Day: October 11, 2020
Press ReleaseNokia: 5G set to add $8trn to global GDP by 2030New research from Nokia has found that 5G-enabled industries have the potential to add $8 trillion to global GDP by 2030, as COVID-19 accelerates medium and long-term digital investment and value creationThe 5G Business Readiness Report finds that 5G mature companies are growing faster and are the only group to have experienced a net increase in productivity (+10%) following COVID-19Despite the economic challenges of COVID-19, a global boom in 5G investment will see 71% of companies invest in 5G over the next 5 yearsSignificant geographic variations exist among the more advanced 5G nations, with Saudi Arabia and the United States leading adoption12 October 2020Espoo, Finland – 5G-enabled industries have the potential to deliver $8trn* in value to the global economy by 2030 according...
Nokia: 5G tuo 8 biljoonaa dollaria maailman BKT:hen vuoteen 2030 mennessä
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LehdistötiedoteNokia: 5G tuo 8 biljoonaa dollaria maailman BKT:hen vuoteen 2030 mennessä 12.10.2020Espoo, Suomi – Nokia on tänään julkaissut laajan kansainvälisen tutkimuksen koskien yritysten 5G-valmiuksia. Tutkimuksen mukaan 5G-teknologiaa hyödyntävillä teollisuudenaloilla on potentiaalia kasvattaa globaalia bruttokansantuotetta kahdeksalla biljoonalla dollarilla vuoteen 2030 mennessä.Kahdeksalla avainmarkkinalla toteutetun Nokia 5G Business Readiness -raportin mukaan 5G-teknologiaa hyödyntävillä aloilla on valtava potentiaali globaalin talouden rakentajina. Vaikka yritysten investoinnit 5G:hen ovat kansainvälisesti vahvassa kasvussa, niin 5G:n täydestä potentiaalista on monissa yrityksissä hyödynnetty vasta murto-osa.“Pysyäkseen kilpailukykyisinä on yritysten aloitettava 5G:n hyödyntämisen tehostettu suunnittelu ja innovaatiotyö...
PRF: AS PRFoods’ unaudited preliminary consolidated turnover of the 1st quarter and 3 months of the 2020/2021 financial year
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PRFoods’ unaudited preliminary consolidated turnover in the 1st quarter of the financial year of 2020/2021 amounted to 12.74 million euros, a decrease by 34.0% compared to the same period a year ago (1Q 2019/2020: 19.32 million euros), including sales decrease in retail sector by 1.2%, in HoReCa by 52.2% and in wholesale by 60.8%. Compared to the previous quarter i.e. the 4th quarter of the previous financial year, the sales decreased by 15.7%, (4Q 2019/2020: 15.11 million euros), with retail and wholesale sectors declining by 19.6% and 35.0% respectively, whereas sales in HoReCa sector increased by 37.7%.Indrek Kasela, CEO, PRFoods:„The impact of COVID-19 continues in fish sector and as we noted in last sales announcement, HoReCa sector which gives ca 1/3 of salmon- and troutbusiness both globally and regionally, will not recover to...
PRF: AS’i PRFoods 2020/2021. majandusaasta 1. kvartali ja 3 kuu esialgne konsolideeritud auditeerimata müügikäive
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PRFoodsi 2020/2021. aasta esimese kvartali auditeerimata esialgne konsolideeritud käive oli 12,74 miljonit eurot langedes eelmise aasta sama perioodiga võrreldes 34,0% (1kv 2019/2020: 19,32 miljonit eurot), sealhulgas müügilangus jaekettides 1,2%, HoReCa sektoris 52,2% ja hulgimüügis 60,8%. Võrreldes eelmise kvartaliga s.o neljanda kvartaliga eelmisel majandusaastal langes käive 15,7% (4kv 2019/2020: 15,11 miljonit eurot), sealhulgas langes müük jaekettides ja hulgimüügi sektoris vastavalt 19,6% ja 35,0%, kusjuures HoReCa sektoris müük kasvas 37,7%.Indrek Kasela, PRFoods AS juhataja kommentaar:„Koroona mõju jätkub kalasektoris ning nagu ka eelmises teates märkisime, et HoReCa sektor, mis moodustab kogu lõhe- ja forellikaubandusest ca 1/3 nii globaalselt kui regionaalselt, ei taastu järgneva 12 kuu jooksul endisele tasemele. Teatud määral...
