟體套件提供經過現場測試證明的影像處理和人工智慧功能,用來設計、開發和部署高效能機器視覺應用程式。這項最新版本的 Sapera 視覺軟體包括 AstrocyteTM 1.0,亦即新的 AI 式圖形應用程式,專門用來為各種應用訓練對於 2D 影像的神經網路。透過高靈活性的圖形使用者介面,使用者可以訓練神經網路,以對現有影像執行分類、物件偵測、區隔和降低雜訊。然後,Astrocyte 可以將模型匯出至 Sapera Processing,以便整合到最終應用程式中。Sapera Processing 9.0 是新版 Sapera Processing 程式庫,將會提供 AI 推斷類別,並且能夠從 Astrocyte 匯入模型,以在使用者應用程式中執行。Teledyne DALSA 軟體總監 Bruno Ménard 表示:「Astrocyte 是完美的工具,可讓 AI 應用程式快速生產,同時保有資料隱私。客戶只要用滑鼠點選幾下,就能夠匯入訓練影像、訓練神經網路並將模型檔案匯出至使用者應用程式。」新版 Sapera 視覺軟體十分適合各種應用,例如金屬板表面檢查、硬體零件位置和識別、車輛偵測和區隔以及降低 X 光醫療影像的雜訊。Astrocyte 主要功能根據圖形使用者介面,迅速進行應用程式開發在使用者電腦上部署訓練,以提供完全的隱私,不需要在雲端上分享資料。多種深度訓練架構,可用於各種應用含有數字指標和熱度圖的模型效能視覺化透過 Sapera...
Teledyne DALSA、イメージ処理および人工知能の強力なソフトウエアスイートを発表
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カナダ、ウォータールー , Oct. 13, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Teledyne Technologies(NYSE: TDY)の傘下にあり、マシンビジョンテクノロジーの分野において世界屈指の企業であるTeledyne DALSAは、SaperaTM Vision SoftwareEdition 2020-09の提供開始をお知らせします。最新のSapera Vision Softwareスイートには、人工知能(AI)向けのSapera Processingと新しいAstrocyteTMグラフィカルアプリケーションが含まれています。ソフトウェアスイートは、高性能マシンビジョンアプリケーションを設計、開発、および展開するための実証済みイメージ処理および人工知能機能を備えています。この最新のSapera Vision Softwareバージョンには、広範な用途向けに2次元イメージのためのニューラルネットワークを訓練することに特化した新しいAIベースのグラフィカルアプリケーション、AstrocyteTM 1.0を搭載しています。ユーザーは、柔軟性に富んだグラフィカルユーザーインターフェースを介して、既存のイメージに対する分類、対象物検知、セグメント化、ノイズ除去などを実行するためのニューラルネットワークを訓練できます。その後、Astrocyteは最終アプリケーションに統合するために、モデルをSapera Processingにエクスポートします。Sapera Processingライブラリの新バージョン、Sapera Processing 9.0は、AIインターフェースのためのクラスを提供するとともに、ユーザーアプリケーションに組み込むためにAstrocyteからのモデルをインポートできるようにします。「Astrocyteは、データのプライバシーを保ちつつ、AIアプリケーションを生産に導入するための最適なツールです。お客様はマウスを数回クリックするだけで、訓練用イメージのインポート、ニューラルネットワークの訓練、ユーザーアプリケーションへのモデルファイルのエクスポートを実行できます。」と、Teledyne...
Teledyne DALSA, 강력한 이미지 프로세싱 및 인공 지능 소프트웨어 제품군 발표
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캐나다 워털루, Oct. 13, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Teledyne Technologies[NYSE:TDY]의 자회사이자 전 세계 머신 비전 기술을 선도하는 Teledyne DALSA는 SaperaTM Vision Software 2020-09 에디션의 출시를 발표했다. 최신 Sapera Vision Software 제품군에는 Sapera Processing 및 인공 지능(AI)을 위한 새로운 AstrocyteTM 그래픽 애플리케이션이 포함되었다. 이 소프트웨어 제품군은 현장에서 입증된 이미지 처리 및 인공 지능 기능을 제공하여 고성능 머신 비전 애플리케이션의 설계, 개발 및 배포에 적합하다.Sapera Vision Software의 최신 버전에는 다양한 응용 분야에서 활용하고 2D 이미지의 신경망 학습을 위해 사용할 수 있는 새로운 AI 기반 그래픽 애플리케이션인 AstrocyteTM 1.0이 포함되었다. 매우 유연한 그래픽 사용자 인터페이스가 제공되어 사용자는 신경망 학습을 통해 기존 이미지에 대한 분류, 개체 감지, 구분 및 노이즈 감소를 수행할 수 있다 또한, Astrocyte에서는 Sapera Processing으로 모델을 내보내 최종 애플리케이션으로 통합하는 것도 가능하다. Sapera Processing 라이브러리의 새로운 버전인 Sapera Processing 9.0은 AI 추론에서 사용할 수 있는 클래스를 제공하며 Astrocyte에서 모델을 내보내 사용자 애플리케이션에서 실행할 수 있다.Teledyne DALSA의 소프트웨어 책임자 브루노 메나드(Bruno Ménard)는 “Astrocyte는 데이터 프라이버시를 보존하는 동시에...
