Day: October 8, 2020
News Highlights:Company introduces new 2×2 Wi-Fi 6 Dual Band + Bluetooth / Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) solution that brings 1.2 Gbps performance, low power, and greater range to IoT markets.Family of products deliver new levels of connectivity and power the world’s first Wi-Fi 6 enabled gaming consolesEINDHOVEN, The Netherlands, Oct. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — NXP Semiconductors N.V. (NASDAQ: NXPI), today announced its family of 2×2 Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) Dual Band + Bluetooth/BLE solutions that are driving a new phase of connectivity innovation for advanced gaming, audio, industrial and IoT markets. Enabling the world’s first Wi-Fi 6 enabled gaming console, NXP’s optimized IW62X family of products will provide increased capacity, efficiency and performance for next-generation connectivity solutions including smart consumer...
Crawford & Company Launches Virtual Assist, an Online Marketplace
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ATLANTA, Oct. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Crawford & Company® (NYSE: CRD-A and CRD-B), the world’s largest publicly listed independent provider of claims management and outsourcing solutions to carriers, brokers and corporates, is pleased to announce the launch of Virtual Assist, an online marketplace that empowers adjusters to request individual services that support desk adjusting operations. The virtual assist portal provides access to the full suite of Crawford offerings, ranging from digital tools like Crawford’s YouGoLook self-service app to traditional field services like appraisal.“Crawford is a recognized industry leader in innovation, and we are thrilled to bring this platform to our clients. Virtual Assist® incorporates our cutting-edge technology and services to streamline the claims handling process...
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Villers-lès-Nancy, le 8 octobre 2020 – 18h00 (CET)COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSERESULTAT DU VOTE DES RESOLUTIONS PRESENTEESA L’ASSEMBLEE GENERALE EXTRAORDINAIRE DU 25 SEPTEMBRE 2020Nombre d’actions composant le capital social : 15 174 125Nombre d’actions exclues du droit de vote : 115 791Nombre d’actions, ayant droit de vote, possédées par les actionnaires représentés ou ayant voté par correspondance : 12 568 545Conformément à l’article 4 de l’ordonnance n°2020-321 du 25 mars 2020 prise sur le fondement de la loi d’urgence n°2020-290 du 23 mars 2020 pour faire face à l’épidémie de covid-19, prolongée jusqu’au 30 novembre 2020 par le décret n°2020-925 du 29 juillet 2020 prorogeant la durée d’application de l’ordonnance n°2020-321 du 25 mars 2020, du décret n°2020-418 du 10 avril 2020 et du décret n°2020-629 du 25 mai 2020, les modalités d’organisation...
ABC arbitrage – droits de vote au 30 septembre 2020
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Information relative au nombre total de droits de vote et d’actions composant le capital social à la date du 30 septembre 2020Article L 223-16 du Règlement Général de l’Autorité des Marchés FinanciersRaison sociale de l’émetteur : ABC arbitrage – 18 rue du Quatre Septembre – 75002 Paris.* Total réel = nombre total de droits de vote attachés au nombre total d’actions – actions privées Pièce jointe09_2020 ABCA CP Droits de vote-sept 20 -VF
Thryv, Inc. announces full agenda for Connect20 Small Business Conference November 10 -11
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Dallas, Oct. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Thryv, Inc. (NASDAQ:THRY), the provider of Thryv® software, the fully integrated, end-to-end client experience platform for small businesses, today announced the full agenda for its annual Small Business Conference—Connect20 – to be held November 10 -11. The two-day, virtual conference features multiple tracks designed to engage small business owners from all industries. In addition, some of the exciting presenters to look forward to include:Scott Galloway, Best-selling author of “The Four” and “The Algebra of Happiness”Gene Marks, owner of The Marks Group and nationally-recognized journalistSandy Lohr, CEO of MatchcraftBarry Moltz, Small Business Expert and nationally-recognized speakerMeg Roberts, President and CEO of The Lash LoungeBrock Blake, CEO and Founder of LendioMike Bidwell, President...
