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Day: October 12, 2020

Teledyne DALSA 的熱成像相機在 Nuvoola 的 AI 動力式偏高體表溫度篩檢解決方案中扮演關鍵角色

加拿大滑鐵盧, Oct. 12, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Teledyne Technologies [NYSE:TDY] 旗下公司暨數位影像處理技術全球領導者 Teledyne DALSA,很高興推出新的 Calibir GXF 熱像儀,作為 Nuvoola 的 LUKE™ AI 健康篩檢和保護 (HSP) 解決方案中的關鍵元件。新的 Calibir GXF 型號為偏高的體表溫度偵測進行最佳化,在有外部溫度參考源的設定時,根據外部參考,其測量精確性和熱穩定性優於 +/-0.3°C(如 IEC80601-2-59 所建議)。如同 Calibir GXM 型號,新的 GXF 相機符合 NDAA 第 889 部分的規範,正在等待獲得 IEC 80601-2-59-2017 認證。Nuvoola 的 LUKE™ AI 健康篩檢和保護 (HSP) 解決方案的獨特之處,在於使用人工智慧平台,只需要幾秒鐘就能篩檢員工、供應商、客戶和訪客。該解決方案受益於 Teledyne DALSA Calibir™ 紅外線相機的能力,包括除了現場感應機台之外,員工用來在抵達工作場所前存取健康狀態的應用程式(使用英文或法文進行自然語言互動),可在進入建築物時迅速篩檢出具有 COVID-19 症狀者。這也包括分析和預測深入解析功能,代表這可以警示某人狀況的趨勢或變化。Nuvoola 總裁 Martin Renière 表示:「我們相信本系統對於公司而言是保護員工的極佳方式。因員工傳染 COVID-19 而停止運作的威脅的確存在,而且將會持續一段時間。」他補充道:「我們在電腦視覺、自然語言處理和語音辨識方面的專業知識讓 LUKE AI 機台能夠自動化並強化安全措施。這十分適合從事製造、配送物流的公司或其他人來人往的地方。」Teledyne DALSA 產品經理 Jean Brunelle 認為:「Nuvoola 在先進的解決方案中採用我們的 Calibir GXF...

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Teledyne DALSAのサーマルイメージングカメラ、AIを搭載したNuvoola製の皮膚温度上昇スクリーニングソリューションで重要な役割を担う

カナダ、ウォータールー , Oct. 13, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Teledyne Technologies(NYSE: TDY)の傘下にあり、デジタルイメージングテクノロジーの分野で世界屈指の企業であるTeledyne DALSAは、NuvoolaのLUKE™ AIヘルススクリーニングおよび保護ソリューションにおいて主要な部品となる、新しいCalibir GXFサーマルカメラを提供します。新しいCalibir GXFは、皮膚温度上昇検知用に最適化されたモデルで、外部参照(IEC80601-2-59推奨)を伴う測定精度と熱安定性は、+/-0.3°C未満です。Calibir GXMモデルと同様、新しいGXFカメラは、米国国防権限法(NDAA)第889項に準拠しており、IEC 80601-2-59-2017認証を申請中です。NuvoolaのLUKE™ AIヘルススクリーニングおよび保護(HSP)ソリューションは、従業員、納入業者、顧客、訪問者などを数秒間でスクリーンするために人工知能プラットフォームを採用している点で非常にユニークです。Teledyne DALSAによるCalibir™赤外線カメラの性能がもたらすメリットを受けたこのソリューションには、従業員が職場に到着する前に各自の健康状態を評価するアプリに加え、オンサイトにおいて、COVID-19の症状がある人を建物に入る際に素早くスクリーニングする、非接触型キオスク(英語またはフランス語による自然言語での対話)が含まれています。さらに、解析および予測的洞察機能を備えているため、対象となる人の状態の傾向または変化に対して警告を発することもできます。「当社のシステムは、企業が従業員を保護するための優れた手段であると確信しています。従業員によるCOVID-19の感染拡大のために事業を閉鎖しなければならない危険は現実のものであり、当面この状況は続くでしょう。」と、Nuvoolaの社長、Martin...