Equity Bancshares, Inc. Will Announce Third Quarter 2020 Results on October 20, 2020
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WICHITA, Kan., Oct. 11, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Equity Bancshares, Inc. (NASDAQ:EQBK), (“Equity”), the Wichita-based holding company of Equity Bank, will release its third quarter 2020 results on Tuesday, October 20, 2020, with a press release issued after market close.Equity Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Brad Elliott and Chief Financial Officer Eric Newell will hold a conference call and webcast to discuss third quarter 2020 results on Wednesday, October 21, 2020 at 10 a.m. eastern time or 9 a.m. central time.Investors, news media, and other participants should register for the call or webcast at Participants may dial into the call toll-free at (844) 534-7311 from anywhere in the U.S. or (574) 990-1419 internationally, using conference ID no. 4668766.Participants are encouraged to dial into the call...
Festi: Buy-back programme week 41
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This announcement of purchase of own shares is in accordance with the buy-back programme announced 4 October 2020 to Nasdaq OMX Iceland. The programme envisages the buy-back of a total of 4.000.000 own shares or 1,2% of the issued shares, with the cap of 600 million ISK purchase price.Before the purchase Festi held 5.645.407 shares or 1,70 % of issued shares. Festi today holds 6.295.407 shares or 1,89 % of issued shares.The execution the buy-back programme is in accordance with Chapter VIII of the Company Act No 2/1995 and Annex II to the Regulation on insider information and market abuse No 630/2005.For further information contact Eggert Þór Kristófersson, CEO of Festi hf., ( and Magnús K. Ingason, CFO of Festi hf. (
Festi hf.: Endurkaup vika 41
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Um er að ræða tilkynningu um kaup Festi á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun sem var tilkynnt um 4. október 2020 í tilkynningu til Nasdaq OMX Iceland. Áætlað er að kaupa á hámarki 4.000.000 eigin hluti í félaginu eða sem samsvarar 1,2% af útgefnu hlutafé, þó þannig að fjárhæð endurkaupanna verði aldrei meiri en 600 milljónum króna að kaupverði.Fyrir kaupin átti Festi 5.645.407 hluti eða 1,70 % af útgefnu hlutafé. Festi á í dag 6.295.407 hluti sem samsvarar 1,89 % af hlutafé félagsins.Framkvæmd endurkaupaáætlunarinnar er í samræmi við VIII. kafla laga um hlutafélög nr. 2/1995 og viðauka II við reglugerð um innherjaupplýsingar og markaðssvik nr. 630/2005.Nánari upplýsingar veitir Eggert Þór Kristófersson, forstjóri Festi hf., ( og Magnús K. Ingason, fjármálstjóri Festi hf. (
Redwood Capital Management Limited: Stocks closed higher hanging in hope for additional stimulus
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Major Indices rose in today’s trading session finishing the week higher, marking their best weekly movement since two months ago. As investors cling on hope that an agreement will flourish for additional fiscal stimulus which is still being discussed at the house of congress.
Despite House Speaker Nancy Pelosis’ statement that she will reject any standalone bill proposal to aid airline industry, most averages outperformed. S&P 500 rose less than 1% while both Dow and Nasdaq gained 0.43% and 0.50%, respectively.
Treasuries and Dollars both fail for two straight days. Crude on the other rallied and ended up higher, getting backsome few points from yesterday’s bout.
Meanwhile, here are the main movements in the Stock Market this Thursday;
– S&P 500 closed higher for the second time this week with 27.40 points or 0.80%...