REITIR: Horfur rekstrar ársins 2020 og fyrstu drög áætlunar fyrir árið 2021
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Reitir hafa endurmetið afkomuspá félagsins fyrir árið 2020. Áætlað er nú að tekjur ársins verði á bilinu 10.700 – 10.850 millj. kr. og að rekstrarhagnaður fyrir matsbreytingu verði 6.650 – 6.800 millj. kr.Fyrri horfur Reita um afkomu voru að tekjur ársins yrðu á bilinu 11.500 – 11.650 millj. kr. og að rekstrarhagnaður fyrir matsbreytingu yrði 7.600 – 7.750 millj. kr.Það er mat stjórnenda að umfang tapaðra tekna vegna Covid-19 faraldursins hafi numið 291 millj. kr. á þriðja ársfjórðungi samanborið við 315 millj. kr. á öðrum ársfjórðungi. Áfram er gert ráð fyrir gjaldfærslu tapaðra tekna þegar þær falla til líkt og gert var á öðrum ársfjórðungi. Lang stærstur hluti áætlaðra tapaðra tekna vegna Covid-19 hjá félaginu er vegna hótela og gististaða. Nýtingarhlutfall fjórðungsins var rétt um 95% sem er betri nýting en...
Safe Orthopaedics announces its revenues for the third quarter of 2020 : €943k
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Sharp increase for quarterly direct sales : +28%Worldwide sales still hit by the pandemicFirst effects of LCI Medical acquisitionÉragny-sur-Oise, France, October 8, 2020, 17h35 CEST – Safe Orthopaedics (FR0013467123 – ALSAF), a company specializing in the design and marketing of single-use implants and instruments for the minimally invasive treatment of spinal fracture conditions, is today announcing its revenues for the third quarter of 2020 and its cash position at September 30, 2020.Safe Orthopaedics’ third quarter in 2020 were €943k, a decrease of 19% compared to the third quarter 2019, entirely due to the impact of successive sanitary measures for the global pandemic in different countries. Indirect sales from distributors produced €325k, a decrease of 44% compared to the third quarter 2019. The sales made under the Japanese agreement,...
Safe Orthopaedics annonce un chiffre d’affaires de 943K€ au T3 2020
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Ventes directes trimestrielles en forte hausse : +28%Ventes dans le monde encore impactée par la pandémiePremiers effets de l’acquisition de LCI medicalÉragny-sur-Oise, France, le 8 octobre 2020 à 17h35 CEST – Safe Orthopaedics (FR0012452746 – ALSAF), société́ spécialisée dans la conception, la fabrication et commercialisation de technologies prêtes-à-l’emploi pour la chirurgie du dos, particulièrement sécurisantes pour les fractures vertébrales traitées en urgence, annonce aujourd’hui son chiffre d’affaires du troisième trimestre ainsi que sa position de trésorerie au 30 septembre 2020.Au troisième trimestre 2020, le chiffres d’affaires de Safe Orthopaedics s’est établi à 943 k€, affichant une contraction de 19% par rapport au troisième trimestre 2019, entièrement due à l’impact des mesures sanitaires successives contre la pandémie dans...
Michelin: Disclosure of trading in own shares – Disclosure of trading in own shares Period from 25 to 30 September 2020
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SECURITIES REPURCHASING PROGRAMME(Decided by the annual shareholders’ meeting of 17 May 2019)Disclosure of trading in own sharesPeriod from 25 to 30 September 2020Issuer : COMPAGNIE GENERALE DES ETABLISSEMENTS MICHELINLEI : 549300SOSI58J6VIW052Types of securities: ordinary shares (ISIN : FR 0000121261)Full details of the programme disclosed on 7 January 2020Purchases effected during the period:(*) Shares purchased through a derivative instrument are included. Are excluded transactions carried out in connection with the execution of a contract to increase share market liquidity.AttachmentModèle EN déclaration hebdo 30.09.2020
Michelin : Déclaration des transactions sur actions propres – Période du 25 au 30 septembre 2020
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PROGRAMME DE RACHAT DE TITRES(Programme adopté par l’assemblée générale mixte des actionnaires le 17 mai 2019)Déclaration des transactions sur actions propresPériode du 25 au 30 septembre 2020Emetteur : COMPAGNIE GENERALE DES ETABLISSEMENTS MICHELINLEI : 549300SOSI58J6VIW052Catégories de titres : actions ordinaires (ISIN : FR 0000121261)Descriptif du programme publié le 7 janvier 2020Achats réalisés au cours de la période :(*) Y compris les titres acquis par l’intermédiaire d’un produit dérivé, mais compte non tenu des opérations réalisées dans le cadre de l’exécution d’un contrat de liquidité.Pièce jointeModèle FR déclaration hebdo 30.09.2020