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Nuvoola의 AI 기반 피부 온도 상승 선별 검사 솔루션에서 중추적인 역할을 수행하는 Teledyne DALSA의 열 화상 카메라

캐나다 워털루, Oct. 13, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Teledyne Technologies[NYSE:TDY]의 자회사이자 전 세계 머신 비전 기술을 선도하는 Teledyne DALSA는 신형 Calibir GXF 열 카메라를 Nuvoola의 LUKE™ AI Health Screening and Protection(HSP) 솔루션에 주요 부품으로 공급할 예정이라고 발표했다.신형 Calibir GXF 모델은 외부 참조를 사용하여 +/-0.3°C 이내의 측정 정확성과 열 안정성으로 피부 온도 상승을 감지할 수 있도록 최적화된 제품이다(IEC80601-2-59 권장 사항). 신형 GXF 카메라는 기타 Calibir GXM 모델과 마찬가지로 NDAA의 섹션 889의 규격을 준수하며 IEC 80601-2-59-2017 인증을 출원 중이다.Nuvoola의 LUKE™ AI Health Screening and Protection(HSP)은 고유 인공 지능 플랫폼을 활용하여 단 몇 초 만에 직원, 공급업체, 고객 및 방문객을 선별 검사할 수 있는 솔루션이다. Teledyne DALSA의 강력한 Calibir™ 적외선 카메라를 활용하는 이 솔루션에는 직원이 본인의 건강 상태를 확인한 후 근무지에 출입할 수 있도록 사용하는 애플리케이션뿐만 아니라 건물 입장 시 COVID-19 증상을 신속하게 선별 검사하는 현장 터치리스 키오스크(영어 및 프랑스어로 제공되는 자연어 대화식)가 포함되어 있다. 또한, 분석 및 예측 정보 기능도 제공되어 사용자의 상태 추이 또는 변화에 대한 알림이 제공된다.Nuvoola의 마틴 레니에르(Martin Renière) 회장은 “이 시스템을...

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Regarding signing an agreement with Nordic Investment Bank for the loan to Pomerania Wind Farm sp. Z o.o, part of AB Ignitis Grupė

AB Ignitis Grupė (hereinafter- Ignitis Group or the Company) informs that Pomerania Wind Farm sp. z o.o, which is part of Ignitis Group, signed an agreement with the Northern Investment Bank (NIB) for the loan of up to PLN 150 million (approx. EUR 33.5 million) for the implementation of the Pomerania wind farm project which is being developed in Poland. On 12 October 2020, the Board of Ignitis Group approved the first-call guarantee agreement for this loan between the Company and NIB. Accordingly, the Company’s subsidiary UAB Ignitis Renewables, which owns all the shares of Pomerania Wind Farm sp. z o.o. signed an agreement with NIB for pledging 100 percent of the shares of Pomerania Wind Farm sp. z o.o. in favour of the lender.The loan that is provided for the developing of the Pomerania Wind Farm project is planned to be repaid by 31...

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Dėl AB „Ignitis grupė“ valdomai įmonių grupei priklausančios įmonės „Pomerania Wind Farm sp. z o.o“ ketinimo sudaryti paskolos sutartį su Šiaurės investicijų banku

Informuojame, kad vykdydama Pomeranijos vėjo elektrinių parko Lenkijoje statybos projektą, AB „Ignitis grupė“ (toliau – „Ignitis grupė“ arba Bendrovė) valdomai įmonių grupei priklausanti įmonė „Pomerania Wind Farm sp. z o.o.“ su Šiaurės investicijų banku (toliau – NIB) ketina sudaryti sutartį dėl iki 150 mln. zlotų (apie 33,5 mln. Eur) paskolos šio projekto įgyvendinimui.„Ignitis grupė“ valdyba 2020 m. spalio 12 d. pritarė pirmo pareikalavimo garantijos sutarties dėl šios paskolos užtikrinimo sudarymui tarp Bendrovės ir NIB.Taip pat, Bendrovės dukterinė įmonė UAB „Ignitis renewables“, valdanti visas „Pomerania Wind Farm sp. z o.o.“ akcijas, su NIB planuoja sudaryti įkeitimo sutartį dėl 100 % „Pomerania Wind Farm sp. z o.o.“ akcijų įkeitimo paskolos davėjo naudai. Pomeranijos vėjo parko projekto įgyvendinimui suteiktą paskolą planuojama...