European Energy A/S: Announcement of Prospectus for Callable Subordinated Green Capital Securities
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NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, TO ANY PERSON LOCATED OR RESIDENT IN OR INTO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, AUSTRALIA, JAPAN, CANADA, NEW ZEALAND, SOUTH AFRICA, HONG KONG, SWITZERLAND, SINGAPORE OR ANY OTHER JURISDICTION WHERE SUCH RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION WOULD BE UNLAWFUL OR REQUIRE REGISTRATION OR ANY OTHER MEASURES. THIS COMPANY ANNOUNCEMENT DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN OFFER TO SELL OR BUY ANY OF THE SECURITIES DESCRIBED HEREIN.Company Announcement no. 14/2020 (12.10.2020)Prospectus and Listing of Capital SecuritiesEuropean Energy A/S (the “Company“) hereby announces that it has received the approval from the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (in Danish: Finanstilsynet) of a prospectus prepared for the admittance to trading and official listing on Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S of...
Devon Energy Releases 2020 Sustainability Report Highlighting Emissions and Flaring Reductions, Crisis Management, Conservation and Community Partnerships
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OKLAHOMA CITY, Oct. 12, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Devon Energy Corp. (NYSE: DVN) today released its 2020 Sustainability Report which highlights the company’s performance and efforts related to emissions and flaring reductions, environment preservation, pandemic and crisis management, employee empowerment and community investment.“At Devon we are providing energy the world needs, and we take pride in doing so reliably and responsibly,” said ESG Executive Sponsor and Executive Vice President, Exploration & Production, David Harris. “Among other achievements, I’m most proud of our significant reduction in GHG emissions.”Devon Energy’s 2020 Sustainability Report highlights progress and goals in key priority areas:Emissions: To reinforce its commitment to emissions reductions, in 2019 Devon voluntarily set a methane-intensity target...
PHOTO RELEASE — Eighteen Huntington Ingalls Industries Employees Honored at Women of Color STEM Conference
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NEWPORT NEWS, Va., Oct. 12, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Eighteen employees from Huntington Ingalls Industries’ (NYSE: HII) three divisions were recognized for their achievements in science, technology, engineering and math during the 25th annual Women of Color STEM Conference. Both the conference and awards ceremony were hosted virtually for the first time on Oct. 8-10.Nine employees received Technology All-Star awards, which recognize accomplished women of color from mid-level to advanced stages of their careers who have demonstrated excellence in the workplace and in their communities. They are:April Bilbo, welding general foreman, Ingalls Shipbuilding.Karen Chan, senior engineer, Technical Solutions.Margaux Hall, systems engineering manager, Ingalls Shipbuilding.Temeka Hills, production planning scheduler manager, Ingalls Shipbuilding.Mena...
Real People Investment Holdings Limited publish a summary of amended financial covenants
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Pursuant to the terms and conditions (as amended by a written procedure completed on 21 September 2020) (the “Terms and Conditions“) for the up to SEK 260,000,000 and up to NOK 135,000,000 senior unsecured callable bonds 2013/2028 with ISIN: SE0005392560 and NO0010689342 (the “Bonds“) issued by Real People Investment Holdings Limited (the “Issuer“), the Issuer shall comply with the undertakings to uphold specified levels of financial ratios for relevant measurement periods from time to time prescribed in the senior unsecured loan agreement entered into between the Issuer and certain senior lenders. Any adjustments made to the financial covenants under the senior unsecured loan agreement shall also apply to the Terms and Conditions.The Issuer and the senior lenders have agreed to amend the financial...
Global Contact Center Industry Meets COVID-19 Challenge with Remote Work, Automation, AI
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STAMFORD, Conn., Oct. 12, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The global effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have forced contact centers to quickly change the way they operate and sharpened interest in new technologies to address shifts in demand and consumer behavior, according to a new report published today by Information Services Group (ISG) (Nasdaq: III), a leading global technology research and advisory firm.The 2020 ISG Provider Lens™ Contact Center – Customer Experience Services global report found lockdowns triggered by the pandemic drove call volumes sharply higher in some industries but down in others, while at the same time forcing providers to adopt work-at-home arrangements virtually overnight. As more consumers turned to non-voice digital channels, companies embraced cloud platforms and artificial intelligence (AI) to better provide...
Willis Towers Watson launches innovative analytical tool to address environmental risk
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ARLINGTON, Va., Oct. 12, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Willis Towers Watson (NASDAQ: WLTW), a leading global advisory, broking and solutions company, today announced the launch of a new environmental analytical tool, which was developed to help manage environmental risk. HEAT, which stands for Holistic Environmental Analytical Tool, uses proprietary analytics to convert data from various exposure platforms into a comprehensive, user-friendly visualization of risk, thus empowering users to identify, score and prioritize environmental “hot spots” quickly.“This new product gives our clients the power to make informed risk management decisions supported by data, analytics and modeling while also complementing loss control and efficient risk management strategies,” said Brian McBride, head of Environmental Broking, Willis Towers Watson.HEAT...