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Los Angeles, CA, Oct. 12, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield (URW) – the global commercial real estate developer and operator of flagship retail and lifestyle destinations, including Westfield-branded shopping centers in the United States and Europe – has received the prestigious “Excellence in Green Power Use” Award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  For 20 years, the EPA’s annual Green Power Leadership Awards have recognized America’s leading green power users for their commitment and contribution to helping advance the development of the nation’s voluntary green power market. The Award was presented to URW at the 2020 Renewable Energy Markets Conference held virtually on September 22. URW was one of only four organizations nationwide to receive the Excellence in Green Power Use Award, given to...

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Attend Andes Technology Principal Engineer, Thang Tran’s, Presentation “A RISC-V Out-of-Order Processor” at the Linley Processor Conference Wednesday October 21st at 9:30 AM

San Jose, Oct. 12, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Principal Engineer Thang Tran of Andes Technology Corporation (TWSE: 6533), a leading supplier of high efficiency, low-power 32/64-bit RISC-V processor cores and founding premier member of RISC-V International will present at the Linley Processor Conference on Wednesday October 21st at 9:30 AM.  His talk will describe a vector processor with 9 functional units and integral scalar floating-point unit. Tran will describe how fourteen vector instructions can be concurrently executed. He will also explain how innovative design algorithms are used to issue 8 micro-ops per cycle and allow vector instructions to be chained, executed, and completed out-of-order without the use of any temporary registers.“The AI processor market will expand…, hitting $68.5 billion by the mid-2020s, IHS...

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Addus HomeCare Announces Third-Quarter 2020 Earnings Release and Conference Call

Frisco, Texas, Oct. 12, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Addus HomeCare Corporation (Nasdaq: ADUS), a provider of home care services, announced today that it will release earnings for the third quarter ended September 30, 2020, on Monday, November 2, 2020, after the market close.Addus will host a conference call on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, beginning at 9:00 a.m. Eastern time. Joining the call from the Company will be Dirk Allison, President and CEO, Brian Poff, Executive Vice President and CFO, and Brad Bickham, Executive Vice President and COO. The toll-free dial-in number is (877) 930-8289 (international dial-in number is (253) 336-8714), pass code 8552728. A telephonic replay of the conference call will be available through midnight on November 17, 2020, by dialing (855) 859-2056 (international dial-in number is (404) 537‑3406) and...

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Incap Corporation: Additional information about AWS Electronics Group acquisition

Incap Corporation Stock Exchange Release 12 October 2020 at 6.10 p.m. (EEST)ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT AWS ELECTRONICS GROUP ACQUISITIONIn releases published on 23 January 2020, Incap announced that it had signed an agreement to acquire the entire share capital of AWS Electronics Group. AWS Electronics Group is a contract manufacturer of electronics and the company has production facilities in the UK and Slovakia. The company’s figures have been included in Incap Group’s reporting as of 23 January 2020.The debt-free purchase price was EUR 15.9 million, and the possible additional purchase price will not exceed EUR 1.5 million. The acquisition was financed with a loan of EUR 13 million and paid in cash, with the exception of an instalment of EUR 0.7 million to be paid in Incap shares.In the first half of 2020, the business has been developing...

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Incap Oyj: Lisätietoja AWS Electronics Groupin yritysostosta

Incap Oyj Pörssitiedote            12.10.2020 klo 18.10 (EEST)                                                                   LISÄTIETOJA AWS ELECTRONICS GROUPIN YRITYSOSTOSTAIncap tiedotti 23.1.2020 julkaistuilla tiedotteilla, että se on allekirjoittanut sopimuksen AWS Electronics Groupin koko osakekannan hankinnasta. AWS Electronics Group on elektroniikan sopimusvalmistaja ja yrityksellä on tuotantolaitokset Isossa-Britanniassa ja Slovakiassa. Kokonaisuus on raportoitu osana Incap-konsernia 23.1.2020 alkaen.Velaton kauppahinta oli 15,9 miljoonaa euroa, ja mahdollinen lisäkauppahinta on enintään 1,5 miljoonaa euroa. Hankinta rahoitettiin 13 miljoonan euron vieraan pääoman ehtoisella lainalla ja maksettiin käteisellä lukuun ottamatta 0,7 miljoonan euron osuutta, joka maksetaan Incapin osakkeina.Vuoden 2020 ensimmäisellä vuosipuoliskolla